Ben Carson, Huckster, Liar

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it's already posted. Skin color according to you doesn't matter.

Please show me where I said that?

I already did. I literally just quoted it.

Sorry another out of context quote. Learn to read angry racist.

it's in context. According to you, race doesn't matter when it comes to the word "boy".

Now, why is pointing out Carson's lies racist?

Because disagreeing with a black person is racist. Just the way liberals told me. Are you saying liberals lied all these years?

Liberals never told you that. That is the excuse you used to try to cover up your racism.
Please show me where I said that?

I already did. I literally just quoted it.

Sorry another out of context quote. Learn to read angry racist.

it's in context. According to you, race doesn't matter when it comes to the word "boy".

Now, why is pointing out Carson's lies racist?

Because disagreeing with a black person is racist. Just the way liberals told me. Are you saying liberals lied all these years?

Liberals never told you that. That is the excuse you used to try to cover up your racism.

Ahh yes, and your racism also.
Wow ANOTHER attack the Negro post from the left. Who would have guessed right? A WORLD famous brain surgeon VS a political fact check site on a medical question.

A site that knows NOTHING about medicine VS a doctor? When it comes to medicine and health I get mine from a doctor NOT a political site.

Aha ha, attack the negro. How about attack the liar? he should lose his medical license for this kind of crap.
This from a guy who thought a video caused Ben Ghazi, now that is funny. But everyone knows that is bullshit, including Hillary. So the next time you call someone stupid, make sure you don't buy the political bullshit of either party, moron.
Maybe one of you geniuses can explain why he never mentioned glyconutrients as saving him from cancer until he got paid to do it.
I'm not familiar with the story, do tell. What cancer did he have and when and what did he say helped him?
I do know the difference. But I'm referring to Benghazi, not Bosnia.

In response to my question about Bosnia.

You could at least read the rest of the post.

I read it. Given the multiplicity of hysterical threads on the topic, the only reason you tossed it in there is because you don't want to talk about Carson. Understandably.

If I didn't want to talk about Carson, I wouldn't have commented in this thread to begin with.

All you want to do is attack him on a non issue like Mannatech ad nauseam. I'm curious what his dealings with them have anything to do with the (as Ted Cruz put it) "the substantive issues people care about?"

Can you tell me? Because the sheer frivolity of it is astounding. He isn't the first or last politician to tout a product that didn't work. You have the same kinds of idiots on your side too.
I do know the difference. But I'm referring to Benghazi, not Bosnia.

In response to my question about Bosnia.

You could at least read the rest of the post.

I read it. Given the multiplicity of hysterical threads on the topic, the only reason you tossed it in there is because you don't want to talk about Carson. Understandably.

If I didn't want to talk about Carson, I wouldn't have commented in this thread to begin with.

All you want to do is attack him on a non issue like Mannatech ad nauseam. I'm curious what his dealings with them have anything to do with the (as Ted Cruz put it) "the substantive issues people care about?"

Can you tell me? Because the sheer frivolity of it is astounding. He isn't the first or last politician to tout a product that didn't work. You have the same kinds of idiots on your side too.

Have you ever known anyone with cancer?
I do know the difference. But I'm referring to Benghazi, not Bosnia.

In response to my question about Bosnia.

You could at least read the rest of the post.

I read it. Given the multiplicity of hysterical threads on the topic, the only reason you tossed it in there is because you don't want to talk about Carson. Understandably.

If I didn't want to talk about Carson, I wouldn't have commented in this thread to begin with.

All you want to do is attack him on a non issue like Mannatech ad nauseam. I'm curious what his dealings with them have anything to do with the (as Ted Cruz put it) "the substantive issues people care about?"

Can you tell me? Because the sheer frivolity of it is astounding. He isn't the first or last politician to tout a product that didn't work. You have the same kinds of idiots on your side too.

Have you ever known anyone with cancer?

Yes. Why? I don't remember them begging Mannatech for a cure. Look up Clute Barrow Nelson. I went to school with him when I was a child. He died of brain cancer.
In response to my question about Bosnia.

You could at least read the rest of the post.

I read it. Given the multiplicity of hysterical threads on the topic, the only reason you tossed it in there is because you don't want to talk about Carson. Understandably.

If I didn't want to talk about Carson, I wouldn't have commented in this thread to begin with.

All you want to do is attack him on a non issue like Mannatech ad nauseam. I'm curious what his dealings with them have anything to do with the (as Ted Cruz put it) "the substantive issues people care about?"

