Ben Carson: Plagiarist

I like Dr. Carson but if GOP nominates him as their candidate= LANDSLIDE DEMOCRATS. Right wing Republicans do not give a shit about winning elections. They only believe in ideology.
Just another dishonest wingnut.

unlike Joe Biden, of course

See how racist Dems really are?

Only the black guy is a plagerist
Funny how it's just the wingnuts who are injecting race into this.

Why is that?
Carson is not even in the top 10 of the polls showing who may run.....yet you guys seem to be all over him. Why is that? Because he is a black conservative who has achieved success and is an example of reality for the black community and not a pipe dream impossible to achieve?
Go ahead you racist asshole....lie and deny it.

"High tech lynching for uppity blacks who dane to think for themselves"

Dems need to keep blacks docile and dependent. Look at what they did to Malcolm X and MLJ for daring to speak up
Carson is a homophobe. His "cut every department by 10%" is an off the hip feel good without knowing jack shit about government comment and I am a strong fiscal conservative. He is strong on the JOKE War on Drugs. Dumbass comments about how Rome fell because of queers. Wants more doctors in government. GOD HELP US. Claims Obamacare, which I oppose, is worse than slavery. The man is a good doctor and family man but rank amateur same as Obama, different party.
I'm making the point that conservative blacks are attacked and smeared because they are conservatives, and because they are black
How is that different from conservatives constantly attacking Liberal Blacks for being Liberal and supposedly 'dependent' upon the Democratic Party?

Edit to add: See Jroc? Didn't take long:

Dems need to keep blacks docile and dependent.

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I like Dr. Carson but if GOP nominates him as their candidate= LANDSLIDE DEMOCRATS. Right wing Republicans do not give a shit about winning elections. They only believe in ideology.
He's a brilliant surgeon, and seems like a very nice man. I would bet there are no sordid details of his life (although you never know. See: John Edwards)

But he's a novice at politics and it badly shows.

I would also point out that generally speaking, surgeons are odd birds. I'm not saying it's good or bad, but there is consensus among doctors.
I like Dr. Carson but if GOP nominates him as their candidate= LANDSLIDE DEMOCRATS. Right wing Republicans do not give a shit about winning elections. They only believe in ideology.
He's a brilliant surgeon, and seems like a very nice man. I would bet there are no sordid details of his life (although you never know. See: John Edwards)

But he's a novice at politics and it badly shows.

I would also point out that generally speaking, surgeons are odd birds. I'm not saying it's good or bad, but there is consensus among doctors.
He's a nerd, and not a cool nerd.

I met him at age 14, shook his hand and had him sign my book. I'm going on 39 now.

He should stick to his day job, politics makes this otherwise brilliant man seem dumber than a sack of rocks.
I'm making the point that conservative blacks are attacked and smeared because they are conservatives, and because they are black
How is that different from conservatives constantly attacking Liberal Blacks for being Liberal and supposedly 'dependent' upon the Democratic Party?

Edit to add: See Jroc? Didn't take long:

Dems need to keep blacks docile and dependent.

it's ok to attack conservative black people. If you criticizes liberal blacks you're labeled racist. Blacks conservatives are discriminated against by other black people because "they dane to think for themselves" ....That's the difference genius.
I like Dr. Carson but if GOP nominates him as their candidate= LANDSLIDE DEMOCRATS. Right wing Republicans do not give a shit about winning elections. They only believe in ideology.
He's a brilliant surgeon, and seems like a very nice man. I would bet there are no sordid details of his life (although you never know. See: John Edwards)

But he's a novice at politics and it badly shows.

I would also point out that generally speaking, surgeons are odd birds. I'm not saying it's good or bad, but there is consensus among doctors.
Now he's brilliant:thup: I'm glad. I could enlighten your dumb ass How about you mention that before you attempt to smear the man....... But you're an idiot and i'm sure he knows much more about health care then Obama and his liberal know nothing politicians
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I didn't bother with the link. Something he did when he was in school and didn't realize how bad it was or what it was is no biggie in my opinion.
Historian: Ben Carson Did Not Plagiarize My Book
ByJoel Gehrke
January 7, 2015 5:04 PM

Bill Federer, the author of a “quote book” featured repeatedly in Ben Carson’sAmerica the Beautiful, defends the neurosurgeon-turned-presidential aspirant from charges of plagiarism.
“In my estimation, he has used my material exactly the way I wanted my material to be used,”FederertellsNational Review Online.

“The fact that he had cited me 16 times shows that his intention was to be honest and up front in his use of my material and the two times that theBuzzFeedarticle cited that he had not, in my estimation, is an editor’s oversight, errata, and it’s not plagiarism.”

The conservative author was responding toaBuzzFeedreportthat Carson had plagiarized fromFederer’sAmerica’s God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations.The report pointed to multiple instances in which Carson had used text from other sources without quotation marks to indicate that he was not writing in his own voice.

Federerblames that on the editor, providingNROwith e-mails that show him collaborating with Candy Carson (who co-authored the book with her husband) and reading the manuscript after it had gone through three drafts.
“It’s one thing a student going online and is cheating and taking someone else’s paper,”Federersays. In this case, “there wasn’t a habit of using somebody else’s thoughts and claiming them as your own.”
To buttress the argument that the editor made a mistake,Federerpoints to a quote from his book, via Carson’s, that refers to James Madison as “John” Madison.
“In other words, the editor made a mistake,” he says.

all of it here:
Historian Ben Carson Did Not Plagiarize My Book National Review Online
Do you notice how many Ben Carson hate threads the left pumps out here? They never do that for, say, John Kasich, although Kasich is as much a presidential candidate as Carson is. It must be they hate uppity n1ggers and want to put him back in his place.

Well, the fact is, Kasich is a grown up who roles up his sleeves and does the hard work.

Carson is a con-artist who has learned how to extract a bunch of money from White folks saying, "Yup, we sho' be shiftless, boss!"

Neither one of them will be the GOP nominee. You all are going to support Jeb Bush and you are going to like it.
Do you notice how many Ben Carson hate threads the left pumps out here? They never do that for, say, John Kasich, although Kasich is as much a presidential candidate as Carson is. It must be they hate uppity n1ggers and want to put him back in his place.

Well, the fact is, Kasich is a grown up who roles up his sleeves and does the hard work.

Carson is a con-artist who has learned how to extract a bunch of money from White folks saying, "Yup, we sho' be shiftless, boss!"

Neither one of them will be the GOP nominee. You all are going to support Jeb Bush and you are going to like it.

So, you think the same about Obama? What was he before he became President?
A community organizer, a lowly state Senator and then a Senator in Congress with less then ONE TERM. Your hate for any black Republican/conservative leaning people are well noted
So, you think the same about Obama? What was he before he became President?
A community organizer, a lowly state Senator and then a Senator in Congress with less then ONE TERM.

You mean he ran for office, got elected, passed bills, got elected to higher office. YOu know, did the hard work.

As opposed to Uncle Tom, who just makes a bunch of money telling people like you that you aren't as racist as you obviously are.
it's ok to attack conservative black people. If you criticizes liberal blacks you're labeled racist. Blacks conservatives are discriminated against by other black people because "they dane to think for themselves" ....That's the difference genius.

No, Black conservatives are despised by other black people for the same reason "House Negros" were despised by the ones who had to do all the hard work in the fields.
Notice the hate and racism that pervades the Democrat Party of Jim Crow, Tuskegee and the KKK even to today

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