Ben Carson Believes Darwin's Theory Was A Creation of Satan

Doesn't civilization need a element of working together(collective)??? You do,,,some people make this and some people do that.

Civilization by its very nature is all about the advantages of living with many people and each person bringing to the table what they're good at. If this wasn't so then civilization wouldn't of ever formed.
No reason for everyone to get along.
No ?

"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?"
Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'
This is the first and greatest commandment.
And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'
All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."

Matthew 22 Parallel Chapters
Jesus seems to be very clear about it.
You can love without agreeing and getting along all the time...
It called being an individual
You don't have to get allong all the time as long as you are in amicable terms.
Conservatives lawyer the bible like Johnnie Cochran. They ignore most of it without giving it a second thought.
Wow, a pretty high percentage of the board is various racist threads about Carson.
There is nothing racist about calling an idiot an idiot. It would be racist to not call him an idiot just because he is black.
Any criticism of a black person is racist. Ask the PC Police.
How did I miss this meltdown? Bravo!
A 12-word "meltdown", got it.

Always nice to see you folks in the PC Police go full-tilt drama queen over my posts.

Always a good sign. You folks are my personal little Pavlov's Dogs.
Wow, a pretty high percentage of the board is various racist threads about Carson.
There is nothing racist about calling an idiot an idiot. It would be racist to not call him an idiot just because he is black.
Any criticism of a black person is racist. Ask the PC Police.
How did I miss this meltdown? Bravo!
A 12-word "meltdown", got it.

Always nice to see you folks in the PC Police go full-tilt drama queen over my posts.

Always a good sign. You folks are my personal little Pavlov's Dogs.

Your delusions are part of what make you so enjoyable to mock.
Wow, a pretty high percentage of the board is various racist threads about Carson.
There is nothing racist about calling an idiot an idiot. It would be racist to not call him an idiot just because he is black.
Any criticism of a black person is racist. Ask the PC Police.
How did I miss this meltdown? Bravo!
A 12-word "meltdown", got it.

Always nice to see you folks in the PC Police go full-tilt drama queen over my posts.

Always a good sign. You folks are my personal little Pavlov's Dogs.

Your delusions are part of what make you so enjoyable to mock.
Wow, that really hurts.

You really got me there, I'm in pain.

Anything else?
Civilization by its very nature is all about the advantages of living with many people and each person bringing to the table what they're good at. If this wasn't so then civilization wouldn't of ever formed.

That is.....simplistic. Nothing some education can't fix.
It is one thing to deny the existence of Evolution and another to say Darwin was influenced by Satan but to do so with a first class education encompassing biology, anatomy, biochemistry and histology is nothing less than astounding.

At the .40 mark

Am I to assume you believe Satan is a fabrication?

Then you can assume I believe you to be a sorry fool.


If you do not think that all those scientists and all those lay followers who are convinced there is no evidence for intelligent design are not duped by the devil, then you cannot add 2 + 2. It makes perfect sense. It has put the proud agnostic on a raft without a rudder or a paddle. They have no idea where they are headed.
It is one thing to deny the existence of Evolution and another to say Darwin was influenced by Satan but to do so with a first class education encompassing biology, anatomy, biochemistry and histology is nothing less than astounding.

At the .40 mark

Am I to assume you believe Satan is a fabrication?

Then you can assume I believe you to be a sorry fool.


If you do not think that all those scientists and all those lay followers who are convinced there is no evidence for intelligent design are not duped by the devil, then you cannot add 2 + 2. It makes perfect sense. It has put the proud agnostic on a raft without a rudder or a paddle. They have no idea where they are headed.

Greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist..
It is one thing to deny the existence of Evolution and another to say Darwin was influenced by Satan but to do so with a first class education encompassing biology, anatomy, biochemistry and histology is nothing less than astounding.

At the .40 mark

Am I to assume you believe Satan is a fabrication?

Then you can assume I believe you to be a sorry fool.


If you do not think that all those scientists and all those lay followers who are convinced there is no evidence for intelligent design are not duped by the devil, then you cannot add 2 + 2. It makes perfect sense. It has put the proud agnostic on a raft without a rudder or a paddle. They have no idea where they are headed.

Greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist..

Ugh. This kind of dogmatic, ignorance arguing bullshit can be used to support any damn thing in the world. We may as well believe that the Illuminati exists.
It is one thing to deny the existence of Evolution and another to say Darwin was influenced by Satan but to do so with a first class education encompassing biology, anatomy, biochemistry and histology is nothing less than astounding.

