Being liberal means living in a 1984 world where you are told what you are allowed to say and think

...and the Party Line changes daily so you have to work really hard to keep up.

The cost of failure to keep up is loss of job, loss of reputation, loss of business opportunities.

For example, if you say "men and women" are different (something that used to be common sense) in the liberal world you are now persona non grata.

It clearly doesn't. Partisan politics is getting more and more extreme. But being a liberal is about more freedom, seeing how it was the liberals that got the west to where it is today and not the conservatives who wanted to keep the monarchy as it was.

You're confusing classic liberalism with modern-day American liberalism. Classic liberalism did view freedom as it's core value. Modern-day American liberalism want to limit personal freedom, as in gun-control, harassing conservative speakers at universities, forcing people to join labor unions, murdering people through abortion, assisted suicide, and euthanasia, destroying the Christian foundations which built this country, the spreading of "political-correctness" and hatred for anyone who does not conform, erasing our national identity, opposition to private property rights, turning dangerous criminals loose on the street instead of serving their sentences, excessive taxes, brainwashing through government-censored public education, and many more examples with which I could fill several pages.


Post of the month for people who spout bullshit. That poster is on my ignore list for a reason.
I think I'm gonna cry.
...and the Party Line changes daily so you have to work really hard to keep up.

The cost of failure to keep up is loss of job, loss of reputation, loss of business opportunities.

For example, if you say "men and women" are different (something that used to be common sense) in the liberal world you are now persona non grata.
Just got finish read that book again, and God it is really spooky. The constant rewriting of History was chilling. Well I hope I am dead and gone by the time a world like that comes into existence.
It clearly doesn't. Partisan politics is getting more and more extreme. But being a liberal is about more freedom, seeing how it was the liberals that got the west to where it is today and not the conservatives who wanted to keep the monarchy as it was.
College campuses shout down conservative speakers, not seeing any freedom from that point of view.
Institutions of academia promote liberalism and suppress conservatism. Any person arguing hasn't talked
to the students that go there. Liberal freedom is abundant.

So you're saying that universities have to allow every single person to speak at their university or else there's no freedom of speech there? So if I come along and say "I want to kill all black people" and they ban me, then there's no freedom of speech?
A good read for you:
11 times campus speakers were shouted down by leftist protesters this school year - The College Fix

Remember when Rutgers handled Condoleezza Rice to the point she had to back out.
Obama chides Rutgers students for pressuring Condoleezza Rice to back out of commencement speech

Yeah, yeah.......the freedom from the left on full display. :rolleyes-41:

Problem is "shouting down" is also freedom of speech.

There's a right to say what you want, there isn't a right to be heard by everyone.
No it's not, you're stifling another person freedom of speech.
Your freedom ends where mine begins, regarding freedom of speech and being shouted down.
What would be appropriate is to let one person speak and then challenge what that person said.
Not to talk over him/her, and not allowing a persons right to be heard.
If a person doesn't want to hear that person, they can leave, no one is forcing them to stay.

That's the way it used to be, until.....

I'm kind of surprised in you, frigid that you would use that angle.

Firstly, rights are a human invention, fuck all this natural and god given nonsense.
Secondly, rights are freedoms you hold against government intrusion.

Therefore if the university is a private institution, they're not taking your rights away at all.

Thirdly, if everyone had the right to be HEARD, which is what you seem to be suggesting.

An individual who goes to a universities, tries to say what they want to day, gets shouted down, does this mean that they cannot say what they want anywhere else in the country? No, it doesn't.

So, if an individual gets shouted down, then goes on line and says what they want to say and doesn't get arrested by the government, no one has infringed on anyone's rights.

But hey, you just pretend you know what rights are, it's amusing. If a little painful.
...and the Party Line changes daily so you have to work really hard to keep up.

The cost of failure to keep up is loss of job, loss of reputation, loss of business opportunities.

For example, if you say "men and women" are different (something that used to be common sense) in the liberal world you are now persona non grata.

