Ben Carson

Why the hell would he?

good one stupid; just remember what you just said when we call him a dictator

Do you understand what the word "compromise" means?

It means "I will give you this and you will give me that"

What exactly did Republicans offer to give in return for Obama accepting a defunding of Obamacare?

Actually, their initial request was to defund it. But by the time we approached the shutdown, all they were asking for was a delay in its enactment.

You know....what he personally wanted as well but refused to give it at that time so he can blame the GOP for shutting down the government.

And then, of course, he delayed it.

And in return for delaying it? They would participate in reforming it.

Now, why would that have been a good idea?

Well, lets see....Before it was passed.....

The GOP said people would lose their policy
The GOP said some people would lose their doctor
The GOP said the younger people wont sign up at the rate Obama believed
The GOP said it will likely increase premiums for those NOT getting subsidies
The GOP said it will not be deficit neutral.

Obama said they were wrong on each of those points.

Would have been a good idea for him to have the GOP get involved in reforming it.
Why the hell would he?

good one stupid; just remember what you just said when we call him a dictator

Do you understand what the word "compromise" means?

It means "I will give you this and you will give me that"

What exactly did Republicans offer to give in return for Obama accepting a defunding of Obamacare?

the good of the nation you mindless idiot. obamacare is a disaster of a law. obama needs to put aside his ego and admit the law is fatally flawed
good one stupid; just remember what you just said when we call him a dictator

Do you understand what the word "compromise" means?

It means "I will give you this and you will give me that"

What exactly did Republicans offer to give in return for Obama accepting a defunding of Obamacare?

Actually, their initial request was to defund it. But by the time we approached the shutdown, all they were asking for was a delay in its enactment.

You know....what he personally wanted as well but refused to give it at that time so he can blame the GOP for shutting down the government.

And then, of course, he delayed it.

And in return for delaying it? They would participate in reforming it.

Now, why would that have been a good idea?

Well, lets see....Before it was passed.....

The GOP said people would lose their policy
The GOP said some people would lose their doctor
The GOP said the younger people wont sign up at the rate Obama believed
The GOP said it will likely increase premiums for those NOT getting subsidies
The GOP said it will not be deficit neutral.

Obama said they were wrong on each of those points.

Would have been a good idea for him to have the GOP get involved in reforming it.

Let me get this straight

Republicans Offered to "participate in reforming Obamamacare?

Thats a good one. Here is what they were afraid of. They needed to stop the roll out of Healthcare Exchanges. They knew that once people were covered under Obamacare there was no way they could kill it. That is why we got their shutdown

Any participation in reforming Obamacare would be more of the same 50 bills to repeal it. If republicans were sincere, where is their healthcare plan? Why are we still waiting?
good one stupid; just remember what you just said when we call him a dictator

Do you understand what the word "compromise" means?

It means "I will give you this and you will give me that"

What exactly did Republicans offer to give in return for Obama accepting a defunding of Obamacare?

the good of the nation you mindless idiot. obamacare is a disaster of a law. obama needs to put aside his ego and admit the law is fatally flawed

Good of the Nation ??????

That is why they shut down the Government and wasted $26 billion? :eek:
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Do you understand what the word "compromise" means?

It means "I will give you this and you will give me that"

What exactly did Republicans offer to give in return for Obama accepting a defunding of Obamacare?

Actually, their initial request was to defund it. But by the time we approached the shutdown, all they were asking for was a delay in its enactment.

You know....what he personally wanted as well but refused to give it at that time so he can blame the GOP for shutting down the government.

And then, of course, he delayed it.

And in return for delaying it? They would participate in reforming it.

Now, why would that have been a good idea?

Well, lets see....Before it was passed.....

The GOP said people would lose their policy
The GOP said some people would lose their doctor
The GOP said the younger people wont sign up at the rate Obama believed
The GOP said it will likely increase premiums for those NOT getting subsidies
The GOP said it will not be deficit neutral.

Obama said they were wrong on each of those points.

Would have been a good idea for him to have the GOP get involved in reforming it.

Let me get this straight

Republicans Offered to "participate in reforming Obamamacare?

Thats a good one. Here is what they were afraid of. They needed to stop the roll out of Healthcare Exchanges. They knew that once people were covered under Obamacare there was no way they could kill it. That is why we got their shutdown

Any participation in reforming Obamacare would be more of the same 50 bills to repeal it. If republicans were sincere, where is their healthcare plan? Why are we still waiting?

