Ben Carson, Huckster, Liar

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Don't assume Hillary's "my candidate." She isn't. I'm just laughing at the horde of people here who KNOW she's lying because they know she's lying because...

There's actual proof. It's been posted here and all over the internet. If you can't find it, you're very inept at research.

"I'm just laughing at the horde of people here who KNOW she's lying because they know she's lying because"

Is suggesting you're primed to defend her, in the same manner I'm defending Carson. That, or you do support her and are ashamed to admit it here.

Now, then. It's one thing if your crazy neighbor says, "Psst, I had prostate cancer, and I took this supplement, and I'm cured!" and another when someone with an M.D. after his name becomes a spokesman for what amounts to an overpriced oligosaccarhide with no clinical trial data behind it and allows his image and his words to be used to sell thing thing as a "cure." It's especially egregious when he claims to have had cancer that was cured by this product.

What's more egregious? Lying about the effects of a product? Or lying about the deaths of four people? Take your pick.

Look, if you want to vote for Carson, feel free. But you're doing yourself - and your candidate - a disservice by reacting to everything with "Lalala, can't hear you!"

Isn't that what you just did with Hillary?
What's even more sickening is that you're using people with cancer to launch a political attack on someone. You're a piece of work.
I asked you if you knew someone with cancer. Most people do.

It's Carson who used his status as an M.D. to endorse a product with no curative properties that he claimed cured his prostate cancer. Based on his description, he doesn't even get the terminology correct:

In the summer of 2002, I had my PSAs checked. I had prostate cancer; a very malignant and aggressive form. The various medical options were laid out; what caught my attention were glycol-proteins. Within a week my symptoms were completely resolved. But urologist [recommended immediate] surgery anyway, [which I did]. It turned out that the cancer was within one millimeter of metastasizing. If we had waited it would have been too late.

Ben Carson on Health Care

Did anyone die because of it? Because if not, the issue is irrelevant. Yet again, you have Hillary Clinton, who's atrocities exceed mere false advertising.

Yet again, I don't "have" Hillary Clinton. She's not "my" candidate.

Carson's issue is twofold: the hucksterism and the lie.

Did anyone abandon conventional cancer treatment and rely solely on Mannatech and die as a result? I have no idea. But don't be surprised if there are lawsuits filed to that effect.

Whether Carson's involvement with Mannatech can legally be considered medical malpractice or not, it is materially different for him to say "this stuff cures cancer" than it is when it's your crazy neighbor.

Then there's the lie. "No, I wasn't involved with them. I just gave a few speeches..." when the evidence is everywhere says two things to me. One, the man does not take responsibility for his mistakes. Two, and even more troubling, is that he does not realize how easy it is to catch someone in a lie that egregious.

That's the behavior of someone who's either a naif or a sociopath. If that's the kind of person you want in the Oval Office, you go right ahead and vote for him.
If I didn't want to talk about Carson, I wouldn't have commented in this thread to begin with.

All you want to do is attack him on a non issue like Mannatech ad nauseam. I'm curious what his dealings with them have anything to do with the (as Ted Cruz put it) "the substantive issues people care about?"

Can you tell me? Because the sheer frivolity of it is astounding. He isn't the first or last politician to tout a product that didn't work. You have the same kinds of idiots on your side too.

Have you ever known anyone with cancer?

Yes. Why? I don't remember them begging Mannatech for a cure. Look up Clute Barrow Nelson. I went to school with him when I was a child. He died of brain cancer.

Then you should especially understand the issue.

Please, since I've read everything on the issue, and since according to you I should take more stock in it, please enlighten me. He did have a relationship, so what?

This is something similar to how Democrats used Bain Capital to attack Mitt Romney. Or how Democrats assailed Herman Cain for allegedly having an affair with a woman during his days as the CEO of a pizza franchise. Mannatech settled out of court after they were sued for $4 million.

The issue is done and over. Yes, he told a bold faced lie on that stage, so did Trump. But as I see it, who doesn't? Does it mean I'll vote for him? Not necessarily. My defense of him has nothing to do with whether I'll vote for the man. Anyone will endorse something if you pay them enough money to do it. Politics works the same way.

