Barr: Trump using 'extortion' to control GOP

So you can claim he’s a victim of federal liberal persecution? What’s the point? You’re not bothered by his egregious lack of respect for laws and secure document handling.
I’ve laid out what I think happened at this point. When you have more than your own speculation fueled by irrational hatred of the man, then post it, otherwise it’s just noise.
All that effort, and you STILL can't tell me where I actually stand on the actual issues. No matter HOW many times I post them.
Well, lessee, out of 100 posts, one time you said:


The other 99 posts you basically just rail against Trump, MAGA and Trump Supporters, despite the fact that they all agree on the same issues you listed, while not once have I ever seen you bitch about Obamacare, Biden's open border, censure of free speech, leftwing divisiveness, leftwing anti-capitalism, globalism, progressive education, big tech oppression of free speech, democrat tax policies, abortion on demand or unfair trade, despite running into your posts as often as anyone else here whose positions I know very well.

Further, I get a lot of FB from others that they see you the same way. So if anyone doesn't know where you stand on issues, that's YOUR FAULT combined with the fact that most all of your posts are critical of everything GOP while not once have I ever seen you blast the Left or Democrats on anything, and despite my having asked you before, you never provide any examples of your claimed support of any of the issues you say you are for above, which makes you either a compulsive liar, or mentally disconnected from reality.

I can't think of anyone here including me who when thinking of very conservative people here ever thinks of or mentions YOU. In fact, taken at surface face value, you come across as very leftwing, in fact, I even got several other people agreeing with my original comment about you! So it's not like this is a perception confined solely to ME.

All you "know" is that I don't adore your orange buffoon like you do. That's it.
Yes, you make that abundantly clear, despite the fact that Trump supports and worked harder for the issues you say you support harder than any other person in Washington!

So you base everything on that. You're a sheep.
You're at best a double-talking hypocritical idiot and an asshole.
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Well, lessee, out of 100 posts, one time you said:

View attachment 688382
The other 99 posts you basically just rail against Trump, MAGA and Trump Supporters, despite the fact that they all agree on the same issues you listed, while not once have I ever seen you bitch about Obamacare, Biden's open border, censure of free speech, leftwing divisiveness, leftwing anti0capitalism, progressive education, big tech oppression of free speech, democrat tax policies, abortion on demand or unfair trade, despite running into your posts as often as anyone else here whose positions I know very well.

Further, I get a lot of FB from others that they see you the same way. So if anyone desn't know where you stand on issues, that's YOUR FAULT combined with the fact that most all of your posts are critical of everything GOP while not once have I ever seen you blast the Left or Democrats on anything, and despite my having asked you before, you never provide any examples of your support of any of the issues you say you are for above, which makes you either a compulsive liar, or mentally disconnected from reality.

Yes, you make that abundantly clear, despite the fact that Trump supports and worked harder for the issues you say you support harder than any other person in Washington!

You're at best a double-talking hypocritical idiot and an asshole.
So all you care about is Trump.

I already knew that. None of my positions on the issues matter.
Voters Beware !!!!

Former Attorney General William Barr said that former President Donald Trump was resorting to “extortion” to continue to exert influence over the Republican Party, and said he still hasn’t decided what to make of the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago and the government’s recovery of hundreds of pages of classified documents.

In a lengthy interview published Thursday, former New York Times editor Bari Weiss asked Barr why more Republicans did not simply come out and say that Trump’s claims that election fraud had prevented him from winning the 2020 election were, to use Barr's previous word, “bullshit.”

“The tactic that Trump is using to exert this control over the Republican Party is extortion,” Barr said of his former boss. “What other great leader has done this? Telling the party, ‘If it’s not me, I’m going to ruin your election chances by telling my base to sit home. And I’ll sabotage whoever you nominate other than me.’ It shows what he’s all about. He’s all about himself.”

Barr recounted Trump's fury on Dec. 1, 2020, when he learned that his attorney general had given an interview to the Associated Press and told them there was no evidence of widespread election fraud. Trump exploded at Barr over the interview, a clash that reportedly led Barr to tender his resignation on the spot before being convinced by White House counsel Pat Cipollone to wait to announce his departure.

Although Trump once had nothing but public praise for Barr, his has since turned on his former attorney general, calling him a RINO — short for “Republican in name only” — who didn’t “have the courage or stamina to go after voter fraud.”

Weiss asked Barr, who also served as attorney general under President George H.W. Bush, whether he underestimated “Trump’s disregard for the truth and disregard for the results of the election.”

“I underestimated how far he would take it. I thought on Dec. 14, when I tendered my resignation, the states had all certified the votes. To me, that was it. That was the last stop,” Barr said. “There was no process beyond that which would allow him to challenge the election. I thought it was safe to leave at that point. I was wrong. I did not expect him to take it as far as he did with these very wacky legal theories that no one gave any credence to.”

But Barr’s views on Trump’s actions after the 2020 election are decidedly more sour. He didn’t hold back when Weiss asked what he felt watching the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol unfold.

“I was disgusted and mortified and feeling very angry. I felt this whole thing had hurt the Republican Party and hurt the reputation of the administration even more than before. I was angry about that. Everyone I knew in the administration was angry about that. I also felt that it was just a Keystone Cops exercise. There wasn’t a genuine threat of overthrowing the government, as far as I was concerned, it was just a circus,” Barr said, adding that “the whole thing, to me, was a big embarrassment.”

The riot, Barr said, was “a shameful episode. ... And the president certainly precipitated it.”

As for the current legal standoff between Trump and both the Justice Department and the National Archives, Barr said he is waiting to see what information emerges before he draws a final conclusion about what the government has said was hundreds of pages of classified documents improperly stored at Trump’s Florida estate.

