Barack Obama’s open mockery of the Sign of the Cross

That's offense! :lol:

No offense, it's an accurate statement.

Religion has brought us witch-burnings, crusades, inquisitions, jihads, abuse of children, suppression of science.

The Dark Ages were the First "Faith-Based Iniative".

Now, you'll probably say something stupid about charity or art to redeem religion, but nope, doesn't even come close to covering for all its sins.
Awwww, more of Joe's bitterness.

And, it's "...has never DONE anything good....." Just so you know.

the man is miserable all the time and is determined to push it off on us here
That's offense! :lol:

No offense, it's an accurate statement.

Religion has brought us witch-burnings, crusades, inquisitions, jihads, abuse of children, suppression of science.

The Dark Ages were the First "Faith-Based Iniative".

Now, you'll probably say something stupid about charity or art to redeem religion, but nope, doesn't even come close to covering for all its sins.
Awwww, more of Joe's bitterness.

And, it's "...has never DONE anything good....." Just so you know.

Rhetorical flourish... deal with it.

And, no, really, religion has a history of general evil. It will be great when man outgrows it.
No offense, it's an accurate statement.

Religion has brought us witch-burnings, crusades, inquisitions, jihads, abuse of children, suppression of science.

The Dark Ages were the First "Faith-Based Iniative".

Now, you'll probably say something stupid about charity or art to redeem religion, but nope, doesn't even come close to covering for all its sins.
Awwww, more of Joe's bitterness.

And, it's "...has never DONE anything good....." Just so you know.

the man is miserable all the time and is determined to push it off on us here

Funny, you are the one with all the butthurt after insisting Romney would win...

Now you blame your fellow Americans for not buying the bullshit.
It is not "on it's way," fool. The vast majority of Americans still believe in God and profess a religious affiliation. Religion is not going to "go away," in this country or in the world. EVER.

If you had any sense of American history you'd know that periods of fervent religiosity have always waxed and waned over long periods of time. I know you liberals have trouble with the idea of cycles because it's not simple enough for you.

Point is, church attendence is down, religious affiliation is down.

Learn to deal. Religion is on the way out, and good riddance to bad rubbish.

Religion has never did anything good, not once, even by accident.

Yes, church affiliation is down and attendance is down...but the religion itself isn't. People still want to believe, they just don't like the way these places are packaging their religion.

US religion survey shows dramatic changes over just two decades

One-fifth of U.S. adults say they are not part of a traditional religious denomination, new data from the Pew Research Center show, evidence of an unprecedented reshuffling of Americans' spiritual identities that is shaking up fields from charity to politics.

But despite their nickname, the "nones" are far from godless. Many pray, believe in God and have regular spiritual routines. [...]

The study presents a stark map of how political and religious polarization have merged in recent decades. Congregations used to be a blend of political affiliations, but that's generally not the case anymore. Sociologists have shown that Americans are more likely to pick their place of worship by their politics, not vice versa.

Some said the study and its data on younger generations forecast more polarization.

"We think it's mostly a reaction to the religious right," said Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam, who has written at length about the decline in religious affiliation. "The best predictor of which people have moved into this category over the last 20 years is how they feel about religion and politics" aligning, particularly conservative politics and opposition to gay civil rights.
And, no, really, religion has a history of general evil. It will be great when man outgrows it.

It would be great if you had the capacity to even consider the topic in a serious way, but you don't.
Religion has never did anything good, not once, even by accident.

That's offense! :lol:

No offense, it's an accurate statement.

Religion has brought us witch-burnings, crusades, inquisitions, jihads, abuse of children, suppression of science.

The Dark Ages
were the First "Faith-Based Iniative".

Now, you'll probably say something stupid about charity or art to redeem religion, but nope, doesn't even come close to covering for all its sins.

Human nature brought us those things... Shiny lollipops are tools used in the abuse of children as well, but I don't go hating on the sugar as the cause of molestation...
No offense, it's an accurate statement.

Religion has brought us witch-burnings, crusades, inquisitions, jihads, abuse of children, suppression of science.

The Dark Ages were the First "Faith-Based Iniative".

Now, you'll probably say something stupid about charity or art to redeem religion, but nope, doesn't even come close to covering for all its sins.
Awwww, more of Joe's bitterness.

And, it's "...has never DONE anything good....." Just so you know.

Rhetorical flourish... deal with it.

And, no, really, religion has a history of general evil. It will be great when man outgrows it.
Just as a rose is still a rose by any other name, bad grammar is bad grammar, no matter what you call it.
And, no, really, religion has a history of general evil. It will be great when man outgrows it.

It would be great if you had the capacity to even consider the topic in a serious way, but you don't.

I treat it in a very serious way.

The day we stop cowering before these frauds will be a great day.

We all knew the catholic priests in our parish were strange, and our parents never left us alone with them. But theydidn't call the cops on them either, because they were so afraid of the Church.

Seriously, what kind of "god" lets his clergy molest kids?
Awwww, more of Joe's bitterness.

And, it's "...has never DONE anything good....." Just so you know.

Rhetorical flourish... deal with it.

