Best guess on who thought up the Israel/UN initiative?

PC, what you wrote is 100% accurate, and I have a buck 3.80 that says, "there isn't a lefty on this board that knew this!" Also, it is also why the left HATED Nixon so much long before Watergate. Nixon was one of the main people that brought Hiss down, and rewrote History more accurately that at that time....the godfather of liberalism........had been under the control of Russia unwittingly; and we all know who I am talking about-)

Bet they also don't know that when Hiss was revealed as Stalin's agent.....Roosevelt promoted him!!!!!

Now I didn't know that one! Link that if you get a chance.

Leftists need to know what actually went on, how much PROPAGANDA Roosevelt had to fight to even get the US in the war, and then once there, the Kremlin had his ear almost as much as our government.

The major player in the Alger Hiss saga was fellow Communist, Whitaker Chambers. In his book, Witness, Chambers explains is disillusionment as follows. In 1938, he determined not only to break with the Communist Party, but to inform on the Party when he could. The reason was that he was informed that Stalin was making efforts to align with Hitler, in 1939, and “from any human point of view, the pact was evil.”

As Hitler marched into Poland, Chambers arranged a private meeting with Adolf Berle, President Roosevelt’s assistant Sec’y of State. Chambers detailed the Communist espionage network, naming at least two dozen Soviet spies in Roosevelt’s administration, including Alger Hiss.

Berle reported this to Roosevelt, who laughed, and told Berle to go f--- himself. (Arthur Herman, Joseph McCarthy: Reexaming the Life and Legacy of America’s Most Hated Senator, p. 60)

No action was taken, and in fact, Roosevelt promoted Hiss: named him sec'y-general for the new UN in San Francisco.

Almost a decade later, Chambers was called before the HUAC and named Hiss as a Soviet agent. Hiss sued Chambers, at which time Chambers presented “… four notes in Alger Hiss's handwriting, sixty-five typewritten copies of State Department documents and five strips of microfilm, some of which contained photographs of State Department documents. The press came to call these the "Pumpkin Papers"( And, of course, all doubt was removed in 1995, when the Venona Soviet cables were decrypted.

Instead of this, government school teaches that Senator McCarthy was baaaaddddd...and ruined innocent lives.
I love asking Liberals to name any such innocent lives ruined.
They can't.

Good stuff PC. Leftists always want to bend history, and I guess the saying is true that---->the victor always dictates what history says.

I probably won't be around when the history books are written on Obama, but they will not be kind to him unless.............Israel collapses without war to those Islamists who are radical, and Iran leaves us alone; and I do not think either of those scenarios is going to happen.

We all await a Trump presidency with fingers crossed.

Agreed PC. After a lot of thought on the matter, I don't think he was the best choice to fix what is broken, but I believe he might have been the only Republican choice that could have won because of the blue collar workers. He was the only one courting the blue collar vote of the Repubs, and his victory came because of the blue collar states he carried.

When has a close advisor to the president flown so far below the radar than Jarrett?

The rest have neither the brains nor the motive for such duplicity.
Jarrett is Iranian, so I wouldn't be surprised if she was behind all this pro Muslim/anti Israel shit.
To paraphrase another theme that is being obsessively posted around here:

Israel lost the vote. Take your butthurt and crybabying and shove it.

When has a close advisor to the president flown so far below the radar than Jarrett?

The rest have neither the brains nor the motive for such duplicity.
14 countries tired of EVERYONE but Israel being made to adhere to international law BUT Israel.
To paraphrase another theme that is being obsessively posted around here:

Israel lost the vote. Take your butthurt and crybabying and shove it.
There will plenty of butthurt at the U.N. when the USA withdraws its funding. What are you going to say about that?

When has a close advisor to the president flown so far below the radar than Jarrett?

The rest have neither the brains nor the motive for such duplicity.
14 countries tired of EVERYONE but Israel being made to adhere to international law BUT Israel.
So you think Iran and Syria and Turkey and China obey international law?

When has a close advisor to the president flown so far below the radar than Jarrett?

The rest have neither the brains nor the motive for such duplicity.
14 countries tired of EVERYONE but Israel being made to adhere to international law BUT Israel.

