Ben Carson: Plagiarist

So doctors should make $50,000 a year?:uhh:....No thanks, and those fake talking points have been proven wrong all over the board. Nobody is running to Europe or Canada for medical care the opposite actually

Nobody is running here for medical care. ANd for good reason. A British couple that had a premature birth in this country just found themselves whopped with a $206,000 medical bill, which would never happen in their country.

British Couple Face 200 000 Medical Bill in NYC as Baby Born Early
Are you fed this stupidity? because you sure didn't come up with any of this idiocy yourself. It's mostly bullshit. We have the best medical care in the world here. Certainly not in Europe, and not in Canada. Your pathetic examples to the contrary and own miserable life not withstanding.
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Are you fed this stupidity? because you sure didn't come up with any of this idiocy yourself. It's mostly bullshit. We have the best medical care in the world here. Certainly not in Europe, and not in Canada. Your pathetic examples to the contrary and own miserable life not withstanding.

No, guy, i've actually done the research. "Medical Tourism" to the United States is a myth, at least as far as other countries are concerned.

A few rich people will come here and get top notch treatment most Americans don't have access to. Rich people are the same everywhere- douchebags. But that rich person is more likely to be from a third world country than an industrialized one.

Not that you are capable of education

8220 42 000 Canadians come to the United States for care 8221 8211 Really - PNHP s Official Blog

Debunking Canadian health care myths - The Denver Post
Are you fed this stupidity? because you sure didn't come up with any of this idiocy yourself. It's mostly bullshit. We have the best medical care in the world here. Certainly not in Europe, and not in Canada. Your pathetic examples to the contrary and own miserable life not withstanding.

No, guy, i've actually done the research. "Medical Tourism" to the United States is a myth, at least as far as other countries are concerned.

A few rich people will come here and get top notch treatment most Americans don't have access to. Rich people are the same everywhere- douchebags. But that rich person is more likely to be from a third world country than an industrialized one.

Not that you are capable of education

8220 42 000 Canadians come to the United States for care 8221 8211 Really - PNHP s Official Blog

Debunking Canadian health care myths - The Denver Post

No worries...the very rich will get the best health care. Under Obamacare, In the end, the rest of us will get stuck begging the federal government for your life.
No worries...the very rich will get the best health care. Under Obamacare, In the end, the rest of us will get stuck begging the federal government for your life.

As opposed to begging employers and insurance companies for your life?

Hey, you know what, we've got this thing called "Medicaid" where the government already takes care of our oldest citizens. It works just fine.
No worries...the very rich will get the best health care. Under Obamacare, In the end, the rest of us will get stuck begging the federal government for your life.

As opposed to begging employers and insurance companies for your life?

Hey, you know what, we've got this thing called "Medicaid" where the government already takes care of our oldest citizens. It works just fine.
That would be medicare you idiot, which they pay into, and we also have people from other countries coming here who never paid in getting on medicare an social security, get it straight. Obamacare is simply a bunch of crony deals, written by lobbyist, but you like it because you're too ignorant to know what it is. Willful ignorance is the worst kind
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Our daily dose of left wing double standards, hypocrisy, double talk, lies, patronizing racism, and utter shit.

Why don't I have the piece of shit op on ignore? Every single one of his posts are nothing more than democrat talking points.

Fuck you liberals. All of you. Go fuck yourselves you stupid fucking hypocritical gas bags.
Our daily dose of left wing double standards, hypocrisy, double talk, lies, patronizing racism, and utter shit.

Why don't I have the piece of shit op on ignore? Every single one of his posts are nothing more than democrat talking points.

Fuck you liberals. All of you. Go fuck yourselves you stupid fucking hypocritical gas bags.

You seem angry. Midol, perhaps`?
That would be medicare you idiot, which they pay into, and we also have people from other countries coming here who never paid in getting on medicare an social security, get it straight. Obamacare is simply a bunch of crony deals, written by lobbyist, but you like it because you're too ignorant to know what it is. Willful ignorance is the worst kind

Other than a slight error, the point is, MediCare is far better run than private insurance, so your argument that government can't run health care is facetious.

None of those old people have to "beg Medicare for their life', like you said.
That would be medicare you idiot, which they pay into, and we also have people from other countries coming here who never paid in getting on medicare an social security, get it straight. Obamacare is simply a bunch of crony deals, written by lobbyist, but you like it because you're too ignorant to know what it is. Willful ignorance is the worst kind

Other than a slight error, the point is, MediCare is far better run than private insurance, so your argument that government can't run health care is facetious.

None of those old people have to "beg Medicare for their life', like you said.

