Battle of Bakhmud won by Russia

Have US, with military budget equal of next ten countries, won anything since WWII?
We Won Many Participation Trophies

Winning stops the money from rolling in to the defense industries. Dragging out wars for as long as possible makes good business sense. Killing off patriotic youth who might have become a threat to the ruling class is a sound safety measure.
How does NATO and the neocon infested USG intending to continue this horrible proxy war when all Ukraine’s young men are dead, wounded, captured, or defected to the west?
We would like to know if the Khazarian
You have a pic of that, right?

(yeah, I didn't think so)

Or is it the old pic of the IDF Merkava from Lebanon that you guys keep trying to pass off as a Leo? Or maybe the one that was claimed to have sank in the pond near Kherson, but somehow there was no picture taken of the "prize"?

...also the tank that ran over the mine, which Sergei is calling an M-55S looks like a T-72, and the video shows 3 men getting out- the M-55S has a 4-man crew.

And the 47th OMBr is currently deployed around Kharkiv, not Svatove, and up until a couple weeks ago they were still training in Germany with the new Bradley IFV's...
Witte says pics of the Leopard are likely pending and will show up.
For possible Kazharian mafia (Khazarian) connections, we have found Ukrainian resonance with the name, Yefremov. As will be shown, the name links to both Germany and Israel.

As we will show by excerpting Perrault, the Bahmut "meatgrinder" has a connection to the Red Orchestra for Yefremov. So this report could be MI6 propaganda (by default, = CIA propaganda):

2 Feb 2023 BBC News Russian Army Officer Admits: 'Our Troops Tortured Ukrainians'
'....Konstantin Yefremov....'

So Konstantin Yefremov will link to the Red Orchestra (Rote Kapelle). Red Orchestra's member's houses were confiscated by the Gestapo, and Spaak's house was remodeled and occupied after Goering's art thieves had looted it. Konstantin Yefremov was in that house @ Choisel. Notice that Margarete Barcza is Czech:

'Margarete says: "Pannwitz told me that he wanted to be godfather, and gave me bits of advice: 'If he cries at night, and above all, don't pick him up, you'll only give him bad habits....and from that day on they all called me 'Mammy.'"

Pannwitz had two rooms made into a little apartment for the couple and their baby, with a dressing room installed in a large closet. Members of the Kommando often went up to visit an unburden themselves to "Mammy." Karl Ball, for instance, came up and cried there the whole night, after having killed a man during an arrest - it was his first killing. And her visitors often referred to Eric Jung's cruel fate.

"He was fed up," says Margarete. "You can see he was fed up. And he drank a lot. He was bound to end badly." One night Jung returned home dead drunk - and he had a room on the third floor of a requisitioned house. An officer who knew him took him up in the elevator and gently pushed him out at the third floor, despited Jung's shouts that he wanted to go higher.

Absolutely furious, he rushed up two flights of stairs and as the officer stepped from the elevator Jung emptied his pistol into him. Jung was sentenced to ten year's hard labor; he appealed, only to be given a death sentence. He was finally sent to a punishment battalion on the Russian front, and nothing more was heard from him.

The doors of her apartment remained bolted, but every afternoon at the same time Margarete was allowed to take Michel down into the garden. They followed the prisoner from the "luxury cell" - none other than the Ukrainian Yefremov.'
(Perrault, The Red Orchestra, pp. 406-7)

Konstantin Yefremov also links to Finland and the United States as a GRU agent
A most important excerpt for Konstantin Yefremov is from Tarrant:

'When Mathieu was joined in the middle of the bridge by a tall, lanky, fair-haired man, we stepped in and arrested him just as he was handed the identity card by the Inspector. He made no attempt to escape - not that he had a chance - but he was very indignant! I have listened to some protestations of innocence in my time, but nothing to rival his. We were committing an unspeakable outrage. He was a loyal subject of Finland, whose soldiers were fighting side by side with the German against the Russians. He demanded to be allowed to call the Finnish consulate. To calm him down I told him that if he really was a Finn he had nothing to worry about.

The suspect was driven to the Abwehr HQ where he was interrogated by Piepe and Giering. He was carrying papers showing that he was a Finnish student, Eric Jernstroem, from Vasa, who was studying chemistry at the Brussels Polytechnic. He denied vehemently that he was working for the Russians and insisted that Piepe telephone the Finnish Consul-General in Brussels to confirm his story.

To Pipe's chagrin the Finnish Consulate confirmed Jernstroem's statement, and a search of his apartment yielded no suspicious clues. 'His disguise was perfect in every detail, down to the last button on his underwear,' except that the alleged Finn could not speak Finnish. When an interpreter was called in he confirmed that Jernstroem could not produce a single fluent sentence in that language.

