Bernie Dem-Socialism WILL WORK: here is why

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Gold Member
Feb 17, 2020
1. A more educated population is better for all in so many ways, free college produces that

2. If taxes go up, so what? The “free market” will adjust. If you pay 20% more in taxes, businesses will have to lower prices or stuff wont sell. Your life evens out in the end.

3. Medical care is a human right, full stop. A healthy population is better for all. The higher taxes pays for it, see #1, wont hurt you one bit

4. Legal weed will reduce prison population, which means fewer cops and fewer jails. That $ now can go to college and medical.

5. Giving more power to the lower end worker and ensuring they get a seat at the corporate executive offices means they will be more motivated because they finally get a say
You live in a Gingerbread house on Lollipop lane where you raise unicorns that fart rainbows and shit cookies, don’t you?
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1. A more educated population is better for all in so many ways, free college produces that

2. If taxes go up, so what? The “free market” will adjust. If you pay 20% more in taxes, businesses will have to lower prices or stuff wont sell. Your life evens out in the end.

3. Medical care is a human right, full stop. A healthy population is better for all. The higher taxes pays for it, see #1, wont hurt you one bit

4. Legal weed will reduce prison population, which means fewer cops and fewer jails. That $ now can go to college and medical.

5. Giving more power to the lower end worker and ensuring they get a seat at the corporate executive offices means they will be more motivated because they finally get a say

It’s funny, even the most batshit crazy leftwingers I know aren’t Bernie fans. Makes me wonder exactly how mentally ill one must be to support Bernie.
1. A more educated population is better for all in so many ways, free college produces that

2. If taxes go up, so what? The “free market” will adjust. If you pay 20% more in taxes, businesses will have to lower prices or stuff wont sell. Your life evens out in the end.

3. Medical care is a human right, full stop. A healthy population is better for all. The higher taxes pays for it, see #1, wont hurt you one bit

4. Legal weed will reduce prison population, which means fewer cops and fewer jails. That $ now can go to college and medical.

5. Giving more power to the lower end worker and ensuring they get a seat at the corporate executive offices means they will be more motivated because they finally get a say

None of this means shit if the economy collapses under oppressive debt. The numbers do not add up.

Industry wont lower their prices if no one buys, they will STOP PRODUCING.

Please do some research on socialism.

Here is a good place to start:

Why Socialism Failed | Mark J. Perry
1. A more educated population is better for all in so many ways, free college produces that

2. If taxes go up, so what? The “free market” will adjust. If you pay 20% more in taxes, businesses will have to lower prices or stuff wont sell. Your life evens out in the end.

3. Medical care is a human right, full stop. A healthy population is better for all. The higher taxes pays for it, see #1, wont hurt you one bit

4. Legal weed will reduce prison population, which means fewer cops and fewer jails. That $ now can go to college and medical.

5. Giving more power to the lower end worker and ensuring they get a seat at the corporate executive offices means they will be more motivated because they finally get a say

Let's take bets on the OP's age.....I say 19.
1. A more educated population is better for all in so many ways, free college produces that

2. If taxes go up, so what? The “free market” will adjust. If you pay 20% more in taxes, businesses will have to lower prices or stuff wont sell. Your life evens out in the end.

3. Medical care is a human right, full stop. A healthy population is better for all. The higher taxes pays for it, see #1, wont hurt you one bit

4. Legal weed will reduce prison population, which means fewer cops and fewer jails. That $ now can go to college and medical.

5. Giving more power to the lower end worker and ensuring they get a seat at the corporate executive offices means they will be more motivated because they finally get a say

FREE college does not guarantee ANYTHING in terms of "more educated population"... What it guarantees is that we will have MORE history, political science, theater people... It ALSO has many NEGATIVES incentives..

Why BUST your ass to graduate in 4 years when you can lounge around and take your time... NO MORE students will be accepted than we have spaces for NOW --- don't know HOW MUCH weed you've been smoking, but the rest of your crap is even worse...

