Beto owned by Newton woman who called B.S. on his gun confiscation B.S....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
beto.....please, keep talking.....get the gun owners in America fired up just in time to vote in 2020...the last time democrats pushed really hard on gun control, in the 90s, they lost their 40 years of control of the House...

WATCH: Newtown Woman Unloads On Beto: You’re Trying To ‘Hijack This Town,’ Take Guns 'Out Of Good People’s Hands’

But, as video footage posted by Fox 61 shows, at least one of those in attendance didn’t appreciate O’Rourke’s exploitation of her city’s grief and loss.

“You’re here to hijack this town and try and make an issue out of getting guns out of good people’s hands that can make a difference. And you know that, Beto,” said Rebecca Carnes, a self-described third generation Newtown resident.

When the moderator attempted to cut her off, Carnes refused to cede the floor.

“No, this is bullish**,” she said. “It’s about mental health and it’s about this war on boys and masculinity. You’re bullish** by being here! Shame on you, Beto!”

“Why don’t you debate me?” she continued. “Why don’t you debate me? Go ahead, answer my question. Answer my question, Beto. Come on, Beto, let me hear it.”

“What do you have to say about mental health? What do you have to say about urban violence?” she asked. “You don’t care. The Democrats have been in charge of urban communities and cities for decades. The Democrats have failed.”

Carnes then pointed at one of her fellow town hall attendees and said, “They don’t care about you, sir. That’s why he’s at Sandy Hook. He doesn’t care,” she said in apparent reference to urban violence.

As the attendants began to try to usher her out, Carnes said, “I grew up in Newtown. No, you’re going to kick out a mother in this community. I grew up here. … I’m a third generation Newtown, so all you can go scr*w.”
Countries with strong gun control have homicide rates a fraction of ours. They also don’t regularly suffer mass shootings, school shootings, cops being shot...
Countries with strong gun control have homicide rates a fraction of ours. They also don’t regularly suffer mass shootings, school shootings, cops being shot...
I'll ask you to demonstrate the necessary relationship between the those laws and the effects you claim they create.
You'll refuse, because you know you cannot.
beto.....please, keep talking.....get the gun owners in America fired up just in time to vote in 2020...the last time democrats pushed really hard on gun control, in the 90s, they lost their 40 years of control of the House..
We have here two things typical of the left:
1: Use of the deaths of innocents to push an otherwise un-sellable agenda
2: Silencing of opposing opinions.
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Countries with strong gun control have homicide rates a fraction of ours

That's because the statistics don't count the socialist/communist executions as homicide....

Stalin murdered 60 million Russians. Good thing Russia had strong gun control....
Countries with strong gun control have homicide rates a fraction of ours. They also don’t regularly suffer mass shootings, school shootings, cops being shot...

And you have no idea what you are talking about...... normal people who own and carry guns for self defense, sport and hunting do not drive any crime rates, not even gun murder. The democrat party, keeps letting violent, repeat gun offenders out of jail and prison.......that is what drives our gun crime rate. Stop them, and you lower the gun crime rate.
That would never happen at a Hillary event. She made sure only her people could ask the questions.
Countries with strong gun control have homicide rates a fraction of ours. They also don’t regularly suffer mass shootings, school shootings, cops being shot...
Apparently, you haven't paid attention to the gun deaths statistics per 100,000, from the strict gun control Central and South American nations in comparison with ours, which doesn't come close to theirs.
Countries with strong gun control have homicide rates a fraction of ours. They also don’t regularly suffer mass shootings, school shootings, cops being shot...

Shit up with that bullshit. England is doing real well now. That’s a bullshit answer. Gun protect way more lives then they take. Your to pathetic and brainwashed to see. CNN doesn’t cover it because it hurts you morons agenda. Sit in your basement and his like the sissy boy you are.

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An irate woman angrily confronted Democrat Beto O’Rourke Wednesday when he visited Newtown, Connecticut, to push for gun control.
Epic: Woman Confronts Beto at Town Hall: “Bring it on! We’re not taking your bullshit anymore”

AMERICA is fighting back.... &democrats the most hated race there is! They are the new race of HATE!!!

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There is a visceral hatred among Americans for Democrats, and it is growing rapidly. They would be wise to take note.

Billy, the Left's undoing is their own arrogance.
  • The arrogance to suggest they can do away with a fundamental right of law-abiding citizens purely for selfish political gains.
  • The arrogance to think they can remake the electorate and change the process to mob rule simply because it serves them.
  • The arrogance to believe the American people will sit still as they commit treasonous act after act while trying to hide and conceal it while trying to railroad a sitting president on specious, made up charges.
Let them play their hand out like they did with Obama when they thought they owned the world. All it got them is a loss of House in 2010, a loss of Senate in 2014, a loss of the White House in 2016 and a loss of the Supreme Court in 2018.

When the nation is able to finally sit down and see and hear ALL the details and facts laid out in Nancy's hearings, they are going to finally realize this impeachment effort started long before Trump ever even took office and the Left are still just trying to get it right by saying that our votes really don't count after all.

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