Benghazi: “It’s gone, baby. It’s in your head. That’s the only place”

You've got the bar set so low for this President, can't even admit that his Administration botched how Benghazi was handled BEFORE the attack...DURING the attack...and FOLLOWING the attack.

Before the attack you had everyone from the British to the Red Cross pulling their people out of Benghazi because it was OBVIOUS that it was not safe there. You also had the security Chief for the Benghazi station pleading with Hilary Clinton at the State Department not to pull out his security detail...a plea that was ignored by Clinton because State didn't want to give the impression that they didn't "trust" the Libyans to protect our diplomatic facilities.

During the attack you've got an Administration that sat on it's hands for eight hours while Americans were under attack by heavily armed terrorists. They didn't get military assets on site that could have saved the lives of the two men who were killed at the annex.

After the attack this Administration failed to secure the area for weeks totally destroying any remaining evidence that might have led to identifying who the attackers were. Why? Because it was too "dangerous"? The most powerful military in the world and we can't protect FBI investigators at a crime scene? Really?

And then there is the decision made by this Administration almost from the very beginning to lie about what took place. Not to protect some national security asset. No these lies were about protecting the image of Barack Obama. His inner circle got together and decided that they could sell the YouTube video story to a compliant main stream media. Jay Carney lied, Hilary Clinton lied, Susan Rice lied, Barack Obama lied. They sent a man to prison over the YouTube video even though it had NOTHING to do with the death of Ambassador Stevens and the other 3 Americans and all of them KNEW THAT!

With you anti-Obama folks, everything he did was worse than the last, and they were all worse than anything ever before that. When you do that you dismiss your own arguments, because on it's face it's false.

Can you link to this "ignored plea for help?" I'd like to look into these claims.

So what should The Administration have done? And what should Obama specifically have done to avoid this mess as you put it?

It seems for one thing, they should have pulled the Ambassadors out of Benghazi like the other countries did...right?

Now you've called a number of people liars, out right liars. You think you're being totally accurate there? Stop and think about it and make sure whether or not you want to stick to that assertion.

You mentioned that Obama's "inner circle got together and decided upon" the lie. Well that's the definition of a conspiracy. So for them to pull it off they've got to be the smartest bunch of people in the world. Don't they? And don't you folks always say and believe that government are the most inept and incompetent humans walking the earth?

So which one is it? They are totally genius enough to pull-off flawless conspiracies. For the lives of 4 people mind you. Or they are totally incompetant. You can't have it both ways.

I think you folks would do better if you just stopped, took a deep breath and give fair criticism where it is, and not exaggerated and give fair praise where it's warranted.

However, you have chosen to say nothing The Administration did was good, and anything good that was done, was the result of someone else's doing, like Bush, or just dumb luck. While stating that everything they did was bad.

I mean, at face value it's ridiculous.

You have one Jackass posting that it's the worst President in history...that's total nonsense.

You can see how it's hard to take what you say seriously.

Anyway, I would really appreciate that link.


Only a true believer like yourself would think that this Administration "pulled off" their lies about Benghazi, Marc. They haven't. The truth is they were shown to be liars repeatedly. When one of their lies was exposed they moved onto another lie and when that was exposed yet another lie. That's not me being an Obama "hater"...that's just me pointing out what has happened.

As for what they "should" have done?

They should have either pulled Stevens out of Libya or kept his full security force there to protect him if they felt it was essential that he stay. That's a no brainer. Hilary was worried about "appearances" instead of being worried about the lives of the people who were in harms way doing a job for her.

Once that attack began they "should" have sent the emergency response team who's very job it is to respond to these types of situations. How could you NOT have sent them and sent them immediately if you're getting live streaming video from both the security cameras at the consulate and a drone flying overhead? You're the Commander in Chief of the most powerful military on the planet and you can't get help to your diplomats to save their lives in a fire fight that lasted 8 hours? You're so clueless that you can't even secure the crime scene until a week later? Are you kidding me? This is the guy you think "frightens" others in the world? Really? For that alone you should have your skinny ass raked across the coals by both the Press and the Congress.

I'm not exaggerating my criticism of Barack Obama and his people when it comes to Libya. I think their performance there was appalling. They were more concerned with getting reelected than they were about the lives of the four men who were killed. That disgusts me.
You've got the bar set so low for this President, can't even admit that his Administration botched how Benghazi was handled BEFORE the attack...DURING the attack...and FOLLOWING the attack.

Before the attack you had everyone from the British to the Red Cross pulling their people out of Benghazi because it was OBVIOUS that it was not safe there. You also had the security Chief for the Benghazi station pleading with Hilary Clinton at the State Department not to pull out his security detail...a plea that was ignored by Clinton because State didn't want to give the impression that they didn't "trust" the Libyans to protect our diplomatic facilities.

