Battle of Bakhmud won by Russia

Why those two wars? Do you not know the USG has prosecuted many wars?
Why not them? Are you having some troubles with my questions? Okay, I will make my questions more definite.

Were your ancestors coming to pillage and kill for some land grab the US government's fault or were they willing actors of American imperialism?
From ISW (institute for the Study of war)

Former Russian officer and ardent nationalist Igor Girkin’s newly formed “Club of Angry Patriots” is continuing efforts to expand its presence and influence public discourse. The Club of Angry Patriots announced on May 14 that it is forming regional branches and called on experienced politicians, public opinion leaders, and heads of Russian organizations to participate.[20] The Club of Angry Patriots also stated that it will hold a news conference in Moscow on an unspecified date in June, during which it will address how Russia can win the war in Ukraine.[21]
Why not them? Are you having some troubles with my questions? Okay, I will make my questions more definite.

Were your ancestors coming to pillage and kill for some land grab the US government's fault or were they willing actors of American imperialism?
Meaningless. Off topic.
Meaningless. Off topic.
Why? We are discussing wars here, aren't we? American imperialism. The USG crimes. You like to pose yourself as an educator who tries to open truth.

Open the truth about the Indian Wars. Who was guilty of them?
Former Russian officer and ardent nationalist Igor Girkin’s newly formed “Club of Angry Patriots” is continuing efforts to expand its presence and influence public discourse. The Club of Angry Patriots announced on May 14 that it is forming regional branches and called on experienced politicians, public opinion leaders, and heads of Russian organizations to participate.[20] The Club of Angry Patriots also stated that it will hold a news conference in Moscow on an unspecified date in June, during which it will address how Russia can win the war in Ukraine.[21]
Why? We are discussing wars here, aren't we? American imperialism. The USG crimes. You like to pose yourself as an educator who tries to open truth.

Open the truth about the Indian Wars. Who was guilty of them?
You tell me.
The reason I originally mentioned the early Indian and frontier wars was simply to show that from the beginning U.S. expansion and eventually the establishment of our global military and financial empire was not uniquely the fault of the U.S. government.

There were always other factors, including economic and popular “patriotic” impulses — even before the foundation of the U.S.A. Indeed, one of the factors that led to independence was the expectation of many English-speaking colonists that they would have more “rights” to seize and settle Western lands as an independent state than ruled by England, which they felt would inevitably put restraints on them in this respect. Even the Declaration of Independence shows the popular influence of this concern.

If we look at the fighting with Mexico that first established an independent “Lone Star State” of Texas we see a later example of “popular” expansionism and war-making. Of course in the Texas example the “Anglos” were politically led by slave-owners, whereas the weak and corrupt Mexican state had at least abolished legal slavery.
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But the Catholic puppet now in the White House that is allowing genuflector debauch over the U.S.-Mexican border, is comparable to the NATO debauch moving on the west-to-east axis. Nazis and other trash must be physically moved back toward the west.

The Catholic mafia first set up in Sinaloa where there were few people, just as the Carter family set up in a region of Georgia that contained few Indigenes. So the question is, do the Sinaloa Cowboys traffic fentanyl or CIA cocaine over the border, and is Hunter Biden involved with any of that?
It's was not about "becoming slaves", it's about equal right for all Ukrainian citizens (including Russian-speakers) and not joining NATO.
Rather generous, humble and acceptable terms.

Yes, and they did such a wonderful job convincing the average ukranian by torturing, raping and killing them, not just with bombs and missiles but just shooting them as they walked in their neighborhoods or rode on their bikes, or with their hands tied behind their backs, and then stealing their children and taking them to Russia.
Leopard Destroyed @ Soledar
You have a pic of that, right?

(yeah, I didn't think so)

Or is it the old pic of the IDF Merkava from Lebanon that you guys keep trying to pass off as a Leo? Or maybe the one that was claimed to have sank in the pond near Kherson, but somehow there was no picture taken of the "prize"?

...also the tank that ran over the mine, which Sergei is calling an M-55S looks like a T-72, and the video shows 3 men getting out- the M-55S has a 4-man crew.

And the 47th OMBr is currently deployed around Kharkiv, not Svatove, and up until a couple weeks ago they were still training in Germany with the new Bradley IFV's...
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