Barbaric Islam Practices Against Women Gaining Foothold on Our Soil


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
There is an increase in honor violence: forced marriage, female genital mutilation, honor-based
domestic violence and honor killing. Political correctness prevents the mainstream media from focusing on this. So, it rarely gets talked about yet many women and girls continue to suffer.

"In the Almaleki case, I learned very quickly that we would receive no assistance from the family," Boughey reportedly said. "In fact, we received out-and-out defiance and resistance. Although we know they are involved, it can be very hard to prove in a court of law."

Stephanie Baric is the executive director of the AHA Foundation, a non-profit founded by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a woman’s rights activist and survivor of female genital mutilation. She says unless authorities identify and address honor killings, they will only increase as immigrants from Middle Eastern and South Asian countries come to America. Boughey says it’s important to recognize these crimes for what they are.

"Honor violence has been largely misclassified by law enforcement, by no fault of their own," he explained. "They simply didn’t know the signs and symptoms of honor-related violence. They do not have the training on how to effectively identify and investigate these cases."

Political correctness and fear of accusations of discrimination also prevent these women from being protected, according to Detective Boughey.

"Some agencies won’t intervene even after these young women have come forward," he said. "I am not quite sure when we as a country decided that it was more important to be politically correct than doing the right thing."
Well of course! If you're against any of those "traditions" then, by Progressive Diktat you are forever branded "RACIST".

Now who wants to have "RACIST" burned into their forehead? Just another "tradition" liberal Democrats would like to establish.
There is an increase in honor violence: forced marriage, female genital mutilation, honor-based domestic violence and honor killing. Political correctness prevents the mainstream media from focusing on this. So, it rarely gets talked about yet many women and girls continue to suffer.

Those are not "Islamic". They're not even connected to religion. Those are cultural artifacts, which exist in some places, died out in other places, and never existed at all in still other places, all of which may or may not be co-incident with Islam. And where they do exist they have nothing to do with the religions that exist in the same areas.

Case in point:
Stephanie Baric is the executive director of the AHA Foundation, a non-profit founded by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a woman’s rights activist and survivor of female genital mutilation. She says unless authorities identify and address honor killings, they will only increase as immigrants from Middle Eastern and South Asian countries come to America. Boughey says it’s important to recognize these crimes for what they are.

You know "South Asia" means "India", right? Probably more "honor killings" than any other country. Tell us, what do Hinduism and Sikhism have to do with Islam?

The same thing they have to do with "honor killing" --- which is nothing. These primitive practices are older than ANY of those religions.

And we've done this over and over and over and over and over. Yet here come the mythologists with the same old song and dance, expecting different results.

Perhaps while we're at it we should also note the KKK was not founded by a political party, Hitler was not a "leftist", the moon landing was not staged in New Mexico, Paul McCartney didn't die, Andy Kaufmann did, and so did Elvis; Captain Kirk never said "beam me up Scotty", and the moon is not made of green cheese.
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thanks CLEMENTINE , thanks for bringing some of these practices up on the board . Information is always good !!
Female circumcision is illegal in the US .

But male circumcision is not. Because that's legal because of Judeua Christian "shiara" law .
Female circumcision is illegal in the US .

But male circumcision is not. Because that's legal because of Judeua Christian "shiara" law .

And strange as it may seem now, FGM was done here and in Europe, by regular doctors, for stuff like "excessive masturbation" and "nymphomania". It's the same root cause here, Middle East, Asia, wherever --- patriarchy scared shitless of the power women have to create life, coming up with ever more bizarre and brutal ways to keep women "in their place".
There is an increase in honor violence: forced marriage, female genital mutilation, honor-based domestic violence and honor killing. Political correctness prevents the mainstream media from focusing on this. So, it rarely gets talked about yet many women and girls continue to suffer.

Those are not "Islamic". They're not even connected to religion. Those are cultural artifacts, which exist in some places, died out in other places, and never existed at all in still other places, all of which may or may not be co-incident with Islam. And where they do exist they have nothing to do with the religions that exist in the same areas.

Case in point:
Stephanie Baric is the executive director of the AHA Foundation, a non-profit founded by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a woman’s rights activist and survivor of female genital mutilation. She says unless authorities identify and address honor killings, they will only increase as immigrants from Middle Eastern and South Asian countries come to America. Boughey says it’s important to recognize these crimes for what they are.

You know "South Asia" means "India", right? Probably more "honor killings" than any other country. Tell us, what do Hinduism and Sikhism have to do with Islam?

