Berkeley cancels Ann Coulter event

She looks like a skeleton that refuses to lie down. Just find a good plot and begin your eternal rest already bones. Has that corpse ever been seen with a man? Or a woman? Vulture waiting for a meal? Anything?
Proud of what's happening on our campuses, are you?

You don't believe this is the time of a kid's life when they need to be exposed to contrary thought?

What a terrible thing you want to do to our kids.

Berklely also cancled creepy ass guy Milo Yiannopoulos who peddles hate.

Why is a speaker like that ok with you?


Because it's an alternative perspective. Berzerkley should be well versed in such things.
Looks like this will all boil to a Kent State event that will finally shut these anarchist hippies down. Civility needs to be enforced by our National Guard.
Imagine a kid being raised by Regressive Lefties like this.

A skinny 100 pound woman scares the shit out of the democrats.

Skinny Ugly Dog

My goodness, how old are you?
The extent to some little story like this angers some of you is beyond comprehension. To be that intense about left right.... Right left is nuts. Coulter is rich therefore I do not feel too bad for her. This is a non issue. Take off the red white and blue glasses and see the unimportance of the story. Nothing in this country's political system is worth getting angry or passionate about....
Contrary thought is fine. The mewlings of a carnival-barking moron? Not necessarily what I would call "thought".
Seig Heil indeed, Brownshirt. You crush thoughts and words that deviate from Party dogma to protect children, right?
I honestly don't know what to say to these people. I don't know how they can support doing this to our kids.

You keep saying "doing this to our kids."

Please explain the abject horror of canceling an Ann Coulter speaking engagement, and how that leads to "our kids" being irreparably harmed, you disingenuous c*nt?
Wow, personal insults and name-calling, good sign.

I'll say it yet again: College is the very best time of a kid's life to be exposed to contrary, challenging thought. By all means, the more the merrier. This is THE PERFECT TIME for them to be challenged.

People like you don't want that because you're afraid.

She doesn't offer "challenging" thought. She hurls firebombs. That's it. You want a conservative intellectual, send a conservative intellectual who doesn't simply insult people.

She actually does offer challenging thought.

She challenges screaming left wing banshees like you all the time.

Love her line in one of her books......describing a potential issue to be dealt with......

"we can wait....or as Ted Kennedy says 'We'll drive off that bridge when we come to it.'"

Did you guys see the Rob Lowe roast on comedy central? It turned into the Ann Coulter was spectacular.

Yet you and yours are afraid to let her speak.


Funny how she wasn't angered even once.

The hatchet job failed pretty badly.

After the show taping, she immediately started whining and crying about it. You don't remember that? They ripped her a new asshole, it was bad.

She was invited under false pretenses and then viciously attacked by low grade morons.

She had every right to bitch about that.

YOu people are vile p.o.s.

What were the false pretenses? I hadn't heard that before.

It was supposed to be a Rob Lowe Roast.
Seig Heil indeed, Brownshirt. You crush thoughts and words that deviate from Party dogma to protect children, right?
I honestly don't know what to say to these people. I don't know how they can support doing this to our kids.

You keep saying "doing this to our kids."

Please explain the abject horror of canceling an Ann Coulter speaking engagement, and how that leads to "our kids" being irreparably harmed, you disingenuous c*nt?
Wow, personal insults and name-calling, good sign.

I'll say it yet again: College is the very best time of a kid's life to be exposed to contrary, challenging thought. By all means, the more the merrier. This is THE PERFECT TIME for them to be challenged.

People like you don't want that because you're afraid.

She doesn't offer "challenging" thought. She hurls firebombs. That's it. You want a conservative intellectual, send a conservative intellectual who doesn't simply insult people.

She actually does offer challenging thought.

She challenges screaming left wing banshees like you all the time.

Love her line in one of her books......describing a potential issue to be dealt with......

"we can wait....or as Ted Kennedy says 'We'll drive off that bridge when we come to it.'"

The authoritarians will always find an excuse to be authoritarian. If not Coulter, they'd shut her replacement down next.
Imagine a kid being raised by Regressive Lefties like this.

A skinny 100 pound woman scares the shit out of the democrats.

Skinny Ugly Dog

When you have nothing to counter the arguments jump to how the person looks. It is interesting how you chose a dog more able to fight for her picture while sporting that fearsome lap dog poodle in your avatar.

Seems you're pretty worried about her.
Did you guys see the Rob Lowe roast on comedy central? It turned into the Ann Coulter was spectacular.

