Being liberal means living in a 1984 world where you are told what you are allowed to say and think

...and the Party Line changes daily so you have to work really hard to keep up.

The cost of failure to keep up is loss of job, loss of reputation, loss of business opportunities.

For example, if you say "men and women" are different (something that used to be common sense) in the liberal world you are now persona non grata.

It clearly doesn't. Partisan politics is getting more and more extreme. But being a liberal is about more freedom, seeing how it was the liberals that got the west to where it is today and not the conservatives who wanted to keep the monarchy as it was.

You're confusing classic liberalism with modern-day American liberalism. Classic liberalism did view freedom as it's core value. Modern-day American liberalism want to limit personal freedom, as in gun-control, harassing conservative speakers at universities, forcing people to join labor unions, murdering people through abortion, assisted suicide, and euthanasia, destroying the Christian foundations which built this country, the spreading of "political-correctness" and hatred for anyone who does not conform, erasing our national identity, opposition to private property rights, turning dangerous criminals loose on the street instead of serving their sentences, excessive taxes, brainwashing through government-censored public education, and many more examples with which I could fill several pages.


Post of the month for people who spout bullshit. That poster is on my ignore list for a reason.

Just because you're ignoring it doesn't mean it's any less true.
Those who so willingly enable the shutting down of speech (from college campuses to workplaces) are not liberal, they're illiberal leftist authoritarians.

They're cynically manipulating and distorting the concept of freedom of expression to mean "I'll use my freedom of expression to stop yours".

That's not liberal. Not even close.
...and the Party Line changes daily so you have to work really hard to keep up.

The cost of failure to keep up is loss of job, loss of reputation, loss of business opportunities.

For example, if you say "men and women" are different (something that used to be common sense) in the liberal world you are now persona non grata.

Meanwhile back in reality>>>>>

Two million federal workers receive memo warning they can't use the word 'resist' or discuss Trump impeachment at work

Let me give you a little taste of reality: Trump is a federal employee, isn't he? Political discrimination or harassment based on one's political beliefs is illegal, according to the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978. The statute requires that “All employees and applicants for employment should receive fair and equitable treatment in all aspects of personnel management without regard to political affiliation . . . and with proper regard for their privacy and constitutional rights.”

You don't think President Trump is being "harassed" or having to endure a hostile work environment?
Those who so willingly enable the shutting down of speech (from college campuses to workplaces) are not liberal, they're illiberal leftist authoritarians.
They're cynically manipulating and distorting the concept of freedom of expression to mean "I'll use my freedom of expression to stop yours".
That's not liberal. Not even close.
Like the conservative speaker who blames the Holocaust on homosexuality?
Or ann colder with her rhetorical bat and mansized Adam’s apple?
Like anyone.

Don't be afraid of words. Real liberals promote and defend freedom of expression.
Those who so willingly enable the shutting down of speech (from college campuses to workplaces) are not liberal, they're illiberal leftist authoritarians.
They're cynically manipulating and distorting the concept of freedom of expression to mean "I'll use my freedom of expression to stop yours".
That's not liberal. Not even close.
Like the conservative speaker who blames the Holocaust on homosexuality?
Or ann colder with her rhetorical bat and mansized Adam’s apple?
Like anyone.

Don't be afraid of words. Real liberals promote and defend freedom of expression.
True. These current Democrats aren't true liberals. They're commies.
...and the Party Line changes daily so you have to work really hard to keep up.

The cost of failure to keep up is loss of job, loss of reputation, loss of business opportunities.

For example, if you say "men and women" are different (something that used to be common sense) in the liberal world you are now persona non grata.

Meanwhile back in reality>>>>>

Two million federal workers receive memo warning they can't use the word 'resist' or discuss Trump impeachment at work

Let me give you a little taste of reality: Trump is a federal employee, isn't he? Political discrimination or harassment based on one's political beliefs is illegal, according to the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978. The statute requires that “All employees and applicants for employment should receive fair and equitable treatment in all aspects of personnel management without regard to political affiliation . . . and with proper regard for their privacy and constitutional rights.”

You don't think President Trump is being "harassed" or having to endure a hostile work environment?

What about the people who work for trump of members of the press who endure presidential insults while doing their jobs?
Those who so willingly enable the shutting down of speech (from college campuses to workplaces) are not liberal, they're illiberal leftist authoritarians.
They're cynically manipulating and distorting the concept of freedom of expression to mean "I'll use my freedom of expression to stop yours".
That's not liberal. Not even close.
Like the conservative speaker who blames the Holocaust on homosexuality?
Or ann colder with her rhetorical bat and mansized Adam’s apple?
Like anyone.

Don't be afraid of words. Real liberals promote and defend freedom of expression.

Sure, when Bob Jones University books Liberal speaker
Those who so willingly enable the shutting down of speech (from college campuses to workplaces) are not liberal, they're illiberal leftist authoritarians.
They're cynically manipulating and distorting the concept of freedom of expression to mean "I'll use my freedom of expression to stop yours".
That's not liberal. Not even close.
Like the conservative speaker who blames the Holocaust on homosexuality?
Or ann colder with her rhetorical bat and mansized Adam’s apple?
Like anyone.

Don't be afraid of words. Real liberals promote and defend freedom of expression.
True. These current Democrats aren't true liberals. They're commies.