The same thing they have to do with "honor killing" --- which is nothing. These primitive practices are older than ANY of those religions.

And we've done this over and over and over and over and over. Yet here come the mythologists with the same old song and dance, expecting different results.

Perhaps while we're at it we should also note the KKK was not founded by a political party, Hitler was not a "leftist", the moon landing was not staged in New Mexico, Paul McCartney didn't die, Andy Kaufmann did, and so did Elvis; Captain Kirk never said "beam me up Scotty", and the moon is not made of green cheese.

Point is that when these things happen, we need to throw the idiotic political correctness out the window and start issuing some warnings that we do not allow this nor see it as acceptable.

Islam does treat women as they as lesser people than men. Whether you want to say it's the religious aspect or just the custom of most, it's happening every day. It tends to get ignored by the media because they know that the truth might not bode well for them.
There is an increase in honor violence: forced marriage, female genital mutilation, honor-based domestic violence and honor killing. Political correctness prevents the mainstream media from focusing on this. So, it rarely gets talked about yet many women and girls continue to suffer.

Those are not "Islamic". They're not even connected to religion. Those are cultural artifacts, which exist in some places, died out in other places, and never existed at all in still other places, all of which may or may not be co-incident with Islam. And where they do exist they have nothing to do with the religions that exist in the same areas.

Case in point:
Stephanie Baric is the executive director of the AHA Foundation, a non-profit founded by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a woman’s rights activist and survivor of female genital mutilation. She says unless authorities identify and address honor killings, they will only increase as immigrants from Middle Eastern and South Asian countries come to America. Boughey says it’s important to recognize these crimes for what they are.

You know "South Asia" means "India", right? Probably more "honor killings" than any other country. Tell us, what do Hinduism and Sikhism have to do with Islam?

The same thing they have to do with "honor killing" --- which is nothing. These primitive practices are older than ANY of those religions.

And we've done this over and over and over and over and over. Yet here come the mythologists with the same old song and dance, expecting different results.

Perhaps while we're at it we should also note the KKK was not founded by a political party, Hitler was not a "leftist", the moon landing was not staged in New Mexico, Paul McCartney didn't die, Andy Kaufmann did, and so did Elvis; Captain Kirk never said "beam me up Scotty", and the moon is not made of green cheese.

Point is that when these things happen, we need to throw the idiotic political correctness out the window and start issuing some warnings that we do not allow this nor see it as acceptable.

Islam does treat women as they as lesser people than men. Whether you want to say it's the religious aspect or just the custom of most, it's happening every day. It tends to get ignored by the media because they know that the truth might not bode well for them.

I'm not aware of any "political correctness" that attempts to justify barbarism like FGM or HBV. It has no proponents, other than the traditionalists who practice it.
Female circumcision is illegal in the US .

But male circumcision is not. Because that's legal because of Judeua Christian "shiara" law .

You have no idea what the difference is, do you, Timmy? You might want to do some research and then you'd know that it's not circumcision with girls, it's outright mutilation that will mess them up for the rest of their lives. What they do to women would be equal to castration for men.
Female circumcision is illegal in the US .

But male circumcision is not. Because that's legal because of Judeua Christian "shiara" law .

You have no idea what the difference is, do you, Timmy? You might want to do some research and then you'd know that it's not circumcision with girls, it's outright mutilation that will mess them up for the rest of their lives. What they do to women would be equal to castration for men.

Castration would make the victim infertile. That's where eunuchs come from.
There is an increase in honor violence: forced marriage, female genital mutilation, honor-based domestic violence and honor killing. Political correctness prevents the mainstream media from focusing on this. So, it rarely gets talked about yet many women and girls continue to suffer.

Those are not "Islamic". They're not even connected to religion. Those are cultural artifacts, which exist in some places, died out in other places, and never existed at all in still other places, all of which may or may not be co-incident with Islam. And where they do exist they have nothing to do with the religions that exist in the same areas.

Case in point:
Stephanie Baric is the executive director of the AHA Foundation, a non-profit founded by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a woman’s rights activist and survivor of female genital mutilation. She says unless authorities identify and address honor killings, they will only increase as immigrants from Middle Eastern and South Asian countries come to America. Boughey says it’s important to recognize these crimes for what they are.

You know "South Asia" means "India", right? Probably more "honor killings" than any other country. Tell us, what do Hinduism and Sikhism have to do with Islam?

The same thing they have to do with "honor killing" --- which is nothing. These primitive practices are older than ANY of those religions.

