Because Democrats Run The Economy, Employment Improved!

The employment report of March 5 was not only better than expected, except in the Contruction Jobs part of it, but except in that part of it: Employment improved!:ack-1::wtf:

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Now millions can tune in to see if anyone in Hollywood really is all that light-skinned, with no negro dialect: Maybe like Tonto, of Lone Ranger fame!)

If you can call losing 36,000 more jobs an improvement then it's pretty obvious you've been failing every math and comprehension class you've ever taken in school.:cuckoo:

Why don't you wait until you sober up from gulping down Everclear by the liter :booze:and try to post on here when you have a clue?:(
The employment report of March 5 was not only better than expected, except in the Contruction Jobs part of it, but except in that part of it: Employment improved!

Note on the February 2010 Employment Situation - Up Front Blog - Brookings Institution

People like stupid Kentucky Senator, Jim Bunning, who believe that businesses and households have no debts outstanding--on a daily basis--are of the mentality that caused the decimation of the jobs of the housing market, and the decimations of the values of the property values, in all the real estate markets. Stupid people actually elected them to office.

Other languages even have far more colorful descriptions of them all!

Democrats know these languages, and so instead of sending in troops to kill them off, actually work to try to prevent them from flying jet aircraft into tall buildings, which are as safe(?) as their building codes will allow. Chile appears to understand about safe, and Southern California, which understands about safe. Then there is Haiti, and other places that anyone can think of. Anyone guesses what they all have in common!

The Tea Party GOP were so entralled with the deaths of 9/11, in fact: That they actually doubled the murders in two basis-free military interventions, still on-going.

Sarah Palin can even write things down, one her hands: She is so smart(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Now millions can tune in to see if anyone in Hollywood really is all that light-skinned, with no negro dialect: Maybe like Tonto, of Lone Ranger fame!)

:lol::lol:....oh are serious....:eusa_eh:
As I posted in another thread, EPI calculates that the economy needs to generate 415,000 jobs per month to reverse the losses since the start of the recession and cover the increase in the population. Even if Obama is successful according to his own goals, we'll still have enormously high unemployment.

Oh Goody.

How many times government presented estimates to us that were right?

Why people believe them?
So anyone recalls that Formerly, Recently, Sitting George Bush of Ivy The Ivy League: Could see the Weapons of Mass Destruction that nobody else could see!

Anyone recalls that Formerly, Recently, Sitting George Bush of the Ivy Leaue: Could lead Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin into a campaign on the basis that the United States Economy was strong! They saw it too(?)!

Now anyone recalls that Governor Sarah Palin will do a Reality TV training show instead. Senator John McCain still goes around the nation, doing his famous impersonation of a mudhen in flight, alleging that war is wonderful and necessary.

Senator Jim Bunnin goes about the United States, claiming that accessing lines of credit, especially in emergencies, is Un-American.

Senator Gregg goes about the United States, claiming that the economy is sound: Only when the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and the rich houses all come tumblingdown!

Lincoln did this!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(And so in the running, it is back to George Bush for First African American President in History. 20% Afrikaner, 80% not too up on things: Is what it's about. See in East Africa, the dying in the drought, clearly in the absence of a viable credit market. See in Kentucky, Senator Jim Bunnin, who seeks an end of access to all credit markets!)
So anyone recalls that Formerly, Recently, Sitting George Bush of Ivy The Ivy League: Could see the Weapons of Mass Destruction that nobody else could see!

Anyone recalls that Formerly, Recently, Sitting George Bush of the Ivy Leaue: Could lead Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin into a campaign on the basis that the United States Economy was strong! They saw it too(?)!

Now anyone recalls that Governor Sarah Palin will do a Reality TV training show instead. Senator John McCain still goes around the nation, doing his famous impersonation of a mudhen in flight, alleging that war is wonderful and necessary.

Senator Jim Bunnin goes about the United States, claiming that accessing lines of credit, especially in emergencies, is Un-American.

Senator Gregg goes about the United States, claiming that the economy is sound: Only when the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and the rich houses all come tumblingdown!

