Bernie Sanders with huge Vermont polling lead

I uh, think you have that backward.

Which "side" came up with the concept of "RINO"?
Irrelevant. The left is far more likely to fall behind their party than the right - that is simple fact. Look at the schism in the right at this moment - it is rather large and the right is tearing itself apart. Where is OWS? Where is the Tea Party?

One is still quite active and making waves through the entire party. The other is doing almost nothing.

The uh, "far left" doesn't even have a party. This nation has a far-right and a center-right party, and they work together to ensure than no other party will ever get traction. And more's the pity --- I hear it said that we're the only nation anywhere that has only two parties, and that cannot be good. I digress, but I'm reminded of the wisdom of Will Rogers:

"I do not belong to an organized political party -- I am a Democrat".

And it's entirely relevant --- when you can come up with the complaint of "RINO" to describe, say, an Olympia Snowe, you're revealing that your objective is Party Above All, and simultaneously ignoring that the job of a Congressional representative is to represent constituents. And that mentality eliminates the option of voting for the best candidate regardless of their party. Thus it requires that you vote on the basis of the letter after the name.

I don't know about any "schism in the right" at the moment, unless you mean the Falwellian "social conservative" crap, but that's been going on for decades. Surely you're not counting Donald Rump as part of "the right", are you?
What are you talking about?

I never mentioned 'far left' at all and you are not commenting on anything that I have said. If you are unaware of the schism within the right then you are being willfully obtuse and there is no point in continuing - I am not going to continue with someone that says water is not wet or the sky is not blue.

Fine; I'll just mark another one down as "no response".

Dont pat yourself on the back to hard,i'm pretty it's just that your stupid outlasted his patience.

If the poster doesn't explain or give any clue what the fuck he's talking about --- how is that "stupid"?

Ah yes, another liberal wanting someone do its work for it.

"Link" indeed!

You got my rate card months ago so if you want me to do research know the price that must be paid in advance.

Thank you for your continued patronage!

Your business is important to us.
Ah yes, another liberal wanting someone do its work for it.

"Link" indeed!

You got my rate card months ago so if you want me to do research know the price that must be paid in advance.

Thank you for your continued patronage!

Your business is important to us.

It AIN'T MY POINT, Dumbass. It's YOURS. That gives YOU burden of proof.

Not somebody else -- YOU.

Hard to believe a grown adult can't figure out something this simple.
Last edited:
Irrelevant. The left is far more likely to fall behind their party than the right - that is simple fact. Look at the schism in the right at this moment - it is rather large and the right is tearing itself apart. Where is OWS? Where is the Tea Party?

One is still quite active and making waves through the entire party. The other is doing almost nothing.

The uh, "far left" doesn't even have a party. This nation has a far-right and a center-right party, and they work together to ensure than no other party will ever get traction. And more's the pity --- I hear it said that we're the only nation anywhere that has only two parties, and that cannot be good. I digress, but I'm reminded of the wisdom of Will Rogers:

"I do not belong to an organized political party -- I am a Democrat".

And it's entirely relevant --- when you can come up with the complaint of "RINO" to describe, say, an Olympia Snowe, you're revealing that your objective is Party Above All, and simultaneously ignoring that the job of a Congressional representative is to represent constituents. And that mentality eliminates the option of voting for the best candidate regardless of their party. Thus it requires that you vote on the basis of the letter after the name.

I don't know about any "schism in the right" at the moment, unless you mean the Falwellian "social conservative" crap, but that's been going on for decades. Surely you're not counting Donald Rump as part of "the right", are you?
What are you talking about?

I never mentioned 'far left' at all and you are not commenting on anything that I have said. If you are unaware of the schism within the right then you are being willfully obtuse and there is no point in continuing - I am not going to continue with someone that says water is not wet or the sky is not blue.

Fine; I'll just mark another one down as "no response".

Dont pat yourself on the back to hard,i'm pretty it's just that your stupid outlasted his patience.

If the poster doesn't explain or give any clue what the fuck he's talking about --- how is that "stupid"?


I can see where his frustration came from....
It AIN'T MY POINT, Dumbass. It's YOURS. That gives YOU burden of proof.

Not somebody else -- YOU.

Hard to believe a grown adult can't figure out something this simple.

Gotta pay
if you wanna play
It AIN'T MY POINT, Dumbass. It's YOURS. That gives YOU burden of proof.

Not somebody else -- YOU.

Hard to believe a grown adult can't figure out something this simple.

Gotta pay
if you wanna play

Act your age and figure out how simple logic works, Henry. This façile game of "Quasi-erudite version of Pee Wee Herman" is not selling.
Redistribution of wealth????

It's huge because of all them white people who lives there. But diversity doesn't count in these elections for the Democrats. that's only used against Republicans.


Race / Ethnicity

The population in Vermont

is 96.9 percent white, 0.6

0.6 percent African American,

and 1.0 percent Asian.

Nationally, the population

is 80.2 percent white, 12.8

percent African American,

and 4.3 percent Asian

(2005 Census Bureau

population estimates).
all of it from:
It's huge because of all them white people who lives there. But diversity doesn't count in these elections for the Democrats. that's only used against Republicans.


Race / Ethnicity

The population in Vermont

is 96.9 percent white, 0.6

0.6 percent African American,

and 1.0 percent Asian.

Nationally, the population

is 80.2 percent white, 12.8

percent African American,

and 4.3 percent Asian

(2005 Census Bureau

population estimates).
all of it from:

It's huge because (a) he's been either Vermont's Congressman or Senator for 25 years, and (b) he has the highest approval rating of an Senator anywhere.

But it's interesting that you're fixated on race. Did you know Vermont never had slavery?
Matter of fact it was the first state to illegalize it, in 1777 when it first formed (as an independent republic).

But you go on counting skin colors. Everybody needs a hobby.

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