Yeah right

Iran Iraq Saudi Arabia Syria china n Korea Russia almost all of Africa are great followers of international law.

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Jarrett and Panetta were the ones who green lighted the bin-Laden raid. Barry heard about it and tried to stop it but was overruled. Check out the picture of the situation room where the whole cabal was watching a live S.E.A.L. feed of the operation.....Look at how tiny he looks and what's he sitting on... a folding chair?

To paraphrase another theme that is being obsessively posted around here:

Israel lost the vote. Take your butthurt and crybabying and shove it.
There will plenty of butthurt at the U.N. when the USA withdraws its funding. What are you going to say about that?

Maybe Trump can turn the UN building into a casino and bankrupt it in 4 years.
While it's pretty clear whose bloody hand prints are on the hit job.....
It's pretty bad when Israel can be asked to follow the law. I quite understand the outrage.

As it does.

Jordan invaded. Jordan lost the land. The Israel retrieved the land. It belongs to Israel.

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Interesting that you mention Jordan.
I was there recently...and they have a special relationship with Israel.

At one time, Israel saved Jordan from an invasion by Syria....

"Israeli–Palestinian Conflict: Was it true that in 1970 Syria tried to invade Jordan, and was only prevented from doing that by Israel?
During the civil war between PLO led Palestinians and the Hashemite kingdom, under the late King Hussein (which included the bloody events of black September and lead to the PLOs migration to South Lebanon), Syria, under pretense of assisting the Palestinians, launched a land invasion into the North of Jordan.

King Hussein, whose forces were spread too thin, secretly contacted the White House in request of aid.
Nixon wouldn't hear of it, the U.S was stuck knee deep in the Vietnam War,
and a conflict in another country they couldn't point at on the map was the last thing the American public would hear of.

Henry Kissinger, then Secretary of State, came up with a surprising concept: reach out to Israel for assistance.
In a low profile channel, Prime Minister Golda Meir, and Defense Minister Moshe Dayan were approached with the request.
(The liaison was Israeli ambassador to the U.S at the time, Yitzhak Rabin, this was later a pinnacle point in the personal friendship that grew between him and King Hussein)
Kissinger made it clear that Hussein is in dire need, what little forces Jordan could spare were no match for the Syrian armored divisions, and they were taking significant losses on the ground and in the air, not affecting Syrian progress deep into Jordan substantially enough.

He also explained why the U.S could not act directly.

Dayan and Meir agreed almost instantly requesting confirmation that Hussein would agree to accept such help.
Kissinger reached out, a reluctant but desperate Hussein agreed, requesting only that the Israelis act in a way that would be somehow kept under the radar.

Within less than a day, the IAF commander, sent a wing of 4 Israeli F-4E Phantom jets on an insanely dangerous mission:
To fly low over the charging Syrian land divisions, throughout the entire northern Jordan front, making sure that the Syrians can positively ID the planes as Israeli Phantoms. The mission was carried out with the wing making sure to deliver several supersonic booms along its route."–Pales...-was-only-prevented-from-doing-that-by-Israel
Jarrett and Panetta were the ones who green lighted the bin-Laden raid. Barry heard about it and tried to stop it but was overruled. Check out the picture of the situation room where the whole cabal was watching a live S.E.A.L. feed of the operation.....Look at how tiny he looks and what's he sitting on... a folding chair?


A graphic representation of a boy doing a man's job.

When has a close advisor to the president flown so far below the radar than Jarrett?

The rest have neither the brains nor the motive for such duplicity.
14 countries tired of EVERYONE but Israel being made to adhere to international law BUT Israel.
So you think Iran and Syria and Turkey and China obey international law?

Enough so that they don't get invaded or CONSTANTLY chided by the UN. Iran obviously is....They allow IAEA inspectors in,Israel won't even acknowledge their nuclear weapons they have. This woe is me shit is boring and frankly pathetic.
Jarrett and Panetta were the ones who green lighted the bin-Laden raid. Barry heard about it and tried to stop it but was overruled. Check out the picture of the situation room where the whole cabal was watching a live S.E.A.L. feed of the operation.....Look at how tiny he looks and what's he sitting on... a folding chair?


A graphic representation of a boy doing a man's job.

And surrounded by evil, racist WHITE MEN. :50:

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