And we've done this over and over and over and over and over. Yet here come the mythologists with the same old song and dance, expecting different results.

Perhaps while we're at it we should also note the KKK was not founded by a political party, Hitler was not a "leftist", the moon landing was not staged in New Mexico, Paul McCartney didn't die, Andy Kaufmann did, and so did Elvis; Captain Kirk never said "beam me up Scotty", and the moon is not made of green cheese.

Point is that when these things happen, we need to throw the idiotic political correctness out the window and start issuing some warnings that we do not allow this nor see it as acceptable.

Islam does treat women as they as lesser people than men. Whether you want to say it's the religious aspect or just the custom of most, it's happening every day. It tends to get ignored by the media because they know that the truth might not bode well for them.

I'm not aware of any "political correctness" that attempts to justify barbarism like FGM or HBV. It has no proponents, other than the traditionalists who practice it.

I must have missed the 20/20 special on how these things are happening here in America. Usually, there is widespread outrage in the media. We've seen that with many other things but they don't like anything that makes Muslims look bad. It's the same way with minorities and the way they don't sound the alarms over the violence in Chicago and Detroit. If it doesn't fit the current narrative, it doesn't get talked about.
Female circumcision is illegal in the US .

But male circumcision is not. Because that's legal because of Judeua Christian "shiara" law .

And strange as it may seem now, FGM was done here and in Europe, by regular doctors, for stuff like "excessive masturbation" and "nymphomania". It's the same root cause here, Middle East, Asia, wherever --- patriarchy scared shitless of the power women have to create life, coming up with ever more bizarre and brutal ways to keep women "in their place".

Pogo lied again----the use of clitorectomy for excessive masturbation was
VERY VERY rare in the practice of Medicine in Europe It almost universal
amongst the BILLION muslims on the planet
It is time to vacuum the gene pool and get rid of those skags who do nothing to advance the human race. While it is true that not all Muslims are terrorists or rancid pieces of shit, it is true that most terrorists and rancid pieces of shit are Muslim. Therefore, we ought to just wipe the all out to ensure that all of the terrorists and rancid pieces of shit are wiped off the face of the earth.
There is an increase in honor violence: forced marriage, female genital mutilation, honor-based domestic violence and honor killing. Political correctness prevents the mainstream media from focusing on this. So, it rarely gets talked about yet many women and girls continue to suffer.

Those are not "Islamic". They're not even connected to religion. Those are cultural artifacts, which exist in some places, died out in other places, and never existed at all in still other places, all of which may or may not be co-incident with Islam. And where they do exist they have nothing to do with the religions that exist in the same areas.

Case in point:
Stephanie Baric is the executive director of the AHA Foundation, a non-profit founded by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a woman’s rights activist and survivor of female genital mutilation. She says unless authorities identify and address honor killings, they will only increase as immigrants from Middle Eastern and South Asian countries come to America. Boughey says it’s important to recognize these crimes for what they are.

You know "South Asia" means "India", right? Probably more "honor killings" than any other country. Tell us, what do Hinduism and Sikhism have to do with Islam?

The same thing they have to do with "honor killing" --- which is nothing. These primitive practices are older than ANY of those religions.

And we've done this over and over and over and over and over. Yet here come the mythologists with the same old song and dance, expecting different results.

Perhaps while we're at it we should also note the KKK was not founded by a political party, Hitler was not a "leftist", the moon landing was not staged in New Mexico, Paul McCartney didn't die, Andy Kaufmann did, and so did Elvis; Captain Kirk never said "beam me up Scotty", and the moon is not made of green cheese.
You mean there are no Muslims in India? Wow learn something new every day.
There is an increase in honor violence: forced marriage, female genital mutilation, honor-based domestic violence and honor killing. Political correctness prevents the mainstream media from focusing on this. So, it rarely gets talked about yet many women and girls continue to suffer.

Those are not "Islamic". They're not even connected to religion. Those are cultural artifacts, which exist in some places, died out in other places, and never existed at all in still other places, all of which may or may not be co-incident with Islam. And where they do exist they have nothing to do with the religions that exist in the same areas.

Case in point:
Stephanie Baric is the executive director of the AHA Foundation, a non-profit founded by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a woman’s rights activist and survivor of female genital mutilation. She says unless authorities identify and address honor killings, they will only increase as immigrants from Middle Eastern and South Asian countries come to America. Boughey says it’s important to recognize these crimes for what they are.

You know "South Asia" means "India", right? Probably more "honor killings" than any other country. Tell us, what do Hinduism and Sikhism have to do with Islam?

