Being Ignored: The Mueller report TRASHES THE FBI

2+ Years, 2,800 Subpoenas Issued, 500 Witnesses Interviewed...

After all of that no evidence President Trump or his campaign staff colluded with the Kremlin to affect the outcome of the 2016 election.

Half the country knew this from the beginning while the other half allowed their own partisan hatred for the President allow them to be manipulated and forever driven by fake news claims and conspiratorial traitors seeking to pull off a coup.

One of the HUGE underlying stories being ignored regarding the Mueller report is how Mueller completely TRASHES the FBI.

"What’s being glossed over with the no collusion reports from the news media is how the Mueller report totally trashes the FBI. “If you are going to investigate a presidential campaign, and on a charge as grave as collusion, and with the heavy-handed tactics the FBI employed--you'd better have a highly convincing reason to act,” tweeted Strassel. “The Mueller report is a judgment that never was any real evidence.”

It's worth recognizing that this is more than an exoneration. It's a searing indictment of the FBI.

If you are going to investigate a presidential campaign, and on a charge as grave as collusion, and with the heavy-handed tactics the FBI employed--you'd better have a highly convincing reason to act. The Mueller report is a judgment that never was any real evidence.

Given this proves the dossier was a fabrication, how did the FBI not violate the Woods Procedures by presenting unverified material to the FISA court? What are the consequences of that? How many prior FISA warrants have been based upon “research” such as the garbage in dossier?

The country now deserves a full accounting of how the FBI blew this so badly--so that it doesn't happen again. If Mueller has done his job, he will address some of this. But the real accounting needs to come from a full declassification of FBI/DOJ probe docs. Mueller report is only half the story. Time to go back to the beginning, to how we got a special counsel in first place."

The Mueller Report proves the Obama administration's DOJ and FBI, with assistance from the NSA and CIA, accused the President of the United States of TREASON!
- That's friggin' HUGE!

Even more importantly / dangerously, Now we know they did so WITHOUT ANY REAL Legitimate BASIS FOR DOING SO!

Anyone who makes the argument that this does not need to be investigated is either admitting the Democrats attempted to perpetrate a coup against President Trump and the details should remain hidden for partisan reasons.... OR they have no clue - had no clue - Mueller's report actually meant this as well!

WSJ Columnist: This Is What's Being
Glossed Over In The Mueller Report On Russian Collusion

We haven’t seen the report . Just the memo written by Trumps hand picked goon.

Who has no reason to lie about what's in it. It would be a spectacular refute if he did.
2+ Years, 2,800 Subpoenas Issued, 500 Witnesses Interviewed...

After all of that no evidence President Trump or his campaign staff colluded with the Kremlin to affect the outcome of the 2016 election.

Half the country knew this from the beginning while the other half allowed their own partisan hatred for the President allow them to be manipulated and forever driven by fake news claims and conspiratorial traitors seeking to pull off a coup.

One of the HUGE underlying stories being ignored regarding the Mueller report is how Mueller completely TRASHES the FBI.

"What’s being glossed over with the no collusion reports from the news media is how the Mueller report totally trashes the FBI. “If you are going to investigate a presidential campaign, and on a charge as grave as collusion, and with the heavy-handed tactics the FBI employed--you'd better have a highly convincing reason to act,” tweeted Strassel. “The Mueller report is a judgment that never was any real evidence.”

It's worth recognizing that this is more than an exoneration. It's a searing indictment of the FBI.

If you are going to investigate a presidential campaign, and on a charge as grave as collusion, and with the heavy-handed tactics the FBI employed--you'd better have a highly convincing reason to act. The Mueller report is a judgment that never was any real evidence.

Given this proves the dossier was a fabrication, how did the FBI not violate the Woods Procedures by presenting unverified material to the FISA court? What are the consequences of that? How many prior FISA warrants have been based upon “research” such as the garbage in dossier?

The country now deserves a full accounting of how the FBI blew this so badly--so that it doesn't happen again. If Mueller has done his job, he will address some of this. But the real accounting needs to come from a full declassification of FBI/DOJ probe docs. Mueller report is only half the story. Time to go back to the beginning, to how we got a special counsel in first place."

The Mueller Report proves the Obama administration's DOJ and FBI, with assistance from the NSA and CIA, accused the President of the United States of TREASON!
- That's friggin' HUGE!

Even more importantly / dangerously, Now we know they did so WITHOUT ANY REAL Legitimate BASIS FOR DOING SO!

Anyone who makes the argument that this does not need to be investigated is either admitting the Democrats attempted to perpetrate a coup against President Trump and the details should remain hidden for partisan reasons.... OR they have no clue - had no clue - Mueller's report actually meant this as well!

WSJ Columnist: This Is What's Being
Glossed Over In The Mueller Report On Russian Collusion

We haven’t seen the report . Just the memo written by Trumps hand picked goon.
You never saw any evidence of Collusion either, but you bought that bullshit.

You ignored the evidence of Hillary's crimes, the proven coup by Obama's agency Directors, and now you still want to believe to proven criminals over Mueller's own report of NO EVIDENCE, NO CRIME, NO COLLUSION...

How could Barr be working now with rosenstein if mueller trashed the crooked fisa warrants that rosenstein sighed off on as true??

No way is mueller trashing the FBI

Mueller was trying to cover up for the FBI

Yes indeed that whole report must be released
If mueller has not got several democrats indicted. Then that will prove his own high treason crime of covering up and obstruction

Barr working with Rosenstein must have him flipped to go after the whole deep state


Barr will be proven as corrupt to the core !!
Graham is looking to get another special prosecutor to investigate what Mueller probably touched on.

Should be one interesting report.
Barr working with rosenstein who signed the fraud fisa warants. May mean rosey has flipped to help take down the whole deep state


Prove Barr is corrupt to the core !!!

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