Betsy DeVos Has Cut 600 Staff Positions in Dept of Education

No surprise.........she's a charter school zealot who wants to destroy the public schools.
You need people from DC to run your local school?

Are you really that stupid?
Gratuitous insults meant to divert attention away from DeVos' agenda to expand the reach of charter schools is noted. The primary functions of the Dept. of Ed are to establish policy for, administer and coordinate most federal assistance to education, collect data on US schools, and to enforce federal educational laws regarding privacy and civil rights. Ignorance gets you nowhere with me.

None of the shit you mentioned is necessary. Why not let the states run their own damn school systems?

You trust states like Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and others that basic abandoned poor and minority students to a substandard education that caused the Education Department to be created?

It’s not my job to trust how other states care for their citizens, and it sure as hell not the job of the federal government either.

Uh, yes it is! That's part of the "promote the general welfare" that you would rather apply to people who don't work. That dumbass illiterate given a diploma in one of those states may just be your future son-in-law, or mechanic that works on your airliner you take on your next vacation.
Home schoolers are self-designated, meaning they have zero qualifications. For every success you hear about, there are many more that have to return to public schools years behind their peers in education. I know because I had to teach high schools how to divide.

You are really showing your ignorance and bias.

True, not everyone is qualified to home school their children. HOWEVER, not all parents want to do so either. There are also dozens of very high-quality homeschooling systems on-line. You're also ASSUMING that parents who wish to home school do not communicate with each other. They meet and work together. Who knew?

Those home schooling systems are free?

That petard you just hoisted yourself on, belongs to you!

I fully support home schooling if it is done properly. The problem is that I have seen disaster after disaster in my years of education that pale in comparison to the few successes I have seen. I just hate it when people lie to support their opinions.

My granddaughter was home schooled due to a speech problem that was eventually resolved and she returned to public school. She was traumatized by the other little bastards making fun of her to the point she could not learn.

My grandson had leukemia and is still continuing chemotherapy. We tried to find an inexpensive home schooling curriculum so he could be taught by his mother, my wife and myself, but the costs were ridiculous. Now, he will return to school and that Petri dish of infectious diseases that exist there wit a compromised immune system.
Are you actually going to pretend that taxes are paid voluntarily?
Got it. You just free stuff some one else has to pay for.

I think it's you that wants free stuff that someone else has to pay for.
Not at all. I pay for schools. I am not the one running around whining and demanding others pay to send my kids to some elite private school. Pay for it yourself. Isn't that what you tell others about stuff like free contraception or medical care? Pay for it yourself.
You want me to pay for your schools. I don't want your government brainwashing mills. You demand that I send my kids to the cesspools that you want. When are you going to pay for it yourself?

Who do you think you're fooling?

Dude. I don't have kids. So I am paying for other people's kids - like yours. We owe everyone in this country an education (that benefits America as a whole). We are rare in that we do not charge extra for education - it comes out of our general taxes. That is a pretty good system. That doesn't mean you get an elite education or a special religious education - it means you get the basics and make the best of what you have and if it sucks - you try to get your kids into something alternate. But don't expect the rest of us to pay for you.

Federal money is per student, it should follow the student, what ever school their parents send them to.

Got it. You just free stuff some one else has to pay for.

I think it's you that wants free stuff that someone else has to pay for.
Not at all. I pay for schools. I am not the one running around whining and demanding others pay to send my kids to some elite private school. Pay for it yourself. Isn't that what you tell others about stuff like free contraception or medical care? Pay for it yourself.
You want me to pay for your schools. I don't want your government brainwashing mills. You demand that I send my kids to the cesspools that you want. When are you going to pay for it yourself?

Who do you think you're fooling?

Dude. I don't have kids. So I am paying for other people's kids - like yours. We owe everyone in this country an education (that benefits America as a whole). We are rare in that we do not charge extra for education - it comes out of our general taxes. That is a pretty good system. That doesn't mean you get an elite education or a special religious education - it means you get the basics and make the best of what you have and if it sucks - you try to get your kids into something alternate. But don't expect the rest of us to pay for you.

Federal money is per student, it should follow the student, what ever school their parents send them to.


So you want your local Madrassa to be federally funded?
What's the alternative?
High illiteracy?
An unskilled & ignorant workforce?
Private schools.

With or without government help?
Eventually without, but vouchers can help with the transition.

