Bergdahl smearer already had OTH discharge...

even if this guy has no credibility, there are plenty of others who say bergdahl deserted, plus of course other evidence.

hearsay has no legal hands or feet. You do realize that, right?

That being said, if a military tribunal finds bowe bergdahl guilty of a crime, then that it their job to do, not mine, and not yours.

And i would support their decision because i support the us military and i believe in the rule of law.

Liberals are selective in who they care about in our military

Even thought they keep hearing all that's this Obama pet has done, it's now time to SMEAR all the other military men and women because HOW DARE speak up

they did the same with Swift boat vets

we should of known this was coming

but Obama's reputation is more important TO THEM right now and all the rest can to go hell

oh and notice, they it's all about this guy, do they care one bit he TRADED to TERRORIST? I hope he waved the white flag while he doing trade

you all defending trade for one person who is in doubt of being POW and Obama are traitors to us and our country

WTF are they signing a non-disclosure statement for anyway.

This isn't supposed to be a national secret.

This has been a cover-up for years.
Liberals are selective in who they care about in our military

Even thought they keep hearing all that's this Obama pet has done, it's now time to SMEAR all the other military men and women because HOW DARE speak up

they did the same with Swift boat vets

we should of known this was coming

but Obama's reputation is more important TO THEM right now and all the rest can to go hell

oh and notice, they it's all about this guy, do they care one bit he TRADED to TERRORIST? I hope he waved the white flag while he doing trade

you all defending trade for one person who is in doubt of being POW and Obama are traitors to us and our country

WTF are they signing a non-disclosure statement for anyway.

This isn't supposed to be a national secret.

This has been a cover-up for years.

use your brain.

Ever heard of secret-ops before?

Now, put 2 and 2 together.
Liberals are selective in who they care about in our military

Even thought they keep hearing all that's this Obama pet has done, it's now time to SMEAR all the other military men and women because HOW DARE speak up

they did the same with Swift boat vets

we should of known this was coming

but Obama's reputation is more important TO THEM right now and all the rest can to go hell

oh and notice, they it's all about this guy, do they care one bit he TRADED to TERRORIST? I hope he waved the white flag while he doing trade

you all defending trade for one person who is in doubt of being POW and Obama are traitors to us and our country

WTF are they signing a non-disclosure statement for anyway.

This isn't supposed to be a national secret.

This has been a cover-up for years.

use your brain.

Ever heard of secret-ops before?

Now, put 2 and 2 together.

The reason I question this is because I'm using my brain.

This became classified only because the powers that be felt it might become an embarrassment. During the Bush years NPR was digging into these types of stories and exposing them. Abu Ghraib is a prime example. Now they are kept secret by the White House with cooperation by the press.
WTF are they signing a non-disclosure statement for anyway.

This isn't supposed to be a national secret.

This has been a cover-up for years.

use your brain.

Ever heard of secret-ops before?

Now, put 2 and 2 together.

The reason I question this is because I'm using my brain.

This became classified only because the powers that be felt it might become an embarrassment. During the Bush years NPR was digging into these types of stories and exposing them. Abu Ghraib is a prime example. Now they are kept secret by the White House with cooperation by the press.

No, that is incorrect.
use your brain.

Ever heard of secret-ops before?

Now, put 2 and 2 together.

The reason I question this is because I'm using my brain.

This became classified only because the powers that be felt it might become an embarrassment. During the Bush years NPR was digging into these types of stories and exposing them. Abu Ghraib is a prime example. Now they are kept secret by the White House with cooperation by the press.

No, that is incorrect.

Says you.

I''ve read the description of classified material too many times to be mistaken.
Somehow, I think that for the "Bergdahl is a Traitor" crowd, this is not going to go very well...

This dude:

former Army Sgt. Josh Korder (who served with Bergdahl), the one who railed on Bergdahl as a traitor, received an OTH discharge from the military.

Korder is the same guy who started the "6 guys died" lie that has since then been debunked.

OTH stands for "other than honorable"

MN Soldier Speaks Out Against Freed POW Bowe Bergdahl « CBS Minnesota

Korder did sign a nondisclosure agreement about this situation. His family told WCCO he knows the risk he’s taking by talking.

Korder was recently discharged, which was listed as “other than honorable.”

And BTW, who organized these Bergdahl critics?

Why, none other than former Bush administration official, then later, a Romney foreign policy advisor/strategist Richard Grennell. Yes, that Richard Grenell, whom Romney dropped like a hot potato when it came out that Grenell was gay and the religious Right went into holy holy spasms.