"Democratic Socialism" is what they called it in Zimbabwe, Nicaragua, Venezuela and ALL THOSE places before they started jailing/killing dissidents and stifling speech and destroying their economies... As soon as things don't work out -- you go from LOSS OF FREEDOM and Authoritarian govt to Plain old nasty dictatorship...

You need to get woke... ACTUALLY woke.. Not just stoned...
It’s astonishing to me that none of you have figured out yet that the OP is a master troll :abgg2q.jpg:
1. A more educated population is better for all in so many ways, free college produces that

2. If taxes go up, so what? The “free market” will adjust. If you pay 20% more in taxes, businesses will have to lower prices or stuff wont sell. Your life evens out in the end.

3. Medical care is a human right, full stop. A healthy population is better for all. The higher taxes pays for it, see #1, wont hurt you one bit

4. Legal weed will reduce prison population, which means fewer cops and fewer jails. That $ now can go to college and medical.

5. Giving more power to the lower end worker and ensuring they get a seat at the corporate executive offices means they will be more motivated because they finally get a say

It has never worked in any place it has ever been tried. The results are always the same. The capitalist 1% get replaced by the progressive 1%.

Know what the difference is? The capitalists want to sell you stuff.

The progressives want to murder you if you don't like their product.
1. A more educated population is better for all in so many ways, free college produces that

2. If taxes go up, so what? The “free market” will adjust. If you pay 20% more in taxes, businesses will have to lower prices or stuff wont sell. Your life evens out in the end.

3. Medical care is a human right, full stop. A healthy population is better for all. The higher taxes pays for it, see #1, wont hurt you one bit

4. Legal weed will reduce prison population, which means fewer cops and fewer jails. That $ now can go to college and medical.

5. Giving more power to the lower end worker and ensuring they get a seat at the corporate executive offices means they will be more motivated because they finally get a say

1. You must have missed how people in India had all these people running around with degrees, and no jobs. The result was, people paid a high tax to educate their public, only to have that public leave the country.

India got poorer, while the rest of the world got richer, because their educated people went to other countries to produce goods and services there.

That went on for decades. People complain about all these Indian people coming here and taking high paying jobs... that's why they do that. Your system sucks. That's why they are here in the US.

2. You seem to be implying that if people don't have enough money for a $10,000 Sedan because of taxes, that soon car companies will be offering middle-class cars, for $5,000? You really think that's going to happen?

Of course you are not getting a Toyota RAV4 for $10,000 because government taxed your money away. Not how life works.

Now you are right, that they will offer you something you can buy.... but you need to grasp that if you can't afford as much, then you don't get as much. That's how they lower the price, by offering you less.

The top car in the US is the Toyota RAV4. You know what the top car is in France? It's the Renault Clio. That's what we would call a sub-compact. They call it a "Supermini", like a Chevy Sonic, only smaller, and the Sonic has a 1.8L engine, while the Clio has a 0.8L Engine.

We're talking something that resembles a clown car, from a B rated circus act, and that's the 'top car' in France.

Why? Because they have all their money taxed away. That's why they live in tiny itty bitty homes in France, and the rest of Europe by the way. And even try to argue with me, I've been there. I know how they live. I've been in their homes, where they are stringing up clothes lines INSIDE THEIR HOMES to dry their clothes because they can't afford a clothes drier.

Yes, they will change their products to fit how much money you have. Instead of selling clothes driers you can't afford, they'll sell you clothes racks to lay your wet clothes on.

Instead of selling you decent cars, they'll sell you sub-compact clown cars you can barely fit in, that have less power than a US riding lawn mower.

3. No medical care is not a human right. Are you stupid? Why would you ever think something so dumb? What makes you think that you are somehow 'entitled' to the hard work of other people? You are not a slave master, and doctors and hospital staff don't owe you diddly jack.

And don't tell me it won't hurt a bit, because if that's true, show me how you'll survive with a 90% tax rate? Why are people from Canada coming to the US for care constantly? Why did we have hundreds of veterans die in tax payer funded VA hospitals? Why did Greece end up destroyed from your taxes for health care?