Harry Reid's shelve
Do you understand what the word "compromise" means?

It means "I will give you this and you will give me that"

What exactly did Republicans offer to give in return for Obama accepting a defunding of Obamacare?

the good of the nation you mindless idiot. obamacare is a disaster of a law. obama needs to put aside his ego and admit the law is fatally flawed

Good of the Nation ??????

That is why they shut down the Government and wasted $26 billion? :eek:

no leftard; dems refusing to a reasonable delay in the ACA shut down the government

now your messiah is delaying the phuck out of it

what a waste of $25 billion and it's on YOU leftard
Actually, their initial request was to defund it. But by the time we approached the shutdown, all they were asking for was a delay in its enactment.

You know....what he personally wanted as well but refused to give it at that time so he can blame the GOP for shutting down the government.

And then, of course, he delayed it.

And in return for delaying it? They would participate in reforming it.

Now, why would that have been a good idea?

Well, lets see....Before it was passed.....

The GOP said people would lose their policy
The GOP said some people would lose their doctor
The GOP said the younger people wont sign up at the rate Obama believed
The GOP said it will likely increase premiums for those NOT getting subsidies
The GOP said it will not be deficit neutral.

Obama said they were wrong on each of those points.

Would have been a good idea for him to have the GOP get involved in reforming it.

Let me get this straight

Republicans Offered to "participate in reforming Obamamacare?

Thats a good one. Here is what they were afraid of. They needed to stop the roll out of Healthcare Exchanges. They knew that once people were covered under Obamacare there was no way they could kill it. That is why we got their shutdown

Any participation in reforming Obamacare would be more of the same 50 bills to repeal it. If republicans were sincere, where is their healthcare plan? Why are we still waiting?

Harry Reid's shelve


Can we see the Healthcare bill passed by the House?
Another one that can't speak English, knows nothing about the Constitution or how the justice system works.

And yet we elected him President twice, and he's still President today.

Maybe the 2016 election should be based on:

"WHo do you trust more with the duties of President of the United States?

"(a) Dr. Ben Carson
"(b) Barack Obama"
Do you understand what the word "compromise" means?

It means "I will give you this and you will give me that"

What exactly did Republicans offer to give in return for Obama accepting a defunding of Obamacare?

Actually, their initial request was to defund it. But by the time we approached the shutdown, all they were asking for was a delay in its enactment.

You know....what he personally wanted as well but refused to give it at that time so he can blame the GOP for shutting down the government.

And then, of course, he delayed it.

And in return for delaying it? They would participate in reforming it.

Now, why would that have been a good idea?

Well, lets see....Before it was passed.....

The GOP said people would lose their policy
The GOP said some people would lose their doctor
The GOP said the younger people wont sign up at the rate Obama believed
The GOP said it will likely increase premiums for those NOT getting subsidies
The GOP said it will not be deficit neutral.

Obama said they were wrong on each of those points.

Would have been a good idea for him to have the GOP get involved in reforming it.

Let me get this straight

Republicans Offered to "participate in reforming Obamamacare?

Thats a good one. Here is what they were afraid of. They needed to stop the roll out of Healthcare Exchanges. They knew that once people were covered under Obamacare there was no way they could kill it. That is why we got their shutdown

Any participation in reforming Obamacare would be more of the same 50 bills to repeal it. If republicans were sincere, where is their healthcare plan? Why are we still waiting?

If republicans were sincere?

Let me get this straight.

Obama and his crew draft, vote for and sign into legislation a bill that the GOP expressed a variety of concerns about..

a reminder....

The GOP said people would lose their policy
The GOP said some people would lose their doctor
The GOP said the younger people wont sign up at the rate Obama believed
The GOP said it will likely increase premiums for those NOT getting subsidies
The GOP said it will not be deficit neutral

Obama, on multiple occasions went in front of the cameras and said the GOP was wrong....emphasizing it with the word...."period"...

And now that it was proven they were right, it is insincere that the GOP wont come up with ways to fix it?



Now they are to be the ones to fix it? would defend a man caught holding a little girls panties and accused of child molestation if that man were a liberal.
Actually, their initial request was to defund it. But by the time we approached the shutdown, all they were asking for was a delay in its enactment.

You know....what he personally wanted as well but refused to give it at that time so he can blame the GOP for shutting down the government.