At the .40 mark

Am I to assume you believe Satan is a fabrication?

Then you can assume I believe you to be a sorry fool.


If you do not think that all those scientists and all those lay followers who are convinced there is no evidence for intelligent design are not duped by the devil, then you cannot add 2 + 2. It makes perfect sense. It has put the proud agnostic on a raft without a rudder or a paddle. They have no idea where they are headed.

Greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist..

Ugh. This kind of dogmatic, ignorance arguing bullshit can be used to support any damn thing in the world. We may as well believe that the Illuminati exists.

A comment such as yours has zero credibility from my perspective.

It has also provides zero evidence to back up your bold assertions.

But never mind. In the past, nothing we offer ever seems to work on the obstinate.

And the Catholic Church's arguments, miracles and other empirical evidence for God, for Jesus Christ, are about 1000 times more convincing than anyone else's arguments or evidence for Allah, Zeus, Buddha, Hindu gods, Eastern gods, animist gods, tribal gods, or atheism. Choose wisely.
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A comment such as yours has zero credibility from my perspective.

That's a relief. If I had credibility from your perspective I'd have myself chained and whipped until I learned how to be more intelligent.

It has also provides zero evidence to back up your bold assertions.

Did I forget to cite my sources? My apologies.

Introduction to Logic

And the Catholic Church's arguments, miracles and other empirical evidence for God, for Jesus Christ, are about 1000 times more convincing than anyone else's arguments or evidence for Allah, Zeus, Buddha, Hindu gods, Eastern gods, animist gods, tribal gods, or atheism. Choose wisely.

And therein lies the problem. There are infinitely better ways to explain and justify one's faith. Resorting to such absurd nonsense as "The Devil's greatest trick is to make the world believe he doesn't exist" is the highest order of pathetic mindlessness.
A comment such as yours has zero credibility from my perspective.

That's a relief. If I had credibility from your perspective I'd have myself chained and whipped until I learned how to be more intelligent.

It has also provides zero evidence to back up your bold assertions.

Did I forget to cite my sources? My apologies.

Introduction to Logic

And the Catholic Church's arguments, miracles and other empirical evidence for God, for Jesus Christ, are about 1000 times more convincing than anyone else's arguments or evidence for Allah, Zeus, Buddha, Hindu gods, Eastern gods, animist gods, tribal gods, or atheism. Choose wisely.

And therein lies the problem. There are infinitely better ways to explain and justify one's faith. Resorting to such absurd nonsense as "The Devil's greatest trick is to make the world believe he doesn't exist" is the highest order of pathetic mindlessness.
...and it is working all over the world, it obviously worked on you.

Ye of little faith...
Did I forget to cite my sources? My apologies.

Introduction to Logic

And therein lies the problem. There are infinitely better ways to explain and justify one's faith. Resorting to such absurd nonsense as "The Devil's greatest trick is to make the world believe he doesn't exist" is the highest order of pathetic mindlessness.

Would you consider Richard Dawkins, Stephen Hawking and Carl Sagan (famous highly intelligent atheists) to be logical minds? Yes, I would. Therefore, logic alone does not cut it. Apparently pride and/or ego trump sensibility and evidence.

Here is another man of logic, IMO. Jonathan Swift (17th century English satirist) speaking of the achievements of science and its reflection upon its own laurels. ---- "And he, whose fortunes and dispositions have placed him in a convenient station to enjoy the fruits of this noble art; he that can with Epicurus content his ideas with the films and images that fly-off upon his senses from the superficies of things; such a man truly wise, creams off nature, leaving the sour and the dregs for philosophy and reason to lap up. This is the sublime and refined point of felicity, called, the possession of being well deceived; the serene peaceful state of being a fool among knaves."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Your comment "there are infinitely better ways to explain and justify one's faith" does nothing for me. Because I totally disagree for one. Secondly, are you implying that you are a Christian believer? If so, wonderful. Based on what reason I might ask?

The signs and wonders from God are, as one author put it, "evidence that demands a verdict." Too many scientists and too many skeptics run the other way. Or as Barbra Streisand once sang "that which is too painful to remember, we simply choose to forget."
It is one thing to deny the existence of Evolution and another to say Darwin was influenced by Satan but to do so with a first class education encompassing biology, anatomy, biochemistry and histology is nothing less than astounding.

At the .40 mark

Am I to assume you believe Satan is a fabrication?

Then you can assume I believe you to be a sorry fool.


If you do not think that all those scientists and all those lay followers who are convinced there is no evidence for intelligent design are not duped by the devil, then you cannot add 2 + 2. It makes perfect sense. It has put the proud agnostic on a raft without a rudder or a paddle. They have no idea where they are headed.

Greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist..

Ugh. This kind of dogmatic, ignorance arguing bullshit can be used to support any damn thing in the world. We may as well believe that the Illuminati exists.

A comment such as yours has zero credibility from my perspective.

It has also provides zero evidence to back up your bold assertions.

But never mind. In the past, nothing we offer ever seems to work on the obstinate.

And the Catholic Church's arguments, miracles and other empirical evidence for God, for Jesus Christ, are about 1000 times more convincing than anyone else's arguments or evidence for Allah, Zeus, Buddha, Hindu gods, Eastern gods, animist gods, tribal gods, or atheism. Choose wisely.

I would suggest strongly that you read a book and become informed. The height of immorality is a God who punishes his imperfect creatures for eternity for not belonging to the correct religion or eating meat on Friday. Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then where does evil come from? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? Epicurus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A little reading and you will discover that Satan is not a product of religion but a product of superstition and Paganism. A God based on love would not construct a hell, it's amazing you haven't thought that through. Read Dante's "Hell" if you want a good look at Christianity.
It is one thing to deny the existence of Evolution and another to say Darwin was influenced by Satan but to do so with a first class education encompassing biology, anatomy, biochemistry and histology is nothing less than astounding.

At the .40 mark

Am I to assume you believe Satan is a fabrication?

Then you can assume I believe you to be a sorry fool.


If you do not think that all those scientists and all those lay followers who are convinced there is no evidence for intelligent design are not duped by the devil, then you cannot add 2 + 2. It makes perfect sense. It has put the proud agnostic on a raft without a rudder or a paddle. They have no idea where they are headed.

Greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist..

Ugh. This kind of dogmatic, ignorance arguing bullshit can be used to support any damn thing in the world. We may as well believe that the Illuminati exists.

A comment such as yours has zero credibility from my perspective.

It has also provides zero evidence to back up your bold assertions.

But never mind. In the past, nothing we offer ever seems to work on the obstinate.

And the Catholic Church's arguments, miracles and other empirical evidence for God, for Jesus Christ, are about 1000 times more convincing than anyone else's arguments or evidence for Allah, Zeus, Buddha, Hindu gods, Eastern gods, animist gods, tribal gods, or atheism. Choose wisely.

I would suggest strongly that you read a book and become informed. The height of immorality is a God who punishes his imperfect creatures for eternity for not belonging to the correct religion or eating meat on Friday. Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then where does evil come from? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? Epicurus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A little reading and you will discover that Satan is not a product of religion but a product of superstition and Paganism. A God based on love would not construct a hell, it's amazing you haven't thought that through. Read Dante's "Hell" if you want a good look at Christianity.

Oh, so clueless you are... It's funny.

Am I to assume you believe Satan is a fabrication?

Then you can assume I believe you to be a sorry fool.


If you do not think that all those scientists and all those lay followers who are convinced there is no evidence for intelligent design are not duped by the devil, then you cannot add 2 + 2. It makes perfect sense. It has put the proud agnostic on a raft without a rudder or a paddle. They have no idea where they are headed.
Greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist..

Ugh. This kind of dogmatic, ignorance arguing bullshit can be used to support any damn thing in the world. We may as well believe that the Illuminati exists.

A comment such as yours has zero credibility from my perspective.

It has also provides zero evidence to back up your bold assertions.

But never mind. In the past, nothing we offer ever seems to work on the obstinate.

And the Catholic Church's arguments, miracles and other empirical evidence for God, for Jesus Christ, are about 1000 times more convincing than anyone else's arguments or evidence for Allah, Zeus, Buddha, Hindu gods, Eastern gods, animist gods, tribal gods, or atheism. Choose wisely.

I would suggest strongly that you read a book and become informed. The height of immorality is a God who punishes his imperfect creatures for eternity for not belonging to the correct religion or eating meat on Friday. Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then where does evil come from? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? Epicurus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A little reading and you will discover that Satan is not a product of religion but a product of superstition and Paganism. A God based on love would not construct a hell, it's amazing you haven't thought that through. Read Dante's "Hell" if you want a good look at Christianity.

Oh, so clueless you are... It's funny.

Wow, what a great answer, why don't you detail the reasons why you think so, or take your marbles and go home.
Greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist..

Ugh. This kind of dogmatic, ignorance arguing bullshit can be used to support any damn thing in the world. We may as well believe that the Illuminati exists.

A comment such as yours has zero credibility from my perspective.