Lincoln did this!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(And so in the running, it is back to George Bush for First African American President in History. 20% Afrikaner, 80% not too up on things: Is what it's about. See in East Africa, the dying in the drought, clearly in the absence of a viable credit market. See in Kentucky, Senator Jim Bunnin, who seeks an end of access to all credit markets!)

You're a fucking twit...shut up already.
To be honest....I don't think we should be arguing over the statistics when they're suspect. Nothing that is reported or comes out of the White House is reliable.

Since the Dems took over Jan. 07' the economy went into the crapper by design. Now they want us to think everything is all better with no evidence to support it.

It's as if he's hoping that it will clam whatever fears folks have as to bring those that have lost their jobs to the side of he [Reid], Obama, Pelosi, and the other Progressive Statist nitwits that have created this mess in the first place. (And There are some Repubicans) that are in danger too.

What he doesn't realize is that with idiotic statements like what he made? Just pisses people off more, and bolsters their resolve to throw his likes out, and REALLY "Drain the proverbial SWAMP" that used to be known as "the Shining City On The Hill"...that is now "The District Of Criminals".

So anyone recalls that Formerly, Recently, Sitting George Bush of Ivy The Ivy League: Could see the Weapons of Mass Destruction that nobody else could see!

Anyone recalls that Formerly, Recently, Sitting George Bush of the Ivy Leaue: Could lead Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin into a campaign on the basis that the United States Economy was strong! They saw it too(?)!

Now anyone recalls that Governor Sarah Palin will do a Reality TV training show instead. Senator John McCain still goes around the nation, doing his famous impersonation of a mudhen in flight, alleging that war is wonderful and necessary.

Senator Jim Bunnin goes about the United States, claiming that accessing lines of credit, especially in emergencies, is Un-American.

Senator Gregg goes about the United States, claiming that the economy is sound: Only when the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and the rich houses all come tumblingdown!

Lincoln did this!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(And so in the running, it is back to George Bush for First African American President in History. 20% Afrikaner, 80% not too up on things: Is what it's about. See in East Africa, the dying in the drought, clearly in the absence of a viable credit market. See in Kentucky, Senator Jim Bunnin, who seeks an end of access to all credit markets!)

Scuze Moi, but what did you just wrote?

Because Democrats Run The Economy, Employment Improved!

Damn right.

Uh-Huh...So your Statist pals almost triple the debt and call it a fait-a-complis?

Brilliant stategy...NOT.

What part of "we're BROKE" do you not understand?
And what economy in history has ever spent itself OUT of trouble?

NONE. Those civilizations declined, and disappeared. See ROME.
Since 2007, the Democrats have been advocating measures to avoid what had been created already. Clinton, Obama, and others were campaigning. McCain-Palin would go on to advocate, "No!" By 2009, and in mostly all of it, the decline was slowed and stopped. In November there was widely accepted, actual job creation. In January, 2010, California alone created 32,500 jobs. That was clearly Pelosi-Reid led, and so it's back to Las Vegas and Reno again! California is about 10% of the economy, so others following along would do over 300,000 jobs per month, just to start!

In other parts of the United States, there are people who live in the snow and use that time of year to take time off. Many agree that has already happened.

The Flat-Earth types of GOP Tea Party economics seem more of the opinion that something like that never happens, because Jesus Christ is Jewish, or something(?).

Senator Jim Bunnin so hates the Total Credit Market, which is of value to American households and businesses, and even worldwide: That he tried to hold up an emergency funding appropriation, allowing the federal government to make progress further. China needs the credit market, and buys the American credit. They flourish, nearly 2.0 bil. of them, and others flourish!

The GOP and Tea Party are clearly shown in just that one paragraph, to be against anyone flourishing at all!

There is nothing of agenda at all in the GOP!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Clearly, even Her Majesty's PM is aware: The Good Socialists intend that peoples flourish!)
OK, let's take a look on what Democrats were saying when jobs were actually created, shall we?

