Barr Brings Accountability: Trump’s foes call it ‘stunning and scary.’

Barr is doing the job he was hired to do; protect Trump.

All the more reason we need to uncouple the Justice Department from the Executive.
Ohhhhh……..Like Eric Holder did? Derp

Still have zero idea what derp means. I think it’s a sign of those who use it being mentally retarded.

Holder suppressed an OIC report?
It's what one says to someone like you who is mentally retarded and spouts meaningless gibberish.

Google is your friend.

derp | Definition of derp in English by Oxford Dictionaries

Thus endeth the lesson. Derp

Still no idea what it means. This makes two areas where you are impotent.
It’s enough to give a sane man the willies, but Barr appears up to the task.

In a senate hearing, some demonRAT female bitch axed Barr, “You don’t really mean that Trump was actually spied on”?

“Oh yes," .... (and I’m gonna get all the pricks that did it,) Barr replied.

At this point, the emergency Congressional medical team was called in to remove the body of the senator.

The rest of the demonRATs went radio silent.

They know what this means: William Barr is the modern version of Wyatt Earp......and the swamp is Dodge City!

The most inadvertently honest reaction to Attorney General William Barr’s congressional testimony this week came from former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. Mr. Barr had bluntly called out the Federal Bureau of Investigation for “spying” on the Trump campaign in 2016. Mr. Clapper said that was both “stunning and scary.” Indeed.

No doubt a lot of former Obama administration and Hillary Clinton campaign officials, opposition guns for hire, and media members are stunned and scared that the Justice Department finally has a leader willing to address the FBI’s behavior in 2016. They worked very hard to make sure such an accounting never happened. Only in that context can we understand the frantic new Democratic-media campaign to tar the attorney general.

Mr. Barr told the Senate Wednesday that one question he wants answered is why nobody at the FBI briefed the Trump campaign about concerns that low-level aides might have had inappropriate contacts with Russians. That’s “normally” what happens, Mr. Barr said, and the Trump campaign had two obvious people to brief—Rudy Giuliani and Chris Christie, both former federal prosecutors.

It wasn’t only the Trump campaign that the FBI kept in the dark. The bureau routinely briefs Congress on sensitive counterintelligence operations. Yet former Director James Comey admits he deliberately hid his work from both the House and the Senate. And the FBI kept information from yet another overseer, the judicial branch, failing to tell the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that the Clinton campaign


Mr. Barr didn’t merely refuse to recuse; he’s made clear he plans to plumb the FBI’s actions thoroughly. That makes him Threat No. 1 to everyone who participated in these abuses, and it’s why the liberal media establishment is now disparaging his integrity. They are stunned and scared—that accountability has returned to the Justice Department.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Under the standard applied to Trump, any disparaging comments they make against investigating constitutes obstruction.
Barr is doing the job he was hired to do; protect Trump.

All the more reason we need to uncouple the Justice Department from the Executive.
Ohhhhh……..Like Eric Holder did? Derp

Still have zero idea what derp means. I think it’s a sign of those who use it being mentally retarded.

Holder suppressed an OIC report?

I'll try to use small words you can understand retarded one. Holder was held in contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over subpoenaed Fast and Furious documents and for general lying. Thus he suppressed information. Dems are already attempting obstruction of justice with their impotent threats (apparently you know quite a bit about being impotent). Now cry some more. You'll need the practice for November 2020.
Barr is doing the job he was hired to do; protect Trump.

All the more reason we need to uncouple the Justice Department from the Executive.
Ohhhhh……..Like Eric Holder did? Derp

Still have zero idea what derp means. I think it’s a sign of those who use it being mentally retarded.

Holder suppressed an OIC report?

I'll try to use small words you can understand retarded one. Holder was held in contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over subpoenaed Fast and Furious documents and for general lying. Thus he suppressed information. Dems are already attempting obstruction of justice with their impotent threats (apparently you know quite a bit about being impotent). Now cry some more. You'll need the practice for November 2020.

Thanks for making my point for me
What ever happened to the transparency that was promised?

We got it when Obama left office.
Obama has the most transparent presidency in history

He even released ten years of taxes

How many others had the equivalent of Eric Holder held in contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over documents? How many had a Secretary of State who destroyed emails and communication devices instead of turning over documents?
Barr is doing the job he was hired to do; protect Trump.