It clearly doesn't. Partisan politics is getting more and more extreme. But being a liberal is about more freedom, seeing how it was the liberals that got the west to where it is today and not the conservatives who wanted to keep the monarchy as it was.

You're confusing classic liberalism with modern-day American liberalism. Classic liberalism did view freedom as it's core value. Modern-day American liberalism want to limit personal freedom, as in gun-control, harassing conservative speakers at universities, forcing people to join labor unions, murdering people through abortion, assisted suicide, and euthanasia, destroying the Christian foundations which built this country, the spreading of "political-correctness" and hatred for anyone who does not conform, erasing our national identity, opposition to private property rights, turning dangerous criminals loose on the street instead of serving their sentences, excessive taxes, brainwashing through government-censored public education, and many more examples with which I could fill several pages.


Post of the month for people who spout bullshit. That poster is on my ignore list for a reason.
I think I'm gonna cry.

Good for you.
I do my damndest not to call them "liberals" anymore because they are the furthest thing from it. They are leftists, plain and simple.
An individual who goes to a universities, tries to say what they want to day, gets shouted down, does this mean that they cannot say what they want anywhere else in the country? No, it doesn't.

You haven't provided enough criteria here to know whether the speakers rights were violated or not. Was it a public or private university? Was the speaker required to pay for use of the facilities? Was it a ticketed event? Etc.
I do my damndest not to call them "liberals" anymore because they are the furthest thing from it. They are leftists, plain and simple.

Ever since I've been on this forum I simply refer to them as Progressive Liberal Socialist Pukes. Rolls off the tongue like a lullaby. Sounds impressive too.
I do my damndest not to call them "liberals" anymore because they are the furthest thing from it. They are leftists, plain and simple.

Ever since I've been on this forum I simply refer to them as Progressive Liberal Socialist Pukes. Rolls off the tongue like a lullaby. Sounds impressive too.

Nothing like being able to insult, is there? I mean, actually having to use your head is hard, so why not just go and insult....

Though I'm not sure a POLITICAL forum is the best place to insult, perhaps there's a more appropriate forum for you.
I do my damndest not to call them "liberals" anymore because they are the furthest thing from it. They are leftists, plain and simple.

Ever since I've been on this forum I simply refer to them as Progressive Liberal Socialist Pukes. Rolls off the tongue like a lullaby. Sounds impressive too.

Nothing like being able to insult, is there? I mean, actually having to use your head is hard, so why not just go and insult....

Though I'm not sure a POLITICAL forum is the best place to insult, perhaps there's a more appropriate forum for you.
I calls 'em like I sees 'em, Sylvester. And it's not an insult. It's an accurate description.
I do my damndest not to call them "liberals" anymore because they are the furthest thing from it. They are leftists, plain and simple.

Ever since I've been on this forum I simply refer to them as Progressive Liberal Socialist Pukes. Rolls off the tongue like a lullaby. Sounds impressive too.

Nothing like being able to insult, is there? I mean, actually having to use your head is hard, so why not just go and insult....

Though I'm not sure a POLITICAL forum is the best place to insult, perhaps there's a more appropriate forum for you.
I calls 'em like I sees 'em, Sylvester. And it's not an insult. It's an accurate description.

Yes, I've heard this excuse for bullying and insulting before. That still doesn't change the fact that you can't put your thoughts into much more than "fucker" "asshole" etc.

What does that tell me? It tells me that really, there isn't that much going on in there.
College campuses shout down conservative speakers, not seeing any freedom from that point of view.
Institutions of academia promote liberalism and suppress conservatism. Any person arguing hasn't talked
to the students that go there. Liberal freedom is abundant.

So you're saying that universities have to allow every single person to speak at their university or else there's no freedom of speech there? So if I come along and say "I want to kill all black people" and they ban me, then there's no freedom of speech?
A good read for you:
11 times campus speakers were shouted down by leftist protesters this school year - The College Fix

Remember when Rutgers handled Condoleezza Rice to the point she had to back out.
Obama chides Rutgers students for pressuring Condoleezza Rice to back out of commencement speech

Yeah, yeah.......the freedom from the left on full display. :rolleyes-41:

Problem is "shouting down" is also freedom of speech.

