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Bergdahl A Deserter Not A Hero

where did say it was illegal?
I simply answered your question.

Never mind.....your approach is way to childish an approach for me to pay attention to.

You're comparing it to the Bergdahl situation, which you call illegal.

If you are not complaining that it is illegal, then why are you bringing it up?

I didn't.

You asked another poster about the ACA and how Obama had the right to bypass congress.

So I answered.

What he did with Bergdahl is not illegal in my eyes. There was leeway in the law that allowed for him to do what he did...albeit, I believe he simply gamed the game....but it was not illegal.

You are not much fun to debate with. You have trouble staying with me because you are too hell bent on discrediting me...so you look for holes in what I say.

I am not a perfect debater....I don't always clearly articulate my points...but on the most part I do.

But if one is looking for me to slip up grammatically or get me with semantics.....it is not hard to do it.

Like NYCarbineer...he does it all the time.

Its old and not worth it. SO please refrain from bothering me with that approach if you wish to continue debating with me.

Ah, but it was illegal for the Bergdahl exchange. Even Feinstein herself has stated that. A dem-er saying it was against the law. He violated a Gitmo bill. And why it was considered illegal. Not to mention the US position not to engage in this type of negotiation. Ah, but what the hell do we all care. We let four americans die in Bengahzi. But we had to save the deserter.
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He violated a law that he illegally created and signed, no less, lol.

Where that leaves us I don't know..except to say...Obama is scum, and one can only pray he gets his just rewards in the next life, because he probably won't get them in this one.
"“Swift-boating,” as you may recall, is when critics tell the truth about someone’s military service when the truth is unhelpful to Democrats. Consider this the beginning of phase three of the Bergdahl fallout. Phase one was when soldiers from Bergdahl’s unit caught the White House off-guard by publicly accusing him of desertion. Team O probably thought the combination of nondisclosure agreements that they were forced to sign and the prospect of retaliation if they made life hard for the Pentagon would keep them quiet. That was the key misjudgment from which everything else over the past three days has flowed."

It?s come to this: White House aides now accusing Bergdahl?s squad of ?swift-boating? him « Hot Air
I'm listening to a couple of them right now with Hannity. They could give a rat's ass about signing that paper..."The truth needs to get out..." is what one of them said.
Obama will court martial them for it. They've already been threatened with that, and worse.
I think the fact that the parents of the soldiers who died looking for that piece of shit were told that they died pursuing an important Taliban operative is quite telling.

I believe that's exactly what they were doing, that is exactly what they considered him..and if they found him he would have been lucky to make it home alive.

What a shame they didn't find him.
We have to get Republicans in the Senate, and they have to be real Republicans.

Not moles for the democrats...


For economy's sake why didn't they just get the same people they got to pretend Obamacare was doing them great harm?
You won't know if you don't talk to a loan officer. I notice you keep changing the facts to fit your b s.

Course you tend to believe the lies by the left instead of doing your own research.

You go to a tailor and he'll tell you you need a new suit.

You go to my resume service, I will tell you you need a new resume.

Of course, they are going to make it all sound wonderful.

Meh. I'll just wait it out. No need to go anywhere right now.

See, Joe. You can't turn the stupid off and on. When you're stupid, you're just plain stupid.

Anybody stupid enough to think President of The United States of America, George W Bush, had anything to do with the Housing market in 2004 is stupid enough to overpay for a house.

Which you obviously did.

That is your fault. Not Bush's fault or my fault or Republicans' fault or Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny -- YOUR fault.

You need to grow up, Joey. I mean it.

Being stupid and blaming everybody else for your own failings is just going to lead to more and more fail.

The truth is, you got caught up in the greed. You saw people flipping houses and making money and figured that you could get in on the ground floor and gt a really good deal.

You fell for the bullshit.

Had I known you back then, I would have warned you away from buying. But I doubt you would have listened.

Well, yeah, but that's because you're a crazy person.

My boy and I went round and round over him wanting to buy a house back then. He was pissed at me for a couple years over it because I refused to let him. Well, he could have bought despite my objections, but he didn't.

He just bought a foreclosed house last year for $170k that originally sold in 2004 for $320k. And got like 2.4% interest rate on it.

It does need work. Not terrible but a little bit.

Stop blaming others for your mistakes, Joey. It's for your own good

Uh, sorry, guy, I didn't make any mistakes.

The mistakes were made by the clinically retarded son of a President.

The one who put Chris Cox in charge of the SEC and amazingly, didn't notice what the banksters were up to.
i don't know that i'd phrase things the same way, but i have to agree for the most part. the government may have played its part in the collapse, but individuals are still responsible for the decisions they made. if you got yourself in over your head with a mortgage, that's on you. the good news is home prices are recovering, and given enough time you'll probably be just fine.

Uh, guy, sorry, I think it's not an unreasonable expectation that the government monitor what the banks were doing, and making sure they didn't do EXACTLY what they did- write a bunch of bad mortgages to people who never should have gotten a mortgage to begin with, and then sell them off as "investments".

MOre to the point, I did everything they said to do in that American Dream thingee. Work hard, buy a home, and so on.

Bush fucked it up. Period.
there are some lefty Vets on a Radio Station out here that were bad mouthing Mexico too Joe.....it aint just Fox...

I'm sure they are. And how does this help, exactly?

As I said in another thread, America has insisted it has the right to execute Mexican nationals over the protests of the Mexican government. In violation of treaties we've signed.

We can't really cry crocodile tears when Mexico enforces its laws.

those guys they executed were convicted of murder.....this guy hasnt killed anyone ...

No, but he broke Mexican law on Mexican territory.

Rich Perry was so hot to execute that guy, and now the good Sergeant is paying the price for it.
How many billions of your tax dollars did Ronald Reagan funnel to the Mujaheddin? How many weapons did Reagan negotiate to sell to terrorists who hate America? How many Americans died as a result of America's jihad against the USSR in Afghanistan?

Those poor Ruskies.

Russia had no business being in Afghanistan.

And we do?

Frankly, the Afghans seem to have about the same reaction to both.
How many billions of your tax dollars did Ronald Reagan funnel to the Mujaheddin? How many weapons did Reagan negotiate to sell to terrorists who hate America? How many Americans died as a result of America's jihad against the USSR in Afghanistan?
This was started by Carter you ignorant ass. It was one of Carter's few successes and a veritabile coup which started the downfall of your Soviet comrades.

1) Carter started it, but Reagan was the one who went all in even after it was obvious we dealing with bad guys.

2) THe fall of the USSR Had nothing to do with Afghanistan or anything else that senile old fuck Reagan did.

3) Sorry, man, the Communists might have been collectivist assholes, but you could reason with them. Kind of hard to reason with someone who thinks he's gonna fuck 76 virgins in the afterlife. (Wait until the find out one of the "virgins" is you!)
You can't reason with people who think it's okay to slaughter their own people.

Commies and Taliban are together in that boat.

It's just the commies are a lot more efficient.

PS..joeb is a commie. He's going to talk nice about them.
You can't reason with people who think it's okay to slaughter their own people.

Commies and Taliban are together in that boat.

It's just the commies are a lot more efficient.

PS..joeb is a commie. He's going to talk nice about them.


Genocide is kind of like the Mulatto on the neighbor's plantation.

Every Southern Belle knew who fathered the mulattoes on the neighbor's plantation but never their own.

We whine about what the commies or the Nazis or the Jihadis did, and never really want to talk about the fact we live in a town with a Native American name without a native American in site.

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