Can you tell me? Because the sheer frivolity of it is astounding. He isn't the first or last politician to tout a product that didn't work. You have the same kinds of idiots on your side too.

Have you ever known anyone with cancer?

Yes. Why? I don't remember them begging Mannatech for a cure. Look up Clute Barrow Nelson. I went to school with him when I was a child. He died of brain cancer.

Then you should especially understand the issue.
Wow ANOTHER attack the Negro post from the left. Who would have guessed right? A WORLD famous brain surgeon VS a political fact check site on a medical question.

A site that knows NOTHING about medicine VS a doctor? When it comes to medicine and health I get mine from a doctor NOT a political site.

Aha ha, attack the negro. How about attack the liar? he should lose his medical license for this kind of crap.

For what, using a product and saying he personally like it. Why is it you don't use the same standards on your regressivecrats? You dear leader won liar of the year, so Carson doesn't even move the gauge by his standards.
What's even more sickening is that you're using people with cancer to launch a political attack on someone. You're a piece of work.
I asked you if you knew someone with cancer. Most people do.

It's Carson who used his status as an M.D. to endorse a product with no curative properties that he claimed cured his prostate cancer. Based on his description, he doesn't even get the terminology correct:

In the summer of 2002, I had my PSAs checked. I had prostate cancer; a very malignant and aggressive form. The various medical options were laid out; what caught my attention were glycol-proteins. Within a week my symptoms were completely resolved. But urologist [recommended immediate] surgery anyway, [which I did]. It turned out that the cancer was within one millimeter of metastasizing. If we had waited it would have been too late.

Ben Carson on Health Care
Wow ANOTHER attack the Negro post from the left. Who would have guessed right? A WORLD famous brain surgeon VS a political fact check site on a medical question.

A site that knows NOTHING about medicine VS a doctor? When it comes to medicine and health I get mine from a doctor NOT a political site.

Aha ha, attack the negro. How about attack the liar? he should lose his medical license for this kind of crap.

For what, using a product and saying he personally like it.

For claiming without any evidence that it cured prostate cancer.
Wow ANOTHER attack the Negro post from the left. Who would have guessed right? A WORLD famous brain surgeon VS a political fact check site on a medical question.

A site that knows NOTHING about medicine VS a doctor? When it comes to medicine and health I get mine from a doctor NOT a political site.

Aha ha, attack the negro. How about attack the liar? he should lose his medical license for this kind of crap.

For what, using a product and saying he personally like it.

For claiming without any evidence that it cured prostate cancer.
Cured the SYMPTOMS of prostrate cancer.
Wow ANOTHER attack the Negro post from the left. Who would have guessed right? A WORLD famous brain surgeon VS a political fact check site on a medical question.

A site that knows NOTHING about medicine VS a doctor? When it comes to medicine and health I get mine from a doctor NOT a political site.

Aha ha, attack the negro. How about attack the liar? he should lose his medical license for this kind of crap.

For what, using a product and saying he personally like it.

For claiming without any evidence that it cured prostate cancer.
Cured the SYMPTOMS of prostrate cancer.

Carson's exact quote is that Mannatech cured his cancer.
You could at least read the rest of the post.

I read it. Given the multiplicity of hysterical threads on the topic, the only reason you tossed it in there is because you don't want to talk about Carson. Understandably.

If I didn't want to talk about Carson, I wouldn't have commented in this thread to begin with.

All you want to do is attack him on a non issue like Mannatech ad nauseam. I'm curious what his dealings with them have anything to do with the (as Ted Cruz put it) "the substantive issues people care about?"

Can you tell me? Because the sheer frivolity of it is astounding. He isn't the first or last politician to tout a product that didn't work. You have the same kinds of idiots on your side too.

Have you ever known anyone with cancer?

Yes. Why? I don't remember them begging Mannatech for a cure. Look up Clute Barrow Nelson. I went to school with him when I was a child. He died of brain cancer.

Then you should especially understand the issue.

Please, since I've read everything on the issue, and since according to you I should take more stock in it, please enlighten me. He did have a relationship, so what?

This is something similar to how Democrats used Bain Capital to attack Mitt Romney. Or how Democrats assailed Herman Cain for allegedly having an affair with a woman during his days as the CEO of a pizza franchise. Mannatech settled out of court after they were sued for $4 million.

The issue is done and over. Yes, he told a bald faced lie on that stage, so did Trump. But as I see it, who doesn't? Does it mean I'll vote for him? Not necessarily. My defense of him has nothing to do with whether I'll vote for the man or what he did at Mannatech. Anyone will endorse something if you pay them enough money to do it, they'll even lie straight to the camera for you. Politics works the same way.