The same thing they have to do with "honor killing" --- which is nothing. These primitive practices are older than ANY of those religions.

And we've done this over and over and over and over and over. Yet here come the mythologists with the same old song and dance, expecting different results.

Perhaps while we're at it we should also note the KKK was not founded by a political party, Hitler was not a "leftist", the moon landing was not staged in New Mexico, Paul McCartney didn't die, Andy Kaufmann did, and so did Elvis; Captain Kirk never said "beam me up Scotty", and the moon is not made of green cheese.

Point is that when these things happen, we need to throw the idiotic political correctness out the window and start issuing some warnings that we do not allow this nor see it as acceptable.

Islam does treat women as they as lesser people than men. Whether you want to say it's the religious aspect or just the custom of most, it's happening every day. It tends to get ignored by the media because they know that the truth might not bode well for them.

The problem is these things occur in multiple cultures and religions - for example fgm is common across a huge swath of Africa (not just Muslim Africa); forced marriage and child marriages are common in Asia, Middle East, Africa, South America. Domestic violence (and while you focus on "honor killing" I find any domestic violence abhorent) - is everywhere.

There are many women's movements trying to change things, bring awareness and education and provide safe haven to abused women whether it's victims of cultural violence, fgm, etc - so I don't know where you get this "political correctness" thing unless you are ignoring these efforts.

What are these "warnings" you seem to think should be issued that aren't already covered in our legal system?
There is an increase in honor violence: forced marriage, female genital mutilation, honor-based domestic violence and honor killing. Political correctness prevents the mainstream media from focusing on this. So, it rarely gets talked about yet many women and girls continue to suffer.

Those are not "Islamic". They're not even connected to religion. Those are cultural artifacts, which exist in some places, died out in other places, and never existed at all in still other places, all of which may or may not be co-incident with Islam. And where they do exist they have nothing to do with the religions that exist in the same areas.

Case in point:
Stephanie Baric is the executive director of the AHA Foundation, a non-profit founded by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a woman’s rights activist and survivor of female genital mutilation. She says unless authorities identify and address honor killings, they will only increase as immigrants from Middle Eastern and South Asian countries come to America. Boughey says it’s important to recognize these crimes for what they are.

You know "South Asia" means "India", right? Probably more "honor killings" than any other country. Tell us, what do Hinduism and Sikhism have to do with Islam?

The same thing they have to do with "honor killing" --- which is nothing. These primitive practices are older than ANY of those religions.

And we've done this over and over and over and over and over. Yet here come the mythologists with the same old song and dance, expecting different results.

Perhaps while we're at it we should also note the KKK was not founded by a political party, Hitler was not a "leftist", the moon landing was not staged in New Mexico, Paul McCartney didn't die, Andy Kaufmann did, and so did Elvis; Captain Kirk never said "beam me up Scotty", and the moon is not made of green cheese.

Point is that when these things happen, we need to throw the idiotic political correctness out the window and start issuing some warnings that we do not allow this nor see it as acceptable.

Islam does treat women as they as lesser people than men. Whether you want to say it's the religious aspect or just the custom of most, it's happening every day. It tends to get ignored by the media because they know that the truth might not bode well for them.

I'm not aware of any "political correctness" that attempts to justify barbarism like FGM or HBV. It has no proponents, other than the traditionalists who practice it.

I must have missed the 20/20 special on how these things are happening here in America. Usually, there is widespread outrage in the media. We've seen that with many other things but they don't like anything that makes Muslims look bad. It's the same way with minorities and the way they don't sound the alarms over the violence in Chicago and Detroit. If it doesn't fit the current narrative, it doesn't get talked about.

There is little "widespread outrage" most likely because those things are relatively rare in America - there have been some good documentaries on it that are probably more provocative and informational than your desired "widespread outrage".
There is an increase in honor violence: forced marriage, female genital mutilation, honor-based domestic violence and honor killing. Political correctness prevents the mainstream media from focusing on this. So, it rarely gets talked about yet many women and girls continue to suffer.

Those are not "Islamic". They're not even connected to religion. Those are cultural artifacts, which exist in some places, died out in other places, and never existed at all in still other places, all of which may or may not be co-incident with Islam. And where they do exist they have nothing to do with the religions that exist in the same areas.

Case in point:
Stephanie Baric is the executive director of the AHA Foundation, a non-profit founded by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a woman’s rights activist and survivor of female genital mutilation. She says unless authorities identify and address honor killings, they will only increase as immigrants from Middle Eastern and South Asian countries come to America. Boughey says it’s important to recognize these crimes for what they are.

