Beggar Zelensky : The US will have to send their sons and daughters to WAR

The sum total of our yearly foreign aid to ALL countries before the war in Ukraine was $46 Billion, give or take a few billion (and, yes Gertrude, this includes our foreign aid to Cuba, too!).
Ukraine is now into us for $113 billion, give or take a few billion, IN ONE YEAR!!

The takeaway: our Congress and Joetard are indeed, IN-F'IN-SANE!!!
Vegas dyke's make great combat medics.
Ukraine needs moar.
The sum total of our yearly foreign aid to ALL countries before the war in Ukraine was $46 Billion, give or take a few billion (and, yes Gertrude, this includes our foreign aid to Cuba, too!).
Ukraine is now into us for $113 billion, give or take a few billion, IN ONE YEAR!!

The takeaway: our Congress and Joetard are indeed, IN-F'IN-SANE!!!

They already said that they will need $1,000,000,000,000 to "rebuild"
"Can we all agree that if WW3 starts, this is the Draft order:

1st - Every politician that voted to fund Ukraine

2nd - Every media anchor that supported the funding of Ukraine

3rd - Everyone with an Ukranian flag in their bio

4th - Anyone who has ever tweeted “You’re a Putin Puppet”
When shortages and rationing hit, those on that list to the back of the line.
Or, we stop giving Ukraine money, supplies, and don't send any soldiers and just let their war run its course.

Fuck Ukraine.
Why can’t the Brits, the Germans, the French, the Italians and the Spanish send troops to fight. Why us?

We here in the good old USA have to get ready to take on China When it decides to move on Taiwan.
I bet Reagan would have loved to have lived long enough to see a nuke land in red square!
Progs in America would have loved to see nukes detonate in our nation over that. They loved the Soviet Union. They do not like Russia. The Soviet Union invading Ukraine would have given them multiple orgasms. Russia not so much. Putin knows the pain. He was part of it. It is in his eyes as he as warned us over and over of what we have become.

While he's flying around the world with his hand out he's now demanding American Blood fight for him. So my question is all you who support this war when will you go or when will you tell your kids it's their time to sign up?

There are armed forces recruitment centers everywhere. I suggest you take them now

Chicken hawk Toro is hiding in his mom’s double wide.
Look at the Russian whores, liars and tankies take Zelensky’s comments out of context.

Zelensky is exactly right. Russia will not stop at Ukraine if Putin wins. He will next turn to Poland and the Baltics. And we will be sending our sons and daughters to war. Better to send Ukraine weapons now or the war will be bigger in the future.
Ever since the fall of the USSR, Russia has been nothing but a corrupt nation of gangsters in track suits and hookers.

They can’t even defeat Ukraine, a year later.

We won’t have to send our sons anywhere.
Look at the Russian whores, liars and tankies take Zelensky’s comments out of context.

Zelensky is exactly right. Russia will not stop at Ukraine if Putin wins. He will next turn to Poland and the Baltics. And we will be sending our sons and daughters to war. Better to send Ukraine weapons now or the war will be bigger in the future.

Why are you still here, warmonger? Put your boots on, pick up your rifle, and go die for Zelensky's and Biden's money laundering operation.

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