Ben Carson: Plagiarist

Republicans aren't very creative people. Delusions don't count as creativity. They aren't good with music. Their art is amateur. They square dance. 90% of the time, their favorite artists are liberals. "Keep everything the same and let nothing happen" does not work well with creativity.
Democrats created:

  • KKK
  • Jim Crowe
  • slavery in America
  • Obamacare
  • Benghazi
  • Monica's stained blue dress
  • 10 trillion more in debt in 6 years
  • ISIS
This is just a start.
You mean conservatives. Or are you still insisting Lincoln was a confederate?
You mean conservatives. Or are you still insisting Lincoln was a confederate?
Lincoln was a Union Republican.
Controlling the lives (slavery) of men is not a conservative principle, it's from the liberal playbook. Liberal is the Democrat party. LBJ wasnt a conservative when he created the welfare state the enslaves and destroys the black family.
Conservative hero Ben Carson hit with plagiarism scandal

Potential presidential candidate's 2012 book lifted passages from a bevy of sources

In his 2012 book America the Beautiful, conservative activist and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson related the story of when he was caught plagiarizing as an undergraduate psychology major. ”During my research for one of the papers in an advanced psychology course, I found some passages that seemed particularly appropriate, and I included them in my writing,” Carson explained. “I did not, however, indicate that this was the work of someone else; frankly, I had never even heard of the term plagiarism.” A professor identified the plagiarized passages, Carson wrote, and their meeting over the paper prompted an epiphany: “Even though I did not know the implications of plagiarism, I certainly should have known inherently that what I was doing was wrong. I had done it before without consequences and probably would have continued doing it if I had not been caught.”

Apparently, that experience wasn’t searing enough. On Tuesday, BuzzFeed revealed that Carson plagiarized portions of the very same book in which he wrote of his college plagiarism. Although Carson often cited the works he copied in his endnotes, he did not indicate in the text of the book when he had borrowed the words of other authors.

Among the bevy of sources Carson plagiarized were the venerable website, the late conservative polemicist W. Cleon Skousen, and conservative author Bill Federer, BuzzFeed reports. In one passage highlighted by the outlet, Carson borrows “wholesale” from Here’s SocialismSucks:

Go to the link to see his plagiarism. It's too large to post here.

I know he's a medical doctor, but when he speaks, he doesn't come off as that bright.

In fact, I can't believe he really has a license to practice medicine.
You mean conservatives. Or are you still insisting Lincoln was a confederate?
Lincoln was a Union Republican.
Controlling the lives (slavery) of men is not a conservative principle, it's from the liberal playbook. Liberal is the Democrat party. LBJ wasnt a conservative when he created the welfare state the enslaves and destroys the black family.
So Republicans believe slaves were black people on welfare?

So is David Dukes a Democrat?

Are you sure you've thought this through?
Conservative hero Ben Carson hit with plagiarism scandal

Potential presidential candidate's 2012 book lifted passages from a bevy of sources

In his 2012 book America the Beautiful, conservative activist and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson related the story of when he was caught plagiarizing as an undergraduate psychology major. ”During my research for one of the papers in an advanced psychology course, I found some passages that seemed particularly appropriate, and I included them in my writing,” Carson explained. “I did not, however, indicate that this was the work of someone else; frankly, I had never even heard of the term plagiarism.” A professor identified the plagiarized passages, Carson wrote, and their meeting over the paper prompted an epiphany: “Even though I did not know the implications of plagiarism, I certainly should have known inherently that what I was doing was wrong. I had done it before without consequences and probably would have continued doing it if I had not been caught.”

Apparently, that experience wasn’t searing enough. On Tuesday, BuzzFeed revealed that Carson plagiarized portions of the very same book in which he wrote of his college plagiarism. Although Carson often cited the works he copied in his endnotes, he did not indicate in the text of the book when he had borrowed the words of other authors.

Among the bevy of sources Carson plagiarized were the venerable website, the late conservative polemicist W. Cleon Skousen, and conservative author Bill Federer, BuzzFeed reports. In one passage highlighted by the outlet, Carson borrows “wholesale” from Here’s SocialismSucks:

Go to the link to see his plagiarism. It's too large to post here.

