Ben Carson

Anyone that believes the "GOP was celebrating shutting down the government" is a dumbass.
Even if they did "shut it down", which they didn't, NO WAY any of them celebrates it as it KILLED THEM with the bogus press no matter how anyone spins it.
Only a fool believes the Republicans wanted to see what the Democrats in the Senate did.

Take care of your own dumbass before accusing others:

Government Shutdown: 8 People Who Are Actually Happy About It

Marsha Blackburn
Michelle Bachmann
Tim Huelskamp
Cathy McMorris Rodgers
Matt Salmon
Ted Cruz
John Culberson

All Republicans. Quotes and video of their joy is at the link.

good one

Why the hell would he?

good one stupid; just remember what you just said when we call him a dictator

Do you understand what the word "compromise" means?

It means "I will give you this and you will give me that"

What exactly did Republicans offer to give in return for Obama accepting a defunding of Obamacare?
This bedwetter62 retard is obviously just a troll, unable to counter a single post or even stay on the subject.
good one stupid; just remember what you just said when we call him a dictator

Do you understand what the word "compromise" means?

It means "I will give you this and you will give me that"

What exactly did Republicans offer to give in return for Obama accepting a defunding of Obamacare?

Actually, their initial request was to defund it. But by the time we approached the shutdown, all they were asking for was a delay in its enactment.

You know....what he personally wanted as well but refused to give it at that time so he can blame the GOP for shutting down the government.

And then, of course, he delayed it.

And in return for delaying it? They would participate in reforming it.

Now, why would that have been a good idea?

Well, lets see....Before it was passed.....

The GOP said people would lose their policy
The GOP said some people would lose their doctor
The GOP said the younger people wont sign up at the rate Obama believed
The GOP said it will likely increase premiums for those NOT getting subsidies
The GOP said it will not be deficit neutral.

Obama said they were wrong on each of those points.

Would have been a good idea for him to have the GOP get involved in reforming it.

The problem with that is the GOP had no intention on reforming it. They just wanted to get it back into Congress where they could add all sorts of obstructions and new conditions.
good one stupid; just remember what you just said when we call him a dictator

Do you understand what the word "compromise" means?

It means "I will give you this and you will give me that"

What exactly did Republicans offer to give in return for Obama accepting a defunding of Obamacare?

the good of the nation you mindless idiot. obamacare is a disaster of a law. obama needs to put aside his ego and admit the law is fatally flawed

Who says? Teabagger wingnuts?
Let me get this straight

Republicans Offered to "participate in reforming Obamamacare?

Thats a good one. Here is what they were afraid of. They needed to stop the roll out of Healthcare Exchanges. They knew that once people were covered under Obamacare there was no way they could kill it. That is why we got their shutdown

Any participation in reforming Obamacare would be more of the same 50 bills to repeal it. If republicans were sincere, where is their healthcare plan? Why are we still waiting?

Harry Reid's shelve


Can we see the Healthcare bill passed by the House?
OOPS! :lol:
Let me get this straight

Republicans Offered to "participate in reforming Obamamacare?

Thats a good one. Here is what they were afraid of. They needed to stop the roll out of Healthcare Exchanges. They knew that once people were covered under Obamacare there was no way they could kill it. That is why we got their shutdown

Any participation in reforming Obamacare would be more of the same 50 bills to repeal it. If republicans were sincere, where is their healthcare plan? Why are we still waiting?

If republicans were sincere?

Let me get this straight.

Obama and his crew draft, vote for and sign into legislation a bill that the GOP expressed a variety of concerns about..

a reminder....

The GOP said people would lose their policy
The GOP said some people would lose their doctor
The GOP said the younger people wont sign up at the rate Obama believed
The GOP said it will likely increase premiums for those NOT getting subsidies
The GOP said it will not be deficit neutral

Obama, on multiple occasions went in front of the cameras and said the GOP was wrong....emphasizing it with the word...."period"...

And now that it was proven they were right, it is insincere that the GOP wont come up with ways to fix it?



Now they are to be the ones to fix it? would defend a man caught holding a little girls panties and accused of child molestation if that man were a liberal.

