Being held without trial??

Yes, Personal responsibility for clearly violating the civil rights of political prisoners.
People end up in jail all the time until they go to trial. If they didn't fuck up in the first place they wouldn't be there.
Here's your sign leftists. How come you guys claim to be educated, for justice & human rights when you're none of those things?

He was convicted.

It was a crime how they handled Roger Stone. Should have been a frog march.
My poor avatar would suggest to the avataree, "Death-Ninja" that he use the above pulled-quote as his signature line.
It could clearly establish an know, like a 'brand'.....and signal what DNinja is all about.
Consumers wouldn't have to guess.
It would save time in the future so he need not repeatedly type--- "75,0000,000 dead babies and 50,000,000 intellectually aborted" (just what is that exactly?).

And, it adds sort of a local-color eccentricity that could appeal to some. You know, like the incarcerated with time on their hands....and internet access.

So please stick with this gossipboard, DNinja.

I, for one, think you add diversity, and a cheerful happy whimsy to the board's vibe.
Sorta like a Tinkerbell, or maybe the waitress Diane of Cheers. :thup:
I do enjoy it when you public schooled intellectual abortions attempt waxing poetic, or put on airs, and judging by above incoherence, I conclude you are intoxicated, likely narcotics jabbed into arm, or ankles, run along now and play with yourself some more.... :banana:
Thank you for your efforts.
It is heartening to see you did not drop the inquiry as others too often they go hide in another thread or forum.

Guilty....... to the charge of sarcasm.
No offense intended.

Woe be unto me though, I don't ever think that I will need any of these videos or articles for future reference. So I'm not adapted to bookmarking such items. Plus, it's early in the morning, and I'm not a "morning person". I'm mainly scanning the news until it's time to clock in for work.
Too many cases, with too few judges in DC to handle all the charges that came out of the 1/6 riot, is the delay.
How long would it have taken rabid, radical leftists to respond if the Trump Department of Justice had held Antifa defendants in jail for seven months without trial? Half a millisecond?

Hundreds, yes hundreds of Trump-supporters at the Capitol have been held for seven months without trial. Other than a timid protest by a few conservative House Republicans, this writer is unaware of demands that these political detainees — how otherwise to explain their detention by Biden's attorney general Garland (and thank the Almighty he was not put on the Supreme Court) — be given a fair and speedy trial?

Following a story in The Washington Post that a federal judge has constitutional concerns about one case involving a few of the detainees, The New York Times recognized, in its August 11 print edition, that the constitutional right of the detainees to a speedy trial is going by the boards, as trials are supposed to begin within 70 days of indictment.

Here it is more than seven months after January 6, 2021, the date of the Capitol incursion.
They are charged with federal felonies and are NOT political prisoners. It was their choice, and unless there's witness testimony or more likely digital evidence of them committing an act of violence, the fuckers are getting off with misdemeanor pleas, time served and nominal restitution for the damages to OUR capital that these treasonous bastards caused.
You, and your ilk are evil right on down to your deviant DNA,
Yeah, yeah, and the Nazis also called the Jews subhuman.

the earth itself is coming to revile your existence, you animals have murdered 75 million American babies,
And the Nazis also accused the Jew of murdering children.

It's not a question of whether the most hardcore Trump cultists are like Nazis. They are. It's only a question of whether they differ from Nazis in any signficant way. They don't.

The only good democrats are dead democrats,

There is the possiblity, of course, that this poster is a troll. But it's hard to tell, given how common his professed psychotic beliefs are among the Trump cult.
I love the RW. I really do. If a Black guy is arrested for anything, hold him without bail and send him to prison for life plus twenty. If a rioter is arrested in Portland, the world is soft on crime if they don’t sentence him to life in the electric chair.

If people are arrested for bum rushing the capital, beating the police, and trying to prevent the orderly transition of power in a peaceful and constitutional manner? Why they are victims of the deep state. Whatever that is.
The New York Times recognized, in its August 11 print edition, that the constitutional right of the detainees to a speedy trial is going by the boards, as trials are supposed to begin within 70 days of indictment.

Here it is more than seven months after January 6, 2021, the date of the Capitol incursion.
Defense attorneys will always advise you to waive your right to a speedy trial. The judge will always ask you if you want to do that.

I can see how it's beneficial to those out on bond. I don't know why it's beneficial to those who didn't get, or can't make bail, but apparently it is. I think the kegger boys waived that right on advice of counsel.

I looked it up: Defendants often waive the right to a speedy trial in order to prepare a stronger defense or negotiate a plea to a lesser offense.

Or, in layman speak: Make them hurry and they'll railroad your ass.

Don't mess with the deep state.
Just more proof that this administration has nothing to do with our rights, freedom or the Constitution. I wrote my Rep about this but him being a worthless leftist not even an answer though I ask for one. Joe is a dirty fuck but so are these federal employees that carry out his illegal orders and so are we who do nothing as our countrymen rot in solitary confinement. As the repugs cower in fear and do nothing. NEVER HAS AN ASDMINISTRATION GOTTEN AWAY WITH THIS ABUSE

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