Not to worry, you Dims will get the candidate you want in the GOP like you always do. Jeb is at your service.

Everyone else will be demonized and tarred and feathered like a high tech lynching while the country goes to hell with continued massive debt and failing economy and school system.

I read Carson's book. Essentially he is focused on education as being the key to our woes. He aptly notes that when you learn to think critically and intelligently, a wonderful thing happens. You begin to realize that people are more than their skin color, more than their political party, more than their sex. You begin to actually assess what they think verses the labels thrust upon them.

For this reason the man must be stopped if you are Dim or Repube. This is because the only way for the current politicians to retain power is to keep the populace ignorant so as to keep getting their votes.
Democrats created:

False. They were created by Southern conservative racists.

Jim Crowe
False. That was created by Southern conservative racists.

slavery in America
False. That was created by Southern conservative racists.

False. It was created by The Heritage Foundation, a rightwing think-tank.

False. That was created by a YouTube video, and radical Islamists.

Monica's stained blue dress
False. That was created by William Jefferson Clinton.

10 trillion more in debt in 6 years
False. That was created by George W. Bush.

False. That was created by George W. Bush's failed war in Iraq and his failed war on al Qaeda.

This is just a start.
This is where your disinformation ends.
Conservative hero Ben Carson hit with plagiarism scandal

Potential presidential candidate's 2012 book lifted passages from a bevy of sources

In his 2012 book America the Beautiful, conservative activist and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson related the story of when he was caught plagiarizing as an undergraduate psychology major. ”During my research for one of the papers in an advanced psychology course, I found some passages that seemed particularly appropriate, and I included them in my writing,” Carson explained. “I did not, however, indicate that this was the work of someone else; frankly, I had never even heard of the term plagiarism.” A professor identified the plagiarized passages, Carson wrote, and their meeting over the paper prompted an epiphany: “Even though I did not know the implications of plagiarism, I certainly should have known inherently that what I was doing was wrong. I had done it before without consequences and probably would have continued doing it if I had not been caught.”

Apparently, that experience wasn’t searing enough. On Tuesday, BuzzFeed revealed that Carson plagiarized portions of the very same book in which he wrote of his college plagiarism. Although Carson often cited the works he copied in his endnotes, he did not indicate in the text of the book when he had borrowed the words of other authors.

Among the bevy of sources Carson plagiarized were the venerable website, the late conservative polemicist W. Cleon Skousen, and conservative author Bill Federer, BuzzFeed reports. In one passage highlighted by the outlet, Carson borrows “wholesale” from Here’s SocialismSucks:

Go to the link to see his plagiarism. It's too large to post here.

So, he noted the referenced source, but he plagiarized the referenced source?


The Reader should recognize this for what it is, which is the Left wetting their collective pant over Dr. Carson. Which means that Nature is telling us that Doctor Carson is the right candidate.

As with all valid equations, truth is also found in the inverse; wherein those who this contributor and her fellow cultists approve, are always the wrong candidates.

Nothing complex about any of this.
Democrats created:

False. They were created by Southern conservative racists.
OKA: Democrats...

Jim Crowe
False. That was created by Southern conservative racists.
OKA: Democrats...

slavery in America
False. That was created by Southern conservative racists.

False. It was created by The Heritage Foundation, a rightwing think-tank.
Delusion, typical of Democrats.

False. That was created by a YouTube video, and radical Islamists.
False. Benghazi was an act of treason, planned executed and covered up, by Democrats

Monica's stained blue dress
False. That was created by William Jefferson Clinton.
And Bubba's wife, both of whom are Democrats.

10 trillion more in debt in 6 years
False. That was created by George W. Bush.
Delusional... Bush governed over a 4 trillion dollar increase in the National Debt. You and the Leftist cult have doubled the National debt, from just over 9 trillion to more than 18 trillion, which is on track to be 21 trillion by the time the cult is removed from power... or 120% of US GDP.
Conservative hero Ben Carson hit with plagiarism scandal

Potential presidential candidate's 2012 book lifted passages from a bevy of sources

In his 2012 book America the Beautiful, conservative activist and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson related the story of when he was caught plagiarizing as an undergraduate psychology major. ”During my research for one of the papers in an advanced psychology course, I found some passages that seemed particularly appropriate, and I included them in my writing,” Carson explained. “I did not, however, indicate that this was the work of someone else; frankly, I had never even heard of the term plagiarism.” A professor identified the plagiarized passages, Carson wrote, and their meeting over the paper prompted an epiphany: “Even though I did not know the implications of plagiarism, I certainly should have known inherently that what I was doing was wrong. I had done it before without consequences and probably would have continued doing it if I had not been caught.”