During the attack you've got an Administration that sat on it's hands for eight hours while Americans were under attack by heavily armed terrorists. They didn't get military assets on site that could have saved the lives of the two men who were killed at the annex.

After the attack this Administration failed to secure the area for weeks totally destroying any remaining evidence that might have led to identifying who the attackers were. Why? Because it was too "dangerous"? The most powerful military in the world and we can't protect FBI investigators at a crime scene? Really?

And then there is the decision made by this Administration almost from the very beginning to lie about what took place. Not to protect some national security asset. No these lies were about protecting the image of Barack Obama. His inner circle got together and decided that they could sell the YouTube video story to a compliant main stream media. Jay Carney lied, Hilary Clinton lied, Susan Rice lied, Barack Obama lied. They sent a man to prison over the YouTube video even though it had NOTHING to do with the death of Ambassador Stevens and the other 3 Americans and all of them KNEW THAT!

With you anti-Obama folks, everything he did was worse than the last, and they were all worse than anything ever before that. When you do that you dismiss your own arguments, because on it's face it's false.

Can you link to this "ignored plea for help?" I'd like to look into these claims.

So what should The Administration have done? And what should Obama specifically have done to avoid this mess as you put it?

It seems for one thing, they should have pulled the Ambassadors out of Benghazi like the other countries did...right?

Now you've called a number of people liars, out right liars. You think you're being totally accurate there? Stop and think about it and make sure whether or not you want to stick to that assertion.

You mentioned that Obama's "inner circle got together and decided upon" the lie. Well that's the definition of a conspiracy. So for them to pull it off they've got to be the smartest bunch of people in the world. Don't they? And don't you folks always say and believe that government are the most inept and incompetent humans walking the earth?

So which one is it? They are totally genius enough to pull-off flawless conspiracies. For the lives of 4 people mind you. Or they are totally incompetant. You can't have it both ways.

I think you folks would do better if you just stopped, took a deep breath and give fair criticism where it is, and not exaggerated and give fair praise where it's warranted.

However, you have chosen to say nothing The Administration did was good, and anything good that was done, was the result of someone else's doing, like Bush, or just dumb luck. While stating that everything they did was bad.

I mean, at face value it's ridiculous.

You have one Jackass posting that it's the worst President in history...that's total nonsense.

You can see how it's hard to take what you say seriously.

Anyway, I would really appreciate that link.


Of course they can’t, because no such link exists – no ‘pleas for help’ were ‘ignored.’

But conservatives have been lying about the president for so many years they have no idea what the truth is, and their minds are so blinded by hatred that they accept and believe the lies without question.

Oh, please! The Obama Administration started telling lies about what happened in Benghazi right from the start. You know it...I know it...they know it. They attempted to cover their asses rather than do the right thing and admit that they failed to protect those they should have protected. They sent a man to prison because they needed a "fall guy" for what happened in Libya and decided that the YouTube video was their ticket. Who does that? Who LIES like that and sends a man to prison for something they KNOW he had nothing to do with? Those are the people that you are protecting Clayton...those are the people that you think are being so wronged.
And you want a "link" to the pleas for help that came from Benghazi? You're kidding, right? Do you really not know that Washington knew almost immediately what was happening at the consulate? That people at both the consulate and the annex called requesting that never arrived because it was never sent by the Obama Administration?
But conservatives have been lying about the president for so many years they have no idea what the truth is, and their minds are so blinded by hatred that they accept and believe the lies without question.
Wait! Don't tell me. It's because he's black, right?
Hey Jackass, who got hanged for 9/11/2001? Any arrests? That was a known fact the BIGGEST failure on American soil ever. Anyone...?

Hey Shit for Brians, what does 9-11 have to do with Americans yelling for help in an embassy thats being attacked, and an adminstration ignoring it. What an idiotic deflection. Again, the MSM has done its best to bury this issue, as it makes the mistake they put in office look bad.
Post a credible link proving your bogus claims Jackass.

Do your own research Shit for Brains.. You must be living in a hole if you don't know what happened in Benghanzi by now.
And you want a "link" to the pleas for help that came from Benghazi? You're kidding, right? Do you really not know that Washington knew almost immediately what was happening at the consulate? That people at both the consulate and the annex called requesting that never arrived because it was never sent by the Obama Administration?

Some people must just live in holes.. Or they just watch MSNBC, who pretends things never happen.
“It’s gone, baby. It’s in your head. That’s the only place”

During a heated discussion on Fox News Sunday, former Bush administration official Karl Rove regurgitated GOP claims that “someone constructed a lie” that the incident resulted from “a spontaneous reaction to a video no one saw” and suggested Obama refused to scramble necessary military assets to save the U.S. personnel. Conservative commentator Brit Hume agreed, adding, “the list of questions that remain unanswered to this day are what make this a legitimate topic of conversation. I’m sorry to say this is not over.”