Really dumb idea.
Russia had huge illiteracy because they didn't have public / compulsory education.
They had illiteracy because the Monarchy had an official policy against educating peasants. Literacy in the early United States before government schools were conceived of was above 90%

Why do you lie? is your argument so weak you have to resort to such tactics?
So get rid of compulsory education too, huh?
Fuck off loser.

Go argue in a mirror if you want to play those asinine juvenile games

Has the truth sent you into feral Chimp spasms?
No, your STUPIDITY has. What kind of moron makes up a bogus argument, applies it to those they are debating then declares victory???


Now as I said, go argue in the mirror so your made up bullshit can fool your opponent.


Tsarist Russia's illiteracy was huge, even about 15% of Jews in Russia were illiterate.

Because Tsarist Russia didn't have the means of compulsory education / public education.
"Compulsory" had nothing to do with it. Education wasn't compulsory in the U.S. until quite recently (after WW II) I believe, and our literacy rates have always been much higher than that.

There you go lying again! Can't you at least post the truth for once? One of the main reasons for compulsory education was the extreme number of draftees in WWII that were functionally illiterate!

I think it's you that wants free stuff that someone else has to pay for.
Not at all. I pay for schools. I am not the one running around whining and demanding others pay to send my kids to some elite private school. Pay for it yourself. Isn't that what you tell others about stuff like free contraception or medical care? Pay for it yourself.
You want me to pay for your schools. I don't want your government brainwashing mills. You demand that I send my kids to the cesspools that you want. When are you going to pay for it yourself?

Who do you think you're fooling?

Dude. I don't have kids. So I am paying for other people's kids - like yours. We owe everyone in this country an education (that benefits America as a whole). We are rare in that we do not charge extra for education - it comes out of our general taxes. That is a pretty good system. That doesn't mean you get an elite education or a special religious education - it means you get the basics and make the best of what you have and if it sucks - you try to get your kids into something alternate. But don't expect the rest of us to pay for you.

Federal money is per student, it should follow the student, what ever school their parents send them to.


So you want your local Madrassa to be federally funded?

If it's an accredited school, sure.

Tomorrow’s headlines: Trump administration destroys Christmas for hundreds of families.

I’m hoping in his second term Trump eliminates the Department altogether.

Betsy DeVos has cut 600 staff positions at the Department of Education

“I have long advocated for the notion that it would be great to work myself out of a job,” she said.
Snip, snip, snip, the superfluous liberal government workers.

View attachment 296976
Yep. Obama made political appointees “civil servants” so Trump couldn’t purge them. Many hired after Trump victory to flood Washington DC with communist.

There you go, following the education bashers lead and lying your ass off. I can't stand liberals, but i am developing a healthy dislike to you conservatards who love to lie more than a libtard!
Not at all. I pay for schools. I am not the one running around whining and demanding others pay to send my kids to some elite private school. Pay for it yourself. Isn't that what you tell others about stuff like free contraception or medical care? Pay for it yourself.
You want me to pay for your schools. I don't want your government brainwashing mills. You demand that I send my kids to the cesspools that you want. When are you going to pay for it yourself?

Who do you think you're fooling?

Dude. I don't have kids. So I am paying for other people's kids - like yours. We owe everyone in this country an education (that benefits America as a whole). We are rare in that we do not charge extra for education - it comes out of our general taxes. That is a pretty good system. That doesn't mean you get an elite education or a special religious education - it means you get the basics and make the best of what you have and if it sucks - you try to get your kids into something alternate. But don't expect the rest of us to pay for you.

Federal money is per student, it should follow the student, what ever school their parents send them to.


So you want your local Madrassa to be federally funded?

If it's an accredited school, sure.


By whose standards would it be accredited? You do realize that states and the federal government have nothing to do with accreditation, right?
You want me to pay for your schools. I don't want your government brainwashing mills. You demand that I send my kids to the cesspools that you want. When are you going to pay for it yourself?

Who do you think you're fooling?

Dude. I don't have kids. So I am paying for other people's kids - like yours. We owe everyone in this country an education (that benefits America as a whole). We are rare in that we do not charge extra for education - it comes out of our general taxes. That is a pretty good system. That doesn't mean you get an elite education or a special religious education - it means you get the basics and make the best of what you have and if it sucks - you try to get your kids into something alternate. But don't expect the rest of us to pay for you.

Federal money is per student, it should follow the student, what ever school their parents send them to.


So you want your local Madrassa to be federally funded?

If it's an accredited school, sure.


By whose standards would it be accredited? You do realize that states and the federal government have nothing to do with accreditation, right?

In TX the State does, they're getting ready to take over the Houston Public Schools because of poor performance and mismanagement.

