Being liberal means living in a 1984 world where you are told what you are allowed to say and think

...and the Party Line changes daily so you have to work really hard to keep up.

The cost of failure to keep up is loss of job, loss of reputation, loss of business opportunities.

For example, if you say "men and women" are different (something that used to be common sense) in the liberal world you are now persona non grata.

“men and women”

I guess I’ll get hate mail now?

Why is it that if some liberal says X you idiots automatically affix that belief to everyone who has liberal beliefs?

protectionist believes there should be rent controls in place…is he a liberal?
Protectionist said there should be SOME rent controls (in the cases of EXTREME rent increases, like 60%) Not the same as a blanket statement of "rent controls".

I doubt that many of the so=called "conservatives" who ragged about my suggestion, would do so, if they were low income, retired, and THEIR rent was going from $600/mo. to $950. How easy to blabber about something, when you're not the victim.
Those who so willingly enable the shutting down of speech (from college campuses to workplaces) are not liberal, they're illiberal leftist authoritarians.
They're cynically manipulating and distorting the concept of freedom of expression to mean "I'll use my freedom of expression to stop yours".
That's not liberal. Not even close.
Like the conservative speaker who blames the Holocaust on homosexuality?
Or ann colder with her rhetorical bat and mansized Adam’s apple?
Like anyone.

Don't be afraid of words. Real liberals promote and defend freedom of expression.
True. These current Democrats aren't true liberals. They're commies.

Commies? Really, just really.
Yes, really. Many of them don't know it, but it's true. Remember a few years ago at the Demonrat convention when they took out God from their platform? They've mastered the art of counting votes until they win, an old commie tactic.

The Democratic Party took what god out of what?
So you're saying that universities have to allow every single person to speak at their university or else there's no freedom of speech there? So if I come along and say "I want to kill all black people" and they ban me, then there's no freedom of speech?
A good read for you:
11 times campus speakers were shouted down by leftist protesters this school year - The College Fix

Remember when Rutgers handled Condoleezza Rice to the point she had to back out.
Obama chides Rutgers students for pressuring Condoleezza Rice to back out of commencement speech

Yeah, yeah.......the freedom from the left on full display. :rolleyes-41:

Problem is "shouting down" is also freedom of speech.

There's a right to say what you want, there isn't a right to be heard by everyone.
No it's not, you're stifling another person freedom of speech.
Your freedom ends where mine begins, regarding freedom of speech and being shouted down.
What would be appropriate is to let one person speak and then challenge what that person said.
Not to talk over him/her, and not allowing a persons right to be heard.
If a person doesn't want to hear that person, they can leave, no one is forcing them to stay.

That's the way it used to be, until.....

I'm kind of surprised in you, frigid that you would use that angle.

Firstly, rights are a human invention, fuck all this natural and god given nonsense.
Secondly, rights are freedoms you hold against government intrusion.

Therefore if the university is a private institution, they're not taking your rights away at all.

Thirdly, if everyone had the right to be HEARD, which is what you seem to be suggesting.

An individual who goes to a universities, tries to say what they want to day, gets shouted down, does this mean that they cannot say what they want anywhere else in the country? No, it doesn't.

So, if an individual gets shouted down, then goes on line and says what they want to say and doesn't get arrested by the government, no one has infringed on anyone's rights.

But hey, you just pretend you know what rights are, it's amusing. If a little painful.
Wow, you are an idiot and just fell off the cliff, dude. You are so getting away from the original point of our discussion.
Just so everyone present a strawman argument to justify the unjustifiable argument. Got it.
Carry on

Oh fuck off with your insults.

And great, another fucking mod who I can't put on ignore. So, from now on, keep the fuck away from me, don't respond to my posts, I don't want to talk to people who like to insult people.

You know, when I get told off by mods for shit, and then the mods go and do stuff that's worse, it's really annoying, just so you know.
I do my damndest not to call them "liberals" anymore because they are the furthest thing from it. They are leftists, plain and simple.

Ever since I've been on this forum I simply refer to them as Progressive Liberal Socialist Pukes. Rolls off the tongue like a lullaby. Sounds impressive too.