And then, of course, he delayed it.

And in return for delaying it? They would participate in reforming it.

Now, why would that have been a good idea?

Well, lets see....Before it was passed.....

The GOP said people would lose their policy
The GOP said some people would lose their doctor
The GOP said the younger people wont sign up at the rate Obama believed
The GOP said it will likely increase premiums for those NOT getting subsidies
The GOP said it will not be deficit neutral.

Obama said they were wrong on each of those points.

Would have been a good idea for him to have the GOP get involved in reforming it.

Let me get this straight

Republicans Offered to "participate in reforming Obamamacare?

Thats a good one. Here is what they were afraid of. They needed to stop the roll out of Healthcare Exchanges. They knew that once people were covered under Obamacare there was no way they could kill it. That is why we got their shutdown

Any participation in reforming Obamacare would be more of the same 50 bills to repeal it. If republicans were sincere, where is their healthcare plan? Why are we still waiting?

Harry Reid's shelve

Shelf. Its Harry Reid's shelf.

You may shelve something
and plural for shelf is shelves

But one does not put something on a shelve.

That being said, there are so many GOP ideas that Harry Reid likely has to use a multitude of shelves to store them.
Actually, their initial request was to defund it. But by the time we approached the shutdown, all they were asking for was a delay in its enactment.

You know....what he personally wanted as well but refused to give it at that time so he can blame the GOP for shutting down the government.

And then, of course, he delayed it.

And in return for delaying it? They would participate in reforming it.

Now, why would that have been a good idea?

Well, lets see....Before it was passed.....

The GOP said people would lose their policy
The GOP said some people would lose their doctor
The GOP said the younger people wont sign up at the rate Obama believed
The GOP said it will likely increase premiums for those NOT getting subsidies
The GOP said it will not be deficit neutral.

Obama said they were wrong on each of those points.

Would have been a good idea for him to have the GOP get involved in reforming it.

Let me get this straight

Republicans Offered to "participate in reforming Obamamacare?

Thats a good one. Here is what they were afraid of. They needed to stop the roll out of Healthcare Exchanges. They knew that once people were covered under Obamacare there was no way they could kill it. That is why we got their shutdown

Any participation in reforming Obamacare would be more of the same 50 bills to repeal it. If republicans were sincere, where is their healthcare plan? Why are we still waiting?

If republicans were sincere?

Let me get this straight.

Obama and his crew draft, vote for and sign into legislation a bill that the GOP expressed a variety of concerns about..

a reminder....

The GOP said people would lose their policy
The GOP said some people would lose their doctor
The GOP said the younger people wont sign up at the rate Obama believed
The GOP said it will likely increase premiums for those NOT getting subsidies
The GOP said it will not be deficit neutral

Obama, on multiple occasions went in front of the cameras and said the GOP was wrong....emphasizing it with the word...."period"...

And now that it was proven they were right, it is insincere that the GOP wont come up with ways to fix it?



Now they are to be the ones to fix it? would defend a man caught holding a little girls panties and accused of child molestation if that man were a liberal.

The majority of GOP fearmongering about Obamacare has not come to pass. They are relegated to trotting out individual cases of "Obamacare destroyed my life". Obamacare has delivered on a national scale and will only get better

The Bill is working, people are getting insurance and the sun continues to rise each morning
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Really, then why would Herman Cain say this: "Herman Cain suggested that members of the African American community "have been brainwashed into not being open-minded, not even considering a conservative point of view.". NO it's not, it's used to insult Black people who vote for the Democrats. Add the little insults from some republicans and conservatives on this forum, other political forums, and on the air waves and you can truly see what they mean by it. "THe Blacks vote for them democrats because they want free stuff." "The Blacks vote democrat because they like being on the plantation." "The Blacks vote democrats because they want "Obamaphones". "The Blacks on the Democrat plantation vote that way because they want free stuff.". Those are just a few of the bigoted insults and generalizations with the "plantation reference", that comes from right wingers.
Your last assertion is totally inaccurate:
"“The people on that plantation are upset because they’ve been disregarded, disrespected and their concerns are not cared about,” West said in an appearance on Fox News Channel’s “The O’Reilly Factor,” responding to the anger that black Democrats showed earlier this week at a Congressional Black Caucus town hall in Detroit.

“I’m here as the modern-day Harriet Tubman to kind of lead people on the underground railroad away from that plantation into a sense of sensibility,” said West, who is the sole Republican member of the Congressional Black Caucus.

