Barack Obama’s open mockery of the Sign of the Cross

Actually, Christianity is nothing but a copycat religion. Several Christ-like figures predated Jesus.

Poor thing, Like all progressives you can't make straight responses. If that's the case so is the Muslim religion that was formed at least 400 after Christianity, which is the fulfillment of the Torah. The Messiah came, was crucified died, on the third day he arose. Thus confirming the prophecy. What prohecy did the Muslim religion fulfill? It of course was developed by blood thirsty individuals, signifying that they are not a religion of peace. If they were why do they still use crucifixion, stoning, boiling, hanging, and beheading.
But hey Lakhota you just keep barking the party line.
I'm surprised that the most important question here hasn't been brought up... this worse than Watergate?

No, no, no, That's Benghazi Gate. But then again Oblamer screws the pooch so often its hard to keep track.
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I'm surprised that the most important question here hasn't been brought up... this worse than Watergate?

No, no, no, That's Benghazi Gate. But then again Oblamer screws the pooch so often its hard to keep track.

Well these kinds of small issues, allow the deflections to gain traction. It's time that we follow the other side, send the idiots to post on nonsense, those more able go for the big issues and don't magnetize to a moment in time.

I'm not addressing this thread, but the idea that there are 'big issues' out there, Obama is getting them all wrong. Why get mired in his mockery of religion. He's of the left, it's what they do.
As a pagan, I see the Old Religion mocked at every turn, so if someone's mocking catholicism I don't give a rat's ass. Maybe the catholics should STFU and deal with it as they have forced so many other religions to do.
I have my doubts about the sincerity of religious outrage posted by anyone whose handle is that of the antibellum GERMAN NAZI terrorists.
That day will never come, so put away your little Marxist fantasies, comrade.

Actually, coming sooner than you think.

Wipe the obama-sperm out of your eyes and read again: That day will NEVER come.

Uh, it's already on it's way...

Church attendance is declining

Since the 1970s, the share of those who never attend religious services or attend less than once a year increased by 53 percent, while those who attend several times a year or weekly decreased by 29 and 26 percent, respectively.
All this proves is that Obama is a idiot, as if we didn't already didn't know this

Maybe he'll learn to pronounce Corpsman in this term, instead of Corps-men
All this proves is that Obama is a idiot, as if we didn't already didn't know this

Maybe he'll learn to pronounce Corpsman in this term, instead of Corps-men

Exactly....simple ignorance by Obama, nothing more. I just happens so often. :lmao:
Actually, coming sooner than you think.

Wipe the obama-sperm out of your eyes and read again: That day will NEVER come.

Uh, it's already on it's way... .

It is not "on it's way," fool. The vast majority of Americans still believe in God and profess a religious affiliation. Religion is not going to "go away," in this country or in the world. EVER.

If you had any sense of American history you'd know that periods of fervent religiosity have always waxed and waned over long periods of time. I know you liberals have trouble with the idea of cycles because it's not simple enough for you.
It is not "on it's way," fool. The vast majority of Americans still believe in God and profess a religious affiliation. Religion is not going to "go away," in this country or in the world. EVER.

If you had any sense of American history you'd know that periods of fervent religiosity have always waxed and waned over long periods of time. I know you liberals have trouble with the idea of cycles because it's not simple enough for you.

Point is, church attendence is down, religious affiliation is down.

Learn to deal. Religion is on the way out, and good riddance to bad rubbish.

Religion has never did anything good, not once, even by accident.
All this proves is that Obama is a idiot, as if we didn't already didn't know this

Maybe he'll learn to pronounce Corpsman in this term, instead of Corps-men

Maybe he will learn how to properly bless a turkey to appease conservatives
All this proves is that Obama is a idiot, as if we didn't already didn't know this

Maybe he'll learn to pronounce Corpsman in this term, instead of Corps-men

Maybe he will learn how to properly bless a turkey to appease conservatives

12 freakin' pages (so far) on "blessing" a freakin' turkey.

You can't make this stuff up.


WHAT? You weren't here for the Palin turkey thing?
you talk about can't make shit up
Learn to deal. Religion is on the way out, and good riddance to bad rubbish.

Religion has never did anything good, not once, even by accident.

Religion is NOT "on the way out." Your personal weakness, bigotry, and intolerance do not have the power to shape reality, no matter how strongly you hate or how intense your fear.

No matter how long you live, religion will always be a significant aspect of life in America. If you have great-great-great-great-great grandchildren many generations from now, religion will always be a significant aspect of life in America for them as well.

Your little Marxist fantasy will NEVER come true, comrade.
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Maybe he will learn how to properly bless a turkey to appease conservatives

12 freakin' pages (so far) on "blessing" a freakin' turkey.

You can't make this stuff up.


WHAT? You weren't here for the Palin turkey thing?
you talk about can't make shit up

Hey, I don't disagree. Both silly ends of the spectrum just love to play the phony, contrived righteous indignation game. This is just the latest example, and it's pretty funny.

Religion has never did anything good, not once, even by accident.

That's offense! :lol:

No offense, it's an accurate statement.

Religion has brought us witch-burnings, crusades, inquisitions, jihads, abuse of children, suppression of science.

The Dark Ages were the First "Faith-Based Iniative".

Now, you'll probably say something stupid about charity or art to redeem religion, but nope, doesn't even come close to covering for all its sins.
Learn to deal. Religion is on the way out, and good riddance to bad rubbish.

Religion has never did anything good, not once, even by accident.

Religion is NOT "on the way out." Your personal weakness, bigotry, and intolerance do not have the power to shape reality, no matter how strongly you hate or how intense you fear.

No matter how long you live, religion will always be a significant aspect of life in America. If you have great-great-great-great-great grandchildren many generations from now, religion will always be a significant aspect of life in America for them as well.

Your little Marxist fantasy will NEVER come true, comrade.

Admitably, I won't see that happy day, but the fact is, they are closing churches because they can't fill the pews with asses...

A church is anice place to hold your wedding, but no one goes there if they don't have to.
Religion has never did anything good, not once, even by accident.

That's offense! :lol:

No offense, it's an accurate statement.

Religion has brought us witch-burnings, crusades, inquisitions, jihads, abuse of children, suppression of science.

The Dark Ages were the First "Faith-Based Iniative".

Now, you'll probably say something stupid about charity or art to redeem religion, but nope, doesn't even come close to covering for all its sins.
Awwww, more of Joe's bitterness.

And, it's "...has never DONE anything good....." Just so you know.
Left handedness is a sign of bad toilet training as a child.
Obama's ignorance of Christianity is as equally disturbing.

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