Ben Carson Believes Darwin's Theory Was A Creation of Satan

Obama thinks there are 3 billion more humans than the Earth can sustain.

So killing off po folks will possibly save the planet.

Best way to do it is by starting a war in the Middle-East, aborting millions of babies, opening up all borders to spread infectious deseases that have been irradicated for decades, and using inoculations to plant germs in people giving them deseases rather than preventing them.
Stupid question i know but.... source?
Reading the bible with faith thru Gods grace is the only to understand it, with out faith none of it makes any sense....

So no rationallity is required in that process at all ? Just faith ? An IQ of 50 or lower would then be a plus when going through such process. I can't say I envy you.

Now , going back to Carson . I skimmed through his bio , he seems to be the opposit of DTrump,
hard working , dedicated, bright (at least as a surgeon), consistent with his position of defense for life and the environment ( I completely admire people who are both vegetarian and pro-life, because it is a very consistent position ) .
He seemed like a much better alternative to that egomaniac , racist big mouthed and rather hypocrital Trump. But a statement like the one he made in the video do not help lift his image ( even religous people will have a hard time digesting his comment: an invention from "the enemy"? why?, why at all? ) I am truly disapointed.
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Science is a body of knowledge which evolves, just as gravitational theory was updated with Einstein's relativity theory , so has evolution theory been updated with new findings.
True , a neurosurgeon doesn't actually need evolution , just as a rocket scientist doesn't require the relativity theory, but Carson's claims are as outrageous as having a rocket scientist say Einstein's findings are a Satan's invention.
Also, while Darwin did not know about the mechanisms he could certainly see the effects ( just as we are clueless about the mechanics of dark matter , but we can see its effects). Darwin was not the end of the evolution theory , but rather the starting point.
Now to be slightly scientific : to call the evolution theory a creation of the "enemy" one should at least try to give any proof whatsoever of the existence of the aforementioned "enemy"... which is the part which so irritates me comming from someone with a scientific background.

Yeah -- SO? If you watch the entire clip -- he wants to take a whack at expounding on the concepts. Referenced writing a book. I can hold my fire until then. In the meantime, I'll refrain from using Darwin as proof that man knows all about the origins of life. Doesn't mean I invoke God or the Devil.. But I'm still stuck on the arrogance of the "Big Bang" where all matter/energy in the universe existed on the head of a pin. Takes a LOT MORE "faith" and arrogance to swallow that whole...
Then again , it is one thig to say : the evolution theory as a whole and some specific points of Darwin's theory are wrong, and I will write a book about it , and another completely different to say : I attribute that theory to "the enemy", and I will write a book about it.
I am an agnostic, but I like Christ teachings, and nothing in the evolution theory goes against that.
The old testament in the other hand, is a very different matter.

Quantum mechanics are a lot weirder, than the evolution theory.
The bible if not taken as a whole, is useless gibberish...
The bible taken as a whole is one of the most inconsistent documents to be read.
For starters it depicts God with two very different personalities, frankly I would rather think that if there is a god, it is more similar to the one depicted in the New Testament.
According to you?? Or God??

How many faiths and how many gods exist? Every faith claims their god and their moral principles are the right ones and all of them are supported by blind faith.
Reading the bible with faith thru Gods grace is the only to understand it, with out faith none of it makes any sense....

So no rationallity is required in that process at all ? Just faith ? An IQ of 50 or lower would then be a plus when going through such process. I can't say I envy you.

Now , going back to Carson . I skimmed through his bio , he seems to be the opposit of DTrump,
hard working , dedicated, bright (at least as a surgeon), consistent with his position of defense for life and the environment ( I completely admire people who are both vegetarian and pro-life, because it is a very consistent position ) .
He seemed like a much better alternative to that egomaniac , racist big mouthed and rather hypocrital Trump. But a statement like the one he made in the video do not help lift his image ( even religous people will have a hard time digesting his comment: an invention from "the enemy"? why?, why at all? ) I am truly disapointed.
By gods grace thru faith is the only way to understand the whole bible, and you just don't read it, it's a life's study.
Yes, it seems it's beyond your understanding. You just don't "read" the bible it's a life's study.
It requires faith, just IQ is not enough on its own...
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Yeah -- SO? If you watch the entire clip -- he wants to take a whack at expounding on the concepts. Referenced writing a book. I can hold my fire until then. In the meantime, I'll refrain from using Darwin as proof that man knows all about the origins of life. Doesn't mean I invoke God or the Devil.. But I'm still stuck on the arrogance of the "Big Bang" where all matter/energy in the universe existed on the head of a pin. Takes a LOT MORE "faith" and arrogance to swallow that whole...
Then again , it is one thig to say : the evolution theory as a whole and some specific points of Darwin's theory are wrong, and I will write a book about it , and another completely different to say : I attribute that theory to "the enemy", and I will write a book about it.
I am an agnostic, but I like Christ teachings, and nothing in the evolution theory goes against that.
The old testament in the other hand, is a very different matter.