Besides, if push came to shove, I'd vote for Carson over a habitual liar named Hillary Clinton, who I might add, engaged in her own brand of misdirection in regards to the You Tube video causing a spontaneous attack on the compound in Benghazi. Or the fact that she was at least partially responsible for the deaths of the Ambassador and three other men because she ignored 600 some odd requests for more security or enhancements to the facility.

You seem to have this irresistible penchant to hold people to such high moral standards while excluding your own candidates from those criteria.
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What's even more sickening is that you're using people with cancer to launch a political attack on someone. You're a piece of work.
I asked you if you knew someone with cancer. Most people do.

It's Carson who used his status as an M.D. to endorse a product with no curative properties that he claimed cured his prostate cancer. Based on his description, he doesn't even get the terminology correct:

In the summer of 2002, I had my PSAs checked. I had prostate cancer; a very malignant and aggressive form. The various medical options were laid out; what caught my attention were glycol-proteins. Within a week my symptoms were completely resolved. But urologist [recommended immediate] surgery anyway, [which I did]. It turned out that the cancer was within one millimeter of metastasizing. If we had waited it would have been too late.

Ben Carson on Health Care

Did anyone die because of it? Because if not, the issue is irrelevant. Yet again, you have Hillary Clinton, who's atrocities exceed mere false advertising.
I read it. Given the multiplicity of hysterical threads on the topic, the only reason you tossed it in there is because you don't want to talk about Carson. Understandably.

If I didn't want to talk about Carson, I wouldn't have commented in this thread to begin with.

All you want to do is attack him on a non issue like Mannatech ad nauseam. I'm curious what his dealings with them have anything to do with the (as Ted Cruz put it) "the substantive issues people care about?"

Can you tell me? Because the sheer frivolity of it is astounding. He isn't the first or last politician to tout a product that didn't work. You have the same kinds of idiots on your side too.

Have you ever known anyone with cancer?

Yes. Why? I don't remember them begging Mannatech for a cure. Look up Clute Barrow Nelson. I went to school with him when I was a child. He died of brain cancer.

Then you should especially understand the issue.

Please, since I've read everything on the issue, and since according to you I should take more stock in it, please enlighten me. He did have a relationship, so what?

This is something similar to how Democrats used Bain Capital to attack Mitt Romney. Or how Democrats assailed Herman Cain for allegedly having an affair with a woman during his days as the CEO of a pizza franchise. Mannatech settled out of court after they were sued for $4 million.

The issue is done and over. Yes, he told a bold faced lie on that stage, so did Trump. But as I see it, who doesn't? Does it mean I'll vote for him? Not necessarily. My defense of him has nothing to do with whether I'll vote for the man. Anyone will endorse something if you pay them enough money to do it. Politics works the same way.

Besides, if push came to shove, I'd vote for Carson over a habitual liar named Hillary Clinton, who I might add, engaged in her own brand of misdirection in regards to the You Tube video causing a spontaneous attack on the compound in Benghazi. Or the fact that she was at least partially responsible for the deaths of the Ambassador and three other men.

You seem to have this irresistible penchant to hold people to such high moral standards while excluding your own candidates from those criteria.

Don't assume Hillary's "my candidate." She isn't. I'm just laughing at the horde of people here who KNOW she's lying because they know she's lying because...

Now, then. It's one thing if your crazy neighbor says, "Psst, I had prostate cancer, and I took this supplement, and I'm cured!" and another when someone with an M.D. after his name becomes a spokesman for what amounts to an overpriced oligosaccarhide with no clinical trial data behind it and allows his image and his words to be used to sell thing thing as a "cure." It's especially egregious when he claims to have had cancer that was cured by this product.

And then when asked about his relationship with the company - with which he had a contract, for which there is ample evidence that he was employed as their expert spokesman - he lies about it.


What will happen now - assuming the Trumpster doesn't steamroll over him in the primaries - is that there will be more demands to see Carson's medical records to determine whether or not he ever actually had prostate cancer than there were for the Obama birth certificate.

In fact, since this is the kind of thing that Trump does really well, it's surprising he hasn't launched the attack already. Maybe he's just too confident of his lead in the polls to bother...yet.

Look, if you want to vote for Carson, feel free. But you're doing yourself - and your candidate - a disservice by reacting to everything with "Lalala, can't hear you!"
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