Ben Carson, Huckster, Liar

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What's even more sickening is that you're using people with cancer to launch a political attack on someone. You're a piece of work.
I asked you if you knew someone with cancer. Most people do.

It's Carson who used his status as an M.D. to endorse a product with no curative properties that he claimed cured his prostate cancer. Based on his description, he doesn't even get the terminology correct:

In the summer of 2002, I had my PSAs checked. I had prostate cancer; a very malignant and aggressive form. The various medical options were laid out; what caught my attention were glycol-proteins. Within a week my symptoms were completely resolved. But urologist [recommended immediate] surgery anyway, [which I did]. It turned out that the cancer was within one millimeter of metastasizing. If we had waited it would have been too late.

Ben Carson on Health Care
lol. Carson :rofl:

It's almost as if a layman wrote it.

"PSAs"? :wtf: It's PSA...not plural...for prostate specific antigen.

A doctor would also state the staging (stage I, II, III, or IV), not "a very aggressive form."

And that "within a millimeter of metastasizing" is beyond bizarre. Was he trying to "talk down" to the layman, or was he so out of practice at describing symptoms that he let loose with this mess? (As a specialist surgeon 30 years out of medical school, it would not be unusual for him to have forgotten the details, but brush up before you go on, man.)
Wow ANOTHER attack the Negro post from the left. Who would have guessed right? A WORLD famous brain surgeon VS a political fact check site on a medical question.

A site that knows NOTHING about medicine VS a doctor? When it comes to medicine and health I get mine from a doctor NOT a political site.

Aha ha, attack the negro. How about attack the liar? he should lose his medical license for this kind of crap.
Obama should lose his presidential job for medical lies.
If you like your doctor you can keep him
Premiums will go down
Co pays will go down
If you like your insurance you can keep it

Obama's lies effect every American directly
Ben's so called lies effect who exactly?
Wow ANOTHER attack the Negro post from the left. Who would have guessed right? A WORLD famous brain surgeon VS a political fact check site on a medical question.

A site that knows NOTHING about medicine VS a doctor? When it comes to medicine and health I get mine from a doctor NOT a political site.

Aha ha, attack the negro. How about attack the liar? he should lose his medical license for this kind of crap.
Obama should lose his presidential job for medical lies.
If you like your doctor you can keep him
Premiums will go down
Co pays will go down
If you like your insurance you can keep it

Obama's lies effect every American directly
Ben's so called lies effect who exactly?
Those are not "medical lies." I bet you think "Obamacare is a Gubmint Insurance Company," don't you?

Please, all of you, vote for Carson. You won't make much of a showing against the Trumpsters, but it'll be fun to watch.
It's almost as if a layman wrote it.

"PSAs"? :wtf: It's PSA...not plural...for prostate specific antigen.

A doctor would also state the staging (stage I, II, III, or IV), not "a very aggressive form."

And that "within a millimeter of metastasizing" is beyond bizarre. Was he trying to "talk down" to the layman, or was he so out of practice at describing symptoms that he let loose with this mess? (As a specialist surgeon 30 years out of medical school, it would not be unusual for him to have forgotten the details, but brush up before you go on, man.)
snake oil salesmen talk
Wow ANOTHER attack the Negro post from the left. Who would have guessed right? A WORLD famous brain surgeon VS a political fact check site on a medical question.

A site that knows NOTHING about medicine VS a doctor? When it comes to medicine and health I get mine from a doctor NOT a political site.

Aha ha, attack the negro. How about attack the liar? he should lose his medical license for this kind of crap.
Obama should lose his presidential job for medical lies.
If you like your doctor you can keep him
Premiums will go down
Co pays will go down
If you like your insurance you can keep it

Obama's lies effect every American directly
Ben's so called lies effect who exactly?
Those are not "medical lies." I bet you think "Obamacare is a Gubmint Insurance Company," don't you?

Please, all of you, vote for Carson. You won't make much of a showing against the Trumpsters, but it'll be fun to watch.
No it's don't and I don't know anyone that does. But please keep projecting your own ignorance on others, it's amusing
Never mind the multiple sources including the National Review.

Again, you are a partisan hack of the demagogue party, nothing you post can be trusted. Lies, innuendo, half-truths; these are what you offer in your quest to smear the enemies of your filthy party.

demagogue party? You're calling me a partisan hack?

What have I lied about? You made the claim, back it up.

I hope he noticed that you lied when you claimed you aren't a racist.

No, I didn't and this is what I mean about ridiculous games.
Lots of deflection by the left going on here and lots of denial. Funny watching the game turn on them.

Well, why don't you answer my post or others instead of falsely proclaiming victory?

Quite frankly, whether Carson lies or not, I don't care. The Dems lie all the time and Hillary can't tell the truth to save her life.

If it comes down to Carson or Hillary, I'll take Carson.

Whether you are a racist or not, I don't care. I just pointed out how disagreeing with Obama got many labeled racist, you want to pretend it didn't happen. It did, I was accused, you don't like it, neither did I.