In 2003, over 87,000 jobs were created. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)

The slight increase in jobs last month is wonderful news for 57,000 Americans. But the 2.1 million Americans who have been actively looking for work for more than two years … know that it is far from enough. - Nancy Pelosi - Press Release - 10/3/2003

In 2004, over 2 million jobs were created. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)

This President has created a climate in this country where the number of jobs is not growing. It did not have to be that way. - Dick Durbin - Congressional Record - S10764 - 10/08/2004

In 2005, over 2.5 million jobs were created. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Today’s anemic jobs numbers confirm that President Bush has still failed to create a single new private-sector job since he became President. - Nancy Pelosi - Press Release - 6/3/2005

In 2006, over 2.1 million jobs were created. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Bush policies favored the privileged few at the expense of America’s working families. Democrats will restore the economic security of America’s working families. - Nancy Pelosi - 9/22/2006

2001-2007 5.7 million jobs had been created under Bush. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)

As unemployment reaches two-year high, American jobs are the latest casualty of Bush’s failed economic policies - Harry Reid - 1/4/2008

Today, our Democratic leaders are claiming good news even when jobs are lost. I guess that IS the good news when they are in power. :cuckoo:

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Translated: Utter nonsense


It's not just the current deficit - it is the accumulated Debt that's the problem.

And, given that this is not a Communist Country, private debt SHOULD exceed Gubmint Debt.
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Translated: Utter nonsense


It's not just the current deficit - it is the accumulated Debt that's the problem.

And, given that this is not a Communist Country, private debt SHOULD exceed Gubmint Debt.

Much less the DEBT these Statist Progressives are leaving future generations to pay off to our debtors namely CHINA?

What are these idots gonna do when China comes calling (with other 'debtors') wanting to be paid NOW?

Something to think about isn't it?

Party of the "working Class" Gracie? How about Party of "TOTAL enslavement" for generations YET to be born?
Just wait until the Feds have to roll over this debt at Much Higher Interest Rates. The current recession will look like a garden party.
The Flat-Earth types of GOP Tea Party economics seem more of the opinion that something like that never happens, because Jesus Christ is Jewish, or something(?).

It is time to put down the socialist Kook-Aid and back away from the cup. You have drunk yourself way out into idiot land.:cuckoo:

First off it was the communistic governments state propaganda scientist who believed the Earth was Flat. The Bible has always stated the Earth was Round. See: Genesis 1:9-13, Proverbs 8:27, Isaiah 40:22, Job 22:14 & 26:10, Second Chronicles 18:18 History is littered with your state propaganda scientist dis-proven theories & lies.

As for your lying ass thread, you are a kook if you believe anything you have posted in here. Democrats destroyed over a million jobs with their political pay-off bill AKA stimulus bill.

Where are the jobs you lying sack of shit?
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The Fed's solution is just to eliminate the long term unemployed from the calculations - now that's compassionate.
Since 2007, the Democrats have been advocating measures to avoid what had been created already. Clinton, Obama, and others were campaigning. McCain-Palin would go on to advocate, "No!" By 2009, and in mostly all of it, the decline was slowed and stopped. In November there was widely accepted, actual job creation. In January, 2010, California alone created 32,500 jobs. That was clearly Pelosi-Reid led, and so it's back to Las Vegas and Reno again! California is about 10% of the economy, so others following along would do over 300,000 jobs per month, just to start!

In other parts of the United States, there are people who live in the snow and use that time of year to take time off. Many agree that has already happened.

The Flat-Earth types of GOP Tea Party economics seem more of the opinion that something like that never happens, because Jesus Christ is Jewish, or something(?).

Senator Jim Bunnin so hates the Total Credit Market, which is of value to American households and businesses, and even worldwide: That he tried to hold up an emergency funding appropriation, allowing the federal government to make progress further. China needs the credit market, and buys the American credit. They flourish, nearly 2.0 bil. of them, and others flourish!

The GOP and Tea Party are clearly shown in just that one paragraph, to be against anyone flourishing at all!

There is nothing of agenda at all in the GOP!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Clearly, even Her Majesty's PM is aware: The Good Socialists intend that peoples flourish!)

And Count on The GOP, and the TEA-Partiers to further the HELL NO Agenda this year. *WE* say HELL NO to the destructive policies of the Statists that have further put us in debt, and have become not the "Party of the WORKING MAN, but by thier present policies the party of "Total Enslavement For Those YET to be Born".

