BDS and "The Color Purple."


Mar 12, 2012
(Alice) Walker (author of "The Color Purple") also compared Israel to racist American institutions in the south that were boycotted to end American apartheid, which she called "less lethal than Israel’s against the Palestinian people."

(Alice)Walker’s full letter
Dear Alicia Keys,

If you go to my website and blog, you can quickly find many articles I have written over the years that explain why a cultural boycott of Israel and Israeli institutions (not individuals) is the only option left to artists who cannot bear the unconscionable harm Israel inflicts every day on the people of Palestine, whose major 'crime' is that they exist in their own land, land that Israel wants to control as its own.

Under a campaign named 'Brand Israel,' Israeli officials have stated specifically their intent to downplay the Palestinian conflict by using culture and arts to showcase Israel as a modern, welcoming place.

This is actually a wonderful opportunity for you to learn about something sorrowful, and amazing: That our government (Obama in particular) supports a system that is cruel, unjust, and unbelievably evil. You can spend months, and years, as I have, pondering this situation. Layer upon layer of lies, misinformation, fear, cowardice and complicity. Greed. It is a vast eye-opener into the causes of much of the affliction in our suffering world.

Alicia Keys refuses to cancel TA concert - Israel Culture, Ynetnews

i think that pretty well sums it up...and now for the countless editorials telling us why BDS isn't working or how it deters from israel giving equal rights to the palestinians.
(Alice) Walker (author of "The Color Purple") also compared Israel to racist American institutions in the south that were boycotted to end American apartheid, which she called "less lethal than Israel’s against the Palestinian people."

(Alice)Walker’s full letter
Dear Alicia Keys,

If you go to my website and blog, you can quickly find many articles I have written over the years that explain why a cultural boycott of Israel and Israeli institutions (not individuals) is the only option left to artists who cannot bear the unconscionable harm Israel inflicts every day on the people of Palestine, whose major 'crime' is that they exist in their own land, land that Israel wants to control as its own.

Under a campaign named 'Brand Israel,' Israeli officials have stated specifically their intent to downplay the Palestinian conflict by using culture and arts to showcase Israel as a modern, welcoming place.

This is actually a wonderful opportunity for you to learn about something sorrowful, and amazing: That our government (Obama in particular) supports a system that is cruel, unjust, and unbelievably evil. You can spend months, and years, as I have, pondering this situation. Layer upon layer of lies, misinformation, fear, cowardice and complicity. Greed. It is a vast eye-opener into the causes of much of the affliction in our suffering world.

Alicia Keys refuses to cancel TA concert - Israel Culture, Ynetnews

i think that pretty well sums it up...and now for the countless editorials telling us why BDS isn't working or how it deters from israel giving equal rights to the palestinians.
Does it bother Alice Walker what is happening to her fellow Blacks in Africa and the Middle East? Has Alice Walker ever spoken up for the unfortunate Black Muslim women in Darfur living in tents now in refugee camps in Chad? Has she ever mentioned the 2,000,000 Christians murdered in the Sudan? It seems that there are people who fall all over themselves to condemn Israel but have not a care in the world about what is happening elsewhere.And dont go blathering about off topic because she takes up the Palistinan cause and forgets about her own people.

Alicia Keyes Will Go Ahead with Tel Aviv Concert; Refuses to Yield to Israel Boycotters | Simon Wiesenthal Center
Alice Walker is a lovely and honorable woman.

It is good to have someone of her stature defending the rights of the Palestinians.
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Has anyone here fought harder than me for Palestinian rights? Israel keeps them as captives in Israel with peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions. Palestinians need & deserve a Palestinian State with self determination far away from Israel's bondage & control. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Alice Walker is a lovely and honorable woman.

It is good to have someone of her stature defending the rights of the Palestinians.
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(Alice) Walker (author of "The Color Purple") also compared Israel to racist American institutions in the south that were boycotted to end American apartheid, which she called "less lethal than Israel’s against the Palestinian people."

(Alice)Walker’s full letter
Dear Alicia Keys,

If you go to my website and blog, you can quickly find many articles I have written over the years that explain why a cultural boycott of Israel and Israeli institutions (not individuals) is the only option left to artists who cannot bear the unconscionable harm Israel inflicts every day on the people of Palestine, whose major 'crime' is that they exist in their own land, land that Israel wants to control as its own.