Quantum mechanics are a lot weirder, than the evolution theory.
The bible if not taken as a whole, is useless gibberish...
The bible taken as a whole is one of the most inconsistent documents to be read.
For starters it depicts God with two very different personalities, frankly I would rather think that if there is a god, it is more similar to the one depicted in the New Testament.
According to you?? Or God??

How many faiths and how many gods exist? Every faith claims their god and their moral principles are the right ones and all of them are supported by blind faith.
Simple, not one of us has it all figured out.
It's a christain you may not understand...
I am sure the isis thinks science is also invented by satan...So Carson and them would get along.
Yeah -- SO? If you watch the entire clip -- he wants to take a whack at expounding on the concepts. Referenced writing a book. I can hold my fire until then. In the meantime, I'll refrain from using Darwin as proof that man knows all about the origins of life. Doesn't mean I invoke God or the Devil.. But I'm still stuck on the arrogance of the "Big Bang" where all matter/energy in the universe existed on the head of a pin. Takes a LOT MORE "faith" and arrogance to swallow that whole...
Then again , it is one thig to say : the evolution theory as a whole and some specific points of Darwin's theory are wrong, and I will write a book about it , and another completely different to say : I attribute that theory to "the enemy", and I will write a book about it.
I am an agnostic, but I like Christ teachings, and nothing in the evolution theory goes against that.
The old testament in the other hand, is a very different matter.

Quantum mechanics are a lot weirder, than the evolution theory.
The bible if not taken as a whole, is useless gibberish...
The bible taken as a whole is one of the most inconsistent documents to be read.
For starters it depicts God with two very different personalities, frankly I would rather think that if there is a god, it is more similar to the one depicted in the New Testament.
According to you?? Or God??

How many faiths and how many gods exist? Every faith claims their god and their moral principles are the right ones and all of them are supported by blind faith.

I'd rather stick with science and logic. Has done a hell of a lot more good for humanity.
As a scientist and as the frontrunner to the Republican nomination he has an obligation to speak about his beliefs and why he is rejecting the things he learned in his scientific education.

Evolution is NOT a key fundamental for a neurosurgeon. ANY neurosurgeon today knows more about the human body and biology than Darwin did. Evolution has hardly any medical bearing on technique or process of being a doctor.

AND Darwin didn't have a clue as to the MECHANISM of evolution which is in the genetics of beings. And he is NOT the ultimate authority of what we NOW know about evolution. That it can be rapid or slow or even manipulated. And NEWER knowledge postulates that there were periods of BLAZING fast specie creation and evolution. All triggered by a variety of events such as Cosmic ray storms, Chemical changes in the environment, even EXTREME stress. These fall into the realm of "Acts of God" under an AllState Insurance Policy.

So HUMILITY in a scientist -- where they are not BEATING YOU UP with approved versions of orthodox science and whacking you with Darwin as the "end all and be all" of evolution knowledge --- is refreshing.

A little HUMILITY and "I'm still not certain" is not a bad thing for a politician or a scientist.. I LIKE humility..

Now watch the arrogance of folks defending Darwin.. Even tho they probably have no concept of what he DIDN'T know --- that's been discovered since his death..

Science is a body of knowledge which evolves, just as gravitational theory was updated with Einstein's relativity theory , so has evolution theory been updated with new findings.
True , a neurosurgeon doesn't actually need evolution , just as a rocket scientist doesn't require the relativity theory, but Carson's claims are as outrageous as having a rocket scientist say Einstein's findings are a Satan's invention.
Also, while Darwin did not know about the mechanisms he could certainly see the effects ( just as we are clueless about the mechanics of dark matter , but we can see its effects). Darwin was not the end of the evolution theory , but rather the starting point.
Now to be slightly scientific : to call the evolution theory a creation of the "enemy" one should at least try to give any proof whatsoever of the existence of the aforementioned "enemy"... which is the part which so irritates me comming from someone with a scientific background.