All the more reason we need to uncouple the Justice Department from the Executive.
Ohhhhh……..Like Eric Holder did? Derp

Still have zero idea what derp means. I think it’s a sign of those who use it being mentally retarded.

Holder suppressed an OIC report?
It's what one says to someone like you who is mentally retarded and spouts meaningless gibberish.

Google is your friend.

derp | Definition of derp in English by Oxford Dictionaries

Thus endeth the lesson. Derp

Still no idea what it means. This makes two areas where you are impotent.
Wooooow…...I hand you a definition from the Oxford freakin' Dictionary and you can't understand it and revel in your ignorance. For God's sake, please tell me you don't vote or procreate. This folks is how we get morons like OAC in office.
Barr is doing the job he was hired to do; protect Trump.

All the more reason we need to uncouple the Justice Department from the Executive.

He was appointed not hired and you have proof or is it pure conjecture on your part?
Barr is doing the job he was hired to do; protect Trump.

All the more reason we need to uncouple the Justice Department from the Executive.

Could you be any more of a biased idiot??

Nope. You sure couldn't. What an asshole you are.
It’s enough to give a sane man the willies, but Barr appears up to the task.

In a senate hearing, some demonRAT female bitch axed Barr, “You don’t really mean that Trump was actually spied on”?

“Oh yes," .... (and I’m gonna get all the pricks that did it,) Barr replied.

At this point, the emergency Congressional medical team was called in to remove the body of the senator.

The rest of the demonRATs went radio silent.

They know what this means: William Barr is the modern version of Wyatt Earp......and the swamp is Dodge City!

The most inadvertently honest reaction to Attorney General William Barr’s congressional testimony this week came from former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. Mr. Barr had bluntly called out the Federal Bureau of Investigation for “spying” on the Trump campaign in 2016. Mr. Clapper said that was both “stunning and scary.” Indeed.

No doubt a lot of former Obama administration and Hillary Clinton campaign officials, opposition guns for hire, and media members are stunned and scared that the Justice Department finally has a leader willing to address the FBI’s behavior in 2016. They worked very hard to make sure such an accounting never happened. Only in that context can we understand the frantic new Democratic-media campaign to tar the attorney general.

Mr. Barr told the Senate Wednesday that one question he wants answered is why nobody at the FBI briefed the Trump campaign about concerns that low-level aides might have had inappropriate contacts with Russians. That’s “normally” what happens, Mr. Barr said, and the Trump campaign had two obvious people to brief—Rudy Giuliani and Chris Christie, both former federal prosecutors.

It wasn’t only the Trump campaign that the FBI kept in the dark. The bureau routinely briefs Congress on sensitive counterintelligence operations. Yet former Director James Comey admits he deliberately hid his work from both the House and the Senate. And the FBI kept information from yet another overseer, the judicial branch, failing to tell the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that the Clinton campaign


Mr. Barr didn’t merely refuse to recuse; he’s made clear he plans to plumb the FBI’s actions thoroughly. That makes him Threat No. 1 to everyone who participated in these abuses, and it’s why the liberal media establishment is now disparaging his integrity. They are stunned and scared—that accountability has returned to the Justice Department.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


There was clearly no evidence of spying. The most that happened was a FBI informant attempted to pump Papadopoulos and that is it. A AG is the chief law enforcement officer in the country not the chief protector of the President. Barr's use of the language of the far right calls into question his impartiality. Durig his testimony, Barr was forced to backtrack on his comment of spying and admitted there was no evidence of it.
It’s enough to give a sane man the willies, but Barr appears up to the task.

In a senate hearing, some demonRAT female bitch axed Barr, “You don’t really mean that Trump was actually spied on”?

“Oh yes," .... (and I’m gonna get all the pricks that did it,) Barr replied.

At this point, the emergency Congressional medical team was called in to remove the body of the senator.

The rest of the demonRATs went radio silent.

They know what this means: William Barr is the modern version of Wyatt Earp......and the swamp is Dodge City!

The most inadvertently honest reaction to Attorney General William Barr’s congressional testimony this week came from former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. Mr. Barr had bluntly called out the Federal Bureau of Investigation for “spying” on the Trump campaign in 2016. Mr. Clapper said that was both “stunning and scary.” Indeed.

No doubt a lot of former Obama administration and Hillary Clinton campaign officials, opposition guns for hire, and media members are stunned and scared that the Justice Department finally has a leader willing to address the FBI’s behavior in 2016. They worked very hard to make sure such an accounting never happened. Only in that context can we understand the frantic new Democratic-media campaign to tar the attorney general.