Under a campaign named 'Brand Israel,' Israeli officials have stated specifically their intent to downplay the Palestinian conflict by using culture and arts to showcase Israel as a modern, welcoming place.

This is actually a wonderful opportunity for you to learn about something sorrowful, and amazing: That our government (Obama in particular) supports a system that is cruel, unjust, and unbelievably evil. You can spend months, and years, as I have, pondering this situation. Layer upon layer of lies, misinformation, fear, cowardice and complicity. Greed. It is a vast eye-opener into the causes of much of the affliction in our suffering world.

Alicia Keys refuses to cancel TA concert - Israel Culture, Ynetnews

i think that pretty well sums it up...and now for the countless editorials telling us why BDS isn't working or how it deters from israel giving equal rights to the palestinians.
Does it bother Alice Walker what is happening to her fellow Blacks in Africa and the Middle East? Has Alice Walker ever spoken up for the unfortunate Black Muslim women in Darfur living in tents now in refugee camps in Chad? Has she ever mentioned the 2,000,000 Christians murdered in the Sudan? It seems that there are people who fall all over themselves to condemn Israel but have not a care in the world about what is happening elsewhere.And dont go blathering about off topic because she takes up the Palistinan cause and forgets about her own people.

Alicia Keyes Will Go Ahead with Tel Aviv Concert; Refuses to Yield to Israel Boycotters | Simon Wiesenthal Center

alic walker is concerned about human beings, not their ethnicity. you could learn from her.
(Alice) Walker (author of "The Color Purple") also compared Israel to racist American institutions in the south that were boycotted to end American apartheid, which she called "less lethal than Israel’s against the Palestinian people."

(Alice)Walker’s full letter
Dear Alicia Keys,

If you go to my website and blog, you can quickly find many articles I have written over the years that explain why a cultural boycott of Israel and Israeli institutions (not individuals) is the only option left to artists who cannot bear the unconscionable harm Israel inflicts every day on the people of Palestine, whose major 'crime' is that they exist in their own land, land that Israel wants to control as its own.

Under a campaign named 'Brand Israel,' Israeli officials have stated specifically their intent to downplay the Palestinian conflict by using culture and arts to showcase Israel as a modern, welcoming place.

This is actually a wonderful opportunity for you to learn about something sorrowful, and amazing: That our government (Obama in particular) supports a system that is cruel, unjust, and unbelievably evil. You can spend months, and years, as I have, pondering this situation. Layer upon layer of lies, misinformation, fear, cowardice and complicity. Greed. It is a vast eye-opener into the causes of much of the affliction in our suffering world.

Alicia Keys refuses to cancel TA concert - Israel Culture, Ynetnews

i think that pretty well sums it up...and now for the countless editorials telling us why BDS isn't working or how it deters from israel giving equal rights to the palestinians.
Does it bother Alice Walker what is happening to her fellow Blacks in Africa and the Middle East? Has Alice Walker ever spoken up for the unfortunate Black Muslim women in Darfur living in tents now in refugee camps in Chad? Has she ever mentioned the 2,000,000 Christians murdered in the Sudan? It seems that there are people who fall all over themselves to condemn Israel but have not a care in the world about what is happening elsewhere.And dont go blathering about off topic because she takes up the Palistinan cause and forgets about her own people.

Alicia Keyes Will Go Ahead with Tel Aviv Concert; Refuses to Yield to Israel Boycotters | Simon Wiesenthal Center

alic walker is concerned about human beings, not their ethnicity. you could learn from her.
So tell us what she has done for those human beings I have mentioned if she is such a concerned person. Surely you must have a list of things she has done.
Alice Walker is a lovely and honorable woman.

It is good to have someone of her stature defending the rights of the Palestinians.
And it certainly is nice to see, Tinnie, that many celebrities and other Americans have no problems with visiting Israel. I wonder if all those speaking up for the Palestinians have spoken up about people in the world who truly need help. Maybe Tinnie can research this for us.

