Barr calls trump Presidential Records Defense "farcical"

For a year and a half, he was "Billy the Bagman"....Now he's the touchstone of all legal truth and propriety.

If the moonbats didn't have double standards.....
He was wrong..and now he's right. You'd be surprised at how often that happens in life..LOL!
Simple as that~
Lefties carrying water for the waste of space that wouldn’t even go after BLM or ANTIFA after the summer of love.

Not surprised.
Didn't go after Crossfire-Hurricane when it was sitting in his lap....That's when I knew he was another monkey-wrenching plant for the swamp.
He sees what Trump really is...a self serving piece of feces.

That describes you perfectly. I will never view you or anything you post on here with an ounce of credibility. For six whole years now, everything you zipperheads have come up with against Trump has been either a fake-assed hoax, or a bunch of blatant lies. So GFY, you're not gaslighting anyone anymore, because nobody believes you.

Go peddle your crap somewhere else, boy.

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