Dude. I don't have kids. So I am paying for other people's kids - like yours. We owe everyone in this country an education (that benefits America as a whole). We are rare in that we do not charge extra for education - it comes out of our general taxes. That is a pretty good system. That doesn't mean you get an elite education or a special religious education - it means you get the basics and make the best of what you have and if it sucks - you try to get your kids into something alternate. But don't expect the rest of us to pay for you.

Federal money is per student, it should follow the student, what ever school their parents send them to.


So you want your local Madrassa to be federally funded?

If it's an accredited school, sure.


By whose standards would it be accredited? You do realize that states and the federal government have nothing to do with accreditation, right?

In TX the State does, they're getting ready to take over the Houston Public Schools because of poor performance and mismanagement.


I think if you research you will find out that is not true of most states. There are six regional school accreditation agencies. The federal government has nothing to do with accreditation either.
Federal money is per student, it should follow the student, what ever school their parents send them to.


So you want your local Madrassa to be federally funded?

If it's an accredited school, sure.


By whose standards would it be accredited? You do realize that states and the federal government have nothing to do with accreditation, right?

In TX the State does, they're getting ready to take over the Houston Public Schools because of poor performance and mismanagement.


I think if you research you will find out that is not true of most states. There are six regional school accreditation agencies. The federal government has nothing to do with accreditation either.

In TX it's done by the TEA (Texas Education Agency) for public schools, and by the Texas Private School Accreditation Commission for private schools. Both are State Agencies.

Accreditation Status | Texas Education Agency

Federal money is per student, it should follow the student, what ever school their parents send them to.


So you want your local Madrassa to be federally funded?

If it's an accredited school, sure.


By whose standards would it be accredited? You do realize that states and the federal government have nothing to do with accreditation, right?

In TX the State does, they're getting ready to take over the Houston Public Schools because of poor performance and mismanagement.


I think if you research you will find out that is not true of most states. There are six regional school accreditation agencies. The federal government has nothing to do with accreditation either.

A continuation of my previous post.
Who cares how most States do it, if they want to abdicate their responsibility, that's the fault of their citizens for letting them get away with it.

He is living proof of our failing school systems.
That’s all I’m trying to do is shed light on your democrat failures

Your every post sheds light on how fucked up our education system is because someone like you made it out of high school not knowing even the most basic grammar.
You know what they say about grammar police online... they lost the argument lol

How is that coo coming along? :21::21::21:
Not good trump isn’t getting impeached.. lol

mic drop

He already has been dumb ass.
So you want your local Madrassa to be federally funded?

If it's an accredited school, sure.


By whose standards would it be accredited? You do realize that states and the federal government have nothing to do with accreditation, right?

In TX the State does, they're getting ready to take over the Houston Public Schools because of poor performance and mismanagement.


I think if you research you will find out that is not true of most states. There are six regional school accreditation agencies. The federal government has nothing to do with accreditation either.

In TX it's done by the TEA (Texas Education Agency) for public schools, and by the Texas Private School Accreditation Commission for private schools. Both are State Agencies.

Accreditation Status | Texas Education Agency


I can see you did not read my post.

Why is it the people who bash public education can't seem to read?
The EXISTENCE of the Department of Education is unconstitutional. Patently.

Whittling away at its overpaid, underworked staff is a small, but good, thing.
The EXISTENCE of the Department of Education is unconstitutional. Patently.

Whittling away at its overpaid, underworked staff is a small, but good, thing.

Really? What part of the Constitution does the Education Department violate?

Do you have anything besides a bumper sticker slogan?

I think it can be scaled back as they are doing, but your argument is baseless.
We have private schools, if you can afford them.
You can pick where you live based on the schools.
You can even home school your spawn if you don't mind his completely lacking socialization skills.
Vouchers will allow more people to choose.

But unfortunately Democrats are too beholding to teachers unions too allow the money to follow the child.

Democrats priority is the union over the child, because the children don't kick back part of the money to them.
You can choose. Just dont demand that I have to pay for your elite academies or whacko religious schools.
Decades ago parochial schools in northeast cities had about half the students. I know. There are tax differences. But it saved the cities a lot of money. The parents of the children had to do their best to tithe and were charged to send their kids to the schools. Please do not say anything about choice. A lot of it was about survival also.

I don't disagree with you - I believe in choice, just not taking away from the public education system to fund it. What you describe is how it should be.
In other words, you don't believe in choice.

Who are you trying to kid?

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