Ben Carson: Plagiarist


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Conservative hero Ben Carson hit with plagiarism scandal

Potential presidential candidate's 2012 book lifted passages from a bevy of sources

In his 2012 book America the Beautiful, conservative activist and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson related the story of when he was caught plagiarizing as an undergraduate psychology major. ”During my research for one of the papers in an advanced psychology course, I found some passages that seemed particularly appropriate, and I included them in my writing,” Carson explained. “I did not, however, indicate that this was the work of someone else; frankly, I had never even heard of the term plagiarism.” A professor identified the plagiarized passages, Carson wrote, and their meeting over the paper prompted an epiphany: “Even though I did not know the implications of plagiarism, I certainly should have known inherently that what I was doing was wrong. I had done it before without consequences and probably would have continued doing it if I had not been caught.”

Apparently, that experience wasn’t searing enough. On Tuesday, BuzzFeed revealed that Carson plagiarized portions of the very same book in which he wrote of his college plagiarism. Although Carson often cited the works he copied in his endnotes, he did not indicate in the text of the book when he had borrowed the words of other authors.

Among the bevy of sources Carson plagiarized were the venerable website, the late conservative polemicist W. Cleon Skousen, and conservative author Bill Federer, BuzzFeed reports. In one passage highlighted by the outlet, Carson borrows “wholesale” from Here’s SocialismSucks:

Go to the link to see his plagiarism. It's too large to post here.
Here's the deal: did Carson even write any of that himself?

Many pols have ghostwriters who do like 90% of the heavy lifting. It's a cottage industry these days.
This will just endear him to the tee potties.

How soon before one of them says, "Oh yeah? Well so did fill in the blank.

cuz, if someone else does it, that makes it okay for him to do it.
Here's the deal: did Carson even write any of that himself?

Many pols have ghostwriters who do like 90% of the heavy lifting. It's a cottage industry these days.

True. They don't even write bills any more. They have lobbyists for that.

Credit should be given rather than taking the credit themselves.
Dems loathe and despise any minority who dares to flee the plantation, all the while they have Plagiarist Biden as VP and disgusting opportunist nut Fake Indian Liz Warren as Party leaders
Just another dishonest wingnut.

unlike Joe Biden, of course

See how racist Dems really are?

Only the black guy is a plagerist
Do you notice how many Ben Carson hate threads the left pumps out here? They never do that for, say, John Kasich, although Kasich is as much a presidential candidate as Carson is. It must be they hate uppity n1ggers and want to put him back in his place.
Conservative hero Ben Carson hit with plagiarism scandal

Potential presidential candidate's 2012 book lifted passages from a bevy of sources

In his 2012 book America the Beautiful, conservative activist and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson related the story of when he was caught plagiarizing as an undergraduate psychology major. ”During my research for one of the papers in an advanced psychology course, I found some passages that seemed particularly appropriate, and I included them in my writing,” Carson explained. “I did not, however, indicate that this was the work of someone else; frankly, I had never even heard of the term plagiarism.” A professor identified the plagiarized passages, Carson wrote, and their meeting over the paper prompted an epiphany: “Even though I did not know the implications of plagiarism, I certainly should have known inherently that what I was doing was wrong. I had done it before without consequences and probably would have continued doing it if I had not been caught.”

Apparently, that experience wasn’t searing enough. On Tuesday, BuzzFeed revealed that Carson plagiarized portions of the very same book in which he wrote of his college plagiarism. Although Carson often cited the works he copied in his endnotes, he did not indicate in the text of the book when he had borrowed the words of other authors.

Among the bevy of sources Carson plagiarized were the venerable website, the late conservative polemicist W. Cleon Skousen, and conservative author Bill Federer, BuzzFeed reports. In one passage highlighted by the outlet, Carson borrows “wholesale” from Here’s SocialismSucks:

Go to the link to see his plagiarism. It's too large to post here.
This looks very close to playing his black poverty card.

“I did not, however, indicate that this was the work of someone else; frankly, I had never even heard of the term plagiarism.”

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