Nothing like being able to insult, is there? I mean, actually having to use your head is hard, so why not just go and insult....

Though I'm not sure a POLITICAL forum is the best place to insult, perhaps there's a more appropriate forum for you.
I calls 'em like I sees 'em, Sylvester. And it's not an insult. It's an accurate description.

Yes, I've heard this excuse for bullying and insulting before. That still doesn't change the fact that you can't put your thoughts into much more than "fucker" "asshole" etc.

What does that tell me? It tells me that really, there isn't that much going on in there.

Putting your words in my mouth doesn't work here, Bobo.

Who says I was trying to make things work? Bobo.

You're using typical bully boy tactics, I'm making the assumption you're not at high school, I'm making the assumption that you should be a little more mature than throwing insults in place of an argument.

Then again by the looks of this forum, there isn't much in the way of knowing how to make an argument going on in the US right now.
A good read for you:
11 times campus speakers were shouted down by leftist protesters this school year - The College Fix

Remember when Rutgers handled Condoleezza Rice to the point she had to back out.
Obama chides Rutgers students for pressuring Condoleezza Rice to back out of commencement speech

Yeah, yeah.......the freedom from the left on full display. :rolleyes-41:

Problem is "shouting down" is also freedom of speech.

There's a right to say what you want, there isn't a right to be heard by everyone.
No it's not, you're stifling another person freedom of speech.
Your freedom ends where mine begins, regarding freedom of speech and being shouted down.
What would be appropriate is to let one person speak and then challenge what that person said.
Not to talk over him/her, and not allowing a persons right to be heard.
If a person doesn't want to hear that person, they can leave, no one is forcing them to stay.

That's the way it used to be, until.....

I'm kind of surprised in you, frigid that you would use that angle.

Firstly, rights are a human invention, fuck all this natural and god given nonsense.
Secondly, rights are freedoms you hold against government intrusion.

Therefore if the university is a private institution, they're not taking your rights away at all.

Thirdly, if everyone had the right to be HEARD, which is what you seem to be suggesting.

An individual who goes to a universities, tries to say what they want to day, gets shouted down, does this mean that they cannot say what they want anywhere else in the country? No, it doesn't.

So, if an individual gets shouted down, then goes on line and says what they want to say and doesn't get arrested by the government, no one has infringed on anyone's rights.

But hey, you just pretend you know what rights are, it's amusing. If a little painful.
Wow, you are an idiot and just fell off the cliff, dude. You are so getting away from the original point of our discussion.
Just so everyone present a strawman argument to justify the unjustifiable argument. Got it.
Carry on

Oh fuck off with your insults.

And great, another fucking mod who I can't put on ignore. So, from now on, keep the fuck away from me, don't respond to my posts, I don't want to talk to people who like to insult people.

You know, when I get told off by mods for shit, and then the mods go and do stuff that's worse, it's really annoying, just so you know.
I'm keeping it on topic, you seem to move the goalposts when you are put in a corner. I just called you out on it, Frigid. Stay on the topic next time.
Problem is "shouting down" is also freedom of speech.

There's a right to say what you want, there isn't a right to be heard by everyone.
No it's not, you're stifling another person freedom of speech.
Your freedom ends where mine begins, regarding freedom of speech and being shouted down.
What would be appropriate is to let one person speak and then challenge what that person said.
Not to talk over him/her, and not allowing a persons right to be heard.
If a person doesn't want to hear that person, they can leave, no one is forcing them to stay.

That's the way it used to be, until.....

I'm kind of surprised in you, frigid that you would use that angle.

Firstly, rights are a human invention, fuck all this natural and god given nonsense.
Secondly, rights are freedoms you hold against government intrusion.

Therefore if the university is a private institution, they're not taking your rights away at all.

Thirdly, if everyone had the right to be HEARD, which is what you seem to be suggesting.

An individual who goes to a universities, tries to say what they want to day, gets shouted down, does this mean that they cannot say what they want anywhere else in the country? No, it doesn't.

