Beggar Zelensky : The US will have to send their sons and daughters to WAR

Biden could simply say that if Putin doesn't get out of Ukraine within 2 weeks he'll nuke Moscow. Putin shit his pants and come to his senses then.

Russia's nuclear systems suck and even his satanII failed a few weeks ago for fucks sake. We on the other hand have much better nukes with much more accuracy.
Even if Russian nukes had a 75% failure rate that would still mean over a thousand warheads. That's enough to fuck up the world.
Biden could simply say that if Putin doesn't get out of Ukraine within 2 weeks he'll nuke Moscow. Putin shit his pants and come to his senses then.

Russia's nuclear systems suck and even his satanII failed a few weeks ago for fucks sake. We on the other hand have much better nukes with much more accuracy.

You warmongers are despicable.

While he's flying around the world with his hand out he's now demanding American Blood fight for him. So my question is all you who support this war when will you go or when will you tell your kids it's their time to sign up?

There are armed forces recruitment centers everywhere. I suggest you take them now

Using part of a quote out of context is lying.

"Can we all agree that if WW3 starts, this is the Draft order:

1st - Every politician that voted to fund Ukraine

2nd - Every media anchor that supported the funding of Ukraine

3rd - Everyone with an Ukranian flag in their bio

4th - Anyone who has ever tweeted “You’re a Putin Puppet”
Let's start with those brave MAGATS

While he's flying around the world with his hand out he's now demanding American Blood fight for him. So my question is all you who support this war when will you go or when will you tell your kids it's their time to sign up?

There are armed forces recruitment centers everywhere. I suggest you take them now

That guy's a flim flam artist
Biden could simply say that if Putin doesn't get out of Ukraine within 2 weeks he'll nuke Moscow. Putin shit his pants and come to his senses then.

Russia's nuclear systems suck and even his satanII failed a few weeks ago for fucks sake. We on the other hand have much better nukes with much more accuracy.
No American should go die for Ukraine just like no American should have died for Iraq.....

Let Putin have least he is a Christian and hates fags more than Zelensky does...
Lying is something you dems know well and that's your territory not mine. Why am I not surprised the same idiots who don't know what a woman is also can't hear things correctly
I'm sure, dealing with the GOP the last 20 years ensure the Democrats know all about lying.
Reference FAUX News.
But you lied right here and got caught, LIAR
We're not the ones with Ukraine flag profile pics or the ones cheering for war but way to prove your cowardice and that you lack the strength of your convictions
No but those TRUMP flags and hats will help bring any war to a quick end.

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