Did you see Ann Coulter pawn Bill Maher and all of his guests who laughed at her (including Joy Reid) and the audience when she predicted Trump would win months before the election?.......:cool-45::cool-45:

Joy was especially condescending about it.

Stupid smug bitch.

All of them, too stupid to realize that they were making fools of themselves.
She looks like a skeleton that refuses to lie down. Just find a good plot and begin your eternal rest already bones. Has that corpse ever been seen with a man? Or a woman? Vulture waiting for a meal? Anything?
Proud of what's happening on our campuses, are you?

You don't believe this is the time of a kid's life when they need to be exposed to contrary thought?

What a terrible thing you want to do to our kids.

Contrary thought is fine. The mewlings of a carnival-barking moron? Not necessarily what I would call "thought".
So that's your excuse.

What a shame. I wish you had more confidence in our kids.

Again, she has no right to be paid to speak at a platform they provide. I think you're unclear about the First Amendment. Or you think it only applies to right-wing assholes.

It's a public school dipshit, tax payers do the providing. Maybe we should rethink that if they can't keep people safe.
Ridiculing political people and ridiculing this nations political system and figures is a good and proper thing to do. She should expect and accept this kind of stuff when in the limelight. I don't feel bad for her nor do I ever plan on going to Berkeley.

Contrary thought is fine. The mewlings of a carnival-barking moron? Not necessarily what I would call "thought".

Seig Heil indeed, Brownshirt.

You crush thoughts and words that deviate from Party dogma to protect children, right?

Poor, poor snowflake.

Should Congress, with the guidance of the party, pass laws that determine what ideas people can express? you know, extend what the Marxists in academia do to the general population?

Should using the word "faggot" carry a long prison term?

At that time, she was dead on.
Restricting oneself to right or left only is the sign of low IQ. Says something about america doesn't it?
She looks like a skeleton that refuses to lie down. Just find a good plot and begin your eternal rest already bones. Has that corpse ever been seen with a man? Or a woman? Vulture waiting for a meal? Anything?
Proud of what's happening on our campuses, are you?

You don't believe this is the time of a kid's life when they need to be exposed to contrary thought?

What a terrible thing you want to do to our kids.

Berklely also cancled creepy ass guy Milo Yiannopoulos who peddles hate.

Why is a speaker like that ok with you?


Your rationalization for your side's brown shirt tactics is not of interest to ANYONE anymore.

This is real hate.

Proud of what's happening on our campuses, are you?

You don't believe this is the time of a kid's life when they need to be exposed to contrary thought?

What a terrible thing you want to do to our kids.

Contrary thought is fine. The mewlings of a carnival-barking moron? Not necessarily what I would call "thought".
So that's your excuse.

What a shame. I wish you had more confidence in our kids.

Again, she has no right to be paid to speak at a platform they provide. I think you're unclear about the First Amendment. Or you think it only applies to right-wing assholes.
Straw man. Two of them. I didn't claim she had a right to speak. I didn't claim this is a First Amendment issue.

Are you always this dishonest?

As you know, I'm talking about how important it is that we expose our kids to contrary thought. It's critical, and college is the best place.

If you're willing to do this to our kids, there's nothing else I can say to you.

Right, you're making a qualitative argument. So am I. Coulter is not an intellectual, and she really doesn't have much knowledge to impart to youth. She's a shrill comedian who sells books based on her audacity of vulgarity. She can speak to some media students about how to drum up ratings among 68-year old men, I guess?

She has written 12 best selling books and she is certainly capable of adding knowledge to our youth.
She doesn't offer "challenging" thought. She hurls firebombs. That's it.

Are you the arbiter of taste? Because if not, then you should let others decide for themselves how to live their lives. No one is forcing anyone to listen to Coulter. Just a thought.
She looks like a skeleton that refuses to lie down. Just find a good plot and begin your eternal rest already bones. Has that corpse ever been seen with a man? Or a woman? Vulture waiting for a meal? Anything?
Proud of what's happening on our campuses, are you?

You don't believe this is the time of a kid's life when they need to be exposed to contrary thought?

What a terrible thing you want to do to our kids.

Berklely also cancled creepy ass guy Milo Yiannopoulos who peddles hate.

Why is a speaker like that ok with you?


Your rationalization for your side's brown shirt tactics is not of interest to ANYONE anymore.

This is real hate.

The most ironic thing is that they're acting exactly like the people liberals used to fight against, authoritarians.

That's why I say, these are NOT liberals.

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