Besides, if push came to shove, I'd vote for Carson over a habitual liar named Hillary Clinton, who I might add, engaged in her own brand of misdirection in regards to the You Tube video causing a spontaneous attack on the compound in Benghazi. Or the fact that she was at least partially responsible for the deaths of the Ambassador and three other men.

You seem to have this irresistible penchant to hold people to such high moral standards while excluding your own candidates from those criteria.

Don't assume Hillary's "my candidate." She isn't. I'm just laughing at the horde of people here who KNOW she's lying because they know she's lying because...

Now, then. It's one thing if your crazy neighbor says, "Psst, I had prostate cancer, and I took this supplement, and I'm cured!" and another when someone with an M.D. after his name becomes a spokesman for what amounts to an overpriced oligosaccarhide with no clinical trial data behind it and allows his image and his words to be used to sell thing thing as a "cure." It's especially egregious when he claims to have had cancer that was cured by this product.

And then when asked about his relationship with the company - with which he had a contract, for which there is ample evidence that he was employed as their expert spokesman - he lies about it.


What will happen now - assuming the Trumpster doesn't steamroll over him in the primaries - is that there will be more demands to see Carson's medical records to determine whether or not he ever actually had prostate cancer than there were for the Obama birth certificate.

In fact, since this is the kind of thing that Trump does really well, it's surprising he hasn't launched the attack already. Maybe he's just too confident of his lead in the polls to bother...yet.

Look, if you want to vote for Carson, feel free. But you're doing yourself - and your candidate - a disservice by reacting to everything with "Lalala, can't hear you!"
Um she's lying because the video causing and uprising is preposterous and she laughs at people like you that believe that. And she admitted it was all bullshit when she told her daughter the day of the attack it was terrorists and nutjobs, not a video. But they knew the media would sell that, and people like you would buy that. I mean you have to be less than 5 years old to believe that shit.
Oh, the beauty of moral equivalence. Only this time, there is no equivalence. Just the lesser of two evils, as it has always been in American politics for as long as I can remember.
There's actual proof. It's been posted here and all over the internet.

And it's been dissected and misinterpreted and SCREAMED ABOUT in dozens of threads on this board, in which you may or may not have participated, and are welcome to do so for the rest of your life.

If you're bored with talking about Carson, frankly, so am I. You can take this up with someone else.
Have you ever known anyone with cancer?

Yes. Why? I don't remember them begging Mannatech for a cure. Look up Clute Barrow Nelson. I went to school with him when I was a child. He died of brain cancer.

Then you should especially understand the issue.

Please, since I've read everything on the issue, and since according to you I should take more stock in it, please enlighten me. He did have a relationship, so what?

This is something similar to how Democrats used Bain Capital to attack Mitt Romney. Or how Democrats assailed Herman Cain for allegedly having an affair with a woman during his days as the CEO of a pizza franchise. Mannatech settled out of court after they were sued for $4 million.

The issue is done and over. Yes, he told a bold faced lie on that stage, so did Trump. But as I see it, who doesn't? Does it mean I'll vote for him? Not necessarily. My defense of him has nothing to do with whether I'll vote for the man. Anyone will endorse something if you pay them enough money to do it. Politics works the same way.

Besides, if push came to shove, I'd vote for Carson over a habitual liar named Hillary Clinton, who I might add, engaged in her own brand of misdirection in regards to the You Tube video causing a spontaneous attack on the compound in Benghazi. Or the fact that she was at least partially responsible for the deaths of the Ambassador and three other men.

You seem to have this irresistible penchant to hold people to such high moral standards while excluding your own candidates from those criteria.

Don't assume Hillary's "my candidate." She isn't. I'm just laughing at the horde of people here who KNOW she's lying because they know she's lying because...

Now, then. It's one thing if your crazy neighbor says, "Psst, I had prostate cancer, and I took this supplement, and I'm cured!" and another when someone with an M.D. after his name becomes a spokesman for what amounts to an overpriced oligosaccarhide with no clinical trial data behind it and allows his image and his words to be used to sell thing thing as a "cure." It's especially egregious when he claims to have had cancer that was cured by this product.

And then when asked about his relationship with the company - with which he had a contract, for which there is ample evidence that he was employed as their expert spokesman - he lies about it.


What will happen now - assuming the Trumpster doesn't steamroll over him in the primaries - is that there will be more demands to see Carson's medical records to determine whether or not he ever actually had prostate cancer than there were for the Obama birth certificate.