Obamacare isn't fully functional yet. are death panels in your future? with your health problem and family history they may be
Conservative hero Ben Carson hit with plagiarism scandal

Potential presidential candidate's 2012 book lifted passages from a bevy of sources

In his 2012 book America the Beautiful, conservative activist and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson related the story of when he was caught plagiarizing as an undergraduate psychology major. ”During my research for one of the papers in an advanced psychology course, I found some passages that seemed particularly appropriate, and I included them in my writing,” Carson explained. “I did not, however, indicate that this was the work of someone else; frankly, I had never even heard of the term plagiarism.” A professor identified the plagiarized passages, Carson wrote, and their meeting over the paper prompted an epiphany: “Even though I did not know the implications of plagiarism, I certainly should have known inherently that what I was doing was wrong. I had done it before without consequences and probably would have continued doing it if I had not been caught.”

Apparently, that experience wasn’t searing enough. On Tuesday, BuzzFeed revealed that Carson plagiarized portions of the very same book in which he wrote of his college plagiarism. Although Carson often cited the works he copied in his endnotes, he did not indicate in the text of the book when he had borrowed the words of other authors.

Among the bevy of sources Carson plagiarized were the venerable website, the late conservative polemicist W. Cleon Skousen, and conservative author Bill Federer, BuzzFeed reports. In one passage highlighted by the outlet, Carson borrows “wholesale” from Here’s SocialismSucks:

Go to the link to see his plagiarism. It's too large to post here.
I hate plagiarists w/ the power of 1000 supernovas.
That would be medicare you idiot, which they pay into, and we also have people from other countries coming here who never paid in getting on medicare an social security, get it straight. Obamacare is simply a bunch of crony deals, written by lobbyist, but you like it because you're too ignorant to know what it is. Willful ignorance is the worst kind

Other than a slight error, the point is, MediCare is far better run than private insurance, so your argument that government can't run health care is facetious.

None of those old people have to "beg Medicare for their life', like you said.

Obamacare isn't fully functional yet. are death panels in your future? with your health problem and family history they may be

It is an intentional failure of a policy. It is a single payer trojan horse. Even if it does not collapse NOW or LATER. Either system puts a large block of Americans on the new socialist teet. The more teets the democrats can CREATE the more automatic votes they get. The more automatic votes the less power the people have. The less power people have, the greater power goes to the government.

The middle class needs to be destroyed for the socialists to implement their system. The middle class is what is being destroyed under this contrived piece of socialist shit in the white house. All to the loud cheers of the demented left who are such tools of their democrat socialist gods. That very much includes the hippy college professors and union teachers.

We are seeing the systematic destruction of the free market enterprise that is the system that works most practical in a monetary system. The fact is these diseased brains on the left think America was founded under false notions. They believe America's foundation was based on pure unrighteousness. They believe that the entire 200+ year existence is an abomination of human liberty. They hate the ever living shit out of the founders and any white man that carried a gun and a bible.

This is what they talk about in their little pot smoke rooms. This is what they sing about. These are the movies produced by Hollywood and what is desired by the brainwashed socialist media.

They omit facts, bend truths, and flat out deliberately and knowingly lie. They justify it all because to them the ends justify the means. They actually believe there is some perfect little utopia out there. It is called pure socialisism. Pure socialism is another word for communism. Communism is another word for the CASTE SYSTEM.

A Brave New World is coming true. Or Animal Farm. Take your pick. We are all witnesses.

Either way, liberals are nothing but the hands of the devil. They are pure squishpots. Hypocrites. Bloviated arrogant assholes. They are absolute enemies to America and every free thinking mind that is out there. When I say free, I am NOT talking about...."If it feels good, then it must be right."

No, that is not freedom. That is enslavement, and anyone that knows a REAL alcoholic or drug addict know what I mean by enslavement. The left, will never get the type of freedom I am talking about, cause their spirits are that corrupted by the worlds message.

They deserve ZERO respect, since they willingly refuse to accept truth in all of its forms.
That would be medicare you idiot, which they pay into, and we also have people from other countries coming here who never paid in getting on medicare an social security, get it straight. Obamacare is simply a bunch of crony deals, written by lobbyist, but you like it because you're too ignorant to know what it is. Willful ignorance is the worst kind

Other than a slight error, the point is, MediCare is far better run than private insurance, so your argument that government can't run health care is facetious.

None of those old people have to "beg Medicare for their life', like you said.

Obamacare isn't fully functional yet. are death panels in your future? with your health problem and family history they may be

It is an intentional failure of a policy. It is a single payer trojan horse. Even if it does not collapse NOW or LATER. Either system puts a large block of Americans on the new socialist teet. The more teets the democrats can CREATE the more automatic votes they get. The more automatic votes the less power the people have. The less power people have, the greater power goes to the government.

