Ben Carson: Plagiarist

Dems started the KKK
No, Southern conservative racists started the KKK.

I'll ask again: do you despise the Confederate flag?

Sorry, but the south during that time period consisted of Democrats. Your party is too afraid to acknowledge the sins of its past. It shows today by how much ass kissing you guys do for the Black vote.

Do you despise the American flag?
I like Dr. Carson but if GOP nominates him as their candidate= LANDSLIDE DEMOCRATS. Right wing Republicans do not give a shit about winning elections. They only believe in ideology.
He's a brilliant surgeon, and seems like a very nice man. I would bet there are no sordid details of his life (although you never know. See: John Edwards)

But he's a novice at politics and it badly shows.

I would also point out that generally speaking, surgeons are odd birds. I'm not saying it's good or bad, but there is consensus among doctors.
Now he's brilliant:thup: I'm glad. I could enlighten your dumb ass How about you mention that before you attempt to smear the man....... But you're an idiot and i'm sure he knows much more about health care then Obama and his liberal know nothing politicians
Find any post of mine that has ever denigrated Carson's brilliance as a surgeon.

I'll wait.
Neither do 99.9999999999999999999999999999999% of those who voice opposition to Obama, yet they are almost always labelled as racists...
THAT'S a lie since the % you quote amounts to more people than there are on earth, i.e. you're saying there are no racists. Who ARE you covering for?
unlike Dr Ben Carson
How stupid are you, anyway? It's already been proven, and he's already apologized for it.
The original author said it wasn't plagiarism. Just an oversight because Carson noted the author 16 times and missed two. You libs need to drop this because we're making you look like the fools you are.
Ben Carson Plagiarist Page 10 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Historian: Ben Carson Did Not Plagiarize My Book
ByJoel Gehrke
January 7, 2015 5:04 PM

Bill Federer, the author of a “quote book” featured repeatedly in Ben Carson’sAmerica the Beautiful, defends the neurosurgeon-turned-presidential aspirant from charges of plagiarism.
“In my estimation, he has used my material exactly the way I wanted my material to be used,”FederertellsNational Review Online.

“The fact that he had cited me 16 times shows that his intention was to be honest and up front in his use of my material and the two times that theBuzzFeedarticle cited that he had not, in my estimation, is an editor’s oversight, errata, and it’s not plagiarism.”

The conservative author was responding toaBuzzFeedreportthat Carson had plagiarized fromFederer’sAmerica’s God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations.The report pointed to multiple instances in which Carson had used text from other sources without quotation marks to indicate that he was not writing in his own voice.
Republicans aren't very creative people. Delusions don't count as creativity. They aren't good with music. Their art is amateur. They square dance. 90% of the time, their favorite artists are liberals. "Keep everything the same and let nothing happen" does not work well with creativity.
The libs, having been shown they are idiots, will repeat the lie about Carson one more time before they slither out from this skid stain of a thread, never to return.
Republicans aren't very creative people. Delusions don't count as creativity. They aren't good with music. Their art is amateur. They square dance. 90% of the time, their favorite artists are liberals. "Keep everything the same and let nothing happen" does not work well with creativity.
Democrats created:

  • KKK
  • Jim Crowe
  • slavery in America
  • Obamacare
  • Benghazi
  • Monica's stained blue dress
  • 10 trillion more in debt in 6 years
  • ISIS
This is just a start.
Republicans aren't very creative people. Delusions don't count as creativity. They aren't good with music. Their art is amateur. They square dance. 90% of the time, their favorite artists are liberals. "Keep everything the same and let nothing happen" does not work well with creativity.

Yeah, I come to USMB for a whiff of that Liberal creativity you've made so famous
I like Dr. Carson but if GOP nominates him as their candidate= LANDSLIDE DEMOCRATS. Right wing Republicans do not give a shit about winning elections. They only believe in ideology.
He's a brilliant surgeon, and seems like a very nice man. I would bet there are no sordid details of his life (although you never know. See: John Edwards)

But he's a novice at politics and it badly shows.

I would also point out that generally speaking, surgeons are odd birds. I'm not saying it's good or bad, but there is consensus among doctors.
Now he's brilliant:thup: I'm glad. I could enlighten your dumb ass How about you mention that before you attempt to smear the man....... But you're an idiot and i'm sure he knows much more about health care then Obama and his liberal know nothing politicians
Find any post of mine that has ever denigrated Carson's brilliance as a surgeon.

I'll wait.
You leave out those facts as you smear. I'm sure you'll also admit Dr.Carson knows much more about the medical profession ,Patient care, and medical insurance and how to improve the system, than the know nothing,community organizer.."I'll wait"

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