Apparently, that experience wasn’t searing enough. On Tuesday, BuzzFeed revealed that Carson plagiarized portions of the very same book in which he wrote of his college plagiarism. Although Carson often cited the works he copied in his endnotes, he did not indicate in the text of the book when he had borrowed the words of other authors.

Among the bevy of sources Carson plagiarized were the venerable website, the late conservative polemicist W. Cleon Skousen, and conservative author Bill Federer, BuzzFeed reports. In one passage highlighted by the outlet, Carson borrows “wholesale” from Here’s SocialismSucks:

Go to the link to see his plagiarism. It's too large to post here.
Ahh..The fun begins......We will see the true colors of the left as they will toss Carson under the bus for being "off the liberal reservation"....
You did it to Herman Cain. You did it to Clarence Thomas. You did it to Alan West, Thomas Sowell. Condoleeza Rice and every other prominent black conservative....
The hypocrisy of the political left knows no boundaries.
We get it, you hate minority conservatives. Brotch. :slap:

Almost forgot... RACIST!
Did I post something hateful?

Yes, you just proved you are a racist.

Just another addition to the long list of left wing racism......

Herman Cain, Condi Rice, Janice Brown, Allen West, Miguel Estrada, Mia Love, Clarence Thomas, Alan Keyes to name just a few.

Looks like the left is aleady starting a high-tech lynching of Ben Carson.
Democrats created:

False. They were created by Southern conservative racists.

Jim Crowe
False. That was created by Southern conservative racists.

slavery in America
False. That was created by Southern conservative racists.

False. It was created by The Heritage Foundation, a rightwing think-tank.

False. That was created by a YouTube video, and radical Islamists.

Monica's stained blue dress
False. That was created by William Jefferson Clinton.

10 trillion more in debt in 6 years
False. That was created by George W. Bush.

False. That was created by George W. Bush's failed war in Iraq and his failed war on al Qaeda.

This is just a start.
This is where your disinformation ends.

You need a dunce hat and go sit in the corner. then your mouth washed with lye soap for all the LIES... dear gawd have you NO SHAME?
You leave out those facts as you smear. I'm sure you'll also admit Dr.Carson knows much more about the medical profession ,Patient care, and medical insurance and how to improve the system, than the know nothing,community organizer.."I'll wait"

I may or may not let Carson cut on me, I certainly wouldn't let him dictate policy.

Of course the doctors are the ones who hate ACA the most. They like their boats and their mansions and their dressage horses. Shit, who just wants to live a comfortable upper middle class lifestyle like English doctors do?
You leave out those facts as you smear. I'm sure you'll also admit Dr.Carson knows much more about the medical profession ,Patient care, and medical insurance and how to improve the system, than the know nothing,community organizer.."I'll wait"

I may or may not let Carson cut on me, I certainly wouldn't let him dictate policy.

Of course the doctors are the ones who hate ACA the most. They like their boats and their mansions and their dressage horses. Shit, who just wants to live a comfortable upper middle class lifestyle like English doctors do?

To be honesty, I'm tired as hell of lawyers who continually protect those in their profession and wage war against all others. Where is the tort reform in our health care package? You say there is none, BINGO!!

Fuck lawyers, every last one of them. They have run up a nation crushing debt and have turned the country into a police state as they pass around 40,000 laws and regulations a year. Then they build the most jails in all the world for those who break those laws and regulations.

Scratch that, they don't go after everyone who breaks the laws because those who pass such laws probably don't even pay taxes. Essentially they make everything illegal so that they can imprison anyone they wish to and pardon everyone else, including themselves.
To be honesty, I'm tired as hell of lawyers who continually protect those in their profession and wage war against all others. Where is the tort reform in our health care package? You say there is none, BINGO!!