Tell the people of Venezuela it won't hurt a bit.

4. Again, saying more money for taxes to education is not a good argument. We already spend more money on education than any other country on the face of the Earth. And quite frankly, our students come out stupid. Besides you as an example, every college and state university says that students are not ready for college. What does that mean? It means after the hundreds of billions blown on education, they are too stupid to be ready for college.

Maybe it's because too many of them are smoking pot, instead of making something of their pathetic lives.

And even those people who get degrees, we now have companies and businesses saying that people are showing up with degrees, and are utterly incapable of doing their jobs. Again... we are spending tons, and the students are ignorant fools.

They can't even figure out if they are male or female, and you want to spend even more money, by giving these idiots pot to smoke?

Not convinced. Bad argument.

5. Ridiculous. If you are not motivated by simply the desire to improve your own life, and the lives of your family, giving you a corporate office to sit in, will just make you more a useless slob.

That claim has never worked. Never. First, you have no idea how to run a business anyway. If you think putting a burger flipping teenager, at the Head Quarters of McDonald's is going to have any positive effect, you are crazy.

Stupid people making management choices, result in companies imploding. You put idiots who have never run even a lemonade stand, in charge of corporation, you are just going to ruin the whole company, and then not only will you not have a corporate office job, you'll have no job, and everyone will know you destroyed a company and ruined everyone's job.

No, not convinced. Sorry.
Looks like Sanders is done. The USA will be safe from Sanders and socialism.
Looks like Sanders is done. The USA will be safe from Sanders and socialism.
I was really looking forward toa brokered convention, looks like Biden will get it from Michigan. Wonder if Biden will remember it the next day.
1. A more educated population is better for all in so many ways, free college produces that

2. If taxes go up, so what? The “free market” will adjust. If you pay 20% more in taxes, businesses will have to lower prices or stuff wont sell. Your life evens out in the end.

3. Medical care is a human right, full stop. A healthy population is better for all. The higher taxes pays for it, see #1, wont hurt you one bit

4. Legal weed will reduce prison population, which means fewer cops and fewer jails. That $ now can go to college and medical.

5. Giving more power to the lower end worker and ensuring they get a seat at the corporate executive offices means they will be more motivated because they finally get a say

You won't find out in your lifetime.
Why need socialism when you can just raid an unicorn into the sunset?
Bernie better start praying that Warren drops out and endorses him before the Michigan primary, otherwise it's over for him.
Bernie better start praying that Warren drops out and endorses him before the Michigan primary, otherwise it's over for him.

It's pretty much over for him. If he doesn't get the majority can you imagine them picking anyone but Biden?
1. A more educated population is better for all in so many ways, free college produces that

2. If taxes go up, so what? The “free market” will adjust. If you pay 20% more in taxes, businesses will have to lower prices or stuff wont sell. Your life evens out in the end.

3. Medical care is a human right, full stop. A healthy population is better for all. The higher taxes pays for it, see #1, wont hurt you one bit

4. Legal weed will reduce prison population, which means fewer cops and fewer jails. That $ now can go to college and medical.

5. Giving more power to the lower end worker and ensuring they get a seat at the corporate executive offices means they will be more motivated because they finally get a say
Guns are a human right, will I get free guns?
1. A more educated population is better for all in so many ways, free college produces that

2. If taxes go up, so what? The “free market” will adjust. If you pay 20% more in taxes, businesses will have to lower prices or stuff wont sell. Your life evens out in the end.

3. Medical care is a human right, full stop. A healthy population is better for all. The higher taxes pays for it, see #1, wont hurt you one bit

4. Legal weed will reduce prison population, which means fewer cops and fewer jails. That $ now can go to college and medical.

5. Giving more power to the lower end worker and ensuring they get a seat at the corporate executive offices means they will be more motivated because they finally get a say
For the love of Frigg, Odin, and Thor!!!

Will you fucking commies move to a commie country and stop trying to fuck up mine?

For the love of Satan, this is the last free place on earth.

Get the fuck out!

All you fucking commies need to land somewhere and stay put!


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