Bannon audio surfaces: trump "is just going to say he's a winner."

There was a thread on this yesterday and you even posted in it. You fucking retard.
I think you might have an ego bigger than trump. The guy that broke you.

Mac goes in cycles, like this:

Posts 1-4, throw inflammatory poo on the wall
Post 5, cry about how the inflammatory poo on the wall is tearing our nation apart

Rinse and repeat. I've rarely seen someone who can presumably type a coherent thought have so little self-awareness.
I suspect you're like Bannon -- you want to see the whole thing come down. A True Believer.

So I can understand why this doesn't bother you. You don't care that you've been fooled by an orange buffoon.

I'll never understand that amount of rage.

It hurts Macs feeelsies that some people might have believed a lie some politician told.

Really, Mac? REALLY?

You believed Russian Collusion, right? How about the phone call from hell which was a lie? Or how about the massive, civilization ending covid lies? Mac, did you believe the vaccines were going to stop transmission? I know you did. I remember.

Imma cry and whine about that like a little girl and take up massive amounts of bandwidth saying "I can't believe it. I can't believe people swallow lies."


Are you 15 years old or just incalculably naïve?
I don't hate Trump -- I hate the ideology he pandered to and grifted from.....

Your ideology is what I hate.....and you obviously aint too proud of it yourself -- which is why you have to keep lying about your own positions so much....that is how pathetic you are

What you cretins really hate--what scares the crap out of you--is that we are finally angry and fed up enough that we are wiling to play AND WIN on your turf.

You said, all the rules are off.

We are just saying, all right then. And you never expected it. Too bad. So sad.
Committee??? This isn't about the committee.

I wonder what you really think about this. I wonder if evidence this blatant makes you FINALLY wonder if you've been had. Conned. Fooled.

I'm not asking, since I know you'll lie.

But I do wonder.
Evidence of what? That the Trump camp thought the Democrats cheated? Is that "news" somehow? Joe Biden got more votes than any candidate in US history yet he was an absolutely abysmal candidate. Trump got more votes in his reelection bid than he did when he beat Hillary but still lost? There was a palpable stench wafting over that election, Mac. Can it be proven? Not to the extent where an election could be voided but it's still there. You on the left seem to think that a protest against what many conservatives saw as a "steal" equals an "insurrection" and a danger to our democracy while at the same time you have ZERO problem with liberals protesting outside the homes of Supreme Court Justices and paying money in order to get information on their whereabouts so they can intimidate them at dinner! That's a violation of Federal law and a REAL danger to our democracy and separation of powers! But you can't see that...can you?
so instead of actually calling Bannon as he requested…

the jan 6 committee released a 90 sec clip with no content and no way of knowing who he was talking to

and simply claim this is all we need to know

haha how pathetic and another black eye for the committee

They are the party of Russian Collusion, of the Mueller report, of the pee tape, of Jussie Smollett, of cheating, stealing and lying, and we are supposed to be up at arms that Bannon says that Trump was going to claim early victory?

Nah. Not me.
I saw coverage of those tapes in today's Washington Post.

And yeah, it does confirm the suspicions.
What we saw with the premature announcement of victory...was a planned tactic.
They knew the 'red mirage' of Republican ballots was temporary. And Bannon clearly states that they planned to take advantage of that 'mirage' to cause chaos in the process.

It smacks of the worst kind of cynicism with a matter of extreme importance to millions and millions of Americans. It most clearly is NOT responsible leadership of nation as great as the United States. It was dereliction of duty in the worst degree....and with the most dire consequences.

Here's a taster from this morning's WaPo:

"We don’t know whether Stephen K. Bannon will ultimately testify for the Jan. 6 committee. It seems pretty likely his offer to do so was a last-minute ploy to avoid criminal liability for flouting the committee’s subpoena. The committee reiterated Wednesday that Bannon must deliver the documents it has requested before it will enter into negotiations over testifying.