Cody Full, one of the soldiers quoted in the New York Times and other stories, tweeted yesterday about Grenell: “I want to thank @richardgrenell for helping get our platoon’s story out.” Grenell retweeted the tweet, calling Full a “true American hero.”

This is the definition of "other than honorable discharge"

Military Justice 101 - Part 3, Enlisted Administrative Separations

Under Other Than Honorable Conditions.

OTH Discharges are warranted when the reason for separation is based upon a pattern of behavior that constitutes a significant departure from the conduct expected of members of the Military Services, or when the reason for separation is based upon one or more acts or omissions that constitute a significant departure from the conduct expected of members of the Military Services. Examples of factors that may be considered include the use of force or violence to produce serious bodily injury or death, abuse of a special position of trust, disregard by a superior of customary superior-subordinate relationships, acts or omissions that endanger the security of the United States or the health and welfare of other members of the Military Services, and deliberate acts or omissions that seriously endanger the health and safety of other persons.

Persons awarded an OTH characterization of service: are not entitled to retain their uniforms or wear them home (although they may be furnished civilian clothing at a cost of not more than $50); must accept transportation in kind to their homes; are subject to recoupment of any reenlistment bonus they may have received; are not eligible for notice of discharge to employers (which may affect unemployment benefits); and, do not receive mileage fees from the place of discharge to their home of record.

It is generally believed that an OTH Discharge will render an individual ineligible for all VA Benefits. This is not necessarily so. The Department of Veterans Affairs will make its own determination with respect as to whether the OTH was based on conditions which would forfeit any or all VA benefits...


So, CNN decided to interview a dude who was already dishonorably discharged to speak about Bergdahl. Isn't that kind of like a whore being interviewed for celibacy advocacy?

Nosiree, nothing partisan about #Bergdahlghazi at all, folks. Nosiree.... :eusa_whistle:
OTH is not a dishonorable discharge you douche bag. Dont post about shit you know nothing about.
Got a link for that?

A document?

Could be correct.

Maybe he was hitting on Bowe, which is why he is pissed.


I'm not even going there.

Would love to see the link, however...

Because as we have seen so often, Righties love to spread rumors and then get hit on the head with facts.

It's real simple: either that part of the CBS report is factually correct, or it is a lie. If it is correct, and I bet it is, then there must be a reason as to why former Sergeant Korder was discharged, and dishonorably at that.

So, the Right, which screams MURKAH, MURKAH, MURKAH, rah rah rah, USA, USA, USA, now rallies behind a dude who was dishonorably discharged to make a partisan case against a dude who is still active duty.

Why does the Right hate the US military so much?

Why does the Right have no respect for the rule of law?

It is heart-breaking to see this once great Movement turn into a band of yahoos.

Why does the Right hate the US military so much? (when it comes to hating the military, no one can hate more than a shit filled Statistikhengfucktard, libercrats have always hated the military, Republicans love our military, Reagan built it up so that a fucking demoscum president could come along and destroy it):up:

Why does the Right have no respect for the rule of law? :)lmao: this mulatto muslime presidunce has to be the biggest law breaking pres. in this countries existance :up: personally i would love to see obamuslime in prison stripes [/url]

Could be correct.

Maybe he was hitting on Bowe, which is why he is pissed.


I'm not even going there.

Would love to see the link, however...

Because as we have seen so often, Righties love to spread rumors and then get hit on the head with facts.

It's real simple: either that part of the CBS report is factually correct, or it is a lie. If it is correct, and I bet it is, then there must be a reason as to why former Sergeant Korder was discharged, and dishonorably at that.

So, the Right, which screams MURKAH, MURKAH, MURKAH, rah rah rah, USA, USA, USA, now rallies behind a dude who was dishonorably discharged to make a partisan case against a dude who is still active duty.

Why does the Right hate the US military so much?

Why does the Right have no respect for the rule of law?

It is heart-breaking to see this once great Movement turn into a band of yahoos.

Why does the Right hate the US military so much? (when it comes to hating the military, no one can hate more than a shit filled Statistikhengfucktard, libercrats have always hated the military, Republicans love our military, Reagan built it up so that a fucking demoscum president could come along and destroy it):up:

Why does the Right have no respect for the rule of law? :)lmao: this mulatto muslime presidunce has to be the biggest law breaking pres. in this countries existance :up: personally i would love to see obamuslime in prison stripes [/url]

Do you feel better now? Was is good for you? Need a cigarette?
How about all the other unit members who came forward? Has anyone come forward in support of Abdullah Bergdahl?

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