Beloved Conservative 40-year Teacher Loses Job After Slapping Disrespectful Student. Marxist Left WILL Ruin Him.

No, the 1950s was the best decade for all families. Even black families stayed together more back them.
They weren’t so good for Mr Businessman having to put up with the 90% tax brackets and all those expensive union jobs he had to pay for.
Kooky in Kokomo

Peter Buttgiggle, Bi-Den's Gayist Sexretarry of Trannyportation, was previously Mayor of South Bend, which is 11 miles from where this Old School incident took place. More proof that a Gayified culture always sticks up for its boytoys.
Ah...there it is. Blame the gays.
What about if you're in favor of killing them via abortion? You shouldn't be having sex if that's the case.

Abortion kids: Far worse than slapping them.
You are for FORCING people to become organ donors, right?
The student reportedly threatened to rape the teacher's daughter. I think the teacher showed great restraint after such a threat.
"reportedly".....and yet, tho you've been asked several times, you can provide no evidence that that is true.
I have read several articles concerning this event. I have not seen any mention of what Mashie claims was in this "report".

Maybe he can post a link.
Does anyone think the teacher just decided yo go ballistic for no reason?
Does anyone think the teacher just decided yo go ballistic for no reason?

I have no idea why the teacher went ballistic. Perhaps it was that the kid wore the hoodie and earbuds in his class. Perhaps he was having a bad day.

I have read a dozen articles on this event, and not one mentions what Mashie claims happened.
I have no idea why the teacher went ballistic. Perhaps it was that the kid wore the hoodie and earbuds in his class. Perhaps he was having a bad day.

I have read a dozen articles on this event, and not one mentions what Mashie claims happened.
I have not see any evidence to suggest what set the teacher off

but I suspect there was something
It's not an "unfortunate incident". He assaulted a minor under his care.

You libs don 't give a hoot about minors having their private parts cut off by these radical nutjob libs though. Trans kids is a lie.
Have you heard about how many of these pitiful people grow up and kill themselves after their evil parents do this to their own child?
Stop with the fake sympathy.
I did some research. The teacher is a Christian conservative, has the support of many students and parents.
Yes. He was enormously popular. 1200 signatures were gathered in a short time to let him keep his pension. He was also Teacher of the Year in 2020. Amazing how these leftwingers in all their 'research' failed to unearth that. But the boy was a habitual offender say the other students who also said he threatened to rape the teacher's daughter.
I knew many colored families when I was young, and still do. Mom and Dad were together then. Today, dad is long gone, and the government is the dad.
Colored families? What % of black families would you say is on Gov't assistance? What % of white families?
Yes. He was enormously popular. 1200 signatures were gathered in a short time to let him keep his pension. He was also Teacher of the Year in 2020. Amazing how these leftwingers in all their 'research' failed to unearth that. But the boy was a habitual offender say the other students who also said he threatened to rape the teacher's daughter.
You know what "Teacher of the Year" means, right? #1 kiss up to Admin.

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