You didn't point out anything. You deliberately accused people you don't know of racism based on something that happened to you, assuming you're telling the truth, your track record sucks in this thread.

If you don't care if Carson lied, then not much of a reason to be in this thread. I mean, unless you feel like back pedaling some more.

Your selectivism in who you accuse is what shows you're a racist pig.


I guess using your logic the entire GOP is racist because they blame Obama for everything.
What's even more sickening is that you're using people with cancer to launch a political attack on someone. You're a piece of work.
I asked you if you knew someone with cancer. Most people do.

It's Carson who used his status as an M.D. to endorse a product with no curative properties that he claimed cured his prostate cancer. Based on his description, he doesn't even get the terminology correct:

In the summer of 2002, I had my PSAs checked. I had prostate cancer; a very malignant and aggressive form. The various medical options were laid out; what caught my attention were glycol-proteins. Within a week my symptoms were completely resolved. But urologist [recommended immediate] surgery anyway, [which I did]. It turned out that the cancer was within one millimeter of metastasizing. If we had waited it would have been too late.

Ben Carson on Health Care

Did anyone die because of it? Because if not, the issue is irrelevant. Yet again, you have Hillary Clinton, who's atrocities exceed mere false advertising.

Yet again, I don't "have" Hillary Clinton. She's not "my" candidate.

Carson's issue is twofold: the hucksterism and the lie.

Did anyone abandon conventional cancer treatment and rely solely on Mannatech and die as a result? I have no idea. But don't be surprised if there are lawsuits filed to that effect.

Whether Carson's involvement with Mannatech can legally be considered medical malpractice or not, it is materially different for him to say "this stuff cures cancer" than it is when it's your crazy neighbor.

Then there's the lie. "No, I wasn't involved with them. I just gave a few speeches..." when the evidence is everywhere says two things to me. One, the man does not take responsibility for his mistakes. Two, and even more troubling, is that he does not realize how easy it is to catch someone in a lie that egregious.

That's the behavior of someone who's either a naif or a sociopath. If that's the kind of person you want in the Oval Office, you go right ahead and vote for him.
Naive, yes.

It may seem like a minor point, but public officials should be at least as savvy as their kids about how this Internet thing works, starting with Google 101.

Most if not all of them have staff sending tweets and media updates in their name, but there need to be guidelines (e.g., "Don't post selfies of your junk or anyone else's").

The same people howling about Hillary's emails are now singing "Oh, Dr. Carson didn't know those images with him and the Mannatech logo would show up on the Internet...along with the promotional material quoting him about 'curing cancer' and [all the other evidence that gives the lie to his lie]..."

Of course, there is a third alternative to naivete and sociopathy - early-onset Alzheimer's. He may honestly not have remembered. Confronted with the evidence, he made a choice. Which would be less damaging - saying "Oh, that. Yeah, I forgot" and having the media run with "Does Dr. Carson have some form of dementia? Is that what we want in the Oval Office. Ronald Reagan, as you may recall..." or spinning it? "Oh, that. No, no, no, it's not what it looks like. Pay no attention to that Manatech logo in the frame"?

Leaders have to make the tough choices.
I would be more concerned about what Carson knows about the job of the president than the Internet. Do we really want a president that lacks knowledge and experience in almost every aspect of the presidency, a man that will have to hire people to make all the decisions for which he will be responsible?
Lots of deflection by the left going on here and lots of denial. Funny watching the game turn on them.

Well, why don't you answer my post or others instead of falsely proclaiming victory?

Quite frankly, whether Carson lies or not, I don't care. The Dems lie all the time and Hillary can't tell the truth to save her life.

If it comes down to Carson or Hillary, I'll take Carson.

Whether you are a racist or not, I don't care. I just pointed out how disagreeing with Obama got many labeled racist, you want to pretend it didn't happen. It did, I was accused, you don't like it, neither did I.

You didn't point out anything. You deliberately accused people you don't know of racism based on something that happened to you, assuming you're telling the truth, your track record sucks in this thread.

If you don't care if Carson lied, then not much of a reason to be in this thread. I mean, unless you feel like back pedaling some more.

Your selectivism in who you accuse is what shows you're a racist pig.


I guess using your logic the entire GOP is racist because they blame Obama for everything.

We have been told that for the last 8 plus years. Are you saying the liberals are wrong?
how appropriate for Halloween

Well, why don't you answer my post or others instead of falsely proclaiming victory?

Quite frankly, whether Carson lies or not, I don't care. The Dems lie all the time and Hillary can't tell the truth to save her life.

If it comes down to Carson or Hillary, I'll take Carson.

Whether you are a racist or not, I don't care. I just pointed out how disagreeing with Obama got many labeled racist, you want to pretend it didn't happen. It did, I was accused, you don't like it, neither did I.

You didn't point out anything. You deliberately accused people you don't know of racism based on something that happened to you, assuming you're telling the truth, your track record sucks in this thread.