The middle class needs to be destroyed for the socialists to implement their system. The middle class is what is being destroyed under this contrived piece of socialist shit in the white house. All to the loud cheers of the demented left who are such tools of their democrat socialist gods. That very much includes the hippy college professors and union teachers.

We are seeing the systematic destruction of the free market enterprise that is the system that works most practical in a monetary system. The fact is these diseased brains on the left think America was founded under false notions. They believe America's foundation was based on pure unrighteousness. They believe that the entire 200+ year existence is an abomination of human liberty. They hate the every living shit out of the founders and any white man that carried a gun and a bible.

This is what they talk about in their little pot smoke rooms. This is what they sing about. These are the movies produced by Hollywood and what is desired by the brainwashed socialist media.

They omit facts, bend truths, and flat out deliberately and knowingly lie. They justify it all because to them the ends justify the means. They actually believe there is some perfect little utopia out there. It is called pure socialist. Pure socialism is another word for communism. Communism is another word for the CASTE SYSTEM.

A Brave New World is coming true. Or Animal Farm. Take your pick. We are all witnesses.

Either way, liberals are nothing but the hands of the devil. They are pure squishpots. Hypocrites. Bloviated arrogant assholes. They are absolute enemies to America and every free thinking mind that is out there. When I say free, I am talking about...."If it feels good, then it must be right."

No, that is not freedom. That is enslavement, and anyone that knows a REAL alcoholic or drug addict know what I mean by enslavement. The left, will never get the type of freedom I am talking about, cause their spirits are that corrupted by the worlds message.

They deserve ZERO respect, since they willingly refuse to accept truth in all of its forms.
Oh, I wish for your sakes that it were single payer. Finest (and oldest) health care in the world? Most likely Germany. Germany is single-payer, with a hybrid of large choices.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
That would be medicare you idiot, which they pay into, and we also have people from other countries coming here who never paid in getting on medicare an social security, get it straight. Obamacare is simply a bunch of crony deals, written by lobbyist, but you like it because you're too ignorant to know what it is. Willful ignorance is the worst kind

Other than a slight error, the point is, MediCare is far better run than private insurance, so your argument that government can't run health care is facetious.

None of those old people have to "beg Medicare for their life', like you said.

Obamacare isn't fully functional yet. are death panels in your future? with your health problem and family history they may be

It is an intentional failure of a policy. It is a single payer trojan horse. Even if it does not collapse NOW or LATER. Either system puts a large block of Americans on the new socialist teet. The more teets the democrats can CREATE the more automatic votes they get. The more automatic votes the less power the people have. The less power people have, the greater power goes to the government.

The middle class needs to be destroyed for the socialists to implement their system. The middle class is what is being destroyed under this contrived piece of socialist shit in the white house. All to the loud cheers of the demented left who are such tools of their democrat socialist gods. That very much includes the hippy college professors and union teachers.

We are seeing the systematic destruction of the free market enterprise that is the system that works most practical in a monetary system. The fact is these diseased brains on the left think America was founded under false notions. They believe America's foundation was based on pure unrighteousness. They believe that the entire 200+ year existence is an abomination of human liberty. They hate the every living shit out of the founders and any white man that carried a gun and a bible.

This is what they talk about in their little pot smoke rooms. This is what they sing about. These are the movies produced by Hollywood and what is desired by the brainwashed socialist media.

They omit facts, bend truths, and flat out deliberately and knowingly lie. They justify it all because to them the ends justify the means. They actually believe there is some perfect little utopia out there. It is called pure socialist. Pure socialism is another word for communism. Communism is another word for the CASTE SYSTEM.

A Brave New World is coming true. Or Animal Farm. Take your pick. We are all witnesses.

Either way, liberals are nothing but the hands of the devil. They are pure squishpots. Hypocrites. Bloviated arrogant assholes. They are absolute enemies to America and every free thinking mind that is out there. When I say free, I am talking about...."If it feels good, then it must be right."

No, that is not freedom. That is enslavement, and anyone that knows a REAL alcoholic or drug addict know what I mean by enslavement. The left, will never get the type of freedom I am talking about, cause their spirits are that corrupted by the worlds message.

They deserve ZERO respect, since they willingly refuse to accept truth in all of its forms.
Oh, I wish for your sakes that it were single payer. Finest (and oldest) health care in the world? Most likely Germany. Germany is single-payer, with a hybrid of large choices.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Look everyone. A moron who thinks Germany's system is PERFECT. Notice folks how these brainwashed wastes of godless shit never even TRY to SUGGEST the flaws in the system.