'Bordo' alias Jernstroem, was in fact a Ukrainian called Konstantin Yefremov, a Soviet Army captain who, after his recruitment into the GRU, had been infiltrated into Belgium via Finland and the United States in 1939. According to Trepper, his achievements in intelligence gathering were unimpressive.'
(Tarrant, The Red Orchestra, pp. 41-2)
Open the truth about the Indian Wars. Who was guilty of them?
Indians who couldn't produce certificates of land ownership - and Brits using blankets infected with measles to trade. Maybe blame Hessian's too, since AFAIK it was a Hessian officer in British service who had that ingenious idea. Thus saving the lives of thousands or 10-thousands of European settlers.

Because in e.g. 1745, Europeans couldn't give a shit about others ethnicity. Neither could Chinese give a rats ass about e.g. Vietnamese, or Russia starting to get rid of Ottomans - who in turn couldn't care less about non-Ottomans, or Poles-Lithuanians who simply regarded Ukraine to be part of their empire and persecuted those locals of Orthodox belief. And Nguni Kaffir's (Zulu nation) couldn't give fuck about Bantu Kaffir tribes.
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Yes, and they did such a wonderful job convincing the average ukranian by torturing, raping and killing them, not just with bombs and missiles but just shooting them as they walked in their neighborhoods or rode on their bikes, or with their hands tied behind their backs, and then stealing their children and taking them to Russia.
The convincing was ended a year ago. Now they are going to destroy Ukrainian state and some minimal collateral damage is quite possible.
Ah , a half truth.

They were more dirty as a compared to the yield.

But a modern nuclear weapon will create much wider fallout than any of those test shots. In part because of the much higher yield, that will send the radiation higher into the atmosphere. Also in part because it will displace much more material that will become radioactive.
It depends on the type of attack. But even for both counter-force and counter-value strikes it's not too much (if the civil defense is ready and the population can leave polluted regions)

The convincing was ended a year ago. Now they are going to destroy Ukrainian state and some minimal collateral damage is quite possible.
So, can we evaluate what we know about the consequences of this provoked and easily avoided war?

  1. Ukraine suffers enormous death and destruction, which likely prevent it‘s return to normalcy for decades.
  2. The Russian military has become a very large force.
  3. Russia and China are now fully economically and politically connected.
  4. Much of Asia, Africa, and Latin America have sided against the US and the West.
  5. The economic sanctions imposed on Russia by the USG have failed miserably.
  6. The expansion of NATO to Sweden and Finland merely further provoke a nation under siege.
  7. The destruction of the Nordstream pipelines by the US has shown the world how lawless the USG has become.
  8. Military spending by european nations is likely to greatly increase further enriching the US war machine, but also increasing the possibility of a greater war.
  9. The US dollar could lose reserve currency status.
  10. The threat of nuclear war has greatly increased.
  11. What else?
So I ask, what good has come of this war for the American people?
So, can we evaluate what we know about the consequences of this provoked and easily avoided war?

  1. Ukraine suffers enormous death and destruction, which likely prevent it‘s return to normalcy for decades.
  2. The Russian military has become a very large force.
  3. Russia and China are now fully economically and politically connected.
  4. Much of Asia, Africa, and Latin America have sided against the US and the West.
  5. The economic sanctions imposed on Russia by the USG have failed miserably.
  6. The expansion of NATO to Sweden and Finland merely further provoke a nation under siege.
  7. The destruction of the Nordstream pipelines by the US has shown the world how lawless the USG has become.
  8. Military spending by european nations is likely to greatly increase further enriching the US war machine, but also increasing the possibility of a greater war.
  9. The US dollar could lose reserve currency status.
  10. The threat of nuclear war has greatly increased.
  11. What else?
So I ask, what good has come of this war for the American people?
It's not about American people at all. It's about Bidens' money. Wasting taxpayers billions to save his personal millions.
Yes, and they did such a wonderful job convincing the average ukranian by torturing, raping and killing them, not just with bombs and missiles but just shooting them as they walked in their neighborhoods or rode on their bikes, or with their hands tied behind their backs, and then stealing their children and taking them to Russia.
And yes, de-Nazification and rehabilitation never were easy things. You know:
It's not about American people at all. It's about Bidens' money. Wasting taxpayers billions to save his personal millions.
I don’t believe this.

First, I’m an American and I don’t want my government supporting yet another horrible war on the other side of the world. This war like all wars, greatly effects the rights of the American people. To say nothing of the mass death and destruction it causes.

Secondly, Biden’s support of this war is not about him making money. It’s about him supporting the deep state and oligarchs who control him.
“Battle of Bakhmud won by Russia”

Clearly not.

Conservatives are at least consistent at being wrong, in this case the right’s support of Russia and its criminal war of aggression.

“Battle of Bakhmud won by Russia”

Clearly not.

Conservatives are at least consistent at being wrong, in this case the right’s support of Russia and its criminal war of aggression.

Conservatives don’t oppose this war enmasse’, you duopoly doofus.
“Battle of Bakhmud won by Russia”

Clearly not.

Conservatives are at least consistent at being wrong, in this case the right’s support of Russia and its criminal war of aggression.

@Witte_Sergei: Q. "What is your take about recent Ukraine gain on the flank of Bahmut?" A. "I'm not worried about it."

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