So, if an individual gets shouted down, then goes on line and says what they want to say and doesn't get arrested by the government, no one has infringed on anyone's rights.

But hey, you just pretend you know what rights are, it's amusing. If a little painful.
Wow, you are an idiot and just fell off the cliff, dude. You are so getting away from the original point of our discussion.
Just so everyone present a strawman argument to justify the unjustifiable argument. Got it.
Carry on

Oh fuck off with your insults.

And great, another fucking mod who I can't put on ignore. So, from now on, keep the fuck away from me, don't respond to my posts, I don't want to talk to people who like to insult people.

You know, when I get told off by mods for shit, and then the mods go and do stuff that's worse, it's really annoying, just so you know.
I'm keeping it on topic, you seem to move the goalposts when you are put in a corner. I just called you out on it, Frigid. Stay on the topic next time.

Oh, I'm sorry, calling someone "an idiot" is keeping things on topic. Forgive me for not realizing this was the INSULTING THREAD.

Secondly, I was ON TOPIC, which is far more than you were. That you don't like what I said has nothing to do with it. We're talking about liberals supposedly preventing freedom of speech.

I was talking about a claim that someone said that universities were taking away people's freedom of speech.

So, how the hell you think this is off topic, and how the hell you think calling me an insult is on topic.

Like I said, KEEP THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME. Do not reply to my posts, I don't want to know about you. You'd be on the ignore list but for the fact that I CAN'T PUT YOU THERE.

Mods want this forum to be a nicer place, make it nicer by going away.
No it's not, you're stifling another person freedom of speech.
Your freedom ends where mine begins, regarding freedom of speech and being shouted down.
What would be appropriate is to let one person speak and then challenge what that person said.
Not to talk over him/her, and not allowing a persons right to be heard.
If a person doesn't want to hear that person, they can leave, no one is forcing them to stay.

That's the way it used to be, until.....

I'm kind of surprised in you, frigid that you would use that angle.

Firstly, rights are a human invention, fuck all this natural and god given nonsense.
Secondly, rights are freedoms you hold against government intrusion.

Therefore if the university is a private institution, they're not taking your rights away at all.

Thirdly, if everyone had the right to be HEARD, which is what you seem to be suggesting.

An individual who goes to a universities, tries to say what they want to day, gets shouted down, does this mean that they cannot say what they want anywhere else in the country? No, it doesn't.

So, if an individual gets shouted down, then goes on line and says what they want to say and doesn't get arrested by the government, no one has infringed on anyone's rights.

But hey, you just pretend you know what rights are, it's amusing. If a little painful.
Wow, you are an idiot and just fell off the cliff, dude. You are so getting away from the original point of our discussion.
Just so everyone present a strawman argument to justify the unjustifiable argument. Got it.
Carry on

Oh fuck off with your insults.

And great, another fucking mod who I can't put on ignore. So, from now on, keep the fuck away from me, don't respond to my posts, I don't want to talk to people who like to insult people.

You know, when I get told off by mods for shit, and then the mods go and do stuff that's worse, it's really annoying, just so you know.
I'm keeping it on topic, you seem to move the goalposts when you are put in a corner. I just called you out on it, Frigid. Stay on the topic next time.

Oh, I'm sorry, calling someone "an idiot" is keeping things on topic. Forgive me for not realizing this was the INSULTING THREAD.

Secondly, I was ON TOPIC, which is far more than you were. That you don't like what I said has nothing to do with it. We're talking about liberals supposedly preventing freedom of speech.

I was talking about a claim that someone said that universities were taking away people's freedom of speech.

So, how the hell you think this is off topic, and how the hell you think calling me an insult is on topic.

Like I said, KEEP THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME. Do not reply to my posts, I don't want to know about you. You'd be on the ignore list but for the fact that I CAN'T PUT YOU THERE.

Mods want this forum to be a nicer place, make it nicer by going away.
Our conversation started with how the liberals are all for individual freedoms. When I mentioned them stifling freedom of speech
and gave examples. Good conversation until you came back with something that was off the wall, Frigid
Don't reply to this post and it will end.
Firstly, rights are a human invention, fuck all this natural and god given nonsense.
Secondly, rights are freedoms you hold against government intrusion.