The majority of GOP fearmongering about Obamacare has not come to pass. They are relegated to trotting out individual cases of "Obamacare destroyed my life". Obamacare has delivered on a national scale and will only get better

The Bill is working, people are getting insurance and the sun continues to rise each morning

Republicans Darkest Fears Realized: ACA Causes Number of Uninsured to Drop Across All Ages

And every one of them has been debunked. Even the cancer lady in Michigan is now admitting that her premiums have been cut in half!

If republicans were sincere?

Let me get this straight.

Obama and his crew draft, vote for and sign into legislation a bill that the GOP expressed a variety of concerns about..

a reminder....

The GOP said people would lose their policy
The GOP said some people would lose their doctor
The GOP said the younger people wont sign up at the rate Obama believed
The GOP said it will likely increase premiums for those NOT getting subsidies
The GOP said it will not be deficit neutral

Obama, on multiple occasions went in front of the cameras and said the GOP was wrong....emphasizing it with the word...."period"...

And now that it was proven they were right, it is insincere that the GOP wont come up with ways to fix it?



Now they are to be the ones to fix it? would defend a man caught holding a little girls panties and accused of child molestation if that man were a liberal.

The majority of GOP fearmongering about Obamacare has not come to pass. They are relegated to trotting out individual cases of "Obamacare destroyed my life". Obamacare has delivered on a national scale and will only get better

The Bill is working, people are getting insurance and the sun continues to rise each morning

Only a blind partisan would claim Obamacare is working.
There are now over 4 million signups on, over 3 million are able to stay on their parent's insurance, and over 10 million new Medicaid enrollees.

What's your definition of failure? :lol:
good one stupid; just remember what you just said when we call him a dictator

Do you understand what the word "compromise" means?

It means "I will give you this and you will give me that"

What exactly did Republicans offer to give in return for Obama accepting a defunding of Obamacare?
The raise in the debt ceiling.

But your dictatorial Dear Leader would not compromise, causing about 15% of the government get shut down.

The debt ceiling is solely the responsibility of the House. Not the president. Not the Senate.
And every one of them has been debunked. Even the cancer lady in Michigan is now admitting that her premiums have been cut in half!


You Communists think you can just lie your way out of this, huh?

{In a colossal “oh by the way” revelation, last Friday afternoon the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), a federal agency under the United States Department of Health and Human Services (that would be the executive branch run by President Obama), quietly released a report exposing the fact that under Obamacare, two-thirds of Americans who work at small businesses will see their insurance premiums increase. So this report – which is more than two years late – says over 11 million American workers will have higher health insurance premiums because of Obamacare. Despite the administration’s attempts to, as House Speaker John Boehner put it, “delay and deemphasize” the report, we now have it straight from the Obama administration that Obamacare will raise health-insurance premiums for American workers. That is a far cry from Obama’s 2008 campaign promise that families would see lower health insurance premiums – $2,500 lower, to be exact – under Obamacare.}

The Insiders: Another day, another Obamacare disaster

This from the far left WaPo..
Senate will be majority GOP in months.
Obama will be lame duck in days. Democrats are already lining up to fight each other for the nomination.
Republicans' biggest problem, other than their lame stances to pacify the religious right, are they eat their own.
Watch the Democrats eat their own and soon getting primed for the next election '16 and Obama is target #1.
They will run from him like monkeys on fire.
The War against the Moocher class is being won.
Included in this moocher class are everyone on disability that can walk and is sane, unwed mothers that we need to offer real guidance and assistance to instead of a check, seniors that take and take and take and take irresponsibly due to their lack of managing their health in their younger years and the millions of others taking advantage of the means test give aways.
What we want is a system that rewards those that GET OFF public assistance so we can OFFER MORE to those truly in need.
Government is the PROBLEM, not always but many times.
14% of the signups of ACA are those that did not have or this laugher "couldn't afford" health insurance.
MOST of the signups are those that were cancelled because of ACA.
We are subsidizing people that make 80K a year and have hundreds of thousands of dollars in their retirement accounts.
There is NO ASSET means test for the ACA.
And there are people that support that???
Fucking insanity.
14% of the signups of ACA are those that did not have or this laugher "couldn't afford" health insurance.
MOST of the signups are those that were cancelled because of ACA.
We are subsidizing people that make 80K a year and have hundreds of thousands of dollars in their retirement accounts.
There is NO ASSET means test for the ACA.
And there are people that support that???
Fucking insanity.