Yeah -- SO? If you watch the entire clip -- he wants to take a whack at expounding on the concepts. Referenced writing a book. I can hold my fire until then. In the meantime, I'll refrain from using Darwin as proof that man knows all about the origins of life. Doesn't mean I invoke God or the Devil.. But I'm still stuck on the arrogance of the "Big Bang" where all matter/energy in the universe existed on the head of a pin. Takes a LOT MORE "faith" and arrogance to swallow that whole...
Then again , it is one thig to say : the evolution theory as a whole and some specific points of Darwin's theory are wrong, and I will write a book about it , and another completely different to say : I attribute that theory to "the enemy", and I will write a book about it.
I am an agnostic, but I like Christ teachings, and nothing in the evolution theory goes against that.
The old testament in the other hand, is a very different matter.

Quantum mechanics are a lot weirder, than the evolution theory.
The bible if not taken as a whole, is useless gibberish...

It's fiction.
Then again , it is one thig to say : the evolution theory as a whole and some specific points of Darwin's theory are wrong, and I will write a book about it , and another completely different to say : I attribute that theory to "the enemy", and I will write a book about it.
I am an agnostic, but I like Christ teachings, and nothing in the evolution theory goes against that.
The old testament in the other hand, is a very different matter.

Quantum mechanics are a lot weirder, than the evolution theory.
The bible if not taken as a whole, is useless gibberish...
The bible taken as a whole is one of the most inconsistent documents to be read.
For starters it depicts God with two very different personalities, frankly I would rather think that if there is a god, it is more similar to the one depicted in the New Testament.
According to you?? Or God??

How many faiths and how many gods exist? Every faith claims their god and their moral principles are the right ones and all of them are supported by blind faith.

I'd rather stick with science and logic. Has done a hell of a lot more good for humanity.
God is not there for humanity, it's the other way around...
He has an right to his opinion, as does any other scientist...

And he has the right to be ridiculed mercilessly for the monumental idiocy of his 'opinions,' just like AGW scientists.
This is true, collective agreement is way overrated

Doesn't civilization need a element of working together(collective)??? You do,,,some people make this and some people do that.
Evolution is NOT a key fundamental for a neurosurgeon. ANY neurosurgeon today knows more about the human body and biology than Darwin did. Evolution has hardly any medical bearing on technique or process of being a doctor.

AND Darwin didn't have a clue as to the MECHANISM of evolution which is in the genetics of beings. And he is NOT the ultimate authority of what we NOW know about evolution. That it can be rapid or slow or even manipulated. And NEWER knowledge postulates that there were periods of BLAZING fast specie creation and evolution. All triggered by a variety of events such as Cosmic ray storms, Chemical changes in the environment, even EXTREME stress. These fall into the realm of "Acts of God" under an AllState Insurance Policy.

So HUMILITY in a scientist -- where they are not BEATING YOU UP with approved versions of orthodox science and whacking you with Darwin as the "end all and be all" of evolution knowledge --- is refreshing.

A little HUMILITY and "I'm still not certain" is not a bad thing for a politician or a scientist.. I LIKE humility..

Now watch the arrogance of folks defending Darwin.. Even tho they probably have no concept of what he DIDN'T know --- that's been discovered since his death..

Science is a body of knowledge which evolves, just as gravitational theory was updated with Einstein's relativity theory , so has evolution theory been updated with new findings.
True , a neurosurgeon doesn't actually need evolution , just as a rocket scientist doesn't require the relativity theory, but Carson's claims are as outrageous as having a rocket scientist say Einstein's findings are a Satan's invention.
Also, while Darwin did not know about the mechanisms he could certainly see the effects ( just as we are clueless about the mechanics of dark matter , but we can see its effects). Darwin was not the end of the evolution theory , but rather the starting point.
Now to be slightly scientific : to call the evolution theory a creation of the "enemy" one should at least try to give any proof whatsoever of the existence of the aforementioned "enemy"... which is the part which so irritates me comming from someone with a scientific background.