There must be droves of Americans desperately trying to move to Germany. I mean with all of the PERFECT European systems, there must be a long line of people trying to move there.

Oh, there isn't?

Does Germany have a strict border policy. How much do they provide for any illegals in their country? Do they have massive numbers of Mexicans flowing into there?

This stupid ass stat homosexual dicklicker never considers all of the statistical factors. He is a stat guy?

Hey statfaggot, you are a fucking lost cause, and your socialist propaganda will never work on me. Take your half baked utopia shit and jam it in the ass of whatever man you shove your show. Just do not try it with me.
That would be medicare you idiot, which they pay into, and we also have people from other countries coming here who never paid in getting on medicare an social security, get it straight. Obamacare is simply a bunch of crony deals, written by lobbyist, but you like it because you're too ignorant to know what it is. Willful ignorance is the worst kind

Other than a slight error, the point is, MediCare is far better run than private insurance, so your argument that government can't run health care is facetious.

None of those old people have to "beg Medicare for their life', like you said.

Obamacare isn't fully functional yet. are death panels in your future? with your health problem and family history they may be

It is an intentional failure of a policy. It is a single payer trojan horse. Even if it does not collapse NOW or LATER. Either system puts a large block of Americans on the new socialist teet. The more teets the democrats can CREATE the more automatic votes they get. The more automatic votes the less power the people have. The less power people have, the greater power goes to the government.

The middle class needs to be destroyed for the socialists to implement their system. The middle class is what is being destroyed under this contrived piece of socialist shit in the white house. All to the loud cheers of the demented left who are such tools of their democrat socialist gods. That very much includes the hippy college professors and union teachers.

We are seeing the systematic destruction of the free market enterprise that is the system that works most practical in a monetary system. The fact is these diseased brains on the left think America was founded under false notions. They believe America's foundation was based on pure unrighteousness. They believe that the entire 200+ year existence is an abomination of human liberty. They hate the every living shit out of the founders and any white man that carried a gun and a bible.

This is what they talk about in their little pot smoke rooms. This is what they sing about. These are the movies produced by Hollywood and what is desired by the brainwashed socialist media.

They omit facts, bend truths, and flat out deliberately and knowingly lie. They justify it all because to them the ends justify the means. They actually believe there is some perfect little utopia out there. It is called pure socialist. Pure socialism is another word for communism. Communism is another word for the CASTE SYSTEM.

A Brave New World is coming true. Or Animal Farm. Take your pick. We are all witnesses.

Either way, liberals are nothing but the hands of the devil. They are pure squishpots. Hypocrites. Bloviated arrogant assholes. They are absolute enemies to America and every free thinking mind that is out there. When I say free, I am talking about...."If it feels good, then it must be right."

No, that is not freedom. That is enslavement, and anyone that knows a REAL alcoholic or drug addict know what I mean by enslavement. The left, will never get the type of freedom I am talking about, cause their spirits are that corrupted by the worlds message.

They deserve ZERO respect, since they willingly refuse to accept truth in all of its forms.
Oh, I wish for your sakes that it were single payer. Finest (and oldest) health care in the world? Most likely Germany. Germany is single-payer, with a hybrid of large choices.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Look everyone. A moron who thinks Germany's system is PERFECT. Notice folks how these brainwashed wastes of godless shit never even TRY to SUGGEST the flaws in the system.

There must be droves of Americans desperately trying to move to Germany. I mean with all of the PERFECT European systems, there must be a long line of people trying to move there.

Oh, there isn't?

Does Germany have a strict border policy. How much do they provide for any illegals in their country? Do they have massive numbers of Mexicans flowing into there?

This stupid ass stat homosexual dicklicker never considers all of the statistical factors. He is a stat guy?

Hey statfaggot, you are a fucking lost cause, and your socialist propaganda will never work on me. Take your half baked utopia shit and jam it in the ass of whatever man you shove your show. Just do not try it with me.

You seem angry. Yes, you are actually always angry and then you write lots of crazy shit.

Well, here are some stats for you:

Country the size of Montana, with 82 million residents, ALL of them covered with health care insurance. Every single one. That's Germany.

A mixture of private, public and semi-public HMOs to choose from, but it's all funnelled through a single payer system that has been in place since the 1880s.

There are flaws in every system, but the German health care system runs circles around the American system, it has for a long, long time.

The rest of what you write is just drivel.

And what is this Right-Wing obsession, almost a longing for, about homosexual sex? That is just weird. Are you longing for gay sex, little owl? Is that your problem? Sorry, I'm not into doods and not into little owls. Go hoot somewhere else, little owl.

Carry on, being all angry and such. But you might consider some BP medicine. I once saw an owl fall dead right off a tree once. I think his BP was too high. True story.

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