Bernie, You Never Had a Chance

Out played, and out corrupted....

You can believe whatever you want, you failed to provide evidence that Clinton getting more of the popular vote equates to her somehow cheating, don't turn it around on me. You're deflecting and you're really bad at it.
He's not deflecting, he's a liar.

Let's say he's deflecting with lies.
Hillary just locked up the delegates and no voting occurred today.
My point validated, the system was rigged for Hillary before the election started.

Trump also locked up the nomination when there was no voting. I assume the AP did today what they did when they called it for Trump, they picked up the phone, called unpledged delegates and asked them.

She still has 3 million more votes and over 300 pledged delegates than Sanders and you have yet to demonstrate how those delegates and votes were anything but the will of the people in the primaries.
Uh, no. Trump at this time does not have any opponent nor enough delegates.
Bernie...I'm sure you realize now that you never had a chance. You could have won every state and they would have piled on a compensatory amount of super-delegates. It's rigged you the party you've chosen to align yourself with. Quite frankly, the reason you were not destroyed earlier by an audit is that you never got it together enough as an adult to present them with something to audit.
who has more of the popular vote? has won more states? has more pledged delegates?
Sanders has 50K More Votes But 8 Less Delegates than Clinton; How the Game is Rigged: “Superdelegates” -

It's sad really how uninformed you are. This evening's news must be very jarring for folks like you.
Clinton has more than 300 pledged delegates and more than 3 million votes than Sanders.
Clinton needed 19 delegates to clinch going into tomorrow's six primaries. Cali alone is 500+ delegates. What is your margin of error?
Of course she does. The Democrat elite prearranged who the dead would vote for and who delegates would vote for.
Fuck Sanders he lost the popular vote by 3 million, 300 pledged delegates, and SHE won 29-21 contests, as of June 7...

Sanders is working with Trump to bring her down, but both of them are FUCKED:fu:, BECAUSE SANDERS IS TOAST, AND SHE WILL GUT TRUMP LIKE A DEAD FISH IN THE FALL...
Bernie...I'm sure you realize now that you never had a chance. You could have won every state and they would have piled on a compensatory amount of super-delegates. It's rigged you the party you've chosen to align yourself with. Quite frankly, the reason you were not destroyed earlier by an audit is that you never got it together enough as an adult to present them with something to audit.

Nope right now you could give all of Hillary Clinton's super delegates to Sanders and he still wouldn't catch Hillary Clinton's pledged delegate lead. Sanders would still be 313 short of the nomination requirement.

The popular vote is in, Hillary Clinton currently leads Sanders by 3.5 million votes, which is going to get a lot larger tomorrow, when New Jersey, the Dakota's, Montana, New Mexico & California reports.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

Sanders LOST this race fair and square. It was Bernie Sander's decision, and his alone to change his party status to run on the Democrat ticket. When he did that, he agreed to all DNC regulations and rules, the Democrat Super Delegates and what their roll is, and each state's Democrat primary/caucus process. Whining about it now, shows just how inept and what a fraud Bernie Sanders really is.

At this point Sanders is trying to usurp the will of the voters, by threatening to challenge this outcome at the convention. It won't go anywhere, as Hillary Clinton will win on the 1st ballot at the convention, and only a 2nd ballot can be challenged. If Sanders doesn't respect the will of the voters, he doesn't deserve any respect.


The reason for 714 Democrat Super Delegates, is the election disaster of 1984. This country is center, it always has been, it always will be. It will not elect far left or far right candidates, much less a recognized and confirmed socialist. Sanders, on several records for praising one of the most brutal, murderous dictators to come out of the 20th century, would have been used by Republicans to steam roll and bury him on election night. If Sanders were the nominee of the party, here is what you would see on election night. Just move the blue part over to Vermont. (Reagan v Mondale 1984)
Bernie Sanders heaped praise on Fidel Castro in 1985 interview


So instead of complaining about the Democrat Super Delegates you really should be thanking them. After Hillary Clinton clocks Donald Trump, it wouldn't surprise me in the least to see the Republican party add more Super Delegates to their own primary.
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MSM falsely declaring Hillary now has enough delegates the day before the very tight race in Calif simply validates that the Dem elite has pre selected her and is manipulating the system for her.

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