What the HELL are you people gonna do if Our Debtors come calling for PAYMENT?

~Blame it on BUSH?
Unlike Haiti, or now East Africa, China is able to raise funding on its own. China is socialist, with a US socialist type of credit market, centralized like advocated by Karl Marx in the Manifesto. Asian banks tend to be national banks, all over.

Asian banks actually do banking, socialist foreseen, and in that manner.

George Bush actually came into office, like Senator Scott Brown, thinking that everyone had a federal income tax liability, and so cut taxes--for the rich.

Republicans have been High-Minded from the start, paying no attention whatsoever to any data. The "Tea Party" movement itself apparently, adopted some old message, of the 1960's, in the West.

Even shown above, not many jobs were created, under the recently Sitting George Bush version. Like GOP and Tea Party member all are for, famous anti-socialist, Osama bin laden, came to the rescue instead. Americans were murdered, and the "Christian Miracle Of The Federal Procurements," was on.

Proving the above point, the GOP and Tea Party supporters would behave like Osama bin laden, and kill off even more Americans!

One outcome was jobs, supporting the housing debacle already underway at the banks! It was a Republican economy, clearly intended! It was clearly all Ivy League!

As an outcome, Senator John McCain, Governor Sarah Palin, and most recently Senator John Bunnin: Would get the GOP on record in favor not helping Americans in an emergency at all! See for example, health care reform, wherein GOP won't help people with pre-existing conditions at all, in their, "go-slow" approach concept.

The more than $50 tril. of the Total Credit Market was not created, just last year. It was created over time, and is genuinely not to be permitted in a GOP, Tea Party, Jim Bunnin type of electoral message. Health Coverage for persons with pre-existing conditions is not in the GOP message, even now!

Adam Smith was actually for the use of metal for money. Not even Governor Swarzenegger will likely be supporting that concept: Anytime soon! We now have good, socialist central banks, in a credit market!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(GOP not even send protective body armor to American troops in the field. Troops apparently supposed to loot, rape, and pillage like always!)
Look... the parrot speaks again

Well... I should not say that... that is an insult to parrots
Unlike Haiti, or now East Africa, China is able to raise funding on its own. China is socialist, with a US socialist type of credit market, centralized like advocated by Karl Marx in the Manifesto. Asian banks tend to be national banks, all over.

Asian banks actually do banking, socialist foreseen, and in that manner.

George Bush actually came into office, like Senator Scott Brown, thinking that everyone had a federal income tax liability, and so cut taxes--for the rich.

Republicans have been High-Minded from the start, paying no attention whatsoever to any data. The "Tea Party" movement itself apparently, adopted some old message, of the 1960's, in the West.

Even shown above, not many jobs were created, under the recently Sitting George Bush version. Like GOP and Tea Party member all are for, famous anti-socialist, Osama bin laden, came to the rescue instead. Americans were murdered, and the "Christian Miracle Of The Federal Procurements," was on.

Proving the above point, the GOP and Tea Party supporters would behave like Osama bin laden, and kill off even more Americans!

One outcome was jobs, supporting the housing debacle already underway at the banks! It was a Republican economy, clearly intended! It was clearly all Ivy League!

As an outcome, Senator John McCain, Governor Sarah Palin, and most recently Senator John Bunnin: Would get the GOP on record in favor not helping Americans in an emergency at all! See for example, health care reform, wherein GOP won't help people with pre-existing conditions at all, in their, "go-slow" approach concept.

The more than $50 tril. of the Total Credit Market was not created, just last year. It was created over time, and is genuinely not to be permitted in a GOP, Tea Party, Jim Bunnin type of electoral message. Health Coverage for persons with pre-existing conditions is not in the GOP message, even now!

Adam Smith was actually for the use of metal for money. Not even Governor Swarzenegger will likely be supporting that concept: Anytime soon! We now have good, socialist central banks, in a credit market!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(GOP not even send protective body armor to American troops in the field. Troops apparently supposed to loot, rape, and pillage like always!)

This is so beyond incoherent, I doubt that even a Babelfish translator could make sense of it.

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