Believe covid is real and co2 causes climate change?

The science invalids are also mainly very very bad at READING COMPREHENSION

Algore's FRAUD is the worst ever crime against the environment. $4 trillion dollars studying nothing could have been used to build desalination plants.... which would actually save real trees...
From the great RR

May 13, 2004 — Yes, just as president Ronald Reagan said in 1981. "Trees cause more pollution than automobiles do," he opined.

The foundation of your beliefs.

Al Gore hasn't held a political office with any power since 1992. Pick a new bogeyman.
Covid is real. It's a real virus that makes people sick and can kill obese people, the elderly, or have underlying conditions. Just like the flu, only it spreads marginally easier but much like the flu most people will get sick and move on.

C02 can contribute to climate and is more of a result of it than the root cause. It's been proven to have been a factor thousands of times over millions of years. We know it to be true as it's happened millions of years before man even was around.

What isn't real about those things is the spin put on them to skew the information for political gain and to scare people into doing what they are told to do, think and believe.

A lecture on the meaning of "science" from those who think trees are bad for the environment.

Back to the Church of We'll Believe anything we See on the Internet with you.


Mathematics is the only pure science.
From the great RR

May 13, 2004 — Yes, just as president Ronald Reagan said in 1981. "Trees cause more pollution than automobiles do," he opined.

The foundation of your beliefs.

Al Gore hasn't held a political office with any power since 1992. Pick a new bogeyman.

The DATA....

Two and only two measures of atmospheric temps... both showed NO WARMING as Co2 went up as a %

"satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling"

Co2 went up, temperatures did not according to the two and only two highly correlated data we have....


Dem "solution" = FUDGE the DATA so science invalids who parrot CNN will continue to "believe..."

Yeah, you have an "irony meter" and we have THE DATA...

Co2 went up, atmospheric temps DID NOT....

satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling.

"The Science Says" THEORY REJECTED

Your side said FUDGE THE DATA....
Greenland froze while North America thawed during the past million years - how did Co2 melt one and freeze the other at the same time????

This is the "idiocy of the fraud."

The sub human science invalids who find CNN credible want us to believe that atmospheric Co2 melted North America while it froze Greenland....

DID THE Co2 clump over North America and flee Greenland???
Dr, Fauci said masks do not work to the Chinese in 2019....


I have not been sick for two years either.....

No mask
No vax
No visit to our fascist healthcare system

That's weird, unusually, I haven't been sick with a cold since Dec. 2019, which was the first fever (low grade) & sore throat I had in decades "covidish". I'm unvaxed, and like many only wear a mask when they demand it (e.g. Costco). I was just at Costco yesterday, and many customers had taken them off after their entrance, which is a new development.
I suggest that you stop worrying about other people 'parroting' and start reading the articles that you post, idiot.

The article says that weather balloon data which was used as evidence that the atmosphere was cooling, not warming, has been debunked.

No, the data says 1/3 the modeled warming in one area and actual cooling in the other area.


Diagram showing observed linear decadal temperature change at surface, 300 hPa and 200 hPa, between 20oN and 20oS, since January 1979. Data source: HadAT and HadCRUT4. Click here to compare with modelled altitudinal temperature change pattern for doubling atmospheric CO2. Last month included in analysis: December 2012. Last diagram update: 4 May 2013.


Sherwood's paper was addressed as modeled nonsense years ago.

Desperation — who needs thermometers? Sherwood finds missing hot spot with homogenized “wind” data

That's weird, because unusually I haven't been sick with a cold since Dec. 2019, which was the first fever (low grade) & sore throat I had in decades "covidish". I'm unvaxed, and like many only wear a mask when they demand it (e.g. Costco). I was just at Costco yesterday, and many customers had taken them off after their entrance, which is a new development.

There was a nasty flu around that time, Thanksgiving 2019 as I recall.... but it was nasal, not cough. Covid was a very specific short staccato cough, which is why it was easy to detect and notice when it left. It left America in May of 2020... Delta variant was just the normal Fall 2020 flu.... used to steal the election.
the data says 1/3 the modeled warming

If the "warming" was "modeled" that was because it was NOT ACTUALLY IN THE DATA AT ALL and had to be FUDGED IN THERE for PARROTING MORONS like you to keep BAWKING BULLSHIT....

If the "warming" was "modeled" that was because it was NOT ACTUALLY IN THE DATA AT ALL and had to be FUDGED IN THERE for PARROTING MORONS like you to keep BAWKING BULLSHIT....


Hey why don't you tone down the screaming?

I showed that the Modeled "hot spot" is wrong when it is about the same as the surface warming (models says it was supposed to be THREE times warming rate over the surface) and the one region is slightly cooling evidence that the models are wrong by a LOT!
Hey why don't you tone down the screaming?

I showed that the Modeled "hot spot" is wrong when it is about the same as the surface warming (models says it was supposed to be THREE times warming rate over the surface) and the one region is slightly cooling evidence that the models are wrong by a LOT!

Why did Greenland freeze while North America thawed during the past million years????
Why did Greenland freeze while North America thawed during the past million years????

You are running into the ditch since I am talking about a recently modeled (1990's) failed prediction for the Lower Troposphere "hot spot" which was shown to be in serious error in recent years.

By the way I was responding to Richard-H about it not you.
The DATA....

Two and only two measures of atmospheric temps... both showed NO WARMING as Co2 went up as a %

"satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling"

Co2 went up, temperatures did not according to the two and only two highly correlated data we have....


Dem "solution" = FUDGE the DATA so science invalids who parrot CNN will continue to "believe..."

Or just take a quote out of context?

"Satellite and weather balloon data used to argue that climate models were wrong and that global warming isn't really happening turns out to be based on faulty analyses, according to three new studies."

turns out to be based on faulty analyses, according to three new studies."


This is how the Left practices "The Science."

If the DATA outs Global Warming as a FRAUD, FUDGE THE DATA and lie and sub human science invalids like Dadaolex will PARROT


Co2 went up, atmospheric temps did not.

The real practice of science would REJECT THE THEORY.

The left and "The Science" fudge, lie, and count on invalids to PARROT....

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