Williams disputed these charges point by point and explained that months of Republican-led Congressional hearings had been unable to uncover any evidence of a cover up. “It’s gone, baby. It’s in your head. That’s the only place,” he added.

A few undeniable facts point directly to a cover up:

1. It has been one full year since the event yet none of the perps have been arrested.

2. CNN was able to interview one of the criminals that was caught on video during the assault yet the FBI still has not even questioned him or anyone else.

3. Aliases have been provided to the survivors to prevent congress from obtaining eye-witness testimony.

4. A state department official who visited Benghazi personally after the attack was told not to talk to congress by representatives of the Hillary led state department.
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Oh, they did arrest a Coptic Christian for producing an anti-Muslim video.
And you want a "link" to the pleas for help that came from Benghazi? You're kidding, right? Do you really not know that Washington knew almost immediately what was happening at the consulate? That people at both the consulate and the annex called requesting that never arrived because it was never sent by the Obama Administration?

Then you should have evidence to support your claim.
And you want a "link" to the pleas for help that came from Benghazi? You're kidding, right? Do you really not know that Washington knew almost immediately what was happening at the consulate? That people at both the consulate and the annex called requesting that never arrived because it was never sent by the Obama Administration?

Then you should have evidence to support your claim.

Soon as Obama decides to declassify the evidence I'm sure it will be made public.

You're either really ignorant, or in denial.

:blahblah::anj_stfu: :cuckoo:
Post it then Palooka.

Don't gimme dat, "I already posted it" or "you wouldn't believe me if I did" claptrap that you Far RW radical reactionaries trot out when backed into a corner.

Put up or shut up.

Post it it.

Here you go, dumbass.

LMFAO. You liberals are pathetic.
That's hilarious, you think I'm backed into a corner. :lol::lol::lol:

The Washington Post Confirms Obama Is Lying About Benghazi

The Washington Post Confirms Obama Is Lying About Benghazi | Lubbock Online | Lubbock Avalanche-Journal

What was that you said? Oh yeah......
you guys have nothing on Obama...NOTHING
Not only did you post from some obscure, right-leaning blog (which is telling), but the argument is specious.

Like one commenter put it...

Bobert32 05/15/13 - 03:37 am said:
So what your main complaint is Obama- one day later -said, "THIS WAS AN ACT OF TERROR" instead of saying terrorist attack ? Most of us understood what this was. Sorry if you did not.

No, you say- its that we werent told "WHY". Maybe it was for the same reason Bush told us 9-11 was all about, Jealousy ?

More troubling to most is that we dont know who these guys are yet and we havent brought them to justice. Course it took about 9 years to find Bin Lauden.
If that's all you got it should be no wonder to you, and your ilk, why this Benghazi nonsense is considered that...partisan nonsense.

Good effort though.
Ask Khadaffi or Bin Laden about world leaders fearing him or respecting him.
If he was such a wuss, why hasn't anyone waged war on us as yet?
They know Obama would blow their skulls back to Kingdom Come like he did to those pirates.

Cut your BS RWers, you guys have NOTHING!


Let's see, Marc...extremists burned our consulate, murdered our Ambassador and three other Americans and a year later what has happened to ANY of them? That happened on Barry's watch and he's more concerned with hiding the truth from the American people than he is about bringing the people who committed those crimes to justice.

Right now Putin is making Obama his "bitch" and the rest of the world is laughing at him behind his back. You think anyone is REALLY scared of Barack Obama? Please, get real...
In what way is Putin making Obama "his bitch" as you put it?

Detail it please.

And you want a "link" to the pleas for help that came from Benghazi? You're kidding, right? Do you really not know that Washington knew almost immediately what was happening at the consulate? That people at both the consulate and the annex called requesting that never arrived because it was never sent by the Obama Administration?
Please post one credible link to these so-called "pleas for help."

Just one.

yeah we know all (cult members for Obama and the Democrats) will dismiss anything that was mishandled by them... I mean really who cares an American citizen was killed over it, all the while BEGGING for help..

knee salve or knee pads for you people? or just more laughing smiley faces over their dead bodies?

how some of you can stand me

and that you would post this sickening crap from PmsNbc...You go tell the Stevens family it OVER, it's ALL IN YOUR HEAD

losers every last one you

Yes, after all, it is just another one of those "PHONEY SCANDALS." :cuckoo:

"What difference at this point does it make." Hillary R. Clinton...

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And you want a "link" to the pleas for help that came from Benghazi? You're kidding, right? Do you really not know that Washington knew almost immediately what was happening at the consulate? That people at both the consulate and the annex called requesting that never arrived because it was never sent by the Obama Administration?
Please post one credible link to these so-called "pleas for help."

Just one.