What are you doing in my country? These are American issues!
I’ve laid out what I think happened at this point. When you have more than your own speculation fueled by irrational hatred of the man, then post it, otherwise it’s just noise.
I have a rational hate of incompetence and illiberal activities. I’ve had a very moderate view of Trump that has come more and more in line with understanding he’s dumb and was overly unqualified for the role.
Barr has proven himself to be an establishment hack who needs Trump out of the way. He's on the A list of retribution if Trump wins in 2024. Everything Barr says should be taken with a grain of salt.
So all you care about is Trump.
No again, Moron. Geez, are you a fucking retard or what? All I care about is restoring the USA to a constitutional representative republic of the PEOPLE with small, limited government.

None of my positions on the issues matter.
RIGHT. After railing about how no one knows your real stand on the issues and being called out to demonstrate them, you again back off and run from the topic like a scalded dog.
No again, Moron. Geez, are you a fucking retard or what? All I care about is restoring the USA to a constitutional representative republic of the PEOPLE with small, limited government.

RIGHT. After railing about how no one knows your real stand on the issues and being called out to demonstrate them, you again back off and run from the topic like a scalded dog.
You're free to list out the issues, and we'll see what a commie I am.

You can do it on the "let's bitch about Mac" thread: Calling out Mac1958

Go ahead. List the issues. Let's see what a commie I am.

Or will you back off and run like a scalded dog?
I don't see how Trump avoids charges, actually.

The possibility exists that the documents he stole were so sensitive that the DOJ cannot talk about them in open court and the government is forced to forego prosecution.
No again, Moron. Geez, are you a fucking retard or what? All I care about is restoring the USA to a constitutional representative republic of the PEOPLE with small, limited government.

RIGHT. After railing about how no one knows your real stand on the issues and being called out to demonstrate them, you again back off and run from the topic like a scalded dog.

You cannot have “small limited government” in a nation of 337 million people, with the largest standing army in the world.

It’s an impossibility. The Constitution, as written, is utterly inadequate to govern such a nation.
Unfortunately, it is starting to work well that now Trump does not exist, but he may still come to power in 2024, but hopefully not
If not, can you educate all of us on the pro's and con's to socialism? It would make it easier on us if you did. :smoke:
You cannot have “small limited government” in a nation of 337 million people, with the largest standing army in the world.

It’s an impossibility. The Constitution, as written, is utterly inadequate to govern such a nation.
Wrong, it's all relative as to the size. Let the feds focus on what they are supposed to, and not micromanage
what the states powers are.
You're free to list out the issues, and we'll see what a commie I am.
I just did and you responded with evasions.

See! Someone even started a thread on what an ass and a hypocrite/liar/flake you really are.

Let's see what a commie I am.
No thanks, I have constructive plans for my time this Sunday, and you are no where worth the effort. Funny how you say you are one thing while most everyone on this board sees you as the exact OPPOSITE. Maybe it is all those thousands of pro-democrat, anti-GOP/anti-Trump/anti-Right comments you make!

You really ought to see if a counselor can help you out with your delusions.
I just did and you responded with evasions.

See! Someone even started a thread on what an ass and a hypocrite/liar/flake you really are.

No thanks, I have constructive plans for my time this Sunday, and you are no where worth the effort. Funny how you say you are one thing while most everyone on this board sees you as the exact OPPOSITE. Maybe it is all those thousands of pro-democrat, anti-GOP/anti-Trump/anti-Right comments you make!

You really ought to see if a counselor can help you out with your delusions.
And another one runs.

They always do. Every time.
You cannot have “small limited government” in a nation of 337 million people, with the largest standing army in the world.
It’s an impossibility. The Constitution, as written, is utterly inadequate to govern such a nation.

We have 50 state governments to run things. All we need or should want from the fed are the very things they cannot be relied on to do, like protect the borders.
Oh, look. Changed the subject. AGAIN. !!!!!
Talking about Barr's character is changing the subject? You are talking about Bill Barr, right?
He has flaws, and may be just part of the DC swamp.
And another one runs.

Hey asshole, I'm still here. And this is like the THIRD time I've called you out to prove what a great conservative you are by simply producing some of these posts you claim to have that I never see.

And once again, as always, you produced fucking SQUAT, while trying to divert the thread into a totally different direction playing your usual games. Go get stuffed, jerk.
Hey asshole, I'm still here. And this is like the THIRD time I've called you out to prove what a great conservative you are by simply producing some of these posts you claim to have that I never see.

And once again, as always, you produced fucking SQUAT, while trying to divert the thread into a totally different direction playing your usual games. Go get stuffed, jerk.
I'm ready to provide my positions on any list of issues you'd like to examine.

Let's see if I'm a commie. Let's see you back up your words. Here's a handy thread for you, so that we're not derailing this one: Calling out Mac1958

Be the first Trumpster to do that. I've made the offer at least 50 times. Whenever you're ready.
I'm ready to provide my positions on any list of issues you'd like to examine.
Good for you! But worthless, as you can state your positions now as ANYTHING. What we need to see are your positions as already committed to in past posts before you knew anyone would be counting or looking at them. Your argument above is about as worthless as Hillary saying: "Don't worry, I looked at those 33,000 government emails you were concerned about and they are all about yoga and recipes, so no need for concern!"

Let's see if I'm a commie.
Go to it. Show us some of your posts denouncing socialism, globalism and defending a principled constitutional republic! Should be pretty easy for a rightwing patriot like you! :71:

Let's see you back up your words.
I've offered no such words needing backed up. Ace, this is all about YOU. If you want, you can PM me with the list or post them to this thread you keep going on about elsewhere then give me the link. Just get one thing straight Jack, YOU are the one making the unproven claims so I get to call the shots not you.

Put up now or shut up. This is at least the third time you've claimed what a conservative you are then backed out every time.

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