Mr. Barr told the Senate Wednesday that one question he wants answered is why nobody at the FBI briefed the Trump campaign about concerns that low-level aides might have had inappropriate contacts with Russians. That’s “normally” what happens, Mr. Barr said, and the Trump campaign had two obvious people to brief—Rudy Giuliani and Chris Christie, both former federal prosecutors.

It wasn’t only the Trump campaign that the FBI kept in the dark. The bureau routinely briefs Congress on sensitive counterintelligence operations. Yet former Director James Comey admits he deliberately hid his work from both the House and the Senate. And the FBI kept information from yet another overseer, the judicial branch, failing to tell the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that the Clinton campaign


Mr. Barr didn’t merely refuse to recuse; he’s made clear he plans to plumb the FBI’s actions thoroughly. That makes him Threat No. 1 to everyone who participated in these abuses, and it’s why the liberal media establishment is now disparaging his integrity. They are stunned and scared—that accountability has returned to the Justice Department.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Barr’s investigations are a joke and nobody cares. Infowars fodder.

The full Mueller report better be released.

The full unredacted report will NEVER be released. Why? Because Barr doesn't want to go by the way of where Hillary is going for breaking the law.

You people need to understand when someone testifies in front of a grand jury they are told their testimony will be kept secret. Grand Jury testimony is considered classified information. If you make public what they said you are violating their right to privacy. YOUR desire to know what the full report says does not override their right to privacy. If people think that GJ testimony can be made public at a moments notice they just won't testify anymore and the entire grand jury thing will be impotent.

You need to understand that there is nothing absolute about it either. In this case, the public right to know outweighs that. This does not threaten the grand jury system. That is just fear mongering.
It’s enough to give a sane man the willies, but Barr appears up to the task.

In a senate hearing, some demonRAT female bitch axed Barr, “You don’t really mean that Trump was actually spied on”?

“Oh yes," .... (and I’m gonna get all the pricks that did it,) Barr replied.

At this point, the emergency Congressional medical team was called in to remove the body of the senator.

The rest of the demonRATs went radio silent.

They know what this means: William Barr is the modern version of Wyatt Earp......and the swamp is Dodge City!

The most inadvertently honest reaction to Attorney General William Barr’s congressional testimony this week came from former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. Mr. Barr had bluntly called out the Federal Bureau of Investigation for “spying” on the Trump campaign in 2016. Mr. Clapper said that was both “stunning and scary.” Indeed.

No doubt a lot of former Obama administration and Hillary Clinton campaign officials, opposition guns for hire, and media members are stunned and scared that the Justice Department finally has a leader willing to address the FBI’s behavior in 2016. They worked very hard to make sure such an accounting never happened. Only in that context can we understand the frantic new Democratic-media campaign to tar the attorney general.

Mr. Barr told the Senate Wednesday that one question he wants answered is why nobody at the FBI briefed the Trump campaign about concerns that low-level aides might have had inappropriate contacts with Russians. That’s “normally” what happens, Mr. Barr said, and the Trump campaign had two obvious people to brief—Rudy Giuliani and Chris Christie, both former federal prosecutors.

It wasn’t only the Trump campaign that the FBI kept in the dark. The bureau routinely briefs Congress on sensitive counterintelligence operations. Yet former Director James Comey admits he deliberately hid his work from both the House and the Senate. And the FBI kept information from yet another overseer, the judicial branch, failing to tell the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that the Clinton campaign


Mr. Barr didn’t merely refuse to recuse; he’s made clear he plans to plumb the FBI’s actions thoroughly. That makes him Threat No. 1 to everyone who participated in these abuses, and it’s why the liberal media establishment is now disparaging his integrity. They are stunned and scared—that accountability has returned to the Justice Department.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Not surprisingly our Democrat Socialists believe justice is something to be meted out only to conservatives.

The DOJ has been in the hands of Republicans for over 2 years now. Even Jeff Sessions admitted you need proof.
Barr is doing the job he was hired to do; protect Trump.

All the more reason we need to uncouple the Justice Department from the Executive.
Yeah, so it can be led by hacks from one party or another and then conspire to take down the president of another party, just like the FBI, CIA, NSA, and Obama justice dept did with Trump.

Do you know Goldilocks and the 3 Bears since we are talking about fairy tales.

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