Bannon audio surfaces: trump "is just going to say he's a winner."

Yeah, that one was pretty amazing.
The cult has a childish, knee jerk rejoinder whenever their object of veneration is nailed.

Screen Shot 2022-07-14 at 9.11.59 AM.png

"I know you are, but what am I?"
Still doesn't explain the vote totals of both candidates ABSOLUTELY DWARFING previous elections and the sudden, coordinated count stop.

But, whatever.

Ignore the concerns and keep plowing on.

1/2 the country wants war.
There was not a coordinated count stop. Right wing media, LIED to you.

Every one knew for months and months in advance, that more people were going to come out and exercise their right to vote than EVER!

FOR the Democrats side, we voted to oust Trump, like our very lives and nation, depended on it!!!!

Blm/George Floyd murder and protests, stirred citizens to vote.....

and many hourly workers who find it hard to vote when working, were Unemployed during COVID as well....

Absentee voting for covid spread safety was also expanded, giving more opportunity for citizens to vote.

It was predicted for months that we would not know who won the election until days after the election because absentee votes were processed and counted last, after the same day count, in several of the swing states.
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Still doesn't explain the vote totals of both candidates ABSOLUTELY DWARFING previous elections and the sudden, coordinated count stop.

But, whatever.

Ignore the concerns and keep plowing on.

1/2 the country wants war.
So in other words...when there is more voter turn out than previous elections -- it is a conspiracy??

So, more voter participation is a bad thing when it happens?? Cool..

No wonder conservatives hate high voter turn out so much....they told us so for a while now

The cult has a childish, knee jerk rejoinder whenever their object of veneration is nailed.
Judging from the responses here, I'm beginning to think my working theory may be correct.

This may not be about a rigged election for them. That story is just their excuse for bringing it all crashing down.

They keep saying they're at war. We'd better start believing them. Shades of 9/11. Misguided zealots in an uncontrollable rage.
There was not a coordinated count stop. Right wing media, LIED to you.

Every one knew for months and months in advance, that more people were going to come out and exercise their right to vote than EVER!

FOR the Democrats side, we voted to oust Trump, like our very lives and nation, depended on it!!!!

Blm/George Floyd murder and protests, stirred citizens to vote.....

and many hourly workers who find it hard to vote when working, were unemp!over during COVID as well....

Absentee voting for covid spread safety was also expanded, giving more opportunity for citizens to vote.

It was predicted for months that we would not know who won the election until days after the election because absentee votes were processed and counted last, after the same day count, in several of the swing states.
Bannon predicted that trump would win the honest daytime vote but lose the overnight absentee ballot

So he saw the steal coming and how trump would respond
There was not a coordinated count stop. Right wing media, LIED to you
I fucking watched it happen...LIVE. Ignore my lying eyes?

Biden got 81 million votes because of unverified junk-mail voting and you all know it.

But now you're crying about a voting rights bills and "destroying democracy" when anyone tries to make elections more secure.
Judging from the responses here, I'm beginning to think my working theory may be correct.

This may not be about a rigged election for them. That story is just their excuse for bringing it all crashing down.

They keep saying they're at war. We'd better start believing them. Shades of 9/11. Misguided zealots in an uncontrollable rage.
It's the "If I can't win, no one wins!" bratty credo, overturning the game board.

So in other words...when there is more voter turn out than previous elections -- it is a conspiracy??
Clearly Bannon's plan was to create the electoral chaos required to wreck the whole system.

And lo and behold, he found the one shameless, ignorant stooge who could help him make it happen.

It's like a fuckin' movie.
You're full of shit.

You sir, are unquestionably a deluded fool.

No one said it wasn't a big deal.

What part of I DON'T CARE do you not understand?

Is that difficult English or something?

Dumbass, if I don't give a beggar a nickel it doesn't mean I don't care, and it doesn't mean it isn't a big deal.

Your logic stinks. To the point of being delusional. Maybe you dropped too much of that brown acid in college.
All about that poster and not about the thread about surrendering the point....:heehee:
Is it just me, or does it appear to anyone else that all of Mac's threads turn into a circle jerk with him and his leftist buddies while he ignores all comments destroying his dumbfuckery?
Clearly Bannon's plan was to create the electoral chaos required to wreck the whole system.

And lo and behold, he found the one shameless, ignorant stooge who could help him make it happen.

It's like a fuckin' movie.
Bannon is an accelerationist......much of the alt-right, the online toxic troll culture, all of them are accelerationists.....most of them just want to see it all burn for shits and giggles because they are too dumb to even know what it means......Bannon and others want it all to burn in order to rebuild a white nationalist autocracy.....or the closest thing possible to it.....

These people are grifters and will lie with no shame at all...and they hope that most of us won't have the ability to look deeper than the rhetoric....I remember Steve Bannon as also the biosphere guy....

"During his four years at Breitbart, much of the website's content was devoted to "debunking" climate change, with articles calling its supporters "pure scum" and putting the word science in scare quotes -- but in a 1995 interview for C-SPAN about Biosphere 2, as Mother Jones noted, while he was consulting for the project Bannon seems to support the climate change concerns that the Biosphere 2 scientists shared"

It just shows how easy it is to gain prominence in the Conservative movement, no matter what you were just doing 5 minutes ago...just hate the same people they hate.....and you are in like Flynn...
You still don't get it.

Dismiss is not the word.

CRUSH is the word.

We're going to crush that idiotic fucking committee. Not that they aren't doing a good enough job of crushing themselves.


There ain't shit you can do, ChoadBreath.


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