There's a right to say what you want, there isn't a right to be heard by everyone.
No it's not, you're stifling another person freedom of speech.
Your freedom ends where mine begins, regarding freedom of speech and being shouted down.
What would be appropriate is to let one person speak and then challenge what that person said.
Not to talk over him/her, and not allowing a persons right to be heard.
If a person doesn't want to hear that person, they can leave, no one is forcing them to stay.

That's the way it used to be, until.....

I'm kind of surprised in you, frigid that you would use that angle.

Firstly, rights are a human invention, fuck all this natural and god given nonsense.
Secondly, rights are freedoms you hold against government intrusion.

Therefore if the university is a private institution, they're not taking your rights away at all.

Thirdly, if everyone had the right to be HEARD, which is what you seem to be suggesting.

An individual who goes to a universities, tries to say what they want to day, gets shouted down, does this mean that they cannot say what they want anywhere else in the country? No, it doesn't.

So, if an individual gets shouted down, then goes on line and says what they want to say and doesn't get arrested by the government, no one has infringed on anyone's rights.

But hey, you just pretend you know what rights are, it's amusing. If a little painful.
Wow, you are an idiot and just fell off the cliff, dude. You are so getting away from the original point of our discussion.
Just so everyone present a strawman argument to justify the unjustifiable argument. Got it.
Carry on
...and the Party Line changes daily so you have to work really hard to keep up.

The cost of failure to keep up is loss of job, loss of reputation, loss of business opportunities.

For example, if you say "men and women" are different (something that used to be common sense) in the liberal world you are now persona non grata.
Not for the rich ones. Especially the rich white ones.

For example, they all claim they want mass regulation on everything in order to "save the planet" and stop "THE global warming." Go ahead and ask any of them what they do about it. Ask any of them why they don't call out al gore for his huge carbon footprint. Even though he has a huuuuge carbon footprint, he is their hero. Not one word about his wealthy lifestyle or how much money he made from his scam. They say nothing about the number of things that that "movie" of his got wrong. At least 10 things wrong, and they still shout about how great gore is, despite him being wrong, making millions, and having that carbon footprint. Since he is a dedicated globalist and since he is a good enough socialist and hates white republicans well enough, he is just fine.

That, is what the rich left wing elitist is. They stand for nothing. Their hypocrisy is biblical and dangerous. Go ahead and test it yourself. Ask any stupid liberal (socialists that we call liberal) what they do for the planet. Ask them about their sacrifices. Look at the blank stares in their stupid faces.

That goes for EVERY ISSUE they yell about. Racism? They are all too willing to have the blaaaacks be the constant victim in order for them to be those automatic enslaved democrat voter. Womens rights? They would all gladly get on their knees for bill. Not one feminist organization has ever gone after him, despite Juanita Broderick's fat lip and the testimony of state troopers in regards to Paula Jones. Not to mention the dozen accusations dating back to college. Yet these motherfuckers were literally pulling their fucking hair out of their disgusting pathetic liberal heads about the ONE WOMAN that accused Kavanaugh 40 fucking years after the so called incident that was never corroborated in any way. Not one piece of evidence and these pieces of shit would suck off bill now. Especially that typical hollywood hypocritical whore alyssa milano.

That, is what they are. Period.
...and the Party Line changes daily so you have to work really hard to keep up.

The cost of failure to keep up is loss of job, loss of reputation, loss of business opportunities.

For example, if you say "men and women" are different (something that used to be common sense) in the liberal world you are now persona non grata.

“men and women”

I guess I’ll get hate mail now?

Why is it that if some liberal says X you idiots automatically affix that belief to everyone who has liberal beliefs?

protectionist believes there should be rent controls in place…is he a liberal?
...and the Party Line changes daily so you have to work really hard to keep up.

The cost of failure to keep up is loss of job, loss of reputation, loss of business opportunities.

For example, if you say "men and women" are different (something that used to be common sense) in the liberal world you are now persona non grata.
Oh...DO tell us more about what libs think and feel and the world we live in....this is amusing.
Oh...DO tell us more about what libs think and feel and the world we live in....this is amusing.