But there is little question that Bannon could be a significant witness. That was confirmed by a new piece of evidence that landed even as the Jan. 6 committee was holding a hearing Tuesday.
Mother Jones is out with a new Bannon tape from Oct. 31, 2020, in which Bannon talks in detail — presciently, it turns out — about how President Donald Trump would claim victory on election night regardless of where the vote count stood.

“What Trump’s gonna do is just declare victory, right?” Bannon told associates. “He’s gonna declare victory. But that doesn’t mean he’s a winner. He’s just gonna say he’s a winner.”

“More of our people vote early, that count; theirs vote in mail,” Bannon said. “And so they’re going to have a natural disadvantage. And Trump’s going to take advantage of that. That’s our strategy. He’s going to declare himself a winner.”
Bannon added: “As it sits here today, at 10 or 11 o’clock, Trump’s gonna walk in the Oval, tweet out, ‘I’m the winner. Game over. ”

Bannon then predicted with apparent glee that this would set off a “firestorm.”

Trump and Co. weren’t able to create enough smoke to convince enough Republicans to go along with their desperate gambit.

Bannon’s theorizing didn’t come out of nowhere. A few days earlier on his show, a former Trump White House official had talked about just such a scenario. The following day, Trump himself talked about the advantage he could have if it ever went to Congress, by virtue of there being more GOP-controlled congressional delegations than Democratic ones. Trump said, “We have an advantage if we go back to Congress. Does everyone understand that? I think it’s 26 to 22 or something, because it’s counted one vote per state.”
I like these quotes too....
Y'know, I'm beginning to wonder. I wonder if this whole "rigged election" farce isn't actually the reason for their behaviors. Maybe this has never been about a blatant con job by a buffoon.

Maybe it's just an excuse. Like Bannon, these people are just fine with the damage they're causing. They have been driven into such a rage that they really do want to bring the whole thing down and replace it with an authoritarian theocracy.

Maybe they know it's all a lie, but it's getting them what they really want.


Y'know, I'm beginning to wonder. I wonder if this whole "rigged election" farce isn't actually the reason for their behaviors. Maybe this has never been about a blatant con job by a buffoon.

Maybe it's just an excuse. Like Bannon, these people are just fine with the damage they're causing. They have been driven into such a rage that they really do want to bring the whole thing down and replace it with an authoritarian theocracy.

Maybe they know it's all a lie, but it's getting them what they really want.



Please do a little self-reflection on your obsession with Trump. Seriously
Personal attacks and vulgarity all the way through this thread. And not by me.

Their con is being exposed. They know the election wasn't rigged. They don't care.


How much did you believe the Steele Dossier?
Russian Collusion?
The pee tapes?
The bad phone call?

Can you maybe start to imagine that we are not in a cult, we are not destructive, we've just been burned and our eyes have been opened? Or are you just going to absolve yourself from all guilt here and go on whining forever?
All this devotion to the likes of Trump and Biden is totally perplexing to anyone even mildly objective. Such people are indefensible and should naturally be excluded from positions of power. Yet, we see symmetrical allegiance, verbiage and vehemence. The duopoly is strong in these folks!
The pretense of comparability is laughable.

No one fantasizes that a mob of Biden goons would attack Congress and savage vastly-outnumbered police, and try to hang VP Harris, if he were to run and lose in 2024 and fantasize about a stolen "Landslide!"

doesn't have a mindless cult.
The pretense of comparability is laughable.

No one fantasizes that a mob of Biden goons would attack Congress and savage vastly-outnumbered police, and try to hang VP Harris, if he were to run and lose in 2024 and fantasize about a stolen "Landslide!"

doesn't have a mindless cult.
Yeah, that one was pretty amazing.
Personal attacks and vulgarity all the way through this thread. And not by me.

Their con is being exposed. They know the election wasn't rigged. They don't care.

Obama used the FBI--once again, the president's new personal goon squad--to spy on Trump. And we're just supposed to say, oh hey this is cool, this is wonderful. We duly elected this guy but the Elites hate him, so us little people, we'll just take what we can get.