In fact, since this is the kind of thing that Trump does really well, it's surprising he hasn't launched the attack already. Maybe he's just too confident of his lead in the polls to bother...yet.

Look, if you want to vote for Carson, feel free. But you're doing yourself - and your candidate - a disservice by reacting to everything with "Lalala, can't hear you!"
Um she's lying because the video causing and uprising is preposterous and she laughs at people like you that believe that. And she admitted it was all bullshit when she told her daughter the day of the attack it was terrorists and nutjobs, not a video. But they knew the media would sell that, and people like you would buy that. I mean you have to be less than 5 years old to believe that shit.


Did you get an answer to your question about Carson upthread? If not, Templar can tell you what to believe - about Carson, about Hillary, about the age of the Earth, for all I know.

I'm finished here.
Yes. Why? I don't remember them begging Mannatech for a cure. Look up Clute Barrow Nelson. I went to school with him when I was a child. He died of brain cancer.

Then you should especially understand the issue.

Please, since I've read everything on the issue, and since according to you I should take more stock in it, please enlighten me. He did have a relationship, so what?

This is something similar to how Democrats used Bain Capital to attack Mitt Romney. Or how Democrats assailed Herman Cain for allegedly having an affair with a woman during his days as the CEO of a pizza franchise. Mannatech settled out of court after they were sued for $4 million.

The issue is done and over. Yes, he told a bold faced lie on that stage, so did Trump. But as I see it, who doesn't? Does it mean I'll vote for him? Not necessarily. My defense of him has nothing to do with whether I'll vote for the man. Anyone will endorse something if you pay them enough money to do it. Politics works the same way.

Besides, if push came to shove, I'd vote for Carson over a habitual liar named Hillary Clinton, who I might add, engaged in her own brand of misdirection in regards to the You Tube video causing a spontaneous attack on the compound in Benghazi. Or the fact that she was at least partially responsible for the deaths of the Ambassador and three other men.

You seem to have this irresistible penchant to hold people to such high moral standards while excluding your own candidates from those criteria.

Don't assume Hillary's "my candidate." She isn't. I'm just laughing at the horde of people here who KNOW she's lying because they know she's lying because...

Now, then. It's one thing if your crazy neighbor says, "Psst, I had prostate cancer, and I took this supplement, and I'm cured!" and another when someone with an M.D. after his name becomes a spokesman for what amounts to an overpriced oligosaccarhide with no clinical trial data behind it and allows his image and his words to be used to sell thing thing as a "cure." It's especially egregious when he claims to have had cancer that was cured by this product.

And then when asked about his relationship with the company - with which he had a contract, for which there is ample evidence that he was employed as their expert spokesman - he lies about it.


What will happen now - assuming the Trumpster doesn't steamroll over him in the primaries - is that there will be more demands to see Carson's medical records to determine whether or not he ever actually had prostate cancer than there were for the Obama birth certificate.

In fact, since this is the kind of thing that Trump does really well, it's surprising he hasn't launched the attack already. Maybe he's just too confident of his lead in the polls to bother...yet.

Look, if you want to vote for Carson, feel free. But you're doing yourself - and your candidate - a disservice by reacting to everything with "Lalala, can't hear you!"
Um she's lying because the video causing and uprising is preposterous and she laughs at people like you that believe that. And she admitted it was all bullshit when she told her daughter the day of the attack it was terrorists and nutjobs, not a video. But they knew the media would sell that, and people like you would buy that. I mean you have to be less than 5 years old to believe that shit.


Did you get an answer to your question about Carson upthread? If not, Templar can tell you what to believe - about Carson, about Hillary, about the age of the Earth, for all I know.

I'm finished here.

What a pansy. When pressed on your double standards you tuck tail and run.
Wow ANOTHER attack the Negro post from the left. Who would have guessed right? A WORLD famous brain surgeon VS a political fact check site on a medical question.

A site that knows NOTHING about medicine VS a doctor? When it comes to medicine and health I get mine from a doctor NOT a political site.

Aha ha, attack the negro. How about attack the liar? he should lose his medical license for this kind of crap.

For what, using a product and saying he personally like it.

For claiming without any evidence that it cured prostate cancer.

That's not what it says in the OP, the quote there is:

"I started taking the product, and within about three weeks, my (cancer) symptoms went away."