And, no, really, religion has a history of general evil. It will be great when man outgrows it.
Just as a rose is still a rose by any other name, bad grammar is bad grammar, no matter what you call it.

My grammar is fine... and Religion is evil.

Please stop trying to deflect from the point.
Learn to deal. Religion is on the way out, and good riddance to bad rubbish.

Religion has never did anything good, not once, even by accident.

Religion is NOT "on the way out." Your personal weakness, bigotry, and intolerance do not have the power to shape reality, no matter how strongly you hate or how intense you fear.

No matter how long you live, religion will always be a significant aspect of life in America. If you have great-great-great-great-great grandchildren many generations from now, religion will always be a significant aspect of life in America for them as well.

Your little Marxist fantasy will NEVER come true, comrade.

Admitably, I won't see that happy day

No one will see such a day because it will never come. You want to live out the rest of your days like some hateful child? That's your choice. But you will only ever be frustrated.
I was raised catholic, was an alter boy, and I never heard you were supposed to make the sign of the cross with the right hand. Dumb thread.

So, I looked it up anyhow, and it is answered below by a priest from Rome:

ROME, 6 SEPT. 2011
Answered by Legionary of Christ Father Edward McNamara, professor of liturgy at the Regina Apostolorum university.

Q: A genuflection is made by bending the right knee (General Instruction of the Roman Missal [GIRM], No. 274), and a sign of cross is made by the right hand. Are these rules absolute? Could a left-handed person make a sign of cross by the left hand or genuflect with the left knee? — P.T., New Orleans, Louisiana

A: As a southpaw myself, I fully sympathize with our reader's predicament. Thankfully, the stigma attached to left-handedness in former times seems to have all but disappeared. It certainly does not seem to have damaged the prospects of three of the last four U.S. presidents.

From a liturgical standpoint, the indications in the GIRM are merely descriptive of what the vast majority of people will do naturally and indicative of established custom. Since it is usually no great difficulty for left-handed people to perform these tasks, it is better and more decorous that they conform to the general rule of right. Even in civil society the vast majority of left-handed people will proffer the right hand for a friendly handshake. It quickly becomes so natural and spontaneous to use the right hand for genuflecting and blessing that one would have to make a conscious effort to act otherwise.

Personally, I have rarely found being left-handed an obstacle to carrying out the normal liturgical gestures and movements, except possibly when scooping incense from the boat to the thurible.

And yet, there is no deep theological reason for preferring one hand or another. It is a question of practicality and longstanding custom, similar to the different ways of making the sign of the cross, moving the hand from right to left among most Eastern Catholics while the Latin rite traditionally prefers a left-to-right movement.

It is true that there are many biblical passages that speak of the power of God's right hand, and of Our Lord sitting "at the right hand of the Father." The literary figures contained in these texts are significant in many theological contexts and are certainly related to the liturgy's general preference for the use of the right hand. But I think it would be forcing the issue to use them to exclude other possibilities, or convert the use of the right hand into an absolute rule. These texts simply reflect the use of universal symbols of power grounded on the fact that 90 percent of people are right-handed.

If circumstances warrant it, then an alternative mode can be adopted. For example, when Blessed John Paul II broke his arm he felt no qualms in using his left hand to impart the apostolic blessing. Likewise, a person who is unsteady on his legs could genuflect according to whichever member gave greater balance.
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He used his left hand because he's a LEFTIST POS. EVERYTHING a POTUS does is scrutinized so you know that he was told you gotta use your right hand to do this. This arrogant bastard doesn't care, hell he has no more elections to worry about....screw those Catholics!
That's offense! :lol:

No offense, it's an accurate statement.

Religion has brought us witch-burnings, crusades, inquisitions, jihads, abuse of children, suppression of science.

The Dark Ages
were the First "Faith-Based Iniative".

Now, you'll probably say something stupid about charity or art to redeem religion, but nope, doesn't even come close to covering for all its sins.

Human nature brought us those things... Shiny lollipops are tools used in the abuse of children as well, but I don't go hating on the sugar as the cause of molestation...

If the entire candy industry was in cahoots with NAMBLA, you might have a point.

The Catholic Church engaged in a systematic conspiracy to hide pedophile priests for decades.

Great film called "Deliver us from Evil", a documentary about a Catholic Priest who was a molestor, who was moved from one parish to another after he got caught, with no warnings to the communities as to what he was.
No offense, it's an accurate statement.

Religion has brought us witch-burnings, crusades, inquisitions, jihads, abuse of children, suppression of science.

The Dark Ages were the First "Faith-Based Iniative".

Now, you'll probably say something stupid about charity or art to redeem religion, but nope, doesn't even come close to covering for all its sins.
Awwww, more of Joe's bitterness.

And, it's "...has never DONE anything good....." Just so you know.

the man is miserable all the time and is determined to push it off on us here

You know Joe? Why do you think he is miserable? Do you believe that people that don't fall for religion are unhappy? That's nonsense. I was unhappy last night when I slept right through Saturday Night Live. Sometimes it is funny. I like to laugh. Does your god make you laugh? Would you be angry if you slept through church today?

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