America's Voices | Israel though the eyes of America's top celebrities

10 Celebs Who Travel to Israel (PHOTOS) | Global Grind

Latest Group Of Hollywood Celebrities In Israel | Israellycool
Our boat, The Audacity of Hope, will be carrying letters to the people of Gaza. Letters expressing solidarity and love. That is all its cargo will consist of. If the Israeli military attacks us, it will be as if they attacked the mailman. This should go down hilariously in the annals of history. But if they insist on attacking us, wounding us, even murdering us, as they did some of the activists in the last flotilla, Freedom Flotilla I, what is to be done?

And what of the children of Palestine, who were ignored in our President's latest speech on Israel and Palestine, and whose impoverished, terrorized, segregated existence was mocked by the standing ovations recently given in the U.S. Congress to the prime minister of Israel?

I see children, all children, as humanity's most precious resource, because it will be to them that the care of the planet will always be left. One child must never be set above another, even in casual conversation, not to mention in speeches that circle the globe.

Alice Walker: Why I'm sailing to Gaza -
Our boat, The Audacity of Hope, will be carrying letters to the people of Gaza. Letters expressing solidarity and love. That is all its cargo will consist of. If the Israeli military attacks us, it will be as if they attacked the mailman. This should go down hilariously in the annals of history. But if they insist on attacking us, wounding us, even murdering us, as they did some of the activists in the last flotilla, Freedom Flotilla I, what is to be done?

And what of the children of Palestine, who were ignored in our President's latest speech on Israel and Palestine, and whose impoverished, terrorized, segregated existence was mocked by the standing ovations recently given in the U.S. Congress to the prime minister of Israel?

I see children, all children, as humanity's most precious resource, because it will be to them that the care of the planet will always be left. One child must never be set above another, even in casual conversation, not to mention in speeches that circle the globe.

Alice Walker: Why I'm sailing to Gaza -
Could you write Alice Walker, Tinnie, and ask her why she is not helping the unfortunate Black Muslim women from Darfur or even those poor Somalis who are dropping dead in the roads of starvation? There are certainly more people in the world who need her help then the people in Gaza. I guess she doesn't see the children in other groups who desperately could use some help from her. Does she really think the children of Gaza look like this?
A New Dark Age Is Dawning
"Ignoratio elenchi, also known as irrelevant conclusion,[1] is the informal fallacy of presenting an argument that may or may not be logically valid, but fails nonetheless to address the issue in question."

The issue in question is Alice Walker's belief that Israel is an apartheid state.
The misery of Muslims in Sudan, Somalia, or Syria don't really "...address the issue in question."
"Ignoratio elenchi, also known as irrelevant conclusion,[1] is the informal fallacy of presenting an argument that may or may not be logically valid, but fails nonetheless to address the issue in question."

The issue in question is Alice Walker's belief that Israel is an apartheid state.
The misery of Muslims in Sudan, Somalia, or Syria don't really "...address the issue in question."
Regardless, Georgie Boy, can you tell us why those people who are always bashing Israel don't seem to help people in need in many places of the world. Why is Israel and the Palestinians so important to them when there are people who are really suffering so much. Could it be, Georgie Boy, it is because the Jews are not involved in the suffering of these other people. As an aside, I can just see Georgie Boy turning down a cheap shirt made in Pakistan even thought Christians, Hindus, Shiites, Ahmadis, etc. are being harassed and/or killed by the Sunnis.
"Ignoratio elenchi, also known as irrelevant conclusion,[1] is the informal fallacy of presenting an argument that may or may not be logically valid, but fails nonetheless to address the issue in question."

The issue in question is Alice Walker's belief that Israel is an apartheid state.
The misery of Muslims in Sudan, Somalia, or Syria don't really "...address the issue in question."
Regardless, Georgie Boy, can you tell us why those people who are always bashing Israel don't seem to help people in need in many places of the world. Why is Israel and the Palestinians so important to them when there are people who are really suffering so much. Could it be, Georgie Boy, it is because the Jews are not involved in the suffering of these other people. As an aside, I can just see Georgie Boy turning down a cheap shirt made in Pakistan even thought Christians, Hindus, Shiites, Ahmadis, etc. are being harassed and/or killed by the Sunnis.
You turning Red, Hoss?