That's not a claim of a cure.
I already did. I literally just quoted it.

Sorry another out of context quote. Learn to read angry racist.

it's in context. According to you, race doesn't matter when it comes to the word "boy".

Now, why is pointing out Carson's lies racist?

Because disagreeing with a black person is racist. Just the way liberals told me. Are you saying liberals lied all these years?

Liberals never told you that. That is the excuse you used to try to cover up your racism.

Ahh yes, and your racism also.

Prove it.

At last night’s GOP debate presidential candidate Ben Carson lied about his connection with a Christian nutritional supplement company accused of hustling the gullible with bogus claims of miracle cures for deadly diseases.

Carson was asked about his involvement with nutritional supplement company Mannatech at the Oct. 28 Republican presidential debate hosted by CNBC in Boulder, Colo.

Moderator Carl Quintanilla asked:

There’s is a company called Mannatech, a maker of nutritional supplements, with which you had a 10-year relationship. They offered claims they could cure autism, cancer. They paid $7 million to settle a deceptive marketing lawsuit in Texas, and yet your involvement continues. Why?

Carson, a former pediatric neurosurgeon, replied:

Well, that’s easy to answer: I didn’t have an involvement with them. That is total propaganda. And this is what happens in our society — total propaganda. I did a couple speeches for them. I did speeches for other people. They were paid speeches. It is absolutely absurd to say that I had any kind of relationship with them. Do I take the product? Yes. I think it’s a good product.

However, as Politifact and other outlets are reporting, Carson lied about his connection with Mannatech.

The evidence shows that Carson was paid to give speeches during events hosted by Mannatech Inc., telling how the company’s supplements helped him after a 2002 cancer diagnosis.

The National Review points out:

Carson’s interactions with Mannatech, a nutritional-supplement company based in suburban Dallas, date back to 2004, when he was a speaker at the company’s annual conferences, MannaFest and MannaQuest. He also spoke at Mannatech conferences in 2011 and 2013, and spoke about “glyconutrients” in a PBS special as recently as last year.

The Wall Street Journal notes that Carson has often made reference to a long and lucrative association with the company that he says has been good for both his career and his health.

Politifact concludes:

As far as we can tell, Carson was not a paid employee or official endorser of the product. However, his claim suggests he has no ties to Mannatech whatsoever. In reality, he got paid to deliver speeches to Mannatech and appeared in promotional videos, and he consistently delivered glowing reviews of the nutritional supplements. As a world-renowned surgeon, Carson’s opinion on health issues carries weight, and Mannatech has used Carson’s endorsement to its advantage.

We rate Carson’s claim False.

- See more at:

Great thread.
Wow ANOTHER attack the Negro post from the left. Who would have guessed right? A WORLD famous brain surgeon VS a political fact check site on a medical question.

A site that knows NOTHING about medicine VS a doctor? When it comes to medicine and health I get mine from a doctor NOT a political site.

Revealing the truth isn't an attack.
Carson lies, so let's accuse posters who point that out of racism. Neat and completely unsurprising.
People lie about a lot of things in life but the BIG "C" not so much.
I don't think you understand the topic of the thread. Did Carson lie about his association with a company? yeah, he did, he should have just said so.
He did. He said in the answer he gave speaking engagements for them.

"That's easy to answer. I didn't have an involvement with them. Total propaganda. I did a couple speeches for them. I did speeches for other people — they were paid speeches. It is absolutely absurd to say that I had any kind of relationship with them. Do I take the product? Yes. I think it's a good product," he said.

The moderator then pointed out that Carson was on the company's webpage. Carson said he didn't give them permission to do that.

"Dr. Ben Carson's business manager acknowledged Thursday that the Republican presidential candidate did have a "contract" with a medical supplement company at some point.

Armstrong Williams told CNN's Jake Tapper that he negotiated the retired neurosurgeon's contract himself." Top Staffer Acknowledges Ben Carson Had 'Contract' With Supplement Maker (VIDEO)
Aw, now you've done it. You'll need to spend the rest of the day explaining what a contract is and why it matters, and they're still going to end every post with "....because you're a racist."

Of course that's how they'll end every post and why shouldn't they correctly identify him?
OH, you lying racist. Your ilk condemns Carson and defends Clinton. The difference is that he's black and she's white. You can deny it all you want but the truth is evident. Go wash your sheets.

