Ben Carson Believes Darwin's Theory Was A Creation of Satan

Science as developed from the fathers of science wouldn't exist save the groundwork. Yes, humility is a wonderful trait but not so wonderful when it is used to discourage weighing scientific evidence that might debunk a heavily favored religious preference to fact. Humility is an important virtue but it should be carefully used, is it more important to say I don't know? or is it more important to demand answers? Maybe its modesty we should seek instead of humility

When you don't know --- you DO NOT know. Darwin debunks NOTHING religious. He merely chronicled the ability of species to CHANGE and postulated some forcing factors based on survival. If every creature on the planet evolved BASED on survival of the fittest --- your goldfish would have MASSIVE teeth and a poisonous stinger.

What Carson was referring to was probably the Giant Leap that Darwin took to attempt to explain the "ORIGIN" of life on the planet. He did not have but a mere fragment of the fossil record in order to do that and it frustrated the shit of him all his life. Made him at times doubt his own work. THAT part of Darwin's work that came into conflict with Divine Creation is what Carson alluded to as the work of the Devil. It's an allegory. Literary license. And a little obtuse. But it also was ARROGANT for Darwin to make such a giant leap without a fraction of the science neccessary to do that.

What we NOW know -- is that it is was LIKELY there were NEVER "missing links" for some of the rapid shifts in specie developments. More like a giant leap in evolution in times where there was GREAT genomic changes.

And IN THOSE TIMES --- it is remotely possible that Cosmic Rays or "alien DNA" introduced from Comet impacts COULD HAVE been the accelerants of evolution. And to me and State Farm Insurance -- those things are "acts of God"....
Science as developed from the fathers of science wouldn't exist save the groundwork. Yes, humility is a wonderful trait but not so wonderful when it is used to discourage weighing scientific evidence that might debunk a heavily favored religious preference to fact. Humility is an important virtue but it should be carefully used, is it more important to say I don't know? or is it more important to demand answers? Maybe its modesty we should seek instead of humility

When you don't know --- you DO NOT know. Darwin debunks NOTHING religious. He merely chronicled the ability of species to CHANGE and postulated some forcing factors based on survival. If every creature on the planet evolved BASED on survival of the fittest --- your goldfish would have MASSIVE teeth and a poisonous stinger.

What Carson was referring to was probably the Giant Leap that Darwin took to attempt to explain the "ORIGIN" of life on the planet. He did not have but a mere fragment of the fossil record in order to do that and it frustrated the shit of him all his life. Made him at times doubt his own work. THAT part of Darwin's work that came into conflict with Divine Creation is what Carson alluded to as the work of the Devil. It's an allegory. Literary license. And a little obtuse. But it also was ARROGANT for Darwin to make such a giant leap without a fraction of the science neccessary to do that.

What we NOW know -- is that it is was LIKELY there were NEVER "missing links" for some of the rapid shifts in specie developments. More like a giant leap in evolution in times where there was GREAT genomic changes.

And IN THOSE TIMES --- it is remotely possible that Cosmic Rays or "alien DNA" introduced from Comet impacts COULD HAVE been the accelerants of evolution. And to me and State Farm Insurance -- those things are "acts of God"....

Science is very driven by opinion, you put your thoughts out there and let them win approval or let them be rejected by consensus. Your opinion is fact until it is disproved and so it was with Darwin. Ben Carson didn't attempt to disprove Darwin at all, he only offered his own hypothesis and is why he is ridiculed and criticized here, the fact that he never says what his actual opinion is should be laughed at.

Whatever Carson was referring to it wasn't based in science and we have plenty of avenues to establish a timeline of events, carbon dating, varve counting, pollen analysis, ice core dating, dendochronology, coral dating, thermoremnant magnetism, flourine testing, thermoluminescence, electron spin resonance, cosmic ray exposure tests, and many more. Every single day we advance science and every day we become wiser, at some point there is no more room for discussion the facts will outweigh all other evidence. What then?

So please, before you criticize Darwin, don't introduce your own wild theories that debunk divine creation especially when in 140 years they wouldn't have had the time to be demonstrative of any theory and Ben Carson may be moved to a flabbergasted response over them.
Carson is a loon, full on...
I'm starting to feel bad for him. He does strike me as a nice, genuine guy with strong beliefs. He does not need this spotlight
He has only himself to blame.

No one forced him to run for president – his ignorance of, and contempt for, sound, responsible governance is clearly evident; he's at liberty to believe what he wishes and to express those beliefs, but when those beliefs are so bizarre and factually wrong – such as this nonsense about Darwin and 'satan,' the stupidity of his statements are legitimate targets of criticism and ridicule.
It is one thing to deny the existence of Evolution and another to say Darwin was influenced by Satan but to do so with a first class education encompassing biology, anatomy, biochemistry and histology is nothing less than astounding.

At the .40 mark

Based on the number of threads you guys have posted about the good doctor you all must be scared shitless about him!
Science as developed from the fathers of science wouldn't exist save the groundwork. Yes, humility is a wonderful trait but not so wonderful when it is used to discourage weighing scientific evidence that might debunk a heavily favored religious preference to fact. Humility is an important virtue but it should be carefully used, is it more important to say I don't know? or is it more important to demand answers? Maybe its modesty we should seek instead of humility

When you don't know --- you DO NOT know. Darwin debunks NOTHING religious. He merely chronicled the ability of species to CHANGE and postulated some forcing factors based on survival. If every creature on the planet evolved BASED on survival of the fittest --- your goldfish would have MASSIVE teeth and a poisonous stinger.