"As an informal fallacy, the red herring falls into a broad class of relevance fallacies. Unlike the strawman, which is premised on a distortion of the other party's position,[2] the red herring is a seemingly plausible, though ultimately irrelevant diversionary tactic.[3]

"According to the Oxford English Diction, a red herring may be intentional, or unintentional, it does not necessarily mean a conscious intent to mislead."

Do I detect a conscious intent to mislead in your posts on matters of Jewish apartheid in Palestine?
"Ignoratio elenchi, also known as irrelevant conclusion,[1] is the informal fallacy of presenting an argument that may or may not be logically valid, but fails nonetheless to address the issue in question."

The issue in question is Alice Walker's belief that Israel is an apartheid state.
The misery of Muslims in Sudan, Somalia, or Syria don't really "...address the issue in question."
Regardless, Georgie Boy, can you tell us why those people who are always bashing Israel don't seem to help people in need in many places of the world. Why is Israel and the Palestinians so important to them when there are people who are really suffering so much. Could it be, Georgie Boy, it is because the Jews are not involved in the suffering of these other people. As an aside, I can just see Georgie Boy turning down a cheap shirt made in Pakistan even thought Christians, Hindus, Shiites, Ahmadis, etc. are being harassed and/or killed by the Sunnis.
You turning Red, Hoss?

"As an informal fallacy, the red herring falls into a broad class of relevance fallacies. Unlike the strawman, which is premised on a distortion of the other party's position,[2] the red herring is a seemingly plausible, though ultimately irrelevant diversionary tactic.[3]

"According to the Oxford English Diction, a red herring may be intentional, or unintentional, it does not necessarily mean a conscious intent to mislead."

Do I detect a conscious intent to mislead in your posts on matters of Jewish apartheid in Palestine?
Don't give us all this baloney, Georgie Boy. The fact of the matter is that the people awlays bashing Israel and calling for boycotts close their eyes to the rest of the world where people could actually use some assistance because of their dire need. Did you ever see Palestinians looking like this? At least be grateful that you will never experience something like this since there are food pantries that will help you have things to eat in your subsidized apartment.
Photos: Somalia Famine - Plog
Regardless, Georgie Boy, can you tell us why those people who are always bashing Israel don't seem to help people in need in many places of the world. Why is Israel and the Palestinians so important to them when there are people who are really suffering so much. Could it be, Georgie Boy, it is because the Jews are not involved in the suffering of these other people. As an aside, I can just see Georgie Boy turning down a cheap shirt made in Pakistan even thought Christians, Hindus, Shiites, Ahmadis, etc. are being harassed and/or killed by the Sunnis.
You turning Red, Hoss?

"As an informal fallacy, the red herring falls into a broad class of relevance fallacies. Unlike the strawman, which is premised on a distortion of the other party's position,[2] the red herring is a seemingly plausible, though ultimately irrelevant diversionary tactic.[3]

"According to the Oxford English Diction, a red herring may be intentional, or unintentional, it does not necessarily mean a conscious intent to mislead."

Do I detect a conscious intent to mislead in your posts on matters of Jewish apartheid in Palestine?
Don't give us all this baloney, Georgie Boy. The fact of the matter is that the people awlays bashing Israel and calling for boycotts close their eyes to the rest of the world where people could actually use some assistance because of their dire need. Did you ever see Palestinians looking like this? At least be grateful that you will never experience something like this since there are food pantries that will help you have things to eat in your subsidized apartment.
Photos: Somalia Famine - Plog
You and "Brand Israel" are the prime bologna on this thread, Hossie:

Palestine Conditions "More brutal" than in U.S. South 50 Years Ago | Alice Walker | The Official Website for the American Novelist & Poet

How many hours did you donate today to those in "dire need?"
You turning Red, Hoss?

"As an informal fallacy, the red herring falls into a broad class of relevance fallacies. Unlike the strawman, which is premised on a distortion of the other party's position,[2] the red herring is a seemingly plausible, though ultimately irrelevant diversionary tactic.[3]

"According to the Oxford English Diction, a red herring may be intentional, or unintentional, it does not necessarily mean a conscious intent to mislead."