The CBO said even the most draconian Tort Reform would only reduce medical costs 0.4%. Texas did the kind of Tort Reform you guys insist upon under Rick Retard Perry, and guess what, their medical costs haven't gone down either.

Frankly, i want my doctor afraid enough of a lawsuit so he makes damn sure he was cutting on the right leg.
Conservative hero Ben Carson hit with plagiarism scandal

Potential presidential candidate's 2012 book lifted passages from a bevy of sources

In his 2012 book America the Beautiful, conservative activist and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson related the story of when he was caught plagiarizing as an undergraduate psychology major. ”During my research for one of the papers in an advanced psychology course, I found some passages that seemed particularly appropriate, and I included them in my writing,” Carson explained. “I did not, however, indicate that this was the work of someone else; frankly, I had never even heard of the term plagiarism.” A professor identified the plagiarized passages, Carson wrote, and their meeting over the paper prompted an epiphany: “Even though I did not know the implications of plagiarism, I certainly should have known inherently that what I was doing was wrong. I had done it before without consequences and probably would have continued doing it if I had not been caught.”

Apparently, that experience wasn’t searing enough. On Tuesday, BuzzFeed revealed that Carson plagiarized portions of the very same book in which he wrote of his college plagiarism. Although Carson often cited the works he copied in his endnotes, he did not indicate in the text of the book when he had borrowed the words of other authors.

Among the bevy of sources Carson plagiarized were the venerable website, the late conservative polemicist W. Cleon Skousen, and conservative author Bill Federer, BuzzFeed reports. In one passage highlighted by the outlet, Carson borrows “wholesale” from Here’s SocialismSucks:

Go to the link to see his plagiarism. It's too large to post here.

I know he's a medical doctor, but when he speaks, he doesn't come off as that bright.

In fact, I can't believe he really has a license to practice medicine.

Coming from a blithering moron like you not surprising :cuckoo:

To be honesty, I'm tired as hell of lawyers who continually protect those in their profession and wage war against all others. Where is the tort reform in our health care package? You say there is none, BINGO!!

The CBO said even the most draconian Tort Reform would only reduce medical costs 0.4%. Texas did the kind of Tort Reform you guys insist upon under Rick Retard Perry, and guess what, their medical costs haven't gone down either.

Frankly, i want my doctor afraid enough of a lawsuit so he makes damn sure he was cutting on the right leg.

They also told us that our health care insurance rates would not increase and that our coverage would not decrease and that we could keep the same medical plans we already had you idiot.

The CBO also said that the ACA would decrease spending right before the vote on the ACA, but after it was passed conceded that spending would actually increase.
Democrats created:

False. They were created by Southern conservative racists.

Jim Crowe
False. That was created by Southern conservative racists.

slavery in America
False. That was created by Southern conservative racists.

False. It was created by The Heritage Foundation, a rightwing think-tank.

False. That was created by a YouTube video, and radical Islamists.

Monica's stained blue dress
False. That was created by William Jefferson Clinton.

10 trillion more in debt in 6 years
False. That was created by George W. Bush.

False. That was created by George W. Bush's failed war in Iraq and his failed war on al Qaeda.

This is just a start.
This is where your disinformation ends.

The more you post ,the dumber you look. Which is probably why you generally just regurgitate spoon fed talking points.
To be honesty, I'm tired as hell of lawyers who continually protect those in their profession and wage war against all others. Where is the tort reform in our health care package? You say there is none, BINGO!!

The CBO said even the most draconian Tort Reform would only reduce medical costs 0.4%. Texas did the kind of Tort Reform you guys insist upon under Rick Retard Perry, and guess what, their medical costs haven't gone down either.

Frankly, i want my doctor afraid enough of a lawsuit so he makes damn sure he was cutting on the right leg.
Most doctors are not fabulously weathy ..You're a idiot, and doctors making less money is not going to make your miserable life any better
They also told us that our health care insurance rates would not increase and that our coverage would not decrease and that we could keep the same medical plans we already had you idiot.

The CBO also said that the ACA would decrease spending right before the vote on the ACA, but after it was passed conceded that spending would actually increase.

It would have increased anyway. It's not increasing as much.

I find it amusing that you complain the ACA didn't solve the problems when you guys have hamstrung it at every turn.

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