What Carson was referring to was probably the Giant Leap that Darwin took to attempt to explain the "ORIGIN" of life on the planet. He did not have but a mere fragment of the fossil record in order to do that and it frustrated the shit of him all his life. Made him at times doubt his own work. THAT part of Darwin's work that came into conflict with Divine Creation is what Carson alluded to as the work of the Devil. It's an allegory. Literary license. And a little obtuse. But it also was ARROGANT for Darwin to make such a giant leap without a fraction of the science neccessary to do that.

What we NOW know -- is that it is was LIKELY there were NEVER "missing links" for some of the rapid shifts in specie developments. More like a giant leap in evolution in times where there was GREAT genomic changes.

And IN THOSE TIMES --- it is remotely possible that Cosmic Rays or "alien DNA" introduced from Comet impacts COULD HAVE been the accelerants of evolution. And to me and State Farm Insurance -- those things are "acts of God"....

Science is very driven by opinion, you put your thoughts out there and let them win approval or let them be rejected by consensus. Your opinion is fact until it is disproved and so it was with Darwin. Ben Carson didn't attempt to disprove Darwin at all, he only offered his own hypothesis and is why he is ridiculed and criticized here, the fact that he never says what his actual opinion is should be laughed at.

Whatever Carson was referring to it wasn't based in science and we have plenty of avenues to establish a timeline of events, carbon dating, varve counting, pollen analysis, ice core dating, dendochronology, coral dating, thermoremnant magnetism, flourine testing, thermoluminescence, electron spin resonance, cosmic ray exposure tests, and many more. Every single day we advance science and every day we become wiser, at some point there is no more room for discussion the facts will outweigh all other evidence. What then?

So please, before you criticize Darwin, don't introduce your own wild theories that debunk divine creation especially when in 140 years they wouldn't have had the time to be demonstrative of any theory and Ben Carson may be moved to a flabbergasted response over them.

Only a complete scientific illiterate could make such an asinine statement. Science concerns itself with FACTS and observations of the natural world.

Where the hell do you ignorant twats come from?
Carson's apologists will, of course, try to promote the ridiculous notion that Carson is speaking in 'metaphor' or 'symbolism' in an attempt to mitigate the stupidity of his statements – but such efforts will fail, as the idea that Darwin is somehow 'evil,' or his discoveries 'harmful,' is clear idiocy.
You know that his claim has nothing to do with science, right? That is to say his opinion thay darwin was influenced by Satan is not a scientist's opinion.

You know this, right?
Who gives a sh!t about Darwin??
It's a culmination of things more than just this one statement. With stuff like this he looks more and more like a guy who fits the facts to match his worldview rather than the other way around. That hasnt worked out well for us in the past
He has his opinion we have ours, running with the crowd is overrated...
You don't gain points for ot running with the crowd by saying 2+2=5.

He just doesnt seem as connected to reality as the rest of us, and he goes to great lengths to fit facts to his opinions.

I think.he's probably a nice guy and he's welcome to have whatever ill-formed and ridiculous theory he likes. I just dont want him using his irrational beliefs to make decisions for all of us
No one believes a word Algore says, manbearpig is as dilusional as career politicians get...

This thread isn't about Gore.
As I suspected, Carson isn't really wanting to be president. He's just using the campaign to increase his name recognition so he can have a career as another rich TV preacher. Somebody has to take Jerry Falwell's place.
As I suspected, Carson isn't really wanting to be president. He's just using the campaign to increase his name recognition so he can have a career as another rich TV preacher. Somebody has to take Jerry Falwell's place.

Both he and Trump aren't serious 'candidates,' if they were they'd not be making these stupid, ridiculous statements.
It is one thing to deny the existence of Evolution and another to say Darwin was influenced by Satan but to do so with a first class education encompassing biology, anatomy, biochemistry and histology is nothing less than astounding.

At the .40 mark

You don't agree with him, fine.
Agreement is overrated...

Not when you're trying to get votes.
It is one thing to deny the existence of Evolution and another to say Darwin was influenced by Satan but to do so with a first class education encompassing biology, anatomy, biochemistry and histology is nothing less than astounding.

At the .40 mark

If evolution's true then didn't God create it? God created all the animals, doesn't how animals reproduce and evolve then reflect on their creator?
... Now I am wondering what could be worse: having the Donald as a president or this pre-industrial era zealot.
What a disapointment ... specially comming from a college graduate.
Taught by who? A progressive professor, one of lowest of life forms

Your ignorance shines like a beacon.
And yours does??

Your point? you can't responsibly lump all upper education into the same category. I believe you're better than that.
I don't, I just don't believe it's the be all end all of all things...
You dont have a degree, do you?
Taught by who? A progressive professor, one of lowest of life forms

Your ignorance shines like a beacon.
And yours does??

Your point? you can't responsibly lump all upper education into the same category. I believe you're better than that.
I don't, I just don't believe it's the be all end all of all things...
You dont have a degree, do you?
No, I do not, I was too busy trying to survive on an Indian reservation all my young life.
I have since recovered in my adult life...
You know that his claim has nothing to do with science, right? That is to say his opinion thay darwin was influenced by Satan is not a scientist's opinion.

You know this, right?
Who gives a sh!t about Darwin??
It's a culmination of things more than just this one statement. With stuff like this he looks more and more like a guy who fits the facts to match his worldview rather than the other way around. That hasnt worked out well for us in the past
He has his opinion we have ours, running with the crowd is overrated...

Don't you wish it was that easy? Espousing creationism as a president could have a negative effect on the development of science in America.
My existence does not depend on science, thank God. are a Christian Scientist?
Your ignorance shines like a beacon.
And yours does??

Your point? you can't responsibly lump all upper education into the same category. I believe you're better than that.
I don't, I just don't believe it's the be all end all of all things...
You dont have a degree, do you?
No, I do not, I was too busy trying to survive on an Indian reservation all my young life.
I have since recovered in my adult life...
So without a degree what makes you qualified to comment on something you have no experience in?

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