Humans can change sex upon a whim.
...and the Party Line changes daily so you have to work really hard to keep up.

The cost of failure to keep up is loss of job, loss of reputation, loss of business opportunities.

For example, if you say "men and women" are different (something that used to be common sense) in the liberal world you are now persona non grata.
That is so weird when your kind comes up with such nonsense.

Democrats are a coalition party. That means, with all the competing groups, it takes endless negotiation within the party to get to a party message.

Republicans are white. They march in lockstep. How do we know?

They tell us. Why do you think Flake is threatening with just one Senate vote?

Economist's View: If Obama Was For It, We Had To Be Against It

Senate GOP Pledge to Block Dems' Legislation

The Party of No: New Details on the GOP Plot to Obstruct Obama |

Trying to change the subject? You can’t defend your position so you try to change the topic.
...and the Party Line changes daily so you have to work really hard to keep up.

The cost of failure to keep up is loss of job, loss of reputation, loss of business opportunities.

For example, if you say "men and women" are different (something that used to be common sense) in the liberal world you are now persona non grata.

Meanwhile back in reality>>>>>

Two million federal workers receive memo warning they can't use the word 'resist' or discuss Trump impeachment at work
...and the Party Line changes daily so you have to work really hard to keep up.

The cost of failure to keep up is loss of job, loss of reputation, loss of business opportunities.

For example, if you say "men and women" are different (something that used to be common sense) in the liberal world you are now persona non grata.

It clearly doesn't. Partisan politics is getting more and more extreme. But being a liberal is about more freedom, seeing how it was the liberals that got the west to where it is today and not the conservatives who wanted to keep the monarchy as it was.

You're confusing classic liberalism with modern-day American liberalism. Classic liberalism did view freedom as it's core value. Modern-day American liberalism want to limit personal freedom, as in gun-control, harassing conservative speakers at universities, forcing people to join labor unions, murdering people through abortion, assisted suicide, and euthanasia, destroying the Christian foundations which built this country, the spreading of "political-correctness" and hatred for anyone who does not conform, erasing our national identity, opposition to private property rights, turning dangerous criminals loose on the street instead of serving their sentences, excessive taxes, brainwashing through government-censored public education, and many more examples with which I could fill several pages.


Post of the month for people who spout bullshit. That poster is on my ignore list for a reason.

Everyone who disgrees with you and calls out you BS is on your ignore lost. Big deal!
It clearly doesn't. Partisan politics is getting more and more extreme. But being a liberal is about more freedom, seeing how it was the liberals that got the west to where it is today and not the conservatives who wanted to keep the monarchy as it was.
College campuses shout down conservative speakers, not seeing any freedom from that point of view.
Institutions of academia promote liberalism and suppress conservatism. Any person arguing hasn't talked
to the students that go there. Liberal freedom is abundant.

So you're saying that universities have to allow every single person to speak at their university or else there's no freedom of speech there? So if I come along and say "I want to kill all black people" and they ban me, then there's no freedom of speech?
A good read for you:
11 times campus speakers were shouted down by leftist protesters this school year - The College Fix

Remember when Rutgers handled Condoleezza Rice to the point she had to back out.
Obama chides Rutgers students for pressuring Condoleezza Rice to back out of commencement speech

Yeah, yeah.......the freedom from the left on full display. :rolleyes-41:

Problem is "shouting down" is also freedom of speech.

There's a right to say what you want, there isn't a right to be heard by everyone.
No it's not, you're stifling another person freedom of speech.
Your freedom ends where mine begins, regarding freedom of speech and being shouted down.
What would be appropriate is to let one person speak and then challenge what that person said.
Not to talk over him/her, and not allowing a persons right to be heard.
If a person doesn't want to hear that person, they can leave, no one is forcing them to stay.

That's the way it used to be, until.....

I'm kind of surprised in you, frigid that you would use that angle.

If their arguments are weak, then they just shout down the opposition, it is easier for them as then they don’t need to think.

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