Yeah -- SO? If you watch the entire clip -- he wants to take a whack at expounding on the concepts. Referenced writing a book. I can hold my fire until then. In the meantime, I'll refrain from using Darwin as proof that man knows all about the origins of life. Doesn't mean I invoke God or the Devil.. But I'm still stuck on the arrogance of the "Big Bang" where all matter/energy in the universe existed on the head of a pin. Takes a LOT MORE "faith" and arrogance to swallow that whole...
Then again , it is one thig to say : the evolution theory as a whole and some specific points of Darwin's theory are wrong, and I will write a book about it , and another completely different to say : I attribute that theory to "the enemy", and I will write a book about it.
I am an agnostic, but I like Christ teachings, and nothing in the evolution theory goes against that.
The old testament in the other hand, is a very different matter.

Quantum mechanics are a lot weirder, than the evolution theory.
The bible if not taken as a whole, is useless gibberish...

It's fiction.
To you...
The bible if not taken as a whole, is useless gibberish...
The bible taken as a whole is one of the most inconsistent documents to be read.
For starters it depicts God with two very different personalities, frankly I would rather think that if there is a god, it is more similar to the one depicted in the New Testament.
According to you?? Or God??

How many faiths and how many gods exist? Every faith claims their god and their moral principles are the right ones and all of them are supported by blind faith.

I'd rather stick with science and logic. Has done a hell of a lot more good for humanity.
God is not there for humanity, it's the other way around...

I concede the universe is a rather big complex and old expanse,so I can't completely rule out the existence of one or more gods or godlike creatures. But looking at the sheer size of the universe I would feel fascinated to find out why a god powerfull enough to create "the universe" ( or multiverse as quantum physics seems to point out), would be so invested in a tiny speck with sentient creatures which have been here for only a million years or so.
The bible taken as a whole is one of the most inconsistent documents to be read.
For starters it depicts God with two very different personalities, frankly I would rather think that if there is a god, it is more similar to the one depicted in the New Testament.
According to you?? Or God??

How many faiths and how many gods exist? Every faith claims their god and their moral principles are the right ones and all of them are supported by blind faith.

I'd rather stick with science and logic. Has done a hell of a lot more good for humanity.
God is not there for humanity, it's the other way around...

I concede the universe is a rather big complex and old expanse,so I can't completely rule out the existence of one or more gods or godlike creatures. But looking at the sheer size of the universe I would feel fascinated to find out why a god powerfull enough to create "the universe" ( or multiverse as quantum physics seems to point out), would be so invested in a tiny speck with sentient creatures which have been here for only a million years or so.
Gods ways are not ours ways, we can't comprehend...
He has an right to his opinion, as does any other scientist...

And he has the right to be ridiculed mercilessly for the monumental idiocy of his 'opinions,' just like AGW scientists.
This is true, collective agreement is way overrated

Doesn't civilization need a element of working together(collective)??? You do,,,some people make this and some people do that.

Civilization by its very nature is all about the advantages of living with many people and each person bringing to the table what they're good at. If this wasn't so then civilization wouldn't of ever formed.
He has an right to his opinion, as does any other scientist...

And he has the right to be ridiculed mercilessly for the monumental idiocy of his 'opinions,' just like AGW scientists.
This is true, collective agreement is way overrated

Doesn't civilization need a element of working together(collective)??? You do,,,some people make this and some people do that.

Civilization by its very nature is all about the advantages of living with many people and each person bringing to the table what they're good at. If this wasn't so then civilization wouldn't of ever formed.
No reason for everyone to get along.
And he has the right to be ridiculed mercilessly for the monumental idiocy of his 'opinions,' just like AGW scientists.
This is true, collective agreement is way overrated

Doesn't civilization need a element of working together(collective)??? You do,,,some people make this and some people do that.

Civilization by its very nature is all about the advantages of living with many people and each person bringing to the table what they're good at. If this wasn't so then civilization wouldn't of ever formed.
No reason for everyone to get along.
No ?

"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?"
Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'
This is the first and greatest commandment.
And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'
All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."

Matthew 22 Parallel Chapters
Jesus seems to be very clear about it.
This is true, collective agreement is way overrated

Doesn't civilization need a element of working together(collective)??? You do,,,some people make this and some people do that.

Civilization by its very nature is all about the advantages of living with many people and each person bringing to the table what they're good at. If this wasn't so then civilization wouldn't of ever formed.
No reason for everyone to get along.
No ?

"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?"
Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'
This is the first and greatest commandment.
And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'
All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."

Matthew 22 Parallel Chapters
Jesus seems to be very clear about it.
You can love without agreeing and getting along all the time...
It called being an individual

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