Some black leaders are “are nothing more than overseers over that plantation,”

Read more: West: I'll lead you off 'plantation' - Jennifer Epstein -

"Carson knows who to blame for the metaphorical beating he’s taking, though. White liberals. “They’re the most racist people there are,” he told radio host Mark Levin on Monday. “Because they put you in a little category, a box: ‘You have to think this way, how could you dare come off the plantation?’”

"Herman Cain 2012: 'I Left The Democrat Plantation A Long Time Ago' "

LOL, come on man!!!!!

Is that a direct quote from Cain? I've never heard anyone say blacks like being on the democratic plantation. I'm not saying there aren't racists on the forum. You and I both know there are. The quote you cited from West was about him attacking the democrat party, not blacks.


Of course those are direct quotes. "Rush Limbaugh accused the Democratic Party on Thursday of trying “to keep blacks on the dependency plantation” — of “Uncle Sam’s Cabin.”

“The Democrats of old fought to keep blacks living on the plantation, Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” Limbaugh said on his show, referring to Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel. “We need to revise that. Now the Democrats fight to keep blacks on the dependency plantation. Uncle Tom’s Cabin, no. It’s now Uncle Sam’s Cabin.”

That's bullshit regarding west. Here's a simple and accurate fact; that plantation bullshit that is hurled by not a few "black conservatives" and their white counterparts DOES NOT even attempt to reach the heart and minds of Black people they "claim" to want to reach out to. There are PLENTY of hardworking Black people professionals and blue collar people who are doing well, vote for Democrats and are NOT on a fucking plantation. The Democratic party has MANY more Black representatives than the republican party does, the Democrats also voted for the first President to have visible African blood flowing through his veins. They have MUCH more of a voice and representation in the Democratic party.

Show me a few Black conservatives who have NOT hurled and used that insulting plantation reference or have made inaccurate blanket generalizations about Black people. How are they being embraced by the white conservative republicans when compared to the ones who do hurl that plantation insult and make those blanket generalizations. Look at how the republican embrace Colin Powell and Michael Steele. J.C. Watts also has issue with the republican party and their "outreach" to Black people.

I think what Herman Cain said was wrong. Every other quote you cited were examples of conservatives using the plantation reference to attack the democratic party. Democrats may have been able to put a few more black faces in government, but that hardly makes their failure in addressing the real problems in the black community. [MENTION=35198]Pheonixops[/MENTION]
Let me get this straight

Republicans Offered to "participate in reforming Obamamacare?

Thats a good one. Here is what they were afraid of. They needed to stop the roll out of Healthcare Exchanges. They knew that once people were covered under Obamacare there was no way they could kill it. That is why we got their shutdown

Any participation in reforming Obamacare would be more of the same 50 bills to repeal it. If republicans were sincere, where is their healthcare plan? Why are we still waiting?

If republicans were sincere?

Let me get this straight.

Obama and his crew draft, vote for and sign into legislation a bill that the GOP expressed a variety of concerns about..

a reminder....

The GOP said people would lose their policy
The GOP said some people would lose their doctor
The GOP said the younger people wont sign up at the rate Obama believed
The GOP said it will likely increase premiums for those NOT getting subsidies
The GOP said it will not be deficit neutral

Obama, on multiple occasions went in front of the cameras and said the GOP was wrong....emphasizing it with the word...."period"...

And now that it was proven they were right, it is insincere that the GOP wont come up with ways to fix it?



Now they are to be the ones to fix it? would defend a man caught holding a little girls panties and accused of child molestation if that man were a liberal.

The majority of GOP fearmongering about Obamacare has not come to pass. They are relegated to trotting out individual cases of "Obamacare destroyed my life". Obamacare has delivered on a national scale and will only get better

The Bill is working, people are getting insurance and the sun continues to rise each morning

Only a blind partisan would claim Obamacare is working.
Let me get this straight

Republicans Offered to "participate in reforming Obamamacare?

Thats a good one. Here is what they were afraid of. They needed to stop the roll out of Healthcare Exchanges. They knew that once people were covered under Obamacare there was no way they could kill it. That is why we got their shutdown

Any participation in reforming Obamacare would be more of the same 50 bills to repeal it. If republicans were sincere, where is their healthcare plan? Why are we still waiting?

If republicans were sincere?