Commies? Really, just really.
Those who so willingly enable the shutting down of speech (from college campuses to workplaces) are not liberal, they're illiberal leftist authoritarians.
They're cynically manipulating and distorting the concept of freedom of expression to mean "I'll use my freedom of expression to stop yours".
That's not liberal. Not even close.
Like the conservative speaker who blames the Holocaust on homosexuality?
Or ann colder with her rhetorical bat and mansized Adam’s apple?
Like anyone.

Don't be afraid of words. Real liberals promote and defend freedom of expression.

Sure, when Bob Jones University books Liberal speaker
So, in other words, no, you won't stop trying to shut people down.

I know. That was my point. There's always an excuse.
Those who so willingly enable the shutting down of speech (from college campuses to workplaces) are not liberal, they're illiberal leftist authoritarians.
They're cynically manipulating and distorting the concept of freedom of expression to mean "I'll use my freedom of expression to stop yours".
That's not liberal. Not even close.
Like the conservative speaker who blames the Holocaust on homosexuality?
Or ann colder with her rhetorical bat and mansized Adam’s apple?
Like anyone.

Don't be afraid of words. Real liberals promote and defend freedom of expression.
True. These current Democrats aren't true liberals. They're commies.

Commies? Really, just really.
Yes, really. Many of them don't know it, but it's true. Remember a few years ago at the Demonrat convention when they took out God from their platform? They've mastered the art of counting votes until they win, an old commie tactic.
Let me suggest a new topic headline





Hence, all religions, including global warming, are BAD...
The lessons to be learned from this topic, and actually from this board: if you are a hard core, foaming at the mouth conservative or a hard core foaming at the mouth liberal, your side has never been wrong, is always right, and has all the answers. Which also means the other side is always wrong, is never right, and has never done anything that benefited the country in any way. So when someone from the "wrong" side posts something completely moronic and self serving, the folks from the "good" side must immediately reply and repudiate the moronic statement, often with more moronic statements because, I guess, it's important to you and makes your life richer to do so. It's all very entertaining.
I do my damndest not to call them "liberals" anymore because they are the furthest thing from it. They are leftists, plain and simple.

Ever since I've been on this forum I simply refer to them as Progressive Liberal Socialist Pukes. Rolls off the tongue like a lullaby. Sounds impressive too.

Nothing like being able to insult, is there? I mean, actually having to use your head is hard, so why not just go and insult....

Though I'm not sure a POLITICAL forum is the best place to insult, perhaps there's a more appropriate forum for you.
I calls 'em like I sees 'em, Sylvester. And it's not an insult. It's an accurate description.

Yes, I've heard this excuse for bullying and insulting before. That still doesn't change the fact that you can't put your thoughts into much more than "fucker" "asshole" etc.

What does that tell me? It tells me that really, there isn't that much going on in there.

Putting your words in my mouth doesn't work here, Bobo.
Let me suggest a new topic headline





Hence, all religions, including global warming, are BAD...
Its the lazyness, this even existed back in Mark Twain's time
...and the Party Line changes daily so you have to work really hard to keep up.

The cost of failure to keep up is loss of job, loss of reputation, loss of business opportunities.

For example, if you say "men and women" are different (something that used to be common sense) in the liberal world you are now persona non grata.

There's nothing liberal about that.

That's a fact, but the OP reflects the progressive doctrine and progressives claim to be liberal. Progressives are exactly what they accuse their opponents of being. That's not an opinion, it should be clear to everyone and it's supported by history and current events. Orwell's 1984 mark was a few decades too soon, but he nailed it alright. The dumber we are the more easily controlled and progressives are leading the path.
[Being liberal means living in a 1984 world where you are told what you are allowed to say and think ] ...and the Party Line changes daily so you have to work really hard to keep up.

The cost of failure to keep up is loss of job, loss of reputation, loss of business opportunities.

For example, if you say "men and women" are different (something that used to be common sense) in the liberal world you are now persona non grata.

Yeah, there was a time when playing the victim card - on one's own behalf or that of others - had some news value to it. So, who was it? Who lost his job (it's almost inevitably a "he", isn't it?) because of the assertion that "men and women are different"?

Just kidding, there was never any news value to that. Not during the existence of the U.S. of A., at least.
...and the Party Line changes daily so you have to work really hard to keep up.

The cost of failure to keep up is loss of job, loss of reputation, loss of business opportunities.

For example, if you say "men and women" are different (something that used to be common sense) in the liberal world you are now persona non grata.

Meanwhile back in reality>>>>>

Two million federal workers receive memo warning they can't use the word 'resist' or discuss Trump impeachment at work

Let me give you a little taste of reality: Trump is a federal employee, isn't he? Political discrimination or harassment based on one's political beliefs is illegal, according to the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978. The statute requires that “All employees and applicants for employment should receive fair and equitable treatment in all aspects of personnel management without regard to political affiliation . . . and with proper regard for their privacy and constitutional rights.”

You don't think President Trump is being "harassed" or having to endure a hostile work environment?

What about the people who work for trump of members of the press who endure presidential insults while doing their jobs?

Don't start none, there won't be none. Trump has every right to defend himself against the lying hypocritical media, and he's doing like no other Republican President ever did before.

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