Already answered. You're an idiot. Maybe Carson has a pill you can take for that.

You're a racist pig and there's no pill to cure that.

Oh, someone hurt a nerve.

Apparently I did. racists like you hate when you're called out.

Where is the racism? Disagreeing with someone is not what you think it is. Grow up and stop playing this stupid game.

It's not a game. Your side ignores and in fact defends the white person for lying and condemns the black person. That's racist and that's you.
Lots of deflection by the left going on here and lots of denial. Funny watching the game turn on them.

Well, why don't you answer my post or others instead of falsely proclaiming victory?

Quite frankly, whether Carson lies or not, I don't care. The Dems lie all the time and Hillary can't tell the truth to save her life.

If it comes down to Carson or Hillary, I'll take Carson.

Whether you are a racist or not, I don't care. I just pointed out how disagreeing with Obama got many labeled racist, you want to pretend it didn't happen. It did, I was accused, you don't like it, neither did I.

You didn't point out anything. You deliberately accused people you don't know of racism based on something that happened to you, assuming you're telling the truth, your track record sucks in this thread.

If you don't care if Carson lied, then not much of a reason to be in this thread. I mean, unless you feel like back pedaling some more.

Your selectivism in who you accuse is what shows you're a racist pig.
Quite frankly, whether Carson lies or not, I don't care. The Dems lie all the time and Hillary can't tell the truth to save her life.

If it comes down to Carson or Hillary, I'll take Carson.

Whether you are a racist or not, I don't care. I just pointed out how disagreeing with Obama got many labeled racist, you want to pretend it didn't happen. It did, I was accused, you don't like it, neither did I.

You didn't point out anything. You deliberately accused people you don't know of racism based on something that happened to you, assuming you're telling the truth, your track record sucks in this thread.

If you don't care if Carson lied, then not much of a reason to be in this thread. I mean, unless you feel like back pedaling some more.

I have back pedaled. You leftwing nuts try to write all the rules and you hate when it gets thrown back in your face. You don't like the game? Don't play.

Your track record all over this board pretty much sucks.

This thread is about Carson lying and you are going into la-la land claiming liberals are racists based on some make believe shit that you want to convince everyone else of. No evidence, you can't even explain it. .You say why are we picking on Carson and no one else? It's pointed out to you that other candidates lies have been point out too. You say, why are we treating Carson different than Hillary and Obama? it's pointed out to you that Obama is also black and so where does your racism argument fit?

Then you back pedal and say you don't even care if Carson lies and you don't even know if the people you are calling racists are actual are actual racists because you have your own agenda that appears to have nothing to do with this thread.

Why do you care whether Carson is lying or not?

Why wouldn't I? I do expect all politicians to lie, it's just life. But, to put your entire reputation on the line. A supposedly reputable neurosurgeon telling people to buy wonder drugs, that is someone not to trust.

So, you accept the lies of the old white folks merely because they are politicians, but hold the black man to a different standard and don't think you're a racist? You're a self deluding racist.
Never mind the multiple sources including the National Review.

Again, you are a partisan hack of the demagogue party, nothing you post can be trusted. Lies, innuendo, half-truths; these are what you offer in your quest to smear the enemies of your filthy party.

demagogue party? You're calling me a partisan hack?

What have I lied about? You made the claim, back it up.

I hope he noticed that you lied when you claimed you aren't a racist.
What's even more sickening is that you're using people with cancer to launch a political attack on someone. You're a piece of work.
I asked you if you knew someone with cancer. Most people do.

It's Carson who used his status as an M.D. to endorse a product with no curative properties that he claimed cured his prostate cancer. Based on his description, he doesn't even get the terminology correct:

In the summer of 2002, I had my PSAs checked. I had prostate cancer; a very malignant and aggressive form. The various medical options were laid out; what caught my attention were glycol-proteins. Within a week my symptoms were completely resolved. But urologist [recommended immediate] surgery anyway, [which I did]. It turned out that the cancer was within one millimeter of metastasizing. If we had waited it would have been too late.

Ben Carson on Health Care

Did anyone die because of it? Because if not, the issue is irrelevant. Yet again, you have Hillary Clinton, who's atrocities exceed mere false advertising.

Yet again, I don't "have" Hillary Clinton. She's not "my" candidate.