Let me get this straight.

Obama and his crew draft, vote for and sign into legislation a bill that the GOP expressed a variety of concerns about..

a reminder....

The GOP said people would lose their policy
The GOP said some people would lose their doctor
The GOP said the younger people wont sign up at the rate Obama believed
The GOP said it will likely increase premiums for those NOT getting subsidies
The GOP said it will not be deficit neutral

Obama, on multiple occasions went in front of the cameras and said the GOP was wrong....emphasizing it with the word...."period"...

And now that it was proven they were right, it is insincere that the GOP wont come up with ways to fix it?



Now they are to be the ones to fix it? would defend a man caught holding a little girls panties and accused of child molestation if that man were a liberal.

The majority of GOP fearmongering about Obamacare has not come to pass. They are relegated to trotting out individual cases of "Obamacare destroyed my life". Obamacare has delivered on a national scale and will only get better

The Bill is working, people are getting insurance and the sun continues to rise each morning

I find it interesting that you say that with such confidence even though most of the plan has not even been implemented yet.

But a result of the few parts that were...

People DID lose their policies...for better or worse, they lost their policies. They did not want to and they were told they wouldn't

People DID lose their doctors. How Obama did not see that coming EVEN WITH THE GOP WARNING is beyond me.

Policies for those that are not receiving subsidies DID go up. Not rocket science to know they would. How Obama missed that is beyond me.

As of now, the rate of the invincibles to the likely to get sick is such that policy prices will skyrocket OR insurance companies will receive tax payer funding. If the first....GOP warned of that. If the second, it will be far from deficit neutral. said "GOP fear mongering" mostly did not come to pass.

But that is rhetoric you cant back up.

They did despite most of the law being delayed.
The majority of GOP fearmongering about Obamacare has not come to pass. They are relegated to trotting out individual cases of "Obamacare destroyed my life".

And to be absolutely honest - a lot of those "horror stories" don't stand up to the fact-check.

There are parts of Obamacare that I think are a good thing and parts of it I think are horrible. But I wish the debate could be fact based. I think the facts are good enough to merit some serious fixing if not more.
There's not babbling.

What there is, is points you cannot address.

Because that is what happened.

And an executive has absolute power within their corporate entities.

If you ever worked for a Corporation? You'd know that.

That's about the "realest" thing he ever did.

That's something Ol' Mitt knew a lot about.

Firing people.

And that's what gives executives absolute power.

I'e never worked for a corporation, not that that's relevant, but I know enough about corporate structure. It's a simple question that you keep avoiding - who has absolute power in a corporation?

No you don't.

And I've answered your question, multiple times.

You never answered my question. If you tell me who in a corporation has absolute power, then I will prove you wrong.
I'e never worked for a corporation, not that that's relevant, but I know enough about corporate structure. It's a simple question that you keep avoiding - who has absolute power in a corporation?

No you don't.

And I've answered your question, multiple times.

You never answered my question. If you tell me who in a corporation has absolute power, then I will prove you wrong.

It all depends on the corporate structure.

For example....if a sub chapter (s) corporation, and there is only one shareholder, that shareholder has absolute power on all decisions.

If an LLC, the same.

However, in a public corporation, NO ONE has absolute power.
People DID lose their policies...for better or worse, they lost their policies. They did not want to and they were told they wouldn't

True. And it is clear to me that they knew some of these policies weren't going to be allowed when they made the "you can keep your policy" claim. Flat out lie imho.

People DID lose their doctors.

Not sure - some of the "horror stories" trotted out haven't passed the fact-checker test.
No you don't.

And I've answered your question, multiple times.

You never answered my question. If you tell me who in a corporation has absolute power, then I will prove you wrong.

It all depends on the corporate structure.

For example....if a sub chapter (s) corporation, and there is only one shareholder, that shareholder has absolute power on all decisions.

If an LLC, the same.

However, in a public corporation, NO ONE has absolute power.

He wasn't reffering to LLC's or S corps.
No you don't.

And I've answered your question, multiple times.

You never answered my question. If you tell me who in a corporation has absolute power, then I will prove you wrong.

It all depends on the corporate structure.

For example....if a sub chapter (s) corporation, and there is only one shareholder, that shareholder has absolute power on all decisions.

If an LLC, the same.

However, in a public corporation, NO ONE has absolute power.

And in a LLC there can be more than 1 shareholder.

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