You know "South Asia" means "India", right? Probably more "honor killings" than any other country. Tell us, what do Hinduism and Sikhism have to do with Islam?

The same thing they have to do with "honor killing" --- which is nothing. These primitive practices are older than ANY of those religions.

And we've done this over and over and over and over and over. Yet here come the mythologists with the same old song and dance, expecting different results.

Perhaps while we're at it we should also note the KKK was not founded by a political party, Hitler was not a "leftist", the moon landing was not staged in New Mexico, Paul McCartney didn't die, Andy Kaufmann did, and so did Elvis; Captain Kirk never said "beam me up Scotty", and the moon is not made of green cheese.

Point is that when these things happen, we need to throw the idiotic political correctness out the window and start issuing some warnings that we do not allow this nor see it as acceptable.

Islam does treat women as they as lesser people than men. Whether you want to say it's the religious aspect or just the custom of most, it's happening every day. It tends to get ignored by the media because they know that the truth might not bode well for them.

I'm not aware of any "political correctness" that attempts to justify barbarism like FGM or HBV. It has no proponents, other than the traditionalists who practice it.

I must have missed the 20/20 special on how these things are happening here in America. Usually, there is widespread outrage in the media. We've seen that with many other things but they don't like anything that makes Muslims look bad. It's the same way with minorities and the way they don't sound the alarms over the violence in Chicago and Detroit. If it doesn't fit the current narrative, it doesn't get talked about.

It isn't a "Muslim" thing in the first place. They don't even have anything to do with religion. So your premise does not stand. On the other hand your trying to sell it as a "Muslim thing", when it isn't ... would seem to make another statement.
"Barbaric Islam Practices Against Women Gaining Foothold on Our Soil"

Ignorant, hateful nonsense.

Such practices predate Islam.

And nothing is 'gaining a foothold' in the United States, the notion is a ridiculous lie.
Female circumcision is illegal in the US .

But male circumcision is not. Because that's legal because of Judeua Christian "shiara" law .

And strange as it may seem now, FGM was done here and in Europe, by regular doctors, for stuff like "excessive masturbation" and "nymphomania". It's the same root cause here, Middle East, Asia, wherever --- patriarchy scared shitless of the power women have to create life, coming up with ever more bizarre and brutal ways to keep women "in their place".

Pogo lied again----the use of clitorectomy for excessive masturbation was
VERY VERY rare in the practice of Medicine in Europe It almost universal
amongst the BILLION muslims on the planet

No, it isn't. It's geographical, not religious. And that's because it's cultural, not religious.

There is an increase in honor violence: forced marriage, female genital mutilation, honor-based domestic violence and honor killing. Political correctness prevents the mainstream media from focusing on this. So, it rarely gets talked about yet many women and girls continue to suffer.

Those are not "Islamic". They're not even connected to religion. Those are cultural artifacts, which exist in some places, died out in other places, and never existed at all in still other places, all of which may or may not be co-incident with Islam. And where they do exist they have nothing to do with the religions that exist in the same areas.

Case in point:
Stephanie Baric is the executive director of the AHA Foundation, a non-profit founded by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a woman’s rights activist and survivor of female genital mutilation. She says unless authorities identify and address honor killings, they will only increase as immigrants from Middle Eastern and South Asian countries come to America. Boughey says it’s important to recognize these crimes for what they are.

You know "South Asia" means "India", right? Probably more "honor killings" than any other country. Tell us, what do Hinduism and Sikhism have to do with Islam?

The same thing they have to do with "honor killing" --- which is nothing. These primitive practices are older than ANY of those religions.

And we've done this over and over and over and over and over. Yet here come the mythologists with the same old song and dance, expecting different results.

Perhaps while we're at it we should also note the KKK was not founded by a political party, Hitler was not a "leftist", the moon landing was not staged in New Mexico, Paul McCartney didn't die, Andy Kaufmann did, and so did Elvis; Captain Kirk never said "beam me up Scotty", and the moon is not made of green cheese.
You mean there are no Muslims in India? Wow learn something new every day.

There's a minority of Muslims in India. But HBV victims can be, and are, Hindus, Sikhs, Moslems or not religious. And that's because what they have in common is a cultural history -- not a religion. This primitive shit was around before any of those religions were. And they all prohibit it, so HBV takes place in defiance of, not in observation of, any of those religions that happen to be co-incident.

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