If you don't care if Carson lied, then not much of a reason to be in this thread. I mean, unless you feel like back pedaling some more.

Your selectivism in who you accuse is what shows you're a racist pig.


I guess using your logic the entire GOP is racist because they blame Obama for everything.

We have been told that for the last 8 plus years. Are you saying the liberals are wrong?

It's what you are going with in this thread, right? Disagree with a black guy, must be racist. I don't know anyone who makes that claim but wingnuts like you. And your reasoning is obvious and paper thin.
Quite frankly, whether Carson lies or not, I don't care. The Dems lie all the time and Hillary can't tell the truth to save her life.

If it comes down to Carson or Hillary, I'll take Carson.

Whether you are a racist or not, I don't care. I just pointed out how disagreeing with Obama got many labeled racist, you want to pretend it didn't happen. It did, I was accused, you don't like it, neither did I.

You didn't point out anything. You deliberately accused people you don't know of racism based on something that happened to you, assuming you're telling the truth, your track record sucks in this thread.

If you don't care if Carson lied, then not much of a reason to be in this thread. I mean, unless you feel like back pedaling some more.

Your selectivism in who you accuse is what shows you're a racist pig.


I guess using your logic the entire GOP is racist because they blame Obama for everything.

We have been told that for the last 8 plus years. Are you saying the liberals are wrong?

It's what you are going with in this thread, right? Disagree with a black guy, must be racist. I don't know anyone who makes that claim but wingnuts like you. And your reasoning is obvious and paper thin.

So you are saying liberals lied all these years. Thanks for the admission.
You didn't point out anything. You deliberately accused people you don't know of racism based on something that happened to you, assuming you're telling the truth, your track record sucks in this thread.

If you don't care if Carson lied, then not much of a reason to be in this thread. I mean, unless you feel like back pedaling some more.

Your selectivism in who you accuse is what shows you're a racist pig.


I guess using your logic the entire GOP is racist because they blame Obama for everything.

We have been told that for the last 8 plus years. Are you saying the liberals are wrong?

It's what you are going with in this thread, right? Disagree with a black guy, must be racist. I don't know anyone who makes that claim but wingnuts like you. And your reasoning is obvious and paper thin.

So you are saying liberals lied all these years. Thanks for the admission.

No. Provide some evidence. Overwhelming evidence at this point. So far you've done nothing more than claim people, such as myself are racist, you have yet to provide any examples.

You want to claim I'm a racist? Prove it, bitch. Page 32 and you're still on this paper thin logic of yours?

And, saying critical things about Ben Carson by itself is evidence of nothing.
Your selectivism in who you accuse is what shows you're a racist pig.


I guess using your logic the entire GOP is racist because they blame Obama for everything.

We have been told that for the last 8 plus years. Are you saying the liberals are wrong?

It's what you are going with in this thread, right? Disagree with a black guy, must be racist. I don't know anyone who makes that claim but wingnuts like you. And your reasoning is obvious and paper thin.

So you are saying liberals lied all these years. Thanks for the admission.

No. Provide some evidence. Overwhelming evidence at this point. So far you've done nothing more than claim people, such as myself are racist, you have yet to provide any examples.

You want to claim I'm a racist? Prove it, bitch. Page 32 and you're still on this paper thin logic of yours?

And, saying critical things about Ben Carson by itself is evidence of nothing.

Angry racist, now crying, how cute.
What do you expect from a self confessed "flaming liberal"?
Ben Carson: 'I Used to Be a Flaming Liberal'
Maybe that's the GOP plan, run a liberal. Now that would confuse the hell out of the Democrats.

Caron advocated price controls on healthcare. He thinks insurance companies should be non-profits. And on immigration he says, Some segments of our economy would virtually collapse without these undocumented workers—we all know that—yet we continue to harass and deport many individuals who are simply seeking a better life for themselves. He agrees with Elizabeth Warren, has spoken in favor of greenhouse technologies, and apparently thinks banning assault rifles is a good idea.

With liberal views like these, Ben Carson's going to Have a Tough Time Winning the GOP Nomination
What do you expect from a self confessed "flaming liberal"?
Ben Carson: 'I Used to Be a Flaming Liberal'
Maybe that's the GOP plan, run a liberal. Now that would confuse the hell out of the Democrats.

Caron advocated price controls on healthcare. He thinks insurance companies should be non-profits. And on immigration he says, Some segments of our economy would virtually collapse without these undocumented workers—we all know that—yet we continue to harass and deport many individuals who are simply seeking a better life for themselves. He agrees with Elizabeth Warren, has spoken in favor of greenhouse technologies, and apparently thinks banning assault rifles is a good idea.

With liberal views like these, Ben Carson's going to Have a Tough Time Winning the GOP Nomination

Both Carson and Trump have some very liberal views and approaches. I know 5 Democrats that said they would vote for Trump over Hillary. I'm not sure if they really would do that but three said they are tired of the status quo and believe the two party's are one in the same.
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