NOTHING was cancelled because of the ACA.

Policies were cancelled because insurance companies chose to cancel them rather than modify them to be up to compliance with a new law.
14% of the signups of ACA are those that did not have or this laugher "couldn't afford" health insurance.
MOST of the signups are those that were cancelled because of ACA.
We are subsidizing people that make 80K a year and have hundreds of thousands of dollars in their retirement accounts.
There is NO ASSET means test for the ACA.
And there are people that support that???
Fucking insanity.

NOTHING was cancelled because of the ACA.

Policies were cancelled because insurance companies chose to cancel them rather than modify them to be up to compliance with a new law.

Ben Carson stupider than ever

Slaves Were Immigrants Who Came Here And Worked Really Hard ‘For Less’
14% of the signups of ACA are those that did not have or this laugher "couldn't afford" health insurance.
MOST of the signups are those that were cancelled because of ACA.
We are subsidizing people that make 80K a year and have hundreds of thousands of dollars in their retirement accounts.
There is NO ASSET means test for the ACA.
And there are people that support that???
Fucking insanity.

NOTHING was cancelled because of the ACA.

Policies were cancelled because insurance companies chose to cancel them rather than modify them to be up to compliance with a new law.
If not for the ACA the insurance companies wouldn't have had to modify. You are parcing words. Having said that, the vast majority of sign ups were from people who had healthcare insurance previously. Sad part is that those who made 18,000 or less couldn't qualify for the ACA other words, those that needed it the most. The very people that the ACA was created for, or so it seemed. But, those who aren't partisan hacks know why the ACA was created.
14% of the signups of ACA are those that did not have or this laugher "couldn't afford" health insurance.
MOST of the signups are those that were cancelled because of ACA.
We are subsidizing people that make 80K a year and have hundreds of thousands of dollars in their retirement accounts.
There is NO ASSET means test for the ACA.
And there are people that support that???
Fucking insanity.

NOTHING was cancelled because of the ACA.

Policies were cancelled because insurance companies chose to cancel them rather than modify them to be up to compliance with a new law.

Ben Carson stupider than ever

Slaves Were Immigrants Who Came Here And Worked Really Hard ‘For Less’
Ben has a ways to go to catch up to you, Sillybooboo.
14% of the signups of ACA are those that did not have or this laugher "couldn't afford" health insurance.
MOST of the signups are those that were cancelled because of ACA.
We are subsidizing people that make 80K a year and have hundreds of thousands of dollars in their retirement accounts.
There is NO ASSET means test for the ACA.
And there are people that support that???
Fucking insanity.

NOTHING was cancelled because of the ACA.

Policies were cancelled because insurance companies chose to cancel them rather than modify them to be up to compliance with a new law.

Ben Carson stupider than ever

Slaves Were Immigrants Who Came Here And Worked Really Hard ‘For Less’
Ben has a ways to go to catch up to you, Sillybooboo.
Reagan was right. If politicians were any good private industry would steal them away. Ben carson has found a way to make a living in politics. I get it
14% of the signups of ACA are those that did not have or this laugher "couldn't afford" health insurance.
MOST of the signups are those that were cancelled because of ACA.
We are subsidizing people that make 80K a year and have hundreds of thousands of dollars in their retirement accounts.
There is NO ASSET means test for the ACA.
And there are people that support that???
Fucking insanity.

NOTHING was cancelled because of the ACA.

Policies were cancelled because insurance companies chose to cancel them rather than modify them to be up to compliance with a new law.

Ben Carson stupider than ever

Slaves Were Immigrants Who Came Here And Worked Really Hard ‘For Less’
Ben has a ways to go to catch up to you, Sillybooboo.
Reagan was right. If politicians were any good private industry would steal them away. Ben carson has found a way to make a living in politics. I get it
Might want to bone up with Ben Carson, he really didn't need to make it in politics. Just sayin'

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