Are you for real? Buzz off.
The pretense of comparability is laughable.

No one fantasizes that a mob of Biden goons would attack Congress and savage vastly-outnumbered police, and try to hang VP Harris, if he were to run and lose in 2024 and fantasize about a stolen "Landslide!"

doesn't have a mindless cult.

We don't have to fantasize. We have seen it. Antifa and BLM in American streets, numerous times.
What you cretins really hate--what scares the crap out of you--is that we are finally angry and fed up enough that we are wiling to play AND WIN on your turf.

You said, all the rules are off.

We are just saying, all right then. And you never expected it. Too bad. So sad.
You folks have always been you understand that?
Conservatives have been angry for over 150 years.....

This isn't the first time Conservatives were so-called "fed up" and tried to stage an insurrection to maintain power...I can trace that back to 1898...and the Wilmington insurrection....don't know what that is? Oh..that is when Conservatives like yourself, was "fed up" and staged a coup..and was successful...

"Conservatives in North Carolina don’t often bring up the Wilmington Massacre. Even many of those North Carolinians who are now aware of it are still reluctant to talk about it. Those who do sometimes stumble over words like insurrection and riot.

"The Democrats and most white citizens of the State feared a return to the corrupt and financially devastating rule of Republicans as had been experienced during reconstruction in the late 1860s."

But wait, before you make the mistake of getting caught up on Democrats vs Republicans instead of CONSERVATIVES vs LIBERALS....there is more...

"That passage was written by Bernhard Thuersam, who is a former chair both of the Cape Fear Museum board, and of the state chapter of the League of the South; and it clearly identifies 19th-century Republicans as liberals or “radicals,” and in his writing often identifies 19th-century Democrats simply as “Conservatives.”

In other words, Conservatives were pissed that they lost this election and then claimed "voter fraud" in places where there were primarily black voters -- just like Conservatives do today -- just know that Conservatives made the same claims back then too...don't believe me, well how about this other "insurrection" -- when Conservatives were "fed up"

"A pitched battle took place in the streets of New Orleans on September 14, 1874. In it, the Democratic-Conservative White League attacked the Republican Metropolitan Police for control of the city and to put an end to Reconstruction in Louisiana. Although the White League inflicted a stunning defeat on the Metropolitans and forcibly deposed Governor William Pitt Kellogg, its victory proved short-lived. President Ulysses S. Grant ordered the army to reinstate Kellogg three days later."

So much like the other insurrection, this one also happened under the guise of "election fraud" and being pissed that too many black people voted against them -- and so they used violence to try to overturn election results because, they were "angry and fed up" --- you see the reason I often cite ACTUAL US HISTORY so much is because it often repeats itself...especially to folks like you who are dedicated to either suppressing that history or flat out lying about while you folks pretend shit is unprecedented, I know it isn't -- there is always a common thread with Conservatives and their so-called "anger" and it always ends up with them rejecting Democracy in favor of mob rule fascism when things don't go their way...
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We don't have to fantasize. We have seen it. Antifa and BLM in American streets, numerous times.
Antifa and BLM did what at Biden's command??

Just simply saying BLM and Antifa 3 times in the mirror won't create a both sides do it situation to the bullshit Trumpers are ACTUALLY DOING AND WANTING TO DO...

So I will ask you feel a Vice President Kamala Harris has the same power to do what you wanted Mike Pence to do? Yes or no....if you can't answer yes or no, that is proof you are full of shit...
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Personal attacks and vulgarity all the way through this thread. And not by me.

Their con is being exposed. They know the election wasn't rigged. They don't care.

Are you unaware of the total rot and corruption that exists in DC? Do you honestly think we have a system that does not exist solely for its own benefit there? And you expect us to be inflamed about what Bannon said about a guy who's been out of office for nearly two years?

Eyes on the prize Mac. That ain't it.

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