Carson's issue is twofold: the hucksterism and the lie.

Did anyone abandon conventional cancer treatment and rely solely on Mannatech and die as a result? I have no idea. But don't be surprised if there are lawsuits filed to that effect.

Whether Carson's involvement with Mannatech can legally be considered medical malpractice or not, it is materially different for him to say "this stuff cures cancer" than it is when it's your crazy neighbor.

Then there's the lie. "No, I wasn't involved with them. I just gave a few speeches..." when the evidence is everywhere says two things to me. One, the man does not take responsibility for his mistakes. Two, and even more troubling, is that he does not realize how easy it is to catch someone in a lie that egregious.

That's the behavior of someone who's either a naif or a sociopath. If that's the kind of person you want in the Oval Office, you go right ahead and vote for him.
Naive, yes.
What's even more sickening is that you're using people with cancer to launch a political attack on someone. You're a piece of work.
I asked you if you knew someone with cancer. Most people do.

It's Carson who used his status as an M.D. to endorse a product with no curative properties that he claimed cured his prostate cancer. Based on his description, he doesn't even get the terminology correct:

In the summer of 2002, I had my PSAs checked. I had prostate cancer; a very malignant and aggressive form. The various medical options were laid out; what caught my attention were glycol-proteins. Within a week my symptoms were completely resolved. But urologist [recommended immediate] surgery anyway, [which I did]. It turned out that the cancer was within one millimeter of metastasizing. If we had waited it would have been too late.

Ben Carson on Health Care
lol. Carson :rofl:
What's even more sickening is that you're using people with cancer to launch a political attack on someone. You're a piece of work.
I asked you if you knew someone with cancer. Most people do.

It's Carson who used his status as an M.D. to endorse a product with no curative properties that he claimed cured his prostate cancer. Based on his description, he doesn't even get the terminology correct:

In the summer of 2002, I had my PSAs checked. I had prostate cancer; a very malignant and aggressive form. The various medical options were laid out; what caught my attention were glycol-proteins. Within a week my symptoms were completely resolved. But urologist [recommended immediate] surgery anyway, [which I did]. It turned out that the cancer was within one millimeter of metastasizing. If we had waited it would have been too late.

Ben Carson on Health Care

Did anyone die because of it? Because if not, the issue is irrelevant. Yet again, you have Hillary Clinton, who's atrocities exceed mere false advertising.

Yet again, I don't "have" Hillary Clinton. She's not "my" candidate.

Carson's issue is twofold: the hucksterism and the lie.

Did anyone abandon conventional cancer treatment and rely solely on Mannatech and die as a result? I have no idea. But don't be surprised if there are lawsuits filed to that effect.

Whether Carson's involvement with Mannatech can legally be considered medical malpractice or not, it is materially different for him to say "this stuff cures cancer" than it is when it's your crazy neighbor.

Then there's the lie. "No, I wasn't involved with them. I just gave a few speeches..." when the evidence is everywhere says two things to me. One, the man does not take responsibility for his mistakes. Two, and even more troubling, is that he does not realize how easy it is to catch someone in a lie that egregious.

That's the behavior of someone who's either a naif or a sociopath. If that's the kind of person you want in the Oval Office, you go right ahead and vote for him.
Naive, yes.

It may seem like a minor point, but public officials should be at least as savvy as their kids about how this Internet thing works, starting with Google 101.

Most if not all of them have staff sending tweets and media updates in their name, but there need to be guidelines (e.g., "Don't post selfies of your junk or anyone else's").

The same people howling about Hillary's emails are now singing "Oh, Dr. Carson didn't know those images with him and the Mannatech logo would show up on the Internet...along with the promotional material quoting him about 'curing cancer' and [all the other evidence that gives the lie to his lie]..."

Of course, there is a third alternative to naivete and sociopathy - early-onset Alzheimer's. He may honestly not have remembered. Confronted with the evidence, he made a choice. Which would be less damaging - saying "Oh, that. Yeah, I forgot" and having the media run with "Does Dr. Carson have some form of dementia? Is that what we want in the Oval Office. Ronald Reagan, as you may recall..." or spinning it? "Oh, that. No, no, no, it's not what it looks like. Pay no attention to that Manatech logo in the frame"?

Leaders have to make the tough choices.
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