Do I detect a conscious intent to mislead in your posts on matters of Jewish apartheid in Palestine?
Don't give us all this baloney, Georgie Boy. The fact of the matter is that the people awlays bashing Israel and calling for boycotts close their eyes to the rest of the world where people could actually use some assistance because of their dire need. Did you ever see Palestinians looking like this? At least be grateful that you will never experience something like this since there are food pantries that will help you have things to eat in your subsidized apartment.
Photos: Somalia Famine - Plog
You and "Brand Israel" are the prime bologna on this thread, Hossie:

Palestine Conditions "More brutal" than in U.S. South 50 Years Ago | Alice Walker | The Official Website for the American Novelist & Poet

How many hours did you donate today to those in "dire need?"

hoss thinks a "worse" atrocity always justifies a lesser atrocity...and all for the greater glory of god.
You turning Red, Hoss?

"As an informal fallacy, the red herring falls into a broad class of relevance fallacies. Unlike the strawman, which is premised on a distortion of the other party's position,[2] the red herring is a seemingly plausible, though ultimately irrelevant diversionary tactic.[3]

"According to the Oxford English Diction, a red herring may be intentional, or unintentional, it does not necessarily mean a conscious intent to mislead."

Do I detect a conscious intent to mislead in your posts on matters of Jewish apartheid in Palestine?
Don't give us all this baloney, Georgie Boy. The fact of the matter is that the people awlays bashing Israel and calling for boycotts close their eyes to the rest of the world where people could actually use some assistance because of their dire need. Did you ever see Palestinians looking like this? At least be grateful that you will never experience something like this since there are food pantries that will help you have things to eat in your subsidized apartment.
Photos: Somalia Famine - Plog
You and "Brand Israel" are the prime bologna on this thread, Hossie:

Palestine Conditions "More brutal" than in U.S. South 50 Years Ago | Alice Walker | The Official Website for the American Novelist & Poet

How many hours did you donate today to those in "dire need?"
Just whom do you think you are kidding, Georgie Boy, when it is obvious that your eyes are really closed to what is actually going on in the Arab world when it comes to the abuses and murder of innocent people. And, Georigie Boy, why not read up about this so-called Israel apartheid from those who actually lived under apartheid in South Africa, or perhaps it is too much trouble for you to learn the truth.
Don't give us all this baloney, Georgie Boy. The fact of the matter is that the people awlays bashing Israel and calling for boycotts close their eyes to the rest of the world where people could actually use some assistance because of their dire need. Did you ever see Palestinians looking like this? At least be grateful that you will never experience something like this since there are food pantries that will help you have things to eat in your subsidized apartment.
Photos: Somalia Famine - Plog
You and "Brand Israel" are the prime bologna on this thread, Hossie:

Palestine Conditions "More brutal" than in U.S. South 50 Years Ago | Alice Walker | The Official Website for the American Novelist & Poet

How many hours did you donate today to those in "dire need?"
Just whom do you think you are kidding, Georgie Boy, when it is obvious that your eyes are really closed to what is actually going on in the Arab world when it comes to the abuses and murder of innocent people. And, Georigie Boy, why not read up about this so-called Israel apartheid from those who actually lived under apartheid in South Africa, or perhaps it is too much trouble for you to learn the truth.

i have not noticed george condoning human rights abuses by anyone.
Don't give us all this baloney, Georgie Boy. The fact of the matter is that the people awlays bashing Israel and calling for boycotts close their eyes to the rest of the world where people could actually use some assistance because of their dire need. Did you ever see Palestinians looking like this? At least be grateful that you will never experience something like this since there are food pantries that will help you have things to eat in your subsidized apartment.
Photos: Somalia Famine - Plog
You and "Brand Israel" are the prime bologna on this thread, Hossie:

Palestine Conditions "More brutal" than in U.S. South 50 Years Ago | Alice Walker | The Official Website for the American Novelist & Poet

How many hours did you donate today to those in "dire need?"

hoss thinks a "worse" atrocity always justifies a lesser atrocity...and all for the greater glory of god.
No, Hoss recognizes a bunch of phony baloney when he sees it, but you close your eyes to whatever you don't want to know, and this has been going on for years by you..
South African lawmaker: Israel NOT an apartheid state - Israel Today | Israel News

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