Therefore if the university is a private institution, they're not taking your rights away at all.

Thirdly, if everyone had the right to be HEARD, which is what you seem to be suggesting.

An individual who goes to a universities, tries to say what they want to day, gets shouted down, does this mean that they cannot say what they want anywhere else in the country? No, it doesn't.

So, if an individual gets shouted down, then goes on line and says what they want to say and doesn't get arrested by the government, no one has infringed on anyone's rights.

But hey, you just pretend you know what rights are, it's amusing. If a little painful.
Wow, you are an idiot and just fell off the cliff, dude. You are so getting away from the original point of our discussion.
Just so everyone present a strawman argument to justify the unjustifiable argument. Got it.
Carry on

Oh fuck off with your insults.

And great, another fucking mod who I can't put on ignore. So, from now on, keep the fuck away from me, don't respond to my posts, I don't want to talk to people who like to insult people.

You know, when I get told off by mods for shit, and then the mods go and do stuff that's worse, it's really annoying, just so you know.
I'm keeping it on topic, you seem to move the goalposts when you are put in a corner. I just called you out on it, Frigid. Stay on the topic next time.

Oh, I'm sorry, calling someone "an idiot" is keeping things on topic. Forgive me for not realizing this was the INSULTING THREAD.

Secondly, I was ON TOPIC, which is far more than you were. That you don't like what I said has nothing to do with it. We're talking about liberals supposedly preventing freedom of speech.

I was talking about a claim that someone said that universities were taking away people's freedom of speech.

So, how the hell you think this is off topic, and how the hell you think calling me an insult is on topic.

Like I said, KEEP THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME. Do not reply to my posts, I don't want to know about you. You'd be on the ignore list but for the fact that I CAN'T PUT YOU THERE.

Mods want this forum to be a nicer place, make it nicer by going away.
Our conversation started with how the liberals are all for individual freedoms. When I mentioned them stifling freedom of speech
and gave examples. Good conversation until you came back with something that was off the wall, Frigid
Don't reply to this post and it will end.

To be clear, the First Amendment does not protect behavior on campus that crosses the line into targeted harassment or threats, or that creates a pervasively hostile environment for vulnerable students. But merely offensive or bigoted speech does not rise to that level, and determining when conduct crosses that line is a legal question that requires examination on a case-by-case basis. Restricting such speech may be attractive to college
Speech on Campus
Like the conservative speaker who blames the Holocaust on homosexuality?
Or ann colder with her rhetorical bat and mansized Adam’s apple?
Like anyone.

Don't be afraid of words. Real liberals promote and defend freedom of expression.
True. These current Democrats aren't true liberals. They're commies.

Commies? Really, just really.
Yes, really. Many of them don't know it, but it's true. Remember a few years ago at the Demonrat convention when they took out God from their platform? They've mastered the art of counting votes until they win, an old commie tactic.

The Democratic Party took what god out of what?
The god of common sense out of your Post Toasties. Idiot.
Stalin shot millions of Communists in his purges and sent millions more to the Siberian camps.

Liberals are now doing the same thing to their own people, what with MeToo and political correctness.

You are confusing liberals with Democrats.
Those who so willingly enable the shutting down of speech (from college campuses to workplaces) are not liberal, they're illiberal leftist authoritarians.
They're cynically manipulating and distorting the concept of freedom of expression to mean "I'll use my freedom of expression to stop yours".
That's not liberal. Not even close.
Like the conservative speaker who blames the Holocaust on homosexuality?
Or ann colder with her rhetorical bat and mansized Adam’s apple?
Like anyone.

Don't be afraid of words. Real liberals promote and defend freedom of expression.

Yeah. But you don't find any "real liberals" these days in EITHER of the Brand Name parties. I've looked, they are not there. On strictly Civil Liberties, the only places I know of are the Libertarian Party and "specialty orgs" that are fairly non-partisan.

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