What do you consider credible link? Huffpo?
Ask Khadaffi or Bin Laden about world leaders fearing him or respecting him.
If he was such a wuss, why hasn't anyone waged war on us as yet?
They know Obama would blow their skulls back to Kingdom Come like he did to those pirates.

Cut your BS RWers, you guys have NOTHING!


Let's see, Marc...extremists burned our consulate, murdered our Ambassador and three other Americans and a year later what has happened to ANY of them? That happened on Barry's watch and he's more concerned with hiding the truth from the American people than he is about bringing the people who committed those crimes to justice.

Right now Putin is making Obama his "bitch" and the rest of the world is laughing at him behind his back. You think anyone is REALLY scared of Barack Obama? Please, get real...
In what way is Putin making Obama "his bitch" as you put it?

Detail it please.


Do you not pay attention to anything that happens politically in the world? How has Putin NOT made Obama his "bitch"? From Putin's rejection of the Obama's "reset" of American-Russian his granting asylum to Edward the OpEd piece he just did with the New York Times...Putin REVELS in giving abuse to Barry.
Let's see, Marc...extremists burned our consulate, murdered our Ambassador and three other Americans and a year later what has happened to ANY of them? That happened on Barry's watch and he's more concerned with hiding the truth from the American people than he is about bringing the people who committed those crimes to justice.

Right now Putin is making Obama his "bitch" and the rest of the world is laughing at him behind his back. You think anyone is REALLY scared of Barack Obama? Please, get real...
In what way is Putin making Obama "his bitch" as you put it?

Detail it please.


Do you not pay attention to anything that happens politically in the world? How has Putin NOT made Obama his "bitch"? From Putin's rejection of the Obama's "reset" of American-Russian his granting asylum to Edward the OpEd piece he just did with the New York Times...Putin REVELS in giving abuse to Barry.
Obama's actions has led Assad to admit he has chemicals. The next step is to admit yes, he did authorize that checmical attack on his people.
Obama struck fear in Assad's heart.
Who cares if Putin, is being Putin and trying to sneak in on the credit.
The bottom line is the job is getting done, W/O American troops on the ground.
Versus GWB talking about the job is done, when it hasn't even started yet.
WTF is wrong w/you people?
But conservatives have been lying about the president for so many years they have no idea what the truth is, and their minds are so blinded by hatred that they accept and believe the lies without question.
Wait! Don't tell me. It's because he's black, right?

I think mostly because he is smarter than all the Republican candidates, including Romney and you can throw in Palin too, put together.
In what way is Putin making Obama "his bitch" as you put it?

Detail it please.


Do you not pay attention to anything that happens politically in the world? How has Putin NOT made Obama his "bitch"? From Putin's rejection of the Obama's "reset" of American-Russian his granting asylum to Edward the OpEd piece he just did with the New York Times...Putin REVELS in giving abuse to Barry.
Obama's actions has led Assad to admit he has chemicals. The next step is to admit yes, he did authorize that checmical attack on his people.
Obama struck fear in Assad's heart.
Who cares if Putin, is being Putin and trying to sneak in on the credit.
The bottom line is the job is getting done, W/O American troops on the ground.
Versus GWB talking about the job is done, when it hasn't even started yet.
WTF is wrong w/you people?

What "action" by Obama has struck fear in Assad's heart? The "threat" of hitting Syria with a few Cruise missiles after giving Assad WEEKS to move anything of value? That's a joke and if you weren't such an Obama ass kisser you'd admit it.

You really think that the Russians are going to get Assad to change? They've been the ones ENABLING Assad for years now! Putin is playing Barry like the neophyte that Obama is. Putin is now going to be the one "chaperoning" Assad? Really? Putin has to be rolling on the floor at the Kremlin over that one.

What job has gotten done? Assad gassed people...Obama said he'd act if that happened...and he's done NOTHING. He was about to get his ass handed to him with the looming vote in Congress and he jumped all over the Putin proposal because it gave him an out.

My prediction now is that Putin will do little or nothing about chemical weapons that Assad has and that Barry will make a few speeches about that to try and save face before tucking tail.
But conservatives have been lying about the president for so many years they have no idea what the truth is, and their minds are so blinded by hatred that they accept and believe the lies without question.
Wait! Don't tell me. It's because he's black, right?

I think mostly because he is smarter than all the Republican candidates, including Romney and you can throw in Palin too, put together.

Ah, yes...once more we're serenaded by the "Obama is SO smart!" chorus from the left! When is it that we're going to see some evidence of the vaunted Obama intellect, Mert? For five years now he's demonstrated only one thing...that he has a job that he is MONUMENTALLY unprepared to do!

Romney succeeded at every task he undertook from running a Morman mission as a 20 year building a successful rescuing an Olympics that was floundering working with an overwhelmingly liberal Massachusetts House as a Republican Governor.

I hate to burst your bubble, Mert but Barack Obama doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same discussion as Mitt Romney is if you're talking about being a success.

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