Ben Carson on critical race theory. "Its a bunch of garbage"

Do not under estimate how deluded and smart liberals truly are, they remind me of a idiot savant that knows exactly what the scent of the toilet paper Trump used on Jan/ 6 /2021 but then sort of overlook the mass hysteria and riots the Democrats and the media ACTUALY caused...

Nailed it in his opening statement.

As if the moron Ben Carson knows anything about Critical Race Theory. His comments show he does not.

How racist of you. How DARE that black man make you leftists look stupid. How DARE that black man think for himself. How DARE that black man reject crt as the bullshit it is.
Sometimes I can't help thinking, that the ignorant Left resents that Dr Carson is a brain surgeon !

They envy him. :mad:
How in the hell did Ben Carson become so successful in medicine and politics with all of that racism out there. Come to think of it how in the hell did Shelby Steele, Thomas Sowell, Van Jones, Don Lemon, and Jason Riley become so successful as well.
it seems to me that racism and discrimination and bias does LOTS to
diminish the lives of MANY MANY MANY people for all kinds of reasons---
Ben Carson is an idiot. But the racists will put step n fechit out there because he's a black face they know who will recite the lawn jockey mambo criticizing about anything whereby blacks challenge the system.
Ben Carson is an idiot. But the racists will put step n fechit out there because he's a black face they know who will recite the lawn jockey mambo criticizing about anything whereby blacks challenge the system.

Do you envy him too? because he is a very successful brain surgeon?
How in the hell did Ben Carson become so successful in medicine and politics with all of that racism out there.
You really should shut up about CRT and not comment on it again until you have read about it from an academic source.
Ben Carson is an idiot. But the racists will put step n fechit out there because he's a black face they know who will recite the lawn jockey mambo criticizing about anything whereby blacks challenge the system.

Do you envy him too? because he is a very successful brain surgeon?
No. Why do I have to envy him? Do we blacks not have the right to oppose those who expouse beliefs that are detrimental to us? I have a masters degree, what the fuck do I need to be jealous of that idiot for? Please!

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