Berkeley cancels Ann Coulter event

It is written:

The Truth Shall Make Ye Free.

Now you see why the refusal to listen. Fear of hearing truth and breaking the chains that bind otherwise innocent infants (today's college students) to The Democrat Party.

Your signature is hilarious given the selective outrage in this thread by conservatives over Coulter. LOL!

Do you have any idea what a dumbass you sound like? You want to ONLY listen to people you agree with and you are willing to shut down anyone you don't.
You can run kid, but you can't hide.
So that's your excuse.

What a shame. I wish you had more confidence in our kids.

Again, she has no right to be paid to speak at a platform they provide. I think you're unclear about the First Amendment. Or you think it only applies to right-wing assholes.
Straw man. Two of them. I didn't claim she had a right to speak. I didn't claim this is a First Amendment issue.

Are you always this dishonest?

As you know, I'm talking about how important it is that we expose our kids to contrary thought. It's critical, and college is the best place.

If you're willing to do this to our kids, there's nothing else I can say to you.

Right, you're making a qualitative argument. So am I. Coulter is not an intellectual, and she really doesn't have much knowledge to impart to youth. She's a shrill comedian who sells books based on her audacity of vulgarity. She can speak to some media students about how to drum up ratings among 68-year old men, I guess?
She is far more intelligent than you have ever dreamed of being.

Totally fucking irrelevant to the point, but your naked deflection is proof that I've got you cornered. However dumb you think I am, well, you're AT LEAST my runner-up.
You can't claim that "she doesn't have much knowledge to impart to youth" when you aren't even as smart as she is.
I honestly don't know what to say to these people. I don't know how they can support doing this to our kids.

You keep saying "doing this to our kids."

Please explain the abject horror of canceling an Ann Coulter speaking engagement, and how that leads to "our kids" being irreparably harmed, you disingenuous c*nt?
Wow, personal insults and name-calling, good sign.

I'll say it yet again: College is the very best time of a kid's life to be exposed to contrary, challenging thought. By all means, the more the merrier. This is THE PERFECT TIME for them to be challenged.

People like you don't want that because you're afraid.

She doesn't offer "challenging" thought. She hurls firebombs. That's it. You want a conservative intellectual, send a conservative intellectual who doesn't simply insult people.
I'm not afraid of words, I'll leave that to people like you.

When did I say I was afraid of her? Did it occur to you that these kids don't want their money going to a buffoon, and thereby with their actions they are being fiscally responsible?
So you're in charge of who gets to speak at campuses? Do they have to pass the muster of people like you?

Yeah but I'm tired of hate from any side. It's annoying

It's going to get a lot worse.

The left is losing. The more they lose, the more violent they get. At some point, people will strike back.

Would have
It's going to get a lot worse.

The left is losing. The more they lose, the more violent they get. At some point, people will strike back.

That's interesting, because the left has been on the leading edge of pretty much all social change in this country. Abolition? Left. Voting rights for women and minorities? Left. Civil rights? The left. Opposition to laws that silenced war-dissenters in 1917 and the 1940s? Left.

Everything the left supports now is accepted, settled law in the future.

Does that ever make you feel stupid? Probably not. You'd need to actually engage in deep thought first.

And you learned history from Saul Alinsky.

Voting rights for women were being given at the state level long before the 19th by liberal states like.....WYOMING.

The governor of Wyoming at that time granted suffrage and he was a Union general. Not exactly a right-leaning regressive.

You equate the moron.

WYOMING never has been a liberal state and it's governor was elected by the people of the state.

Let's add more to your list.

Social Security....biggest PONZI scam in got it...the left.

Vietnam.......Thanks LBJ.

No, he was not elected, dipshit! BWAAAHAHAHA!!!! He was APPOINTED by President Grant.

John Campbell and the Invention of Wyoming |

Unmarried, 33 years old, John A. Campbell was a short, handsome man, with hair a little thin on top and a thick beard below. President Ulysses S. Grant had appointed him governor just a few weeks earlier. Grant himself had been president just a few weeks longer than that.

Holy shit. How's the egg on your face taste? What's next, you gonna claim that Alaska voted for George Washington?

Jesus Dipshits-Everywhere Christ

Wyoming legislators write the first state constitution to grant women the vote - Sep 30, 1889 -

WYOMING wrote this into their constitution in 1889 using an elected governor.