It has also provides zero evidence to back up your bold assertions.

But never mind. In the past, nothing we offer ever seems to work on the obstinate.

And the Catholic Church's arguments, miracles and other empirical evidence for God, for Jesus Christ, are about 1000 times more convincing than anyone else's arguments or evidence for Allah, Zeus, Buddha, Hindu gods, Eastern gods, animist gods, tribal gods, or atheism. Choose wisely.

I would suggest strongly that you read a book and become informed. The height of immorality is a God who punishes his imperfect creatures for eternity for not belonging to the correct religion or eating meat on Friday. Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then where does evil come from? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? Epicurus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A little reading and you will discover that Satan is not a product of religion but a product of superstition and Paganism. A God based on love would not construct a hell, it's amazing you haven't thought that through. Read Dante's "Hell" if you want a good look at Christianity.

Oh, so clueless you are... It's funny.

Wow, what a great answer, why don't you detail the reasons why you think so, or take your marbles and go home.

Well, you Believe or you don't it's a black or white kind of thing. None of us have the answers and never will.
A little reading and you will discover that Satan is not a product of religion but a product of superstition and Paganism.

That is....debatable. First of all, it should be noted that Paganism is a form of religion, and it's arguable that all religions are partially the product of superstition. Pagan traditions generally reject the notion of a Satan type figure. The Christian Satan is an example of religious Duality. That is, a recognition of two ultimate divine powers. Good comes from God, evil comes from Satan. The first religion to adopt such a view was Zoroastrianism. Before that, the idea of a Satan type character never existed in any known religious sect. The various "old time" religious schools that have persisted into the modern day continue to lack a belief in a Satan type of figure.

The development of a Satan type character in Christianity stems from Zoroastrian influence, as does other elements of Christianity, such as the Christian concept and imagery of angels. These ideas are marked diversions from the Judaism from which Christianity originated. At the turn of the Common Era Zoroastrianism influence was spreading into the Levant. It is believe by many scholars that Jesus himself studied Eastern philosophies and religions; Jesus may have even traveled through parts of the east during the missing 30 years, and assimilated many influences into his Judaic upbringing, which could explain why as a Pharisee he ended up waging a revolutionary-style ministry against the better part of Pharisee teachings. That Satan exists in Christianity is best explained as the type of cross fertilization that occurs in religious evolution when new influences are introduced.
It is one thing to deny the existence of Evolution and another to say Darwin was influenced by Satan but to do so with a first class education encompassing biology, anatomy, biochemistry and histology is nothing less than astounding.

At the .40 mark

Am I to assume you believe Satan is a fabrication?

Then you can assume I believe you to be a sorry fool.


If you do not think that all those scientists and all those lay followers who are convinced there is no evidence for intelligent design are not duped by the devil, then you cannot add 2 + 2. It makes perfect sense. It has put the proud agnostic on a raft without a rudder or a paddle. They have no idea where they are headed.

Greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist..

Ugh. This kind of dogmatic, ignorance arguing bullshit can be used to support any damn thing in the world. We may as well believe that the Illuminati exists.

A comment such as yours has zero credibility from my perspective.

It has also provides zero evidence to back up your bold assertions.

But never mind. In the past, nothing we offer ever seems to work on the obstinate.

And the Catholic Church's arguments, miracles and other empirical evidence for God, for Jesus Christ, are about 1000 times more convincing than anyone else's arguments or evidence for Allah, Zeus, Buddha, Hindu gods, Eastern gods, animist gods, tribal gods, or atheism. Choose wisely.

I would suggest strongly that you read a book and become informed. The height of immorality is a God who punishes his imperfect creatures for eternity for not belonging to the correct religion or eating meat on Friday. Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then where does evil come from? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? Epicurus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A little reading and you will discover that Satan is not a product of religion but a product of superstition and Paganism. A God based on love would not construct a hell, it's amazing you haven't thought that through. Read Dante's "Hell" if you want a good look at Christianity.

Read "a book?" Oh, you mean that book?

And you dare tell God he cannot exist because you cannot accept punishment? Because you have the eternal all calculated and figured out apparently? So that leaves you with what?.... absolutely no idea how you got here, why you are here, or where you are headed. Yes, that is a comfortable state of a soul. No, thank you.

I do not need to know everything about God or His Word to know that HE IS. Ok? God has revealed enough, He has provided enough signs and wonders leaving us no doubt He is and WHO he is. Hint: He is not Buddha or Allah. So I do not turn my back on that which I know because I am uncomfortable not knowing the answer to other mysteries. I am not that arrogant or proud.

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