Battle of Bakhmud won by Russia

Hey, you are capable of searching just as well as I am.
"If only there was a way to access know like a web of information around the whole planet "

Maybe then the answer could be known.

However, your ignoring of the post I made and going to these questions tells me that you HATE what I said....because Putin is your but buddy. (No surprise there)

You really don't understand war...obviously. it's not a bunch of numbers and statistics like baseball or soccer. This is not a game that can be played. This is human life. You may be Putin's tool....and don't have the cognitive skills to be anything more (despite your personal opinion) The proof is in your actions....not your questions.
Can you confirm or deny this?
Hey, you are capable of searching just as well as I am.
"If only there was a way to access know like a web of information around the whole planet "

Maybe then the answer could be known.

However, your ignoring of the post I made and going to these questions tells me that you HATE what I said....because Putin is your but buddy. (No surprise there)

You really don't understand war...obviously. it's not a bunch of numbers and statistics like baseball or soccer. This is not a game that can be played. This is human life. You may be Putin's tool....and don't have the cognitive skills to be anything more (despite your personal opinion) The proof is in your actions....not your questions.
Jimmy is right!
I am not interested in playing Silver Cat ’s Russian game of bluff. But Russian propaganda, you know the kind that brags …

… is really weak soup that few will buy, let alone eat, especially after all Putin’s other threats made and not carried through.

My best guess is that more than half, maybe 4/5 of the Russian claimed nuclear deterrent is not even operational. Corruption went so deep that little was maintained properly. But even that would destroy the U.S. and start an unstoppable response that would end most human civilization. Maybe some folks outside of European Russia and North America would survive — but what is the point of speculating?

You can be sure the Pentagon and its RAND-like Think Tanks have already been working on how to respond to various more likely possibilities that Russia will carry out false flag operations involving anonymous use of chemical or biological explosions or even tactical nuclear strikes … in or on Ukraine.

Let us hope for a better day, and that better judgement somehow wins out in the end.
Can you say hypocrisy?
Hey, you are capable of searching just as well as I am.
"If only there was a way to access know like a web of information around the whole planet "

Maybe then the answer could be known.

However, your ignoring of the post I made and going to these questions tells me that you HATE what I said....because Putin is your but buddy. (No surprise there)

You really don't understand war...obviously. it's not a bunch of numbers and statistics like baseball or soccer. This is not a game that can be played. This is human life. You may be Putin's tool....and don't have the cognitive skills to be anything more (despite your personal opinion) The proof is in your actions....not your questions.
Sorry dicklick I served TWO active duty enlisted hitches and was honorably discharged with merit letters.This fool don't run from danger I run into danger. Unlike cowards like fat rich boy Donald Trump.
Fuck off. Your service to the empire is meaningless

You will grab onto any scrap of hope won't you?
It was an expired rocket fuel depot. See the huge fireball? That tells you right there what it is. Munitions don't explode with fireballs because of the wasted energy going into the fireball. This is either Natural gas or the expired rocket fuel factory located there.

Sorry to dash your hopes. And the former whatever? There's a REASON he is a "former"....he's an idiot.

And for the record....

The bulk of the NATO munitions are being stored in nuclear bomb proof bunkers safe from any bomb Russhas in its arsenal....unless Russia can somehow gain air superiority and drop a newly designed and made bunker buster to reach them.
GLTY....the xrapstorm is coming.
You will grab onto any scrap of hope won't you?
It was an expired rocket fuel depot. See the huge fireball? That tells you right there what it is. Munitions don't explode with fireballs because of the wasted energy going into the fireball. This is either Natural gas or the expired rocket fuel factory located there.

Sorry to dash your hopes. And the former whatever? There's a REASON he is a "former"....he's an idiot.
So the former Uke official is lying?
Appalling and all easily avoided. Looks remarkably like Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Libya, Serbia…it’s the American Way.
Russia did this....we can talk about the Bombing Russia did fairly recently in Syria.....they leveled a few cities with their bombing campaigns.

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