The university has done such a crappy job of creating an adult, open minded environment, it can't trust its own students to not lose their shit and start rioting.

That is complete nonsense, do you have a neutral link on that Bull poo poo comment?


Ann Coulter is a mean hateful person, why would you want her to speak to our young adults? She is a hag..

Ann Coulter


Gen. Michael Hayden: N Korea will make nuke capable of hitting Seattle! Situation will be dire as soon as they can hit a city worth saving.

10:08 AM - 6 Apr 2017
All you need to do is let them speak.

Yeah like Glen Beck gives you facts and statistics...:lol:

This kid is a Bone Head and needs to get a job.
I honestly don't know what to say to these people. I don't know how they can support doing this to our kids.

You keep saying "doing this to our kids."

Please explain the abject horror of canceling an Ann Coulter speaking engagement, and how that leads to "our kids" being irreparably harmed, you disingenuous c*nt?
Wow, personal insults and name-calling, good sign.

I'll say it yet again: College is the very best time of a kid's life to be exposed to contrary, challenging thought. By all means, the more the merrier. This is THE PERFECT TIME for them to be challenged.

People like you don't want that because you're afraid.

She doesn't offer "challenging" thought. She hurls firebombs. That's it. You want a conservative intellectual, send a conservative intellectual who doesn't simply insult people.
I'm not afraid of words, I'll leave that to people like you.

When did I say I was afraid of her? Did it occur to you that these kids don't want their money going to a buffoon, and thereby with their actions they are being fiscally responsible?

Has it ever occurred to you that we don't want our money going to shit you approve of? Abortion and shit? We are being fiscally responsible.
You dumbass.
I honestly don't know what to say to these people. I don't know how they can support doing this to our kids.

You keep saying "doing this to our kids."

Please explain the abject horror of canceling an Ann Coulter speaking engagement, and how that leads to "our kids" being irreparably harmed, you disingenuous c*nt?
Wow, personal insults and name-calling, good sign.

I'll say it yet again: College is the very best time of a kid's life to be exposed to contrary, challenging thought. By all means, the more the merrier. This is THE PERFECT TIME for them to be challenged.

People like you don't want that because you're afraid.

She doesn't offer "challenging" thought. She hurls firebombs. That's it. You want a conservative intellectual, send a conservative intellectual who doesn't simply insult people.
I'm not afraid of words, I'll leave that to people like you.

When did I say I was afraid of her? Did it occur to you that these kids don't want their money going to a buffoon, and thereby with their actions they are being fiscally responsible?

So the kids did it citing fiscal reasons.

Who knew.
Do you have any idea what a dumbass you sound like? You want to ONLY listen to people you agree with and you are willing to shut down anyone you don't.
You can run kid, but you can't hide.

The hiding is not important.

It's the running.

The sound of the wind whistling through the vacant cavity twixt its ears effectively prevents hearing even a single word of truth.
You keep saying "doing this to our kids."

Please explain the abject horror of canceling an Ann Coulter speaking engagement, and how that leads to "our kids" being irreparably harmed, you disingenuous c*nt?
Wow, personal insults and name-calling, good sign.

I'll say it yet again: College is the very best time of a kid's life to be exposed to contrary, challenging thought. By all means, the more the merrier. This is THE PERFECT TIME for them to be challenged.

People like you don't want that because you're afraid.

She doesn't offer "challenging" thought. She hurls firebombs. That's it. You want a conservative intellectual, send a conservative intellectual who doesn't simply insult people.
I'm not afraid of words, I'll leave that to people like you.

When did I say I was afraid of her? Did it occur to you that these kids don't want their money going to a buffoon, and thereby with their actions they are being fiscally responsible?

Has it ever occurred to you that we don't want our money going to shit you approve of? Abortion and shit? We are being fiscally responsible.
You dumbass.
No, it doesn't occur to them. You'd think it would.
Did you guys see the Rob Lowe roast on comedy central? It turned into the Ann Coulter was spectacular.

Yet you and yours are afraid to let her speak.


Funny how she wasn't angered even once.

The hatchet job failed pretty badly.

After the show taping, she immediately started whining and crying about it. You don't remember that? They ripped her a new asshole, it was bad.

She was invited under false pretenses and then viciously attacked by low grade morons.

She had every right to bitch about that.

YOu people are vile p.o.s.

Awww, does the poor snowflake need his pacifier?

I'm not the one using violence and the threat of violence to censor my enemies.

That's you and yours, lefty.
I honestly don't know what to say to these people. I don't know how they can support doing this to our kids.

You keep saying "doing this to our kids."

Please explain the abject horror of canceling an Ann Coulter speaking engagement, and how that leads to "our kids" being irreparably harmed, you disingenuous c*nt?
Wow, personal insults and name-calling, good sign.

I'll say it yet again: College is the very best time of a kid's life to be exposed to contrary, challenging thought. By all means, the more the merrier. This is THE PERFECT TIME for them to be challenged.

People like you don't want that because you're afraid.

She doesn't offer "challenging" thought. She hurls firebombs. That's it. You want a conservative intellectual, send a conservative intellectual who doesn't simply insult people.
I'm not afraid of words, I'll leave that to people like you.

When did I say I was afraid of her? Did it occur to you that these kids don't want their money going to a buffoon, and thereby with their actions they are being fiscally responsible?

Child you fear all dissenting thought, that's why you simply throw shit about.
The university has done such a crappy job of creating an adult, open minded environment, it can't trust its own students to not lose their shit and start rioting.

That is complete nonsense, do you have a neutral link on that Bull poo poo comment?


Ann Coulter is a mean hateful person, why would you want her to speak to our young adults? She is a hag..

Ann Coulter


Gen. Michael Hayden: N Korea will make nuke capable of hitting Seattle! Situation will be dire as soon as they can hit a city worth saving.

10:08 AM - 6 Apr 2017

Oh you poor little Nazi. You CAN'T let people say things that mock YOU and your fellow Goosestepping democrats....

Why don't they have an all day convention for the Alt Righties .. Such a nice group of people
Guest Speakers :

Michael Savage

Ann Coulter


Brietbat Milo Yiannopulos

Steve Bannon

The university has done such a crappy job of creating an adult, open minded environment, it can't trust its own students to not lose their shit and start rioting.

That is complete nonsense, do you have a neutral link on that Bull poo poo comment?


Ann Coulter is a mean hateful person, why would you want her to speak to our young adults? She is a hag..

Ann Coulter


Gen. Michael Hayden: N Korea will make nuke capable of hitting Seattle! Situation will be dire as soon as they can hit a city worth saving.

10:08 AM - 6 Apr 2017

Ann's "hateful"?

NOt these little lefties?


Maybe you're right. Maybe all that emotion I see is some form of Tough Love....

Feel the warmth...

The university has done such a crappy job of creating an adult, open minded environment, it can't trust its own students to not lose their shit and start rioting.

That is complete nonsense, do you have a neutral link on that Bull poo poo comment?


Ann Coulter is a mean hateful person, why would you want her to speak to our young adults? She is a hag..

Ann Coulter


Gen. Michael Hayden: N Korea will make nuke capable of hitting Seattle! Situation will be dire as soon as they can hit a city worth saving.

10:08 AM - 6 Apr 2017

Oh you poor little Nazi. You CAN'T let people say things that mock YOU and your fellow Goosestepping democrats....

Why don't they have an all day convention for the Alt Righties .. Such a nice group of people
Guest Speakers :

Michael Savage

Ann Coulter


Brietbat Milo Yiannopulos

Steve Bannon

Yes, absolutely, great idea.

Then the next day, a bunch of hardcore left wing groups.

Day three, some moderate and independent groups.

The university has done such a crappy job of creating an adult, open minded environment, it can't trust its own students to not lose their shit and start rioting.

That is complete nonsense, do you have a neutral link on that Bull poo poo comment?


Ann Coulter is a mean hateful person, why would you want her to speak to our young adults? She is a hag..

Ann Coulter


Gen. Michael Hayden: N Korea will make nuke capable of hitting Seattle! Situation will be dire as soon as they can hit a city worth saving.

10:08 AM - 6 Apr 2017

Oh you poor little Nazi. You CAN'T let people say things that mock YOU and your fellow Goosestepping democrats....

Why don't they have an all day convention for the Alt Righties .. Such a nice group of people
Guest Speakers :

Michael Savage

Ann Coulter


Brietbat Milo Yiannopulos

Steve Bannon


And there you have it, smearing her enemies with Godwins, to justify street violence and censorship.

YOu are tearing this nation apart.

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