Ben Carson: Plagiarist

Democrats created:

False. They were created by Southern conservative racists.

Jim Crowe
False. That was created by Southern conservative racists.

slavery in America
False. That was created by Southern conservative racists.

False. It was created by The Heritage Foundation, a rightwing think-tank.

False. That was created by a YouTube video, and radical Islamists.

Monica's stained blue dress
False. That was created by William Jefferson Clinton.

10 trillion more in debt in 6 years
False. That was created by George W. Bush.

False. That was created by George W. Bush's failed war in Iraq and his failed war on al Qaeda.

This is just a start.
This is where your disinformation ends.
You spout horseshit. KKK was democrat. Nothing to do with conservative republicans. Controlling people is liberal philosophy. Slavery = control
It's the same way with most "conservatives"; just regurgitating what they ingested from the echo chamber--and always easily debunked.

Do ya have, say... one example?

Yup. There is the old "if 10% is good enough for Jesus [even though Jesus did not demand a tithe], it oughta be good enough for Uncle Sam" bullshit, for one:

Crackpot Doom Scandal God Wants a Flat Tax

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

It would be considerably harder to find an example that did not support my point.

Sadly scamp... straw reasoning are not valid argument.

But... in fairness, you had no way to know that, given the depth of your ignorance.

You're invited to try again... but I warn ya, there are no such examples which could hope to sustain your stated position.
Conservative hero Ben Carson hit with plagiarism scandal

Potential presidential candidate's 2012 book lifted passages from a bevy of sources

In his 2012 book America the Beautiful, conservative activist and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson related the story of when he was caught plagiarizing as an undergraduate psychology major. ”During my research for one of the papers in an advanced psychology course, I found some passages that seemed particularly appropriate, and I included them in my writing,” Carson explained. “I did not, however, indicate that this was the work of someone else; frankly, I had never even heard of the term plagiarism.” A professor identified the plagiarized passages, Carson wrote, and their meeting over the paper prompted an epiphany: “Even though I did not know the implications of plagiarism, I certainly should have known inherently that what I was doing was wrong. I had done it before without consequences and probably would have continued doing it if I had not been caught.”

Apparently, that experience wasn’t searing enough. On Tuesday, BuzzFeed revealed that Carson plagiarized portions of the very same book in which he wrote of his college plagiarism. Although Carson often cited the works he copied in his endnotes, he did not indicate in the text of the book when he had borrowed the words of other authors.

Among the bevy of sources Carson plagiarized were the venerable website, the late conservative polemicist W. Cleon Skousen, and conservative author Bill Federer, BuzzFeed reports. In one passage highlighted by the outlet, Carson borrows “wholesale” from Here’s SocialismSucks:

Go to the link to see his plagiarism. It's too large to post here.
Ahh..The fun begins......We will see the true colors of the left as they will toss Carson under the bus for being "off the liberal reservation"....
You did it to Herman Cain. You did it to Clarence Thomas. You did it to Alan West, Thomas Sowell. Condoleeza Rice and every other prominent black conservative....
The hypocrisy of the political left knows no boundaries.
All this hatred of black people is racist.
It's the same way with most "conservatives"; just regurgitating what they ingested from the echo chamber--and always easily debunked.

Do ya have, say... one example?

Yup. There is the old "if 10% is good enough for Jesus [even though Jesus did not demand a tithe], it oughta be good enough for Uncle Sam" bullshit, for one:

Crackpot Doom Scandal God Wants a Flat Tax

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

It would be considerably harder to find an example that did not support my point.

Sadly scamp... straw reasoning are not valid argument.

But... in fairness, you had no way to know that, given the depth of your ignorance.

You're invited to try again... but I warn ya, there are no such examples which could hope to sustain your stated position.

Don't blame me if you are nose-blind to your own shit :p
We get it, you hate minority conservatives. Brotch. :slap:

Almost forgot... RACIST!
only took 4 posts before a rw'er did this :clap2::

Do ya have, say... one example?

Yup. There is the old "if 10% is good enough for Jesus [even though Jesus did not demand a tithe], it oughta be good enough for Uncle Sam" bullshit, for one:

Crackpot Doom Scandal God Wants a Flat Tax

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

It would be considerably harder to find an example that did not support my point.

Sadly scamp... straw reasoning are not valid argument.

But... in fairness, you had no way to know that, given the depth of your ignorance.

You're invited to try again... but I warn ya, there are no such examples which could hope to sustain your stated position.

Don't blame me if you are nose-blind to your own shit :p

You're the one that advanced straw reasoning (invalid reasoning) as valid argument... so if you're not to blame for what you do, who is?
So what?

Here's a clue... reduce what highly skilled individuals can earn and that is going to have a detrimental affect on what lower skilled people can earn... it's basically "Minimum Wage" in reverse... which proves the principle. All sound processes, work the same, in the inverse.

Isn't it wonderful how consistent it is...? I mean without exception, every single Leftist is an imbecile.

No, here's the problem with that kind of thinking. Nobody is going to say to their oncologist, "Hey, you're charging too much, I'd rather die of cancer than pay that!!!" This is where doctors and medical providers have us over the barrel and really should be regulated as to how much they can charge.

Medicare figured this out a long time ago. So did a lot of the insurance companies.
Most doctors are not fabulously weathy ..You're a idiot, and doctors making less money is not going to make your miserable life any better

The Average American doctor makes over $8000 a month compared to his European or Japanese counterpart, who makes about $4000.00 a month.

So what?

Here's a clue... reduce what highly skilled individuals can earn and that is going to have a detrimental affect on what lower skilled people can earn... it's basically "Minimum Wage" in reverse... which proves the principle. All sound processes, work the same, in the inverse.

Isn't it wonderful how consistent it is...? I mean without exception, every single Leftist is an imbecile.

Joey is just a hater...A very miserable one at that

It's not a matter of hate to point out the obvious.

The United States spends 18% of it's GDP on health care, and we have the WORST medical system in the industrialized world. A large part of that is because the doctors, the hospitals, the insurance companies and the pharmacuetical companies are greedy as shit.

The other industrialized countries have universal health care, they spend 8-11% of their GDP on health care, Doctors make a fair wage but not an obscene one. No insurance companies raking in billions. Pharma is paid a fixed rate. And oh, yeah, they live longer, less of their babies die in infancy, they don't have huge numbers of citizens going bankrupt because they got sick.

Even that miserable, fuckwad Zionist entity you love more than America has figured this out. Socialized Medicine works just fine.
Most doctors are not fabulously weathy ..You're a idiot, and doctors making less money is not going to make your miserable life any better

The Average American doctor makes over $8000 a month compared to his European or Japanese counterpart, who makes about $4000.00 a month.

So what?

Here's a clue... reduce what highly skilled individuals can earn and that is going to have a detrimental affect on what lower skilled people can earn... it's basically "Minimum Wage" in reverse... which proves the principle. All sound processes, work the same, in the inverse.

Isn't it wonderful how consistent it is...? I mean without exception, every single Leftist is an imbecile.

Joey is just a hater...A very miserable one at that

It's not a matter of hate to point out the obvious.

The United States spends 18% of it's GDP on health care, and we have the WORST medical system in the industrialized world. A large part of that is because the doctors, the hospitals, the insurance companies and the pharmacuetical companies are greedy as shit.

The other industrialized countries have universal health care, they spend 8-11% of their GDP on health care, Doctors make a fair wage but not an obscene one. No insurance companies raking in billions. Pharma is paid a fixed rate. And oh, yeah, they live longer, less of their babies die in infancy, they don't have huge numbers of citizens going bankrupt because they got sick.

Even that miserable, fuckwad Zionist entity you love more than America has figured this out. Socialized Medicine works just fine.
So doctors should make $50,000 a year?:uhh:....No thanks, and those fake talking points have been proven wrong all over the board. Nobody is running to Europe or Canada for medical care the opposite actually
So doctors should make $50,000 a year?:uhh:....No thanks, and those fake talking points have been proven wrong all over the board. Nobody is running to Europe or Canada for medical care the opposite actually

Nobody is running here for medical care. ANd for good reason. A British couple that had a premature birth in this country just found themselves whopped with a $206,000 medical bill, which would never happen in their country.

British Couple Face 200 000 Medical Bill in NYC as Baby Born Early
Democrats created:

False. They were created by Southern conservative racists.

Jim Crowe
False. That was created by Southern conservative racists.

slavery in America
False. That was created by Southern conservative racists.

False. It was created by The Heritage Foundation, a rightwing think-tank.

False. That was created by a YouTube video, and radical Islamists.

Monica's stained blue dress
False. That was created by William Jefferson Clinton.

10 trillion more in debt in 6 years
False. That was created by George W. Bush.

False. That was created by George W. Bush's failed war in Iraq and his failed war on al Qaeda.

This is just a start.
This is where your disinformation ends.

The more you post ,the dumber you look. Which is probably why you generally just regurgitate spoon fed talking points.
Your complete inability to refute any part of my post is noted.
Most doctors are not fabulously weathy ..You're a idiot, and doctors making less money is not going to make your miserable life any better

The Average American doctor makes over $8000 a month compared to his European or Japanese counterpart, who makes about $4000.00 a month.

$96,000 a year!!!! OMG the horror!!!!:slap:
Is there something wrong with $96,000 per year?
Democrats created:

False. They were created by Southern conservative racists.

Jim Crowe
False. That was created by Southern conservative racists.

slavery in America
False. That was created by Southern conservative racists.

False. It was created by The Heritage Foundation, a rightwing think-tank.

False. That was created by a YouTube video, and radical Islamists.

Monica's stained blue dress
False. That was created by William Jefferson Clinton.

10 trillion more in debt in 6 years
False. That was created by George W. Bush.

False. That was created by George W. Bush's failed war in Iraq and his failed war on al Qaeda.

This is just a start.
This is where your disinformation ends.
You spout horseshit. KKK was democrat. Nothing to do with conservative republicans. Controlling people is liberal philosophy. Slavery = control
The KKK was Southern conservative racists.

How can you seriously argue that?

They certainly weren't Liberals, were they?

They were racists, were't they?

They were Southern, of course, or are you going to argue that too?
Looks like you smear merchants for the DNC might as well give it up. this isn't getting the desired traction you all hoped it would...They didn't kick out the Democrats from control of CONGRESS for NO REASON. This is just ONE of them. so keep it up attacking Private citizens who are considering running for office. Especially one that is BLACK
Most doctors are not fabulously weathy ..You're a idiot, and doctors making less money is not going to make your miserable life any better

The Average American doctor makes over $8000 a month compared to his European or Japanese counterpart, who makes about $4000.00 a month.

$96,000 a year!!!! OMG the horror!!!!:slap:
Is there something wrong with $96,000 per year?
Yep... surely not enough for a doctor to be making. All that schooling that's peanuts actually
Democrats created:

False. They were created by Southern conservative racists.

Jim Crowe
False. That was created by Southern conservative racists.

slavery in America
False. That was created by Southern conservative racists.

False. It was created by The Heritage Foundation, a rightwing think-tank.

False. That was created by a YouTube video, and radical Islamists.

Monica's stained blue dress
False. That was created by William Jefferson Clinton.

10 trillion more in debt in 6 years
False. That was created by George W. Bush.

False. That was created by George W. Bush's failed war in Iraq and his failed war on al Qaeda.

This is just a start.
This is where your disinformation ends.
You spout horseshit. KKK was democrat. Nothing to do with conservative republicans. Controlling people is liberal philosophy. Slavery = control
The KKK was Southern conservative racists.

How can you seriously argue that?

They certainly weren't Liberals, were they?

They were racists, were't they?

They were Southern, of course, or are you going to argue that too?
Democrat tyrants want to control your lives. Salivary is a liberal concept. It's the opposite of liberty, which is what conservatives stand for...Got it?

Ben Caron is not a plagiarist. Even the author, that he cited SIXTEEN TIMES in his book states that. I think that the left is making this up because the left hates black people. I mean why try to besmirch a good man? Why does the left hate black people?

Democrats created:

False. They were created by Southern conservative racists.

Jim Crowe
False. That was created by Southern conservative racists.

slavery in America
False. That was created by Southern conservative racists.

False. It was created by The Heritage Foundation, a rightwing think-tank.

False. That was created by a YouTube video, and radical Islamists.

Monica's stained blue dress
False. That was created by William Jefferson Clinton.

10 trillion more in debt in 6 years
False. That was created by George W. Bush.

False. That was created by George W. Bush's failed war in Iraq and his failed war on al Qaeda.

This is just a start.
This is where your disinformation ends.
You spout horseshit. KKK was democrat. Nothing to do with conservative republicans. Controlling people is liberal philosophy. Slavery = control
The KKK was Southern conservative racists.

How can you seriously argue that?

They certainly weren't Liberals, were they?

They were racists, were't they?

They were Southern, of course, or are you going to argue that too?

From what I have read and the polls I have seen, racism is spread fairly equally across the political spectrum. How do you know that the KKK were conservatives?


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