Ben Carson: Plagiarist

They also told us that our health care insurance rates would not increase and that our coverage would not decrease and that we could keep the same medical plans we already had you idiot.

The CBO also said that the ACA would decrease spending right before the vote on the ACA, but after it was passed conceded that spending would actually increase.

It would have increased anyway. It's not increasing as much.

I find it amusing that you complain the ACA didn't solve the problems when you guys have hamstrung it at every turn.
Obama is the one who wavered and delayed. I say implement it as written, so even idiots like you will feel the pain
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We get it, you hate minority conservatives. Brotch. :slap:

Almost forgot... RACIST!
Did I post something hateful?

Yes, you just proved you are a racist.

Just another addition to the long list of left wing racism......

Herman Cain, Condi Rice, Janice Brown, Allen West, Miguel Estrada, Mia Love, Clarence Thomas, Alan Keyes to name just a few.

Looks like the left is aleady starting a high-tech lynching of Ben Carson.
I challenge you to come up with a single post that denigrates those people for being Black.

They are criticized for being conservatives, not for being Black. And rightly so.
To be honesty, I'm tired as hell of lawyers who continually protect those in their profession and wage war against all others. Where is the tort reform in our health care package? You say there is none, BINGO!!

The CBO said even the most draconian Tort Reform would only reduce medical costs 0.4%. Texas did the kind of Tort Reform you guys insist upon under Rick Retard Perry, and guess what, their medical costs haven't gone down either.

Frankly, i want my doctor afraid enough of a lawsuit so he makes damn sure he was cutting on the right leg.
The Republican wish to reverse Obamacare's payment decreases to doctors...increases the deficit.

The Republicans wish to do away with the medical device tax...increases the deficit.

And so on and so forth. Republican policies are bad for the economy.
False. Benghazi was an act of treason, planned executed and covered up, by Democrats

I don't hold conversations with retards.

Welcome to my Ignore List, and fuck you.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(See how easy this is? Simply allow them to speak and hold them accountable for what they've said. And they will fold like a $2 tent, every single time.)
The Republican wish to reverse Obamacare's payment decreases to doctors...increases the deficit.

Doctors deserve to be paid the payment they charge. The government has no legitimate power to tell doctors what they can charge.

The Republicans wish to do away with the medical device tax...increases the deficit.

The government has no legitimate power to tax medical devices.

The only way to reduce deficit SPENDING is to STOP SPENDING IN DEFICIT!

Illegitimate Government is bad for the economy...
Most doctors are not fabulously weathy ..You're a idiot, and doctors making less money is not going to make your miserable life any better

The Average American doctor makes over $8000 a month compared to his European or Japanese counterpart, who makes about $4000.00 a month.

So what?

Here's a clue... reduce what highly skilled individuals can earn and that is going to have a detrimental affect on what lower skilled people can earn... it's basically "Minimum Wage" in reverse... which proves the principle. All sound processes, work the same, in the inverse.

Isn't it wonderful how consistent it is...? I mean without exception, every single Leftist is an imbecile.
It's the same way with most "conservatives"; just regurgitating what they ingested from the echo chamber--and always easily debunked.
Most doctors are not fabulously weathy ..You're a idiot, and doctors making less money is not going to make your miserable life any better

The Average American doctor makes over $8000 a month compared to his European or Japanese counterpart, who makes about $4000.00 a month.

So what?

Here's a clue... reduce what highly skilled individuals can earn and that is going to have a detrimental affect on what lower skilled people can earn... it's basically "Minimum Wage" in reverse... which proves the principle. All sound processes, work the same, in the inverse.

Isn't it wonderful how consistent it is...? I mean without exception, every single Leftist is an imbecile.

Joey is just a hater...A very miserable one at that
It's the same way with most "conservatives"; just regurgitating what they ingested from the echo chamber--and always easily debunked.

Do ya have, say... one example?

Yup. There is the old "if 10% is good enough for Jesus [even though Jesus did not demand a tithe], it oughta be good enough for Uncle Sam" bullshit, for one:

Crackpot Doom Scandal God Wants a Flat Tax

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
It's the same way with most "conservatives"; just regurgitating what they ingested from the echo chamber--and always easily debunked.

Do ya have, say... one example?

Yup. There is the old "if 10% is good enough for Jesus [even though Jesus did not demand a tithe], it oughta be good enough for Uncle Sam" bullshit, for one:

Crackpot Doom Scandal God Wants a Flat Tax
Flat tax is a good idea actually. I dont know about 10% but still good tax reform:thup:
It's the same way with most "conservatives"; just regurgitating what they ingested from the echo chamber--and always easily debunked.

Do ya have, say... one example?

Yup. There is the old "if 10% is good enough for Jesus [even though Jesus did not demand a tithe], it oughta be good enough for Uncle Sam" bullshit, for one:

Crackpot Doom Scandal God Wants a Flat Tax

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

It would be considerably harder to find an example that did not support my point.
So Republicans believe slaves were black people on welfare?

So is David Dukes a Democrat?

Are you sure you've thought this through?
Fact: when David Duke was In the KKK, he was a Democrat. That makes sense.

You got to consider who you're responding to.... rdean is actually at the top of the list for the dumbest liberals on the board

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