Ben Carson: Plagiarist

Notice the hate and racism that pervades the Democrat Party of Jim Crow, Tuskegee and the KKK even to today

oh yeah. Remember how it was RACIST to disagree with everything Obama?
But now the long knives are out for a man who is only a CITIZEN that is considering running for office...they can't seem to help themselves.
it's ok to attack conservative black people. If you criticizes liberal blacks you're labeled racist. Blacks conservatives are discriminated against by other black people because "they dane to think for themselves" ....That's the difference genius.

No, Black conservatives are despised by other black people for the same reason "House Negros" were despised by the ones who had to do all the hard work in the fields.

Poor Joey ..he's too dumb to know when he outs himself as the racist scum he really is :uhoh3:
Carson is a homophobe. His "cut every department by 10%" is an off the hip feel good without knowing jack shit about government comment and I am a strong fiscal conservative. He is strong on the JOKE War on Drugs. Dumbass comments about how Rome fell because of queers. Wants more doctors in government. GOD HELP US. Claims Obamacare, which I oppose, is worse than slavery. The man is a good doctor and family man but rank amateur same as Obama, different party.

I like Ben but his view on gays is just Stone Age. He adds to the debate, is a better role modle than either Obama (they're both idiots) and has an otherwise good point of view
it's ok to attack conservative black people. If you criticizes liberal blacks you're labeled racist. Blacks conservatives are discriminated against by other black people because "they dane to think for themselves" ....That's the difference genius.

No, Black conservatives are despised by other black people for the same reason "House Negros" were despised by the ones who had to do all the hard work in the fields.

^ The Democrat Jim Crow, KKK and Tuskegee Party chimes in
So, you think the same about Obama? What was he before he became President?
A community organizer, a lowly state Senator and then a Senator in Congress with less then ONE TERM.

You mean he ran for office, got elected, passed bills, got elected to higher office. YOu know, did the hard work.

As opposed to Uncle Tom, who just makes a bunch of money telling people like you that you aren't as racist as you obviously are.
You mean a president that finds out about major world events at the same time I do? On the 11 o'clock news? Yeah brilliant.
If that's the worse thing they can dig up on this black man who is a DR. They are digging from the bottom of the gutter.
Why do Dems hate blacks who leave the Dem Plantation? is it genetic?
Why are you race-baiting? The OP doesn't mention race.

Neither do 99.9999999999999999999999999999999% of those who voice opposition to Obama, yet they are almost always labelled as racists...

they hate it when the shoe is on the other foot. only they can INJECT the color of the skin of a person. don't ya know...
like white cop shoots black man
Funny how it's just the wingnuts who are injecting race into this.

You started it. More succinctly, your party started it. It wasn't until a black man ran for the White House that the race issue was resurrected in the